There is a battlefield in the west. This battlefield belongs to two tribes. The war between these two tribes has lasted for an unknown number of years, and it will break out every three to five times.

Neither tribe has many people and has no ability to reproduce, but it is very strange that no matter how many people die in the war, those who die the next day will also come back to life.

The war was still going on, and the fighting was as intense as ever, but as if blown by a gust of wind, the two sides ceased fighting involuntarily, and their eyes became a little dazed.

After a while, the kings of the two tribes looked at each other, and then murmured the same two words - fate.

"What are you going to do?"

The king with darker complexion asked the other party's king.


The king with fairer complexion had a decisive look on his face.

"Together?" Black King said again.

"Need not!"

Bai Wang paused, and then said: "Don't think that we have a common destiny, we can be like a family!"

Hei Wang frowned: "You think too much, I never thought of becoming a family with you, it's just that this matter concerns both of us."


King Bai smiled, and without saying anything more, he left the battlefield with three members of his side.

Due to the previous battle, the white king's side and himself, there are only four people left, and the number of black king's side is also four.

"What should we do now?" asked the black queen beside the black king.

The death of the chief led to the appearance of the fat baby, and the appearance of the fat baby led to the awakening of the black and white tribes, but the black and white tribes did not know much about the awakening. A fateful opportunity has appeared, and this opportunity is to kill the fat baby! At the same time, the black and white tribes still have two feelings, both of which are dangerous and represent destruction, but of different nature.

"You take a person to find fate from a different route." Hei Wang said.

"how about you?"

Facing the black queen's inquiry, the black king didn't answer, and its eyes looked in one direction, so the black queen knew what it wanted to do.

It took half a day, Gu Zheng and Xuan Yue came to the valley and found a dusty high platform.

"Master, have we found the teleportation array that left this space world?" Xuan Yue said excitedly.

"That's right, this is the teleportation array that left this world. It's just that four things are needed to open this teleportation array. We only got the beads and the humble dog among these four things now." Gu Zheng said.

"The other two things, should one be in the east and the other in the west?" Xuan Yue asked.

"This should be."

Gu Zheng nodded: "Go, let's go to the East now!"

From the teleportation array to the east, Xuanyue needs to fly for a day, and during the time she was flying towards the east, Bai Wang led his subordinates to find the fat baby who was still dazed on the hillside.

Looking at the approaching King Bai and his subordinates, the fat baby who was in a daze got up and asked, "Who are you?"

"The person who wants to kill you!" Bai Wang said coldly.

"Why did you kill me?" the fat baby said again.

King Bai frowned: "Don't you know that we can kill you to release your fate?"

The fat doll shook her head.

"It seems that there are some things you don't know. However, it's better not to know. It's tiring to know more!"

King Bai smiled coldly, and his subordinates immediately surrounded the fat baby.

"Your destiny is to kill me, but what if you are killed by me?" the fat baby murmured.

"Killed by you?"

King Bai was stunned: "Let's not talk about whether you have the strength to kill us, even if you kill us, we will be resurrected in the tribe tomorrow."

"It seems that there are some things you don't know. If you are killed by me, you will not have the ability to resurrect."

As soon as Fat Baby's seemingly casual words came out, King Bai's expression changed drastically, and he punched Fat Baby, because when Fat Baby said those words, he suddenly felt an unprecedented feeling from Fat Baby's body. evil spirit.

What Bai Wang blasted at the fat baby was fist energy, and the fist turned into a fist was as big as a tabletop. Moreover, when the White King threw a punch, its three subordinates also attacked the fat baby from three different directions. The posture of killing.

However, the fat baby's body suddenly disappeared, and when it reappeared, it had already avoided the big fist on the table, and one of its hands had already grasped the fist that King Bai had not had time to retract.


There was a crisp sound, followed by Bai Wang's scream, his fist was crushed by the fat baby.

"Do you want me to die?"

Holding Bai Wang's fist, the other hand of the fat baby clenched a fist and blasted towards Bai Wang's face.


With a bang, Bai Wang's head was blown away by the fat baby's punch, and it shattered like a dropped watermelon.

Everything happened so fast that the remaining three people on King Bai's side were stunned.

The people on King Bai's side were stunned, but the fat baby was not in a daze, its body disappeared again, and when it reappeared, it was beside one of King Bai's subordinates, as if it had killed King Bai Well, the fat baby just waved his fist, and this subordinate of Bai Wang was also blown out of his head.

