According to the information provided by Priest Qingyan, the stone of life is in the underground stone chamber, and the entrance to the underground stone chamber is under the big bluestone in the center of Feiyan tribe.

Compared with the two previous breaks into the Feiyan tribe, it is undoubtedly more difficult to find the Stone of Life this time.

However, this time the ancient battle did not intend to let Xuanfei go first, he was going to use his divine sense to investigate the big bluestone first, to see if there was anything different about it.

The so-called big bluestone is not very special, it looks like an ordinary big stone strip. Gu Zheng had seen it before, but he didn't pay any special attention to it.

Gu Zheng's divine sense entered the Feiyan tribe, which naturally caused an alarm and commotion in the Feiyan tribe, but the investigation was done very quickly. After investigating the big blue stone, Gu Zheng left Feiyan soon tribe.

It is true that, as the priest of Qingyan said, there is an entrance sealed under the big bluestone, but it is not known where the entrance leads.

"what to do?"

Xuanfei had asked Gu Zheng the same question before, and Gu Zheng said that everything would be discussed after he had inspected the big bluestone. Now that he had inspected the big bluestone, Xuanfei naturally repeated the same old words.

"Looks like we'll have to be a bit more aggressive this time! I'm going to use my divine sense to make a big fuss with the Feiyan tribe, so play by ear."

After Gu Zheng told Xuanfei the details, he separated the light spots of spiritual thoughts to approach the Feiyan tribe. At this time, most of the Feiyan people had already entered the house to rest, and the arrival of the light spots of Gu Zheng's spiritual thoughts caused the wall to sound an alarm.

As if wreaking havoc, the light spots of Gu Zheng's divine sense collided randomly in the Feiyan tribe, either hitting the Feiyan man on duty, or hitting the stone house. Of course, these were all used as a cover for it hitting the big bluestone.

The last time the ancient war mentality triggered the alarm was not long ago. Although he waited for a cup of tea to separate the divine consciousness this time, those flying rock people who entered the stone house did not fall asleep as they normally would They seemed to know that Gu Zheng's divine sense would come soon, and they were waiting for Gu Zheng's divine sense to arrive, so before Gu Zheng could do much damage, all the flying rock people rushed out of the stone house.

Gu Zheng's divine sense immediately lifted off. His divine sense is not invincible. If his divine sense can not be afraid of the Flying Rockman, then he will directly use his divine sense to clear all obstacles when he comes here for the first time. However, not all flying rock people have the means to deal with divine thoughts, and only the three with the largest body have this kind of strength.

This is not the first time that Gu Zheng has come into contact with Feiyan people. He also has a certain understanding of Feiyan people, so he knows that if he kills Feiyan people with his divine sense, the rest of Feiyan people will be furious. There may be a whole group out to chase him.

Things are indeed as Gu Zheng imagined, because he has killed two stone men on duty with his divine sense, the rest of the stone men really fell into madness, and they screamed to follow Gu Zheng's divine sense to go far away. go.

Looking at Gu Zheng's divine sense of ascending into the sky, Xuan Fei also started to act. Although not all Fei Rock people were taken away by Gu Zheng, but the three or five Fei Rock people left in the Fei Yan tribe, Xuan Fei also took action. Did not put them in the eyes. What's more, the big bluestone has been decomposed by Gu Zheng's divine sense, exposing the dark hole below, and it can enter it without disturbing any stone man.

Xuanfei's invisibility still hasn't been seen through, and when it came outside the cave, it looked at the dark cave, and felt that this place was a trap, and the feeling was even stronger.

There is no way, even if it is a trap, Xuanfei has no way out now, it walks towards the entrance of the cave.

The entrance of the cave extended obliquely downwards. When Xuanfei entered the entrance of the cave, the few Feiyan people in the Feiyan tribe all ran towards the entrance of the cave.

Xuanfei's heartbeat quickened, it had already heard the sound of the flying rock man running, it didn't go deeper into the hole, it just stayed in place and prepared, if it was really discovered by the flying rock man, it would be the first Time to make a breakout.

However, Xuanfei was not discovered by the Feiyan people. The reason why these Feiyan people ran over was that they found that the stone strip that had sealed the entrance of the cave was gone when they woke up, so they moved another stone strip to close the hole. The hole was sealed up.

