Xuanyue has already processed the ingredients. Whether it is the main ingredient fish or the other two auxiliary ingredients, all of them are finely processed, and fine processing is naturally not the usual simple cleaning. After all, the grades of these ingredients are all inferior. If you want to make a better taste without refined treatment, let alone Xuan Yue can't do it, even Gu Zheng can't make it easily.

Heat the oil in a pan. After the oil is hot, Xuanyue puts the two auxiliary materials into the pan and stir fry.

The hot and sour taste pervades the air, which is just the right kind of hot and sour, which makes people feel refreshed, but it doesn't make people want to sneeze.

After the two auxiliary ingredients were fried, Xuan Yue put the fish fillets that had been sliced ​​into the pot and fried them for a while, and then poured the food in the pot into the jar on the fire.

In order to make this fish soup today, Xuan Yue also specially made this jar of stewed fish soup.

Inferior-quality fish, if you want to cook a delicious fish soup, it is very important to control the heat. Xuanyue uses the fire control technique to control the fire while paying attention to the changes in the fish soup in the pot. The original strong hot and sour aroma It became more and more intense, and the aroma of the fish gradually became stronger, and the color of the soup gradually became milky white.

"It's done."

After a while, Xuan Yue took the fire control formula and extinguished the firewood burning under the jar.

After making the first fish soup, Xuanyue didn't have much happiness on her face. She expected to make the fish soup into an extremely fragrant shape, but in fact she wanted to use inferior ingredients to make it into an extremely fragrant shape. It's really not easy.

After the fish soup is ready, the next thing Xuan Yue has to do is the meat dish among the two hot dishes.

Today, I caught a lot of freshwater fish in the creek. The meat dish Xuanyue is going to make is fried shrimp.

Neither Gu Zheng nor Xuan Yue knew what this kind of shrimp, which was as long as a chopstick but with a body as thick as a thumb, was called. They just knew that this kind of shrimp with a more colorful skin was not poisonous.

Xuanyue had already processed the shrimp before, so now there is a bowl of clean shrimp in the stone bowl. In addition to the main ingredient of shrimp, this dish also has two auxiliary ingredients that look like apples.

The auxiliary material is a kind of fruit, which is produced in Monkey Mountain. Today, when Xuanyue was looking for ingredients that can be used for cooking and diet on Monkey Mountain, after tasting this fruit, she was inspired to use it to make shrimp .

The fruit looks like an apple, and the pulp also looks like an apple. It has been processed by Xuanyue, and it looks like mashed jam at the moment.

Put a little oil in the pot, Xuan Yue poured the jam into it and stir-fried. When the pulp completely melted and turned into a pool of reddish soup, Xuan Yue put the processed shrimps in it and fried it for a while , and added a little salt.

Seasonings such as salt and sugar, Gu Zheng and the others did not bring them into this space world, but there is no shortage of such things here. If sugar is really needed, Xuan Yue can boil fructose out, and the ones used now Salt is a kind of mineral salt that is not difficult to obtain in this space world.

The aroma of shrimp and fruit should be relatively conflicting smells, but in this dish cooked by Xuanyue, the shrimp is not the shrimp in the wild, and the fruit is not the fruit in the wild. The two smells mixed together not only do not conflict, but also Mouthwatering.

'Fruity Shrimp' is not a time-consuming dish, so it was quickly prepared by Xuanyue. This dish also did not have an extremely fragrant shape, but after experiencing the fish soup not being extremely fragrant, Xuan Yue is not so lost anymore.

Xuanyue's second and third dishes are cold dishes, and these two cold dishes are also meat and vegetables.

After adjusting the two cold dishes, Xuan Yue can also make the last ingredient while they are tasty.

The first of the two cold dishes is a meat dish. The main ingredient is a kind of fish that Xuanyue caught in the stream. It looks like a fish, but it is not a fish ingredient. relatively few.

Xuan Yue originally didn't intend to ask for this kind of ingredients, but Gu Zheng's casual words at that time made him change his original mind. Gu Zheng said that this kind of fish-like thing, its meat should be eaten with cold sauce, it should have a special flavor .

The words that Gu Zheng said by the stream at that time were the source of Xuan Yue's inspiration, but the master just said so, and it would take a lot of effort for the apprentice to present it perfectly. After all, the two are not in the same realm in terms of diet.