Resisting in front of the fat baby was useless, another one of Bai Wang's subordinates fell down, until the fat baby was about to smash Bai Hou's head with a punch, it suddenly appeared absent-minded, looking at its face on Bai Hou's face There was a daze.

Originally thinking that he was going to die, Bai Hou had already closed his eyes, but felt that the fat baby had lost his mind. Its arm instantly became like an awl, and it stabbed towards the fat baby's stomach.

Although the fat baby was absent-minded, his reaction was still extremely quick, and he held the awl in his hand just when the awl was about to pierce its stomach.

"Go to hell!"

The fat baby's two hands exerted strength at the same time, the left hand crushed the white hand that had turned into an awl, and the right hand clenched a fist and smashed the white queen's head.

At this point, none of the four people on King Bai's side died, and King Bai's twitching body also stopped twitching, and after emitting a large puff of white smoke, it turned into a rough white stone sculpture. Seeing this white stone carving, he must be able to recognize that it is the white king in chess.

Holding the white king piece, the fat baby's body disappeared out of thin air again, and when he reappeared, he had already appeared beside the frightened black queen.

The departure time of the black queen was not much slower than that of the white king, so it was not much different from the white king's arrival time. Originally, the black queen was thinking that if the white king and the others could kill the fat baby, then they would not need to show up. If King Bai can't kill the fat babies, it won't be too late for them to come back. However, the Black Queen did not expect that the strength gap between the White King and the fat baby would be so large, and with such a large strength gap, even if they joined, it would be a dead end, so it lay on the ground with another fellow of the same race. Dare to move, but who would have thought that the fat baby has actually found them a long time ago, but they haven't come to clean them up yet.

Following behind the black elephant was a black elephant. Feeling the fat baby suddenly appearing behind him, it had no chance to fight back. The fat baby lifted its foot and stepped it directly into the hard ground. As soon as it stepped down, its body was crushed to pieces.

The black queen got up, but it didn't dare to escape or fight back, it just looked at the fat baby pitifully.

Seeing Hei Hou's pitiful appearance, the fat baby lost his mind again.


The fat baby murmured, and stroked Heihou's cheek with her hand: "You are not my destiny!"

Face-changing was like flipping through a book, the terrifying fat doll directly smashed Heihou's face into pieces.

After the enemy was dealt with, the fat baby did not leave. It returned to the big rock and sat down again, muttering 'fate' in its mouth, its eyes still confused.

Half a day later, Xuan Yue flew to the top of the hillside under the guidance of Gu Zheng.

The fat baby who was in a daze frowned, and cast her sharp gaze into the air.


Xuan Yue wanted to go down, but Gu Zheng suddenly spoke.

"What's the matter, Master?" Xuan Yue asked.

"That guy's eyes gave me a very special feeling, and I feel that you are not its opponent." Gu Zheng said.

"Master, what kind of feeling is it?" Xuan Yue asked again.

"It's not the feeling brought about by the strength of the control of the fairy-level space fairy weapon. It's just that I have seen such eyes before. People who can have such eyes should not be able to cope with the strength you are now."

Just as Gu Zheng's words fell to the ground, the fat baby on the ground smiled coldly, and he was already aroused by the prying eyes from the sky.


Gu Zheng opened his mouth suddenly, because he saw tiny ripples in the air beside the fat baby. Such ripples could not be seen at all with Xuanyue's cultivation base, but he could not only see them, but also knew that they were the way of space The fluctuations caused by the launch.

Although Xuan Yue didn't know why, she could hear the urgency in Gu Zheng's words, so her speed reached the limit in an instant.

The method of space used by the fat baby is teleportation, so the distance of each teleportation is not very far, so it can't appear directly beside Xuanyue like it did to Bai Wang and the others before.

Xuanyue's escape made the fat baby frown, as if it saw some fun toy, it chased after Xuanyue.

The fat baby's flying speed is very fast, coupled with the supernatural power of teleportation, it is actually very easy for it to catch up with Xuanyue. However, the fat baby is not in a hurry, it enjoys the feeling of catching up with Xuanyue just by its flying speed, and it is thinking about how to kill her when it catches up with Xuanyue.

"Master, what is this thing?"

Xuan Yue was also a little flustered, the flying speed of the fat baby was the only thing she had seen in this space world.

"It is probably what we want to get!" Gu Zheng said.

"Huh? Shouldn't it be the existence that guards what we want?"

Xuan Yue felt that it was more reasonable for this terrifying guy to guard what they wanted.

"No, the teacher thinks what we want to get is this thing, just like what we did to the chief, as long as we can kill it should be fine." Gu Zheng said.

"How do you kill this guy?"

