With a sigh in her heart, Xuan Yue stopped looking at the plant, and after breaking off a suitable branch, she began to make the flag.

A moment later, Xuanyue, who was making the flag, suddenly raised her head, and the sound of the ground collapsing in front of her rang out one after another, and zombies with metallic skin drilled out of the potholes in which the ground collapsed.

If Xuan Yue had brows, then she must be frowning at the moment, but her body is a skeleton, and even frowning can only be in her heart.

Xuan Yue rushed towards those zombies with a knife. She had killed this kind of zombies before, and her body was harder than ordinary zombies. It would be more difficult to deal with four of them at the same time, but there were seven of them in total.

Dealing with four is difficult, and dealing with seven at the same time, Xuan Yue has no choice, because the speed of these zombies is about the same as hers, and it is impossible to escape by running away, and these guys are not like her, I don't even know what fatigue is.

The knife is shining, Xuanyue has already fought with the zombies. Although it is a bone knife in her hand, it is very sharp. If it is not for the abnormality of these zombies, she can kill ordinary zombies with one knife. Cut it in half.

Xuanyue's bone knife landed on a zombie, and the wound it made was shocking. The stomach of the zombie was split open by the knife, touching the spine deeply, but it was a pity that it could not be cut in two. It There is no loss of combat effectiveness. Moreover, a huge suction force from its body held Xuan Yue's bone knife and prevented her from pulling it out.

Xuan Yue pulled out the knife vigorously. Although the bone knife was pulled out from the zombie's stomach, it was only a momentary delay that a zombie's steel claw pierced through her chest.

Xuan Yue is now in the body of a skeleton, and there is nothing in her chest cavity. The thrust of the zombie's steel claws did not hurt her, it just made her feel a little pain in her sternum.


A crisp sound came from Xuanyue's chest, and the zombie that penetrated her chest broke one of her breastbone when the steel claw was withdrawn.

Xuan Yue felt the stabbing pain, but her body was a skeleton after all, and her tolerance for pain was far beyond the reach of human beings. The bone knife in her hand drew an arc, and the zombie who broke one of her sternum was killed by her. beheaded.

The light of the knife kept flickering, and the strange screams of zombies sounded from time to time. The battle continued, Xuan Yue's injuries were also increasing, and the zombies fell one after another.

When there were only three of the seven zombies left, Xuan Yue turned around and made a running gesture. When she ran to the dead tree that had broken its branches before, she jumped onto the dead tree.

Xuanyue is not only good at swordsmanship, she can also attack with some spells, but the energy in her body to support the cast of spells is too little, so she regards spells as strange moves in battle, and she uses them very cautiously. Now, Xuanyue's physical strength is a little exhausted, she must have the cooperation of spells to destroy the remaining three zombies.

Zombies are also very capable of bouncing. Xuan Yue just jumped onto the tree, and immediately a zombie jumped up and rushed towards her.

Xuanyue opened her mouth and sprayed, a white mist hit the face of the zombie that was hit, and the zombie that was hit immediately fell down, and the white mist was like an extremely viscous object, and it held firmly Glued to the zombie's face, so that the zombie struggled on the ground, constantly scratching its face with its claws.

The first zombie had just fallen, and the second zombie had already rushed over. Xuan Yue's head suddenly separated from the cervical spine, and hit the head of the flying zombie like a meteor.


There was a sound, Xuan Yue's flying head smashed the head of the second zombie, and the second zombie also fell downward.

That is to say, at the same time Xuanyue sacrificed her head, the third zombie had already flew towards her from another direction, her headless body suddenly turned around, and the bone knife in her hand slashed at the neck of the third zombie .

The bone knife chopped off the head of the third zombie, and the zombie that lost its head died immediately, but its claws had already penetrated into Xuanyue's left and right chest.

Xuan Yue's physical strength was exhausted, which was originally caused by the injury. At this moment, she also fell towards the tree with more serious injuries. However, it was not only Xuan Yue who fell, but also the headless body of the third zombie connected to her body.

