There are two kinds of strange sounds, one is a 'hiss' sound, and the other is a 'huh' sound.

The sound of 'hissing' made Xuanyue feel scared, and the sound of 'huh' made Xuanyue's anxiety intensify. At the same time, she also had a feeling that if she wanted to leave here, she had to follow the sound .

Xuanyue's temperament was already a little bit overwhelmed by the difficulties, and she immediately ran towards the direction of the sound after suppressing her fear.

Xuan Yue still doesn't know who she is. If she knows who she is, then she will be able to recognize that this place in the mysterious realm is actually the snake cave she experienced not long ago.

It is precisely because this place in the mysterious realm is the snake cave that Xuan Yue experienced not long ago, so when Xuan Yue ran towards the sound, she saw the snake queen again.

The 'hissing' sound was made by the snake queen, and the snake queen was still repeating the scene that Xuanyue saw after she broke out of the formation, and she was sending the snake eggs into the cave wall.

It was still the same as the experience in the real world. When the snake queen saw Xuanyue, it stopped delivering eggs, opened its mouth and bit towards Xuanyue.

After all, the Mystical Realm is not reality, and although the things happening in it are very similar to what happened in reality, they are not exactly the same.

In the real world, without the control of the snake queen's demonic power, the snake eggs immediately fell to the ground and broke, but in the mysterious realm, without the control of the snake queen's demonic power, the snake eggs got stuck in the cave wall, half exposed. outside.

Facing the bloody mouth of the Queen Snake, Xuan Yue was very nervous. She didn't know how to fight back at the Queen Snake, so she could only dodge subconsciously.

Xuan Yue's hide was startled by herself, she didn't expect her body to be able to fly upside down, but before Xuan Yue figured out why, the snake queen's bloody mouth bit her for the second time.

With the first dodge, Xuan Yue's second dodge was easy, and she dodged Shekou's attack again. At the same time, a feeling arose in Xuan Yue's heart. She felt that her body was full of strength, and she seemed to have the ability to fight the Queen of Snakes!

I can't explain the feeling of being unclear, but this feeling made Xuan Yue very confident, so when she bit her for the third time with the big mouth of the snake queen, she pushed it away with a palm.

Xuanyue's palm produced a great palm wind, and the phantom shadow of the palm formed by the condensed demon power was heavily imprinted on the basilisk's mouth.

The basilisk screamed in pain, and its head was shrunk back after being beaten, but just when Xuan Yue wanted to take advantage of the victory and pursue it, the snake egg that was originally stuck in the cave wall burst open with a crisp sound.

The snake egg cracked with a crisp sound, it wasn't that some little basilisk was about to break out of its shell, but what protruded from it was actually a human hand.

Xuan Yue frowned, and she thought of the 'uuuu' sound she heard before. She felt that the 'uuuuu' sound was made by this person in the eggshell. She couldn't see who this person was, but she could see it. There was only one hand.


There was a cleverness in Xuan Yue's heart, she suddenly felt that this hand was very familiar, she seemed to have seen it many times.

Indeed, Xuanyue has seen Gu Zheng's hands many times, especially in the Jade Slips of Chuan Gong. Very impressed.

There was a bang in Xuanyue's mind, and she remembered Gu Zheng's appearance, and she also understood that the anxiety was precisely because Gu Zheng was waiting for her. However, Xuanyue only thought of Gu Zheng. As for the relationship between this person and her, she didn't remember what kind of environment she was in now. She just knew that Gu Zheng was very important to her.

If Xuanyue had a little more time, she would probably wake up because of the bang in her head, but it's a pity that the mysterious realm is not dead, and the Queen of Snakes will not let her be in a daze.

After the snake opened its mouth again to bite Xuanyue, Xuanyue's thoughts were interrupted. Angrily, she slapped the queen again, but this palm did not drive the queen back as before. The force of the counter-shock retreated shockingly.


The force of the shock made Xuanyue's internal organs twitch, and she couldn't help spitting out blood, and the bloody mouth of the snake queen bit her again.

Xuanyue refused to admit defeat, she felt that she would be able to defeat the Queen Snake if she was more careful, but there was still someone important to her in the eggshell on the cave wall, and she had to rescue that person first!

