The environment in the basilisk lair is not good. If you want to cook, you have to find a place. Seeing Gu Zheng’s seriousness, Xuan Yue quickly entered the Heart Demon Orb. Gu Zheng took the Heart Demon Orb and ran all the way to the exit of the Snake Cave. , and then Gu Zheng entered the Heart Demon Orb, and Xuanyue, who appeared on the body, took the Heart Demon Orb and rushed towards a place suitable for cooking found on the way.

Flying does not delay communication, so on the way to the right place, Xuanyue naturally asked Gu Zheng curiously: "Master, when you didn't come to the snake cave before, you said that it is 40% possible to get rid of the green spots in the inner alchemy." , Now that we got a snake egg in the snake cave, and got the inner alchemy of the snake queen, how much is the chance now?"

"The previous 40% was just the 40% that was said, but now after going to the snake cave, the probability has become 80%, the real 80%!" Gu Zheng laughed.

"Eighty percent? It's already pretty good!"

As Gu Zheng said before, this space world does not seem to be as easy as he imagined at the beginning, so Xuan Yue did not dare to report 100% expectations. If she really reported 100% expectations, she would not be disappointed at this time. avoid.

"Master, how will we use the things we got to get rid of the green spots on the beads later?" Xuan Yue asked.

"It's cooking! I'll tell you how to deal with these things, and you will do it when the time comes."

What Gu Zheng said was that when the time came, in fact, before he had finished talking to Xuan Yue, the place suitable for cooking had already arrived.

There are four things that are useful for removing green spots on the beads. These four things are lotus flowers, plants that look like cattails, snake eggs and snake gallbladder.

According to Gu Zheng's request, Xuan Yue first boiled the lotus into water, and then opened a small opening on the snake egg.

"Why is this?"

Xuan Yue, who was about to pour out the contents of the snake egg, exclaimed.

Xuanyue has seen opened snake eggs in the snake cave before. The snake eggs of the basilisk are different from eggs. If they are freshly laid eggs, they must contain egg white and yolk, but the eggs of the basilisk are freshly laid. Inside are half-completed little basilisks. However, in the snake egg that Xuan Yue opened, the egg white and yolk inside were mixed together like beaten egg liquid.

"It's normal, this is a stillbirth in a snake's egg!" Gu Zheng said.

"Stillborn?" Xuan Yue frowned.

"Yes! The egg-laying ability of snake queens is very strong, but some of them are stillborn, and even if they are not stillborn, not all of those little snakes can grow up safely. Otherwise, just relying on the terrifying egg-laying ability, the basilisk A family can also wipe out the monkey family." Gu Zheng said.

"So, the snake eggs sent into the cave wall by the snake at the bottom of the passage were all good snake eggs, and the ones left behind were stillborn?"

Although Xuanyue was asking questions, her hands were not idle. She had already poured out the egg liquid from the snake eggs, and put all the boiled water, the bile with the snake gall, and the beads into it. into the eggshell, and then put the eggshell on the fire.

"You can basically say that!"

After Gu Zheng finished speaking, neither the master nor the apprentice finished speaking for a while, because under the control of Xuanyue's Fire Control Art, the flames were roasting the bottom of the eggshell, and the water in the eggshell had already boiled. Gu Zheng pays attention to the changes of the beads in the eggshell, and prepares to remind Xuanyue how to operate.

"Fill out the beads!"

Gu Zheng spoke at the right time, and Xuan Yue, who had been on standby for a long time, immediately fished out the beads, and saw that the green spots that originally occupied about one-third of the total area of ​​the beads had now become one-fourth. However, the removal of green spots in this way did not affect the beads themselves at all.

Ask Xuanyue to take out the beads at this time, because the eggshell needs to be added at this time, and the added material is something like a stick.

The cattail stick had been processed by Xuanyue before, and it was burned to ashes by Xuanyue with the real fire of her life. When Xuanyue put the cattail stick ash into the eggshell, the little liquid in the eggshell immediately appeared The foam almost overflowed from the top of the eggshell.