Xuanyue has already done the treatment before, the shell of the 'crustacean' has been removed, leaving only a plate of fish with cartilage, and these fish have been blanched before, so they are half cooked. All Yue has to do is mix the sauce to cool it down.

Already having an idea, it doesn't take much time to make the sauce. After the sauce is done, Xuan Yue pours the sauce on the fish, and then stirs the meat. This cold meat dish uses fish as the main ingredient, and one of the ingredients is a kind of aquatic plant in a stream. It is not as soft as ordinary aquatic plants, but rather like crisp and juicy vegetables.

The second cold dish that Xuan Yue is going to make is a vegetarian dish. The main ingredient used in this vegetarian dish is fungus, and the colors are divided into three types: 'yellow, white and black'. Except for the black one, which is common, the other two are prehistoric. ingredients not included.

Among the three colors of fungus, the processing of black fungus is relatively simple, while the processing of yellow and white fungus takes a little time. After all, yellow and white fungus are things that are not found in the prehistoric world. Their taste is similar to black fungus, but they have an indescribable fragrance. She wants to keep this fragrance to the greatest extent.

For Xuanyue, the cold dish made with three-color fungus lies in the processing of the ingredients. As for the function of the sauce, in addition to making them salty, more functions are to highlight the taste of the ingredients themselves .

Three of the four dishes have been prepared, and the last one left is a hot dish. There are two kinds of ingredients used in this dish, one is bird eggs, and the other is vegetables, and these two ingredients are all It is something that monkey spirit beasts usually eat.

There is nothing to say about bird eggs. Vegetables make Gu Zheng feel kind, because this kind of round vegetable is very similar to cabbage, but the taste of this vegetable is completely different from that of cabbage. When fried for the same time, cabbage It is crispy when fried, but this kind of vegetable like cabbage is soft when fried. Even if you have not eaten this kind of vegetable, Gu Zheng can tell through the eyes of Tao that the taste of this kind of vegetable will be better after being fried. Like spinach, but without the alkaline taste of spinach.

Bird eggs do not need to be processed in advance, as long as they are beaten into egg liquid before cooking, vegetables need to be processed in advance, in order to force out its special fragrance, and to save time and make the eggs more tender, Xuan Yue It has been boiled in water beforehand.

Heat the oil in the pan and pour the egg liquid, and the aroma of the fried eggs permeates immediately. At the right time, Xuan Yue puts the vegetables in it again. After a brief stir-fry for a while, the last dish is finished.

"Master, dinner is ready!"

Xuan Yue served the four dishes and one soup, and did not forget to put the monkey wine given by the Monkey King on the temporary table.

Gu Zheng opened his eyes, looked at Xuan Yue and smiled: "How about we master and apprentice have a drink first?"


Xuan Yue poured wine for Gu Zheng with a smile on her face, and the two wine glasses quickly touched together.

Since Gu Zheng's current body is the body of a monster, he can't drink and eat food like a human without hands. He can only accomplish these things through magic, which makes him fortunate that he still has magic. The method is available, otherwise he would eat and drink in front of his apprentice like a wild beast, then he would rather not eat or drink.


After drinking a glass of monkey wine, Xuan Yue couldn't help coughing. It didn't mean that she choked on the monkey wine, it could only be said that she was shocked by the contrast.

The reason why Xuanyue wants to drink so much is that the immortal wine that Gu Zheng gave her is so delicious. Although she knows that the monkey brewed by the Monkey King is definitely not comparable to the immortal wine brewed by Gu Zheng, the Monkey King is also wise after all. It's a decent spirit beast, the monkey wine it brews shouldn't taste too bad. However, the monkey wine brewed by the Monkey King gave Xuan Yue the feeling that it had been mixed with too much water, and the taste of the wine was really bland.

Seeing Xuanyue coughing, Gu Zheng smiled slightly and said, "This monkey wine is really smart for success, and smart for failure!"

"What did Master say?" Xuan Yue asked curiously.

"This monkey wine is good in the first place. If the Monkey King didn't have enough intelligence, it wouldn't be able to brew such monkey wine. However, there was a problem in the brewing process of the monkey wine. The taste and efficacy can only be selected. First! It is precisely because of his higher spiritual intelligence that the Monkey King chose the efficacy and gave up the taste, so the monkey wine, which could have a better taste, has become what it is now. However, you have drunk the master If you have never drunk good fairy wine, then when you drink this monkey wine for the first time, you will be amazed and think it is a good wine!"