Xuan Yue raised her hand and wanted to use her demon power to pull Gu Zheng out of the eggshell, but the snake queen didn't give her this chance, and the snake head bit her again.

Xuanyue's anger soared, and she originally wanted to use the monster power pulled out by Gu Zheng on her palms, but she pushed both palms towards the back of the snake and made a palm-line phantom one after another.

The head of the Queen Snake retreated under Xuan Yue's crazy counterattack, and blood also flowed out of the Queen's mouth. Xuan Yue wanted to take this opportunity to kill the Queen Snake in one go, but she suddenly saw the eggshell fighting in the middle ages. The hand becomes weak at this time, giving people the feeling that they are dying.

Xuan Yue quickly waved her hand and applied the demon power to the wrist of Gu Zheng in the eggshell. She wanted to pull Gu Zheng out of the eggshell, but Gu Zheng seemed to be integrated with the cave wall. Not moving at all.

Xuan Yue increased her immortal power and pulled it out a second time, but the result was still the same as last time, but at this time the snake's head biting again was very close to her, and she had no time to fight back.

Xuan Yue couldn't fight back, but she was still able to dodge. One side of her body flew towards Gu Zheng's arm. She wanted to see if there was any way to save Gu Zheng from a closer distance.


There was a muffled sound, Xuanyue's speed was fast, and the speed of the snake's head was even faster. It hit Xuanyue's body, and directly sent Xuanyue flying to the cave wall.


Xuan Yue, who slid down the cave wall, vomited blood again. She was already injured, but the injury was made worse by the impact of the snake's head. In her current state, she was no longer sure of defeating the queen of the snake.

Regardless of other things, Xuan Yue just stood up and grabbed Gu Zheng's arm. She tried to pull Gu Zheng out, but she still failed.

Xuanyue was extremely anxious at this time. This anxiety was brought about by the life-and-death crisis of the two of them. She was powerless to rescue the ancient struggle trapped in the cave wall, and she was not sure that she could continue to escape when faced with the snake's mouth biting again. .

The extreme anxiety put Xuan Yue in a special state, and the expectations she had in the real world jumped out in her heart!

"It would be great if I knew the art of earth escape!"

When she had such thoughts in her heart, Xuan Yue pressed her hand on the cave wall, and her eyes also fell on the cave wall.

Time seemed to become extremely slow at this moment, and the complete cave wall became a clear combination of soil particles in Xuanyue's eyes. Under Xuanyue's gaze, these soil particles swirled like a whirlpool, and Xuanyue felt instantly This was an opportunity, and she dived into the vortex without hesitation.

After Xuanyue got into the vortex, a wave of information flooded into her mind, which was a gift from the mysterious realm to Xuanyue.

Under normal circumstances, the mysterious realm will come to an end at this point, and the information pouring into the mind is either Taoism or the corresponding fairy art. Immortal cultivators will seize the time to feel the things that make up these information. However, the situation Xuanyue is experiencing now is not a normal situation. Under normal circumstances, before reaching this step, a cultivator should have known who he is, and he should have known that he is in the mysterious realm, but Xuanyue still Don't know these! Therefore, when those information flooded into her mind, what Xuanyue thought was not to feel it quickly, what she thought was what happened to Gu Zheng now!

Thinking about the ancient struggle in her heart, the darkness in front of Xuan Yue's eyes also withdrew, replaced by a hazy feeling, as if her eyes had been opened in turbid water. However, this is just a prior change to the earth element, so Xuan Yue will not feel that anything has entered her eyes.

Although her vision was blurred, Xuanyue still saw the egg half-embedded in the cave wall. With a wave of her hand, the earth element suddenly became stressed, and the eggshell immediately shattered under the pressure. However, Xuan Yue's eyes widened, there was no Gu Zheng in the eggshell, only that hand!

If it was a normal situation, Xuan Yue should wake up at this time, because this is already a big, big unreasonable thing, she should have to think about it, and once she thinks about it, she might want to understand everything. After all, this is the world inside the cave wall, and the snake queen outside can no longer interrupt her. However, Xuan Yue didn't think about it, she just had a kind of anger of being played with, and she cursed in her heart, the only thing she wanted to do was to rush out of the cave wall to kill the snake and then vent her anger.