Under Gu Zheng's command, Xuan Yue used a spoon to fish out some of the foam that had arisen, and she put the beads into it again after the turned up liquid became calm again.

What happened next was nothing special, Xuan Yue turned the beads in the eggshell several times under the guidance of Gu Zheng.

When the liquid in the eggshell is about to boil dry, a large amount of mist is formed, making it impossible to see the beads in the eggshell.

Xuan Yue's heart lifted. When she could see the beads before, the green spots on the beads were only the size of a fingernail. She hoped that when the fog cleared, all the green spots on the beads would fade away.

However, things did not develop as Xuanyue expected. After the mist in the eggshell dissipated, Xuanyue found that the green spot on the bead had not completely faded away, it just changed from the size of a thumbnail to a little fingernail It's just that big.

"Master, this is unsuccessful, right?" Xuan Yue hesitated.

"It's okay, it's only 80% sure."

Gu Zheng smiled slightly: "However, even if it didn't succeed, there is only such a big piece of green spot left. I think it should give me a new special feeling."

Gu Zheng closed his eyes, held the beads in his hands and slowly twirled them. Xuan Yue knew that he was looking for that wonderful feeling again, so she waited quietly aside.

After a while, Gu Zheng opened his eyes.

"Master, how is it?" Xuan Yue asked.

"It is indeed a special feeling. This special feeling points to the north. I think it should guide the northern tribes, so let's go to the northern tribes next." Gu Zheng said.

Xuan Yue and Gu Zheng went on the road again, and it was Gu Zheng who entered the Heart Demon Orb, and Xuan Yue flew with the Heart Demon Orb.

Half a day passed, and it was only half the distance from the northern tribes. The landform below has also changed. The dense forest has become a mountainous area. Although there are various trees, they are no longer so dense.

Although Gu Zheng is in the Heart Demon Orb, the Heart Demon Orb is like a shield of immortal power to him, which can play a protective role, but it will not affect his sight and feeling.

His brows were involuntarily frowned, and Gu Zheng smelled a kind of breath, which was a bit weird, like the breath of Tiancaidibao that was about to mature, but it was relatively weak.

"Xuan Yue, fly to the south!" Gu Zheng said.

"Huh? What's the matter, Master?" Xuan Yue asked curiously.

"There are strange natural treasures over there!"

Hearing Gu Zheng said that there are treasures of heaven and earth, Xuan Yue immediately changed the direction of flight, and at the same time did not forget to ask: "Master, what is a strange treasure of heaven and earth?"

"Tiancai Dibao will emit a special fragrance, which will spread farther and farther as it grows. When it is about to mature, in addition to the exaggerated fragrance, it will also It emits a strange fluctuation. The special fragrance I smell is indeed a treasure, but this fragrance has an aura of decay!" Gu Zheng said.

"A breath of decay?" Xuan Yue murmured.

"That's right, it's the breath of decay. There are only two possibilities for this kind of breath. Either there are no creatures picking the treasures of heaven, material and earth, which has caused it to become decayed from maturity. Another possibility is that the treasures of heaven, material and earth have not yet When it is fully mature, it is picked off by something, so there will be this kind of decay in the breath." Gu Zheng said.

"Then which one does Master think is the most likely?" Xuan Yue asked again.

"I don't know, I've only heard of these two situations, and I've never encountered them before." Gu Zheng said.

The two masters and apprentices didn't say anything. When Xuanyue flew over a mountain, they saw several figures fighting.

There are five fighting figures in total, one is a monster with wings that looks like a poor beast, one is a monster with antlers and stands upright, one is a monster with a snake head and a human body, and the other two seem to be used by people. A straw man made of straw.

Among the five fighting figures, the straw man is the most peculiar existence. Gu Zheng has never seen this kind of life before. They seem to be real people, but with straw-like skin. Moreover, these two straw figures are one big and one small. The big one is about the height of an adult and has four arms. The small one is about the size of a teenager. At first glance, it seems that it only has two arms , but in fact there are two protrusions on both sides of its body, and upon closer inspection, they are actually two arms that haven't grown yet.