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Xuan Yue nodded. If there is no Gu Zheng's fairy wine for comparison, the taste of this monkey wine is really good.

"Master, try my four dishes and one soup!"

Since the ingredients used in cooking today are Gu Zheng's proposition, Xuan Yue would like to hear Gu Zheng's comments even if there is no extremely fragrant transformation.

"Based on your current diet skills, the full score of each dish is 10, and the teacher will give you a score after you taste it. Now let's start with this 'Fried Shrimp with Fruit Flavor'!"

Gu Zheng opened his mouth and sucked it in, and one of the shrimps on the plate flew into his mouth immediately.

The entrance is a sweet and sour taste, this sweet and sour taste is not particularly strong, with a little salty aroma in the back.

Although the prawns used in 'Fruit Shrimp' are something that is not available in the prehistoric world, the taste of the prawns is still the same, they are all firm and delicious.

After chewing a few times, Gu Zheng swallowed the shrimp: "I will give you a total score of nine points for this 'fruity shrimp', of which eight points are for your creativity, and the other is for your creativity. Let’s cook shrimp. The taste is good, but the creativity is also very good. As for the lack of points, there is no way. After all, the way of eating is not only tested by skills, but also by the understanding and experience of ingredients. of these things."

Xuan Yue nodded hastily, she naturally wouldn't think that she had cooked it flawlessly, and she also knew that after the meal, Gu Zheng would give her some clear corrections on the deficiencies of her cooking in these few dishes.

The second dish that Gu Zheng tried was the meat dish in the cold salad. There are two kinds of ingredients used in this dish, one is the fish meat of crustacean, and the other is aquatic plants.

The half-cooked fish meat highlights the umami taste in the meat, and the presence of the sauce also suppresses the fishy smell in the original meat to a minimum. It also has a special flavor when paired with crisp and juicy aquatic plants.

"The teacher didn't expect that you would actually challenge the cold fish meat with just a casual sentence at the time, so I have to give you one point in the score, and your final score for this dish is eight points! With the strength of your current diet and the ingredients on hand, you should be able to completely eliminate the fishy smell, leaving only the smell of the fish itself! However, you failed to do this, so you also As for how to achieve this, the teacher wants you to think about it.”

Ignoring Xuan Yue who was frowning slightly, Gu Zheng began to taste the second cold dish.

A crunchy sound came from Gu Zheng's mouth. This dish seemed to be the simplest, just a cold dish with three kinds of fungus, but it was the dish that Gu Zheng had tasted the most so far. However, Gu Zheng tasted the most, not because this dish is the most delicious, but because there are three kinds of ingredients used in this dish, if you want to discover more problems, you can only taste a little more.

"The handling of the ingredients is good, I will give you one point for this piece, but in the end, Master can only give you a seven-point evaluation for this dish!"

Gu Zheng's voice stopped, and Xuan Yue's eyes widened. In her heart, this seemingly simple cold dish should not be rated lower than the first two dishes.

"The reason why the score of this dish is the lowest is because of your self-confidence! You forgot that the master once told you that before opening the eyes of the Tao, it is best to taste every dish before serving it To the guests. You have not yet opened the eyes of the Tao, and the ingredients you cook are completely inexperienced! Your reliance is given to you by your understanding of the ingredients when handling the ingredients, and your talent in the way of eating The guidance, but neither of these are as careful as the eyes of the Tao, so you get such a low score. Three kinds of fungus, three different fragrances, there is no problem with this, but the problem lies in these three kinds of fungus They can't be eaten together, if they are eaten together, there will be an unpleasant smell of rotten wood!"

Gu Zheng's words made Xuan Yue quickly pick up the chopsticks, and she picked up three kinds of fungus and chewed them in her mouth at the same time.


Xuan Yue's mouth puffed up, and she couldn't help admiring Gu Zheng's determination, but when she was a little prepared, she couldn't help but feel nauseous! It's not just the smell of rotten wood that makes people uncomfortable, it's the smell of rotten wood that makes people want to vomit! However, even if the dishes she cooked were unpalatable, she had to finish them. Xuan Yue, who felt that this would make her memory long, swallowed the fungus in her mouth that made her want to vomit.