Xuan Yue thought about it, but she didn't think about who she was, she thought about how to kill the snake queen, and when she thought about it, she naturally focused on the earth element, and the earth element was in her body again. His eyes swirled like a whirlpool.

This time Xuanyue didn't jump into the vortex again, because she had a feeling that her large size was the advantage of the snake queen. If she could step on the snake queen hard on her large size, it would definitely be very, very relieved. With longing in her heart, Xuan Yue's mind also flooded with information again.

If the immortal cultivator is in a waking state, and there is an influx of information similar to the information to be comprehended in the brain, then the immortal cultivator must calm down and feel the things that make up the information, in order to be able to fully absorb it. However, Xuan Yue's current state of being dominated by obsession is actually better than the state of a cultivator when he is awake. The information from the immortal does not need to be absorbed deliberately by the immortal cultivator, it will be transformed into something she owns.

Just like Xuanyue didn't intentionally absorb the information pouring into her brain before, but when she needed to use the 'Earth Dungeon Technique' brought about by the flooding of information in her brain, she could naturally use it, so She just got lucky and left the cave wall, and saw the snake queen that made her grit her teeth in hatred.

The snake queen was waiting for Xuanyue, and as soon as Xuanyue came out, the snake queen bit her.

"You can't bite!"

Xuan Yue smiled coldly, and retracted into the cave wall in a flash.


Xuan Yue appeared again, coming out from another direction, she waved her hand, and an earth dragon roared and rushed out of the cave wall, hitting the snake queen heavily.

Being hit by the earth dragon, the snake queen's body, which was difficult to move, was knocked out, and a lot of blood gushed out of her mouth. However, the huge earth dragon didn't let it go, and after flying to it, it tore it violently.

How could the Queen of Snake be an opponent of Earth Dragon? Its huge size was quickly torn into a pile of shredded meat. A smile appeared on Xuan Yue's face. She reached out and touched Earth Dragon's head. Her eyes shattered into pieces.

Xuan Yue opened her eyes, and with joy on her face, she quickly closed her eyes again. She didn't want to absorb any information, but recalled the experience in the mysterious realm.

From the beginning to the end, Xuanyue was experiencing the mysterious realm in a daze. Even the shattering of the mysterious realm failed to wake her up. Generally, when the mysterious realm is about to end, the immortal cultivator will feel a sense of anxiety. The feeling can basically restore the unconscious cultivator to sobriety, and Xuan Yue naturally has this feeling, and it appeared when she hid in the cave wall to avoid the snake queen after she comprehended the 'earth escape technique'. However, Xuan Yue's sense of anxiety was suppressed by Xuan Yue's obsession. She didn't follow her anxiety to think about it, but just killed the snake queen wholeheartedly.


Xuan Yue excitedly called Gu Zheng in the Heart Demon Orb.

Gu Zheng released Xuan Yue from the Heart Demon Orb, sized her up, and then said with a smile, "Have you gained something in the Mysterious Realm?"

"How does Master know that I have entered the mysterious realm?"

As soon as the words came out, Xuan Yue smiled embarrassedly, she felt that her question was stupid.

"Ha ha!"

Gu Zheng also smiled: "Tell me, what have you gained in the mysterious realm?"

Gu Zheng knew that it was impossible for Xuanyue to be enlightened, because there are also laws in this space world. If enlightened here, even if there will be no blessings from heaven and earth like in the real world, some visions will still appear. But so far everything is fine.

"Master, in the mysterious realm, I have comprehended two earth-type immortal arts, one is 'earth escape' and the other is 'earth dragon', and it is the 'earth dragon' that allows earth dragons to fight on their own." '!"

Xuanyue said very happily, and Gu Zheng was also quite surprised. It is already very difficult to comprehend two fairy arts in the mysterious realm, but Xuanyue not only comprehended two fairy arts, but also comprehended A skill that can make most immortal cultivators envy, this has to be said to be a powerful opportunity.

"Come on, tell me what you have experienced in the mysterious realm."