The darkness returned to the cave again, and Xuanfei also heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. He was not afraid of the entrance of the cave being sealed, but was afraid of being found.

Without daring to waste any time, Xuanfei walked down the passage, and when he reached the end of the passage, Xuanfei saw a stone door!

If there really is a stone of life, it must be in the space behind the stone gate. Xuanfei must open this stone gate to find out.

However, there are restrictions on the stone gate, which makes Xuanfei a little headache. For things like restrictions, it only knows a little bit about it. It doesn't know if it can break the restrictions, and it doesn't know if it will be alarmed when it breaks the restrictions. A stone man in the Feiyan tribe.

At the same time, in the big house of the Qingyan tribe.

Priest Qingyan stood in the center of the big house like a stone sculpture, and what reflected in the jewel-like eyes was exactly the situation of Xuanfei at the moment.

"Hurry up and break the restriction! You start to break the restriction, so I can let the people of the Feiyan tribe know that you are coming."

Priest Qingyan grinned in his heart. He felt that this strategy was watertight. The spar that Xuanfei carried on his body not only allowed him to see the situation on Xuanfei's side, but also exuded a kind of evil spirit under his control. The breath that Xuanfei can't smell, this kind of breath will be smelled by the stone men of the Feiyan tribe, and then Xuanfei will be able to catch a turtle in an urn! And the reason why Priest Qingyan chose to play tricks when Xuanfei broke the restriction was naturally to eliminate the suspicion. Even if he was asked about this matter later, he also reasoned that it was the warning effect of the restriction.

Xuanfei was very fortunate that after investigation, he found that the restriction on the stone gate was not complicated, and it belonged to the category that it could break. Moreover, it won't take long to break the ban!

A ray of light like moonlight shot out from Xuanfei's body, and after it landed on the stone gate, a forbidden light array suddenly appeared on the seemingly ordinary stone gate.

Xuanfei began to break the restriction, and Priest Qingyan also began to practice. Following his practice, the spar hidden under the feathers of Xuanfei's stomach emitted an aura that Xuanfei could not smell. This aura was under the control of Priest Qingyan , and finally overflowed from the gap in the bluestone, and was smelled by the flying rockman outside.

The flying rock people who smelled the special breath immediately turned their attention to the big bluestone, and they rushed towards the big bluestone.

Xuanfei could hear the sound of the flying rock man running, and an ominous premonition arose in his heart, but it took only an instant for the restriction to be lifted, and he still decided to break the restriction in his heart!

Xuanfei broke the restriction, and at the moment it pushed the stone door open, the big bluestone that originally sealed the entrance of the cave was also lifted by the flying rockman.


Several Flying Rockmen at the entrance of the cave roared together, and an air current like a sandstorm spewed out of their mouths and poured into the cave.

Xuanfei didn't dare to hesitate. With its wings together, it rushed out against the sand and dust airflow like a sharp sword, knocking over the two flying rock figures at the entrance of the cave.

The special sound produced by the flapping of the stone's wings sounded, and the flying rockman started chasing Xuanfei.

Blood oozed from under Xuanfei's feathers and mouth, and it was inevitably injured when it rushed out of the sand and dust airflow. Although its speed was faster than the Flying Rockman chasing it, it could not be injured in this kind of body. Under such circumstances, being caught up is only a matter of time. If you want to get rid of the flying rock man, you can't do it without some ruthless moves!

Xuanfei's body was surrounded by the light of the moonlight. If it could make a sound, then it must be a loud cry at this moment.

Xuanfei activated the secret technique, even if it made his own injuries worse, it would have to be exchanged for a short-term speed increase.

The streamer of moonlight flew towards the distance, sprinkled a little bit of bright red along the way, and the flying rock man who was chasing Xuan Fei was thrown away by it.

Seeing that the stone man Feifei had been thrown away, the anger suppressed by the life-and-death crisis once again rose in Xuanfei's heart. The moment he pushed open the stone door, he could see at a glance what was in the stone room, and there was no stone of life there. !

People who didn't believe in the Feiyan tribe at first, now Xuanfei is more sure that this is a trap. With a thought, it let the yellow spar hidden in the feathers float out. Because it can't speak, it didn't face the yellow spar. Questioning and cursing, it just gave the yellow spar a cold look, and then threw the yellow spar down.