Xuan Yue, who fell under the tree, had just cut off the connection between the third zombie and her body, and the zombie hit by her head had already stumbled towards her.

Although Xuan Yue sacrificed his head and smashed the second zombie's head, the second zombie's head was only broken in half, and it did not completely lose its fighting power.

Even though Xuanyue is seriously injured now, it is not easy for a zombie whose head has been broken in half to injure her. She stood up with a bone knife, avoiding the second zombie stretched out on one side of her body. Her steel claws and the bone knife in her hand chopped off the broken head of the second zombie.

Xuan Yue staggered towards the first zombie with a knife in her hand. If she could breathe, her breathing at this moment must have become very rapid due to the injury.

The first zombie is not dead either, it is still scratching the white mist covering its face, in fact, the white mist is not sticky, it is a magic technique similar to blinding eyes, so even the first zombie can It has already scratched the bones of the face, and the white mist is still covering its face.

Facing the first zombie who had no ability to resist, Xuan Yue swung her knife several times before beheading its head. Whoever made it keep scratching its face with its hands could be regarded as indirectly protecting its neck with its arms.

Finally, none of the seven zombies remained, and Xuan Yue also fell to the ground, motionless as if dead.

Time passed little by little, from day to night, Xuan Yue's originally motionless body finally had a reaction similar to twitching.

After convulsing for a while, Xuan Yue sat up. The original injuries on her body had fully recovered due to the cultivation during this period, and even the lost sternum had grown out. However, healing will speed up the approach of hunger. Xuanyue can be said to be very hungry at this moment, and her own strength has also declined significantly because of the strong hunger.

The space world at night is very spectacular. Although the sky is dark and there are no stars and moons, the surroundings are like a world full of fireflies. However, the so-called fireflies are naturally not real fireflies, they are just a little will-o'-the-wisp. However, there are too many of these will-o'-the-wisps, so many that it makes people feel like they are in the starry sky.

Xuan Yue was really hungry, so much so that she felt like drooling when she saw the will-o'-the-wisp, but unfortunately her body was a skeleton, and there was no saliva for her to drool, only that kind of saliva kept echoing in her mouth, but she wanted to drool. The feeling of not being able to flow out.

Although the ghost fire can be regarded as pure energy, Xuanyue still thinks it is disgusting, but she is really hungry and can't help it, even if it is the disgusting ghost fire, she has to try it.

There were too many will-o'-the-wisps, and the strong wind generated by Xuanyue's wave brought her several of them. She stretched out her finger and pointed at one of the will-o'-the-wisps, and the will-o'-the-wisps disappeared immediately. This is how she eats.

The feeling of absorbing will-o'-the-wisps is like eating a delicious bite. This feeling is very comfortable for the hungry Xuanyue, but Xuanyue dare not overeat. Just absorbing a will-o-wisp, she already feels assimilated by this world time shortened! Calculated according to this shortening degree, if she wants to eat will-o'-the-wisps until she is full, then the speed at which she is assimilated by this world will be shortened by one-third, that is, in order to have a full meal, she would be consumed by this world in a month. She who was assimilated by the world only needs ten days to be assimilated by this world.

Of course Xuanyue would not take her life as a joke, but the hunger must also be resolved, so she continued to absorb the will-o'-the-wisps, and stopped when her strength was no longer reduced due to hunger. At this time, she was assimilated by this world. There was only twenty-six days left.

It was very dark, but this kind of darkness had little effect on Xuanyue, a skeleton. Time was running out, and she was still moving towards her destination.

It's not a short distance from the starting point to the destination. Xuanyue's luck seems to be better. She encountered several attacks by monsters along the way, but these monsters were not strong enough to cause her any harm. .

Finally reached the top of the mountain, Xuan Yue planted the flag on it, and she watched from a distance in the dark night, looking for the place she wanted to go next.