Gu Zheng was very curious about Xuanyue's mysterious realm, and Xuanyue was also very satisfied with her gains, but when she told Gu Zheng about her experience in the mysterious realm, a wry smile appeared on Gu Zheng's face.

"Master, what's the matter?"

Looking at the wry smile on Gu Zheng's face, Xuan Yue became a little nervous, because she saw that the wry smile on Gu Zheng's face didn't seem to be lamenting her strong chance.

"Apprentice, your state in the mysterious realm is really special enough. It can be said that that state is the best state in the mysterious realm. It can be encountered but not sought after! Originally, as a teacher, I thought that you could be in a mysterious state. There are three gains in the Mystic Realm, which is already very good, but after knowing what my disciple has experienced in the Mystic Realm, as a teacher, I can only say that the three gains of my disciple are just consolation prizes!" Gu Zheng smiled wryly.

"Ah? Master is saying that I missed the opportunity to realize the Tao?" Xuan Yue's eyes widened.

"That's right! This apprentice missed the opportunity to enlighten the Tao, and from the perspective of the teacher, you have missed at least two opportunities to enlighten the Tao, and both of them are the Dao! The first opportunity to enlighten the Dao is the time in the Supreme Dao The way of time, that is, when you look at the cave wall and feel that time slows down. At that time, if you do not focus on the cave wall, but on the slowing time, then you can understand the way of time What you missed the second time is the way of real earth in the avenue, that is, the vortex of earth element you saw in the cave wall. If your obsession is not so strong at that time, you can see the earth element like the first time If you jump into the vortex decisively, then you will be able to comprehend the way of the real earth."

After Gu Zheng finished speaking, Xuan Yue was stunned for a while, and then smiled at Gu Zheng, but that smile was uglier than crying.

"Master, this disciple wants to vomit blood now!"

Xuan Yue's face was almost turning into a bitter melon, while Gu Zheng laughed and patted her head.

"The reason why the mysterious realm is mysterious is that there are many unfathomable things in it. If you can really predict it, then the mysterious realm may not be the mysterious realm."

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then he said: "Don't worry about the gains and losses in the mysterious realm, because being able to enter the mysterious realm is already equivalent to winning the lottery! Moreover, if you can have that kind of obsession in the mysterious realm, this It is a very rare thing, and because this is the first time you have experienced the mysterious realm, that obsession may remain in your heart like a seed, and when you enter the mysterious realm next time, it will be It is possible to germinate, this is a very enviable thing, even a teacher will inevitably envy you! There is only one chance for a cultivator to leave this kind of seed, but there is no such thing as a teacher. You are so lucky that you were not able to have that kind of obsession in the first mysterious realm."

"Is there such a benefit?"

Gu Zheng's words made Xuan Yue's eyes widen, and excitement also appeared in her eyes.

"Could it be possible for me to lie to you as a teacher?" Gu Zheng also laughed.

The purpose of letting Xuanyue take the food repair this time is to let Xuanyue have the spirit of the real earth. Once Xuanyue has the spirit of the real earth, she will be able to quickly practice the ancient battle. Over the 'earth escape technique'. However, Xuan Yue directly comprehended the 'earth escape technique' in the mysterious realm, in addition to comprehending the 'earth dragon technique' and the technique of allowing the earth dragon to fight independently, which was something she had never thought of before. However, in any case, it is a good thing for Xuanyue to have the spirit of the true earth of her life and to comprehend fairy art. At least Xuanyue's current strength will increase a lot because of her 'earth dragon art'.

According to the original plan, Xuan Yue took the Heart Demon Orb and continued to fly towards the cave in the memory of the Deerclops. About half a day later, Xuan Yue saw the cave that existed on the mountainside.

The cave that exists on the mountainside is very obvious, and the entrance of the cave is not covered. It looks like anyone can enter.

From the memory of the deerclops, Xuan Yue did not get any useful information about the strength of the toad monster. After all, when the toad monster took care of the deerclops, the staghorn monster's strength was still too low. Since then, the staghorn monster has not dared to do anything to the toad monster because one of its inner cores was in the toad monster's place.

Xuanyue was somewhat unsure about toad monsters before, but after comprehending the 'earth dragon technique', she now has a lot of confidence.

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