Xuanfei wasn't seriously injured at first, but in order to break out of the siege, it was already seriously injured. When seeing Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng frowned.

"I don't have time to say anything more, I must hurry up to heal my wounds now." Xuan Fei said weakly.

"How long will this healing take?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Seven days." Xuan Fei said.

"Then don't use your healing method, use mine!"

Gu Zheng took out a bag from behind the tree, which contained the ingredients given to him by the Qingyan patriarch before.

"Eat these three ingredients."

Gu Zheng put the three ingredients in the bag in front of Xuanfei. Although it can't cook now, it still has an understanding of the ingredients. He knows what kind of ingredients should be used to treat Xuanfei's wounds.

The weak Xuanfei's eyes lit up. It believed that Gu Zheng had a reason for what he said, but he still couldn't help asking: "Does it work? I've never eaten these things before!"

"Don't worry! I have checked your body and know what ingredients are useful for you." Gu Zheng said.

Although Xuan Fei is a bird, it is much more convenient to eat than Gu Zheng. Those ingredients that could not be stuffed into its mouth at all, as long as it sucks them, those ingredients will disappear when they enter its mouth. get smaller.

After Xuanfei took the ingredients, the medicinal effect took effect very quickly. It didn't need Gu Zheng to say much about it, it immediately worked to make the medicinal effect better absorbed.

Gu Zheng waited quietly at the side, and at this moment, the light spot of his divine sense was still flying with the flying rocks and people.

Compared with the last time when flying with flying rocks with divine sense, the danger of flying with flying rocks with the light of divine sense is much greater this time! Because the beams of light shot out from the three huge flying rock human scepters seem to have increased their strength, they are much more powerful than when they chased Gu Zheng's divine sense last time, so that Gu Zheng's divine sense light spots are several Almost got hit every time. Moreover, Gu Zheng's spiritual light spot is still restricted by the beam of light and cannot return to the body. Its demise is also doomed, and the damage it will cause to Gu Zheng will make Gu Zheng unable to use it again within a day. Spiritual attack.

Under normal circumstances, since Xuan Fei has already returned, and the light spots of spiritual thoughts are doomed to perish, then Gu Zheng will definitely use the light spots of spiritual thoughts to attack the three flying rock men to see if they are destroying the light of spiritual thoughts. What price will be paid before ordering. However, Gu Zheng didn't intend to do this. Although he was flying with three Flying Rockmen these few times, he was also a little annoyed by the perseverance of these three Flying Rockmen. He wanted to play a game of killing people with a knife .

The first time Gu Zheng used his divine sense to fly with the three Flying Rockmen, he found a somewhat unusual place. When his Divine Sense approached that place, the three Flying Rockmen were obviously a little afraid. This shows that that place should be another kind of existence site. However, at that time, Gu Zheng didn't think about borrowing a knife to kill people. He was worried that when he went to borrow a knife, the three Feiyan people would turn back, which would be detrimental to Xuanfei who was still in the Feiyan tribe, but this time, he had no overcame this concern.

Gu Zheng flew towards the place that made the three Flying Rock people afraid, and the three Flying Rock people hesitated again, but Gu Zheng's divine thoughts drew circles and teased them in the air, which made them send out While roaring angrily, he also launched an attack on Gu Zheng's divine sense light spot.

The attack of the three Flying Rockmen made Gu Zheng's divine thoughts exhausted to dodge, but what Gu Zheng wanted to see also appeared. In the woods below, a spider as big as a bull, blood red with black spots walked away. into the air.

The blood-colored black-spotted spider did indeed 'walk' into the air, and the void seemed to have invisible steps under its feet, and it walked up step by step on the void.

Gu Zheng's divine thoughts didn't feel how terrifying the blood-colored black-spotted spider was, but the three flying rock people were already trembling a little. Only then did Gu Zheng realize that the reason why the three flying rock people didn't run away was that That's because transparent spider webs appeared around them at some point, and no matter which direction they fled, they would eventually be stuck by the spider webs.


The sound of the three scepters touching each other sounded, and the three scepters that touched together shot out a strong light. After the light wrapped the three flying rock figures together, they shot out like shooting stars.

The three Flying Rockmen didn't want to attack the bloody black-spotted spider, they wanted to escape! And their bodies surrounded by light directly broke through the invisible spider web that made them dread.