There was a sudden sound in the sky, and Xuanyue already had some shadows about this sound. The key is that in the last space world, the sound of Qi Ling's anger was very similar to thunder.

However, this time the sound was not Qi Ling being angry, it was real thunder.

As soon as the thunder sounded, the whole world suddenly turned into complete darkness. The star-like will-o'-the-wisps disappeared instantly, as if blown out by a gust of wind.

Xuan Yue has just entered this space world, she hasn't experienced this kind of strangeness yet, she just doesn't feel very good in her heart, but she doesn't know what will happen next.

Without stopping at the top of the mountain, Xuan Yue started to descend. Anyway, she had already decided where she was going next, and she wanted to head towards her destination now.

The cold liquid fell on Xuanyue's body, and this cold feeling made Xuanyue feel comfortable for a while.

It was raining, but what fell from the sky was not ordinary raindrops, it was a scarlet liquid like blood.

The reason why Xuanyue felt comfortable when the liquid fell on Xuanyue's body was because the liquid was a kind of energy, and it could produce the feeling that Xuanyue had absorbed the will-o'-the-wisp! Xuanyue was not full at first, and the absorption of this energy would naturally make her feel comfortable, but with the comfort came endless fear, because the blood rain accelerated her assimilation into this world at the same speed as will-o'-the-wisps, and for The absorption of the blood rain is not under her control at all, as long as it is absorbed by the blood rain, what will happen if it rains? Xuan Yue felt that she would definitely be able to drown her to death!

Xuanyue started to run. While running, she waved the bone knife in her hand. The blood rain had become a little hasty. If she didn't use the knife screen as an umbrella to block the blood rain, I'm afraid that when she arrived at her new destination, Sure to be able to drink to the full!

The so-called new destination is on this mountain, which is a cave that Xuanyue discovered when climbing the mountain. In this case, she must find a place that can shelter from the rain.

There are no monsters on the mountain, Xuan Yue thought that this process would be smooth, but she was wrong, this process was not as smooth as she imagined.

There is a big difference between day and night in the world of hell space. During the day it is a barren hell, but at night it is lush with vegetation. Some strange-shaped plants grow out of the ground under the nourishment of blood rain. Their growth speed is very fast. Among them Many of them are aggressive.

Just like now, Xuan Yue's legs are no longer bound by the vines protruding from there, and the rustling sound behind her is very rapid, obviously there are new vines stretching out.

The vines that bind Xuanyue's legs are not ordinary vines, their binding power is no less than that of ordinary zombies that grabbed Xuanyue's legs.

Not daring to waste time on the grass, Xuan Yue gave up the knife screen to cut off the vines, and rushed towards the cave at the fastest speed.

After being attacked by vines several times in a row, Xuanyue's time was inevitably delayed. Although the delay was not too long, the raindrops fell very quickly. During this not too long time, Xuanyue also Already forced to eat! Originally, she had twenty-six days to be assimilated by this space world, but now she has only twenty days left to be assimilated by this world.

Xuan Yue has already entered the cave. This cave seems to be two different worlds from the outside world. Not only are there no plants here, even the plants outside the cave dare not step into the mine.

Xuan Yue felt like crying. She thought it would take thirty days to be assimilated by this space world, but she would definitely be able to wait until Gu Zheng in this month. However, who would have thought that the whole day has not passed, and only the current twenty days are left of her original thirty days.

Wanting to cry is just a feeling, and Xuan Yue quickly adjusted it. Thinking about it from another angle, now that she is full and has strength, at least she doesn't have to worry about the decline in strength due to hunger in a short period of time.

Xuanyue looked at the environment in the cave again. The cave was very deep, but there seemed to be fog in the depths. With Xuanyue's vision that was hardly affected by the darkness, she couldn't even see the bottom of the cave.