In addition to the five fighting figures present, there were more than thirty corpses lying on the ground! As for the Tiancaidibao exuding a corrupt atmosphere, it is a melon-like fruit, which is being held by the big straw man at the moment.

Gu Zheng felt angry in his heart. For fairy chefs, ingredients have a very important position in their hearts. Now that they see a treasure of heaven and earth being picked off by these monsters when they are not yet mature, their hearts are naturally filled with hatred Full! This feeling is like a person with a strong hobby of collecting, seeing a rare collection being smashed by someone.


Gu Zheng sneered in the Heart Demon Orb, and Xuan Yue knew Gu Zheng's temper quite well, so she immediately asked, "Master, do you want this disciple to kill these guys?"

"Keep those who can search for souls, if you can't keep them, kill them!"

Gu Zheng gave the order, and Xuan Yue immediately rushed towards the battlefield. She has already seen that the highest strength of these guys who are fighting is only equivalent to the peak of the gods. This existence has a lot to do with her strength equivalent to the mid-stage return big gap.

Although she was not afraid of monsters on the battlefield, Xuan Yue did not intervene explicitly in order to leave behind the existence that could search for souls. She flew over while casting the invisibility technique.

Xuan Yue originally thought that the five monsters in the field would not find her after casting the invisibility technique, but the two scarecrows looked unnaturally at the direction from which she flew.

"Could it be discovered?"

Xuanyue murmured in her heart, the two scarecrows didn't show any expressions, which made it difficult for her to judge for a while. However, the next moment Xuanyue understood that she was really discovered by two scarecrows, because these two guys started to run away!

Because the big scarecrow held the treasure of heaven, material and earth, its escape was immediately blocked by three other monsters. As for the smaller scarecrow, it was not blocked from escaping. After all, the other three monsters in the field wished to reduce its resistance, so naturally they would not stop it from escaping.

Although Xuanyue was a little depressed, the invisibility technique, which was invincible, was first seen through by the queen of the snake, and now it was seen through by two scarecrows, but since the big scarecrow with the treasures of heaven and earth did not escape, everything would not have much impact .

Xuan Yue, who entered the battlefield, suddenly appeared, and the power of extreme cold condensed into a spike like an ice sword in her hand. She used this spike to pierce the heart of Qiongqi monster.

The opponent who appeared suddenly killed Qiongqi monster with thunder. The three monsters present, even the scarecrow who had sensed Xuan Yue's approach before, were still taken aback.

There was no communication, but the three monsters responded in the same way, and they all attacked Xuanyue.

Xuanyue did not lose the wind with one enemy and three, she quickly froze the scarecrow, and took the opportunity to snatch the treasures in its hands.

Seeing that the treasures of heaven and earth were snatched by Xuanyue, the snake demon and the staghorn monster attacked Xuanyue like crazy. Just like dealing with the previous snake queen, he allowed it to swallow itself into the mouth, and then released the extreme cold force mercilessly, instantly freezing the snake demon's head into an ice lump, which became an ice lump after falling to the ground. A pile of icicles.

Originally, he was desperate to regain the treasures of heaven, material and earth, but the death of the snake demon made the deerclops sober, and it no longer coveted the treasures of heaven, materials and earth, and flew towards the distance.

It didn't take Xuanyue too much time to get rid of the snake demon, so she, who could still see the deerclops figure, immediately showed her body and chased after the deerclops.

The deerclops was not as high as Xuanyue's cultivation base, and his flying speed was not as fast as Xuanyue's. Xuanyue quickly caught up with him. When Xuanyue pushed a palm towards the back of the deerclops, the deerclops suddenly turned around. Not only did it strike against Xuanyue Yue's palm also shot the two antlers on Xuan Yue's head towards Xuan Yue.

Xuan Yue flew upside down, and with the flapping of her wings, countless feathery airflows shot out.