"For breakfast tomorrow morning, I will order this cold fungus dish for the teacher!" Gu Zheng said indifferently.

"Master, don't worry, this disciple will not let Master down!"

Xuan Yue is not worried about the same dish, she will not be able to cook it well tomorrow, since she already knows the problem, if it is beyond her current understanding, Gu Zheng will definitely teach her experience after dinner, if it is not beyond her understanding Yes, even if Gu Zheng didn't talk about it, she felt that as long as she thought about it with her heart, she would be able to think of this method of getting rid of the smell of rotten wood.

"The last dish."

Gu Zheng didn't taste the last dish right away, a smile that Xuan Yue couldn't understand appeared on his face.

There are fried eggs in the last dish, and he has a special feeling for fried eggs. When he first came into contact with the way of eating, he made a lot of fried eggs. Later, when he taught Xiong San and others, the introduction of these people Cooking is basically fried eggs! Accepting Xuan Yue as an apprentice, if it wasn't for the unfortunate timing, Gu Zheng would have let her start with fried eggs first.

The taste of fried bird eggs is much worse than the taste of fried eggs in Gu Zheng's memory. After all, the fried eggs in Gu Zheng's memory are basically ordinary eggs, and those obtained from Monkey Mountain Bird eggs are captive birds raised by monkey spirit beasts. Due to improper feeding methods, the quality of bird eggs that were originally made of ingredients higher than that of chicken eggs is actually lower.

"There is an extra point in this last dish, that is, the choice of vegetables is better. If it wasn't for the vegetables being blanched in advance, if it wasn't for the stir-fry mixed with bird eggs, this dish was originally cooked with two inferior ingredients. Dishes will not have such a taste that is slightly inferior to that of ordinary-grade ingredients, so the master will give you nine points for this dish!"

The appearance of a nine points naturally brought a smile to Xuan Yue's face, and she hurriedly put the soup she had just served in front of Gu Zheng.

The soup bowl was not that big, Gu Zheng just took a sip, and all the fish slices and soup in the soup, which could not be cooked for a long time, all entered his mouth.

The hot and sour taste filled Gu Zheng's mouth in an instant. After the tongue got used to the hot and sour taste, the unique mellow flavor of fish soup appeared again.

Although the fish meat can be cooked for a long time, it can be considered to be cooked just right. It is slightly springy, but it does not appear to be difficult to chew. The fresh fragrance of fish meat can be found between the lips and teeth during chewing.

"There is no extra points for this dish. With your current diet skills, this is a real nine-point dish!"

Among the evaluations of four dishes and one soup, Gu Zheng had the shortest evaluation on the soup, and Xuan Yue's performance was also the most excited. She jumped up while cheering! Although Jiufen dishes have appeared before, those two Jiufen dishes have added points for the ingenious selection of ingredients, and this dish is a real skill dish! Even if Gu Zheng didn't say it clearly, Xuan Yue knew that she had reached the limit of her control over the heat of this dish, including how long the fish would be soaked in the hot soup after turning off the fire. She had calculated it in her heart, and it was precisely because Such distraction, when the fish is eaten by Gu Zheng, the taste is just right!

"Don't be silly, let's have another drink!" Gu Zheng laughed.

Before the dishes were finished, a gourd of monkey wine had already been drunk by both master and apprentice. However, the monkey king sent more than one gourd of monkey wine, but when Xuan Yue was going to get the second gourd of monkey wine, she was stopped by Gu Zheng.

"Don't drink the monkey wine today, if you drink it again, it will affect the absorption of the medicinal effect of the next meal." Gu Zheng said.

"Master, are you asking me to cook food?" Xuan Yue's eyes lit up.

"That's right, the immortal essence on Monkey Mountain is relatively strong, so it's also suitable for you to take a food cultivation here." Gu Zheng said.

"Then Master wants the apprentice to cook the Dao Food Cultivator?"

Xuan Yue became excited. When she was in the cave with Gu Zheng last time, she had taken the food repair that Gu Zheng cooked for her, but it has been a while.

"You have read all the jade slips today, what kind of food do you think the teacher will let you cook?" Gu Zheng asked with a smile.

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