Xuan Yue understands that this cave is very unusual, which can be seen from the fact that the plants at the entrance of the cave do not dare to go beyond, and she does not intend to take the risk of exploring this cave, she understands that her strength is actually very weak in this world, there is no The capital of adventure, she just wants to go to the original destination after the rain stops, hoping to see Gu Zheng as soon as possible.

However, when Xuanyue was observing the world with the flames in her eyes, she suddenly had a strange feeling that something deep in the cave was attracting her.

Xuan Yue thinks this is terrible! Because she is sober, she knows that this feeling of attraction is not an illusion. Moreover, this feeling of attraction made her natal source ready to move, and made her really want to go into the darkness to see what it was that attracted her.

In fact, Xuanyue can guess what is attracting her in the dark without looking at it. There are only two possibilities of what attracts her to the source of her life.

If true, there are tonics that can make her natal source stronger in the dark.

If it is false, then this matter is terrible, and it can only show that there is a dangerous existence in the dark, which is tempting/tempting her with this irresistible feeling.

After thinking about it again and again, Xuan Yue, who didn't want to take the risk, decided to take the risk to take a look. If it is fake, it can only show that she is unlucky. If it is true, she has obtained the tonic that can make the source of life stronger. The state will also have a breakthrough because of this! After all, although the space world is a cage, chances also exist in this cage.

Xuan Yue cautiously went deep into the cave. In the quiet environment, she was extremely depressed by the sound of bones rubbing against her own movement.

After walking in the dark cave for a long time, the flames in Xuanyue's eyes suddenly lit up, and she saw the thing that exuded great attraction to her.

It was a strange flower that blended into the darkness, and only a person with a special physique like Xuan Yue could smell its fragrance.

"The flower of the dark moon turned out to be the flower of the dark moon!" Xuan Fei was very excited.

The moon is yin, and Xuanyue, who can absorb moonlight, is actually the most yin constitution.

The so-called yin and yang and five elements, yin and yang are arranged in front of the five elements, and they are a greater way than the five elements. The physique of a general immortal cultivator only occupies one or two of the five elements, and the common ones have a fire attribute, or a water attribute physique, or a physique that occupies two or more of the five elements. However, the natural physique of the most yin and the most yang is a rare and excellent physique in the process of cultivation.

The flower of the night is transformed from the essence of the night, it is indeed a great tonic for people with the most yin physique, and it can almost be equivalent to the lowest level of heaven and earth treasures.

Xuan Yue walked forward, she was going to pick this rare flower of the night, although she can't eat like a human now, the flower of the night is already a pure energy body in a sense, Xuan Yue I think she can absorb the night flower by absorbing the will-o'-the-wisp.

However, a slight indiscernible feeling emerged, and Xuan Yue secretly said 'no' in her heart, and it was too late to retreat, and that indiscernible feeling was exactly the feeling of stepping into the fairy formation.

The sight in front of her eyes alternated between light and dark, and the originally dark cave turned into a bright world. Even though Xuan Yue was not good at the fairy formation, she knew that she had entered a space of the fairy formation.

In front of you is a world like a fairyland. The mountains are tall and straight, and the waterfalls are pouring like mercury. Fairy birds are flying around the waterfalls.

The beautiful scenery didn't bring Xuanyue a good mood at all. She felt that her head was already getting big. As she was not good at the fairy formation, she didn't know what kind of fairy formation it was, let alone where to go.

If Xuanyue was in a normal physical body, she could use her spiritual sense to detect it, or she could use her voice to see if the spirit birds at the waterfall in the distance would react, anyway, they were all birds. However, she is just a skeleton now, a silent skeleton that has no divine sense and cannot speak.

Xuan Yue's heart skipped a beat, she didn't understand the fairy formation anyway, so she might as well just take a step and see it!

Xuan Yue took a step, and there was no ultimate move, but she felt dizzy for no reason. When her head was not so dizzy, she found that she was still staying in place! This is not to say that the previous progress was an illusion, but that this fairy formation has the characteristics of a sleepy formation. She did not take the correct route, and eventually returned to the original place.

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