There was a loud explosion in the air, and the two horns of the Deerclops exploded in the air. Most of the feathery airflow was blown away, but part of the airflow still hit its body, causing it to fall from the air.

Xuan Yue chased the falling deerclops and slapped it three times in a row. These three palms not only killed the deerclops half to death, but also sealed its demonic power, so that it could be searched for its soul later.

Xuan Yue didn't immediately search for the deerclops soul, after all, the battlefield over there was not clean yet, and there was a frozen scarecrow waiting for her. Compared with searching for the deerclops soul, she wanted to search for the one that could see through her first Retrograde Scarecrow.

When Xuan Yue returned to the battlefield with the Deerclops, the scarecrow was still frozen. Xuan Yue waved at the scarecrow, and the ice that froze the scarecrow began to melt. However, something happened that Xuanyue didn't expect. When the ice on the scarecrow melted, before she started searching for her soul, the scarecrow burned automatically. To stop it, you can only watch it burn to ashes.

"Master, what's going on?"

Xuan Yue asked Gu Zheng curiously.

"My teacher also thought that the scarecrow could be searched for souls. After all, although it looks like straw skin, it is actually very intelligent, but who would have thought that it could really burn like straw."

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and he frowned and said again: "Perhaps this thing was originally made from straw!"

"Has the straw turned into the essence and turned into this?"

Xuan Yue's eyes widened, because Gu Zheng's explanation seemed very meaningful.

"That's right, maybe it was created by people using the way of life!"

Since Xuan Yue asked again, Gu Zheng expressed the original meaning of the words.

In the ontology era, Gu Zheng was a powerful person who mastered the way of life. He was able to use many things as carriers to create life, but now he does not have this ability. He just feels that the scarecrow is a product created by the way of life.

"A person created with the way of life? Then who is this creator? It won't be the master of the fairy-level space?" Xuan Yue asked.

"It should be him!"

Gu Zheng murmured: "If it's really him, maybe it was a mistake for us to let that little scarecrow go!"

"Master, do you want me to follow up now, maybe I can find the little scarecrow who escaped?" Xuanyue said again.

"No need, that little scarecrow is fleeing from the north. I also have a feeling in my heart that this kind of scarecrow belongs to the northern tribe."

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Xuan Yue didn't say anything anymore, and started searching for the soul of the half-deered deerclops.

Searching for the soul of the Deerclops is to learn more about this world. What Xuanyue and the others want to know most is to see if there is any clue to leave this world.

Xuanyue did not find any clues to leave this world, but she found two messages from the memory of the deerclops. One message was to fly south from here, and a cave could be seen in half a day's journey. A monster lives in it, and that monster guards a treasure. Another piece of information is that the scarecrows are indeed from the tribe in the north, and there are more than forty scarecrows, large and small, in that tribe.

"Treasure? What kind of treasure?"

After hearing what Xuanyue said, Gu Zheng frowned slightly. What Xuanyue said before was not detailed, so he didn't know the details.

Facing Gu Zheng's inquiry, Xuan Yue explained in detail about the treasure in the memory of the Deerclops.

It turned out that this deerclops belonged to a rare monster with two inner cores, but it strayed into that cave three hundred years ago, and was beaten up by a toad monster in the cave.

The toad monster was trapped in the cave. After finishing off the deerclops monster, it took away an inner alchemy of the deerclops monster. Otherwise, the strength of the deerclops monster should be higher than that of Xuanyue. In order to get back the lost inner alchemy, the Deerclops almost turned into a servant-like existence of the toad monster, and it had to send some food to the toad monster regularly.

As for the treasure guarded by the toad monster, the Deerclops actually didn't know, and the reason why it entered the cave by mistake was actually attracted by the fluctuations emitted by the treasure, and every time it went to that cave, it also You can feel that kind of attraction coming from the belly of the toad monster. According to the deerclops' guess, the treasure should be sacrificed by the toad monster as a natal monster. As for why the toad monster can't leave the cave, The toad monster didn't say anything, and the deerclops didn't dare to ask.

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