That is, when the three flying rock people turned into shooting stars, the blood-colored black-spotted spider also launched an attack. A thread-like spider thread shot out from the abdomen of the blood-colored black-spotted spider, hitting the fleeing man first. meteor.

The meteor was still fleeing, and the spider silk like a horse began to withdraw, but it had already bound one of the three flying rock figures.

As if being tied into a rice dumpling, although the flying rock man bound by the spider silk wanted to struggle, he was very powerless. He was dragged to him by the blood-colored black-spotted spider, and a mouthful of venom was spit on him.

The venom was on his body, and the flying rock man, whose body was extremely hard, began to melt. The terrifying melting speed was not much faster than the decomposition of divine sense.

In just an instant, the Flying Rock Man, who was originally bigger than normal people, had turned into a pool of thick black liquid. The blood-colored black-spotted spider sucked it in, and the black liquid entered its mouth.

Gu Zheng's goal of killing people with a knife has been achieved, but when he wanted to return to his body, the blood-colored black-spotted spider, who seemed to have not noticed his divine sense light spot, suddenly sprayed spiders at his divine sense light spot. Silk.

Gu Zheng's light spot of divine sense wanted to avoid the attack of the spider silk, but the sense of control possessed by the spider silk was stronger than the beam of light emitted from the human rod of flying rocks, and his light spot of spiritual thought was in an instant. It got out of control, and was tightly wrapped by spider silk.

The uncomfortable feeling has been felt by Gu Zheng. Gu Zheng resolutely gave up the light spot of divine sense. It is nothing to him that the light spot of divine sense is destroyed by the blood-colored black-spotted spider. Anyway, he has already prepared it and cannot activate it today. Preparations for a divine attack.

After resting for half a day, Xuan Fei, who had recovered from his injuries, opened his eyes.

"It's amazing. It's unimaginable that these usually insignificant things can have such an effect!"

Xuan Fei excitedly talked about its feelings to Gu Zheng, completely lacking the calmness that ordinary demon cultivators should have.

However, it is not surprising why Xuanfei behaved like this. First of all, it is not a demon cultivator in the prehistoric world. It is a demon cultivator born in this space world that is almost isolated from the world. It has relatively little knowledge, which is inevitable. Secondly, Xuanfei's original recovery speed is not slower than the ingredients he took before. Under normal circumstances, when they rarely use medicine, they can either directly heal their injuries with the help of moonlight, or they can use them in the body to heal their injuries. The stored moonlight is used to heal injuries, which is a very fast healing method, and the reason why Xuanfei is doing this now is because Qi Ling has extracted the source of his life, causing it to lose some of its original abilities.

"The way of diet is extensive and profound, but the curative effect produced by the simple combination of ingredients cannot be compared with the effect of food repair produced by cooking! It's a pity that I can't cook now, or the ingredients you took before will be cured by me after cooking. The effect that can be produced can fully recover your injury within a stick of incense." Gu Zheng said with emotion.

"The Way of Diet? Food Cultivation? What are these? It seems to be a very remarkable thing!"

Xuan Fei's eyes lit up, showing strong interest.

"This is not something that can be explained clearly in a short while. I can tell you about it later. You first tell me what happened in the Feiyan tribe."

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Xuanfei didn't ask the previous question again, and it told what happened in the Feiyan tribe.

"Now do you believe that this is really a trap? There is no life stone in the so-called underground stone room!" Xuan Fei exclaimed angrily.

"It doesn't matter if it's a trap or not, let's go back to the Qingyan Tribe now and ask them for the Qingyan Holy Relic!" Gu Zheng said.

"What if they don't give it?" Xuan Fei asked.

"If they don't give it, it will tear their face, and I will make them pay the price!" Gu Zheng gritted his teeth.

Xuan Fei flew towards the Qingyan Tribe with Gu Zheng, and the Qingyan Priest was quietly waiting for their arrival in the Qingyan Tribe.

After another three days, Gu Zheng and Xuan Fei reappeared outside the Qingyan Tribe.

"Although the yellow spar was thrown away halfway, through the yellow spar, you should have seen that there is no life stone in the so-called underground stone chamber, right?"

There is no nonsense, Gu Zheng cut straight to the point.

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