Even though Xuan Yue has always refused to admit defeat, she is no longer what she was before. After all, she is not stupid, and the fat baby is almost invincible just because she can move instantly.

"You just fly like this, I will let you throw away the Anxin Orb when the right time is right, and then I will put it into the Anxin Orb to deal with it." Gu Zheng said.

The fat baby was getting closer and closer to Xuan Yue, and the confusion in its eyes became more and more confused as the distance between the two of them approached.

Suddenly, the confusion in Fat Baby's eyes turned into aura, and it widened its eyes and said, "Fate!"

"Wait a moment!"

The fat baby spoke to Xiang, and its voice had a magical effect similar to Gu Zheng's demonic words, so that both Xuan Yue and Gu Zheng could understand it.

Gu Zheng made Xuanyue stop, because the fat baby also stopped, and he also wanted to hear what the fat baby had to say.

"Isn't this what you look like?" the fat baby asked.

"This is my body state." Xuan Yue said.

"The main body?"

The fat baby is a little confused. Although it is powerful, it doesn't know what the body means.

"Change make it look."

Gu Zheng frowned slightly, and he felt that things seemed to have turned around.

Xuan Yue's body trembled, and the fat baby's eyes widened due to the charming image of a big beauty.

"Fate, fate!"

The fat baby yelled, with a very complicated voice.

"You've been talking about fate, what exactly is fate?" Xuan Yue asked.

"Can you talk to me?" The fat baby asked with complicated eyes.

"Aren't I talking to you now?" Xuan Yue frowned.

"I mean sitting together and talking." Fat Baby explained.

"Why are you sitting together?" Xuan Yue asked warily.

"I just want to be closer to you and tell you something."

Hearing what the fat baby said, the guarded Xuan Yue just wanted to refuse, Gu Zheng whispered: "Promise it, try to touch its body with your hands later, I have a feeling for the teacher, maybe the touch of the entrant It will make it what we want, which is a feeling born of the control over the fairy-level space fairy."


Xuan Yue agreed to the fat baby, and the two of them landed downwards. There happened to be a relatively fast rock nearby, and Xuan Yue sat down.


Looking at the fat baby standing two feet away from her, Xuanyue was a little confused. Didn't it say they wanted to sit together? Why are you sitting so far away now? In fact, Xuan Yue originally wanted the fat baby to sit as far away as possible, but in order to be able to try to touch, now the fat baby sat far away, which made her unhappy.

"I think it's better not to get too close to you. You don't like me anyway, so I just look at you and tell you what I want to say!"

The fat baby looked at Xuanyue, that kind of eyes made Xuanyue a little hairy, and reminded her of the previous space world, and wanted to catch her as Mrs. Yazhai's pot spirit.

"I just woke up today. At first I didn't know who I am, but later I learned something. I know that I am actually just a clay sculpture. I am a part of the level set by the master. The master arranged for me to belong to me. Fate, this fate has two different destinations. One is to find the two kings of the black and white chess pieces and kill them. Have freedom. Another destination is that I will be found by the entrant, if the entrant is male, then I can kill the entrant, if the entrant is female, I cannot kill, and her touch will end my life."

The fat baby paused, and Xuan Yue's heart trembled: "Since you know that my touch will end your life, why did you ask to sit closer in the first place?"

"You have a charming aura, which makes me want to get closer to you, but if I think about it carefully, I'll forget it. After all, you are an intruder. If you also know how to get me, I might say It was taken by you before it was finished."

Xuanyue didn't feel anything at first, but now she felt that the fat baby was a little silly: "Then why did you tell me these words?"

"Because you have a charming aura! I can't help but want to talk to you, but I don't know what to say." The fat baby said.

"I'm not talking about this. I'm talking about you, aren't you afraid that I didn't know how to get you, but now I know after you say it?" Xuan Yue said.

"It doesn't matter if you know, because you are my destiny. I originally planned to let you get it after I finished speaking."

Hearing what the fat baby said, Xuan Yue didn't say a word, she just looked at the fat baby with puzzled eyes.

Seeing Xuanyue's confused eyes, the fat baby said again: "There are two kinds of fate. I don't want the so-called freedom. Compared with the so-called freedom, I hope to go to the end under your hands." The fat baby said.


Xuan Yue is really curious about what the fat baby has experienced, and why she has such a desire to die.

"Because the so-called freedom is not the real freedom, the so-called end is the real freedom."

The fat baby paused, and then smiled slightly at Xuanyue: "Okay, I have nothing to say, you can get me now, and take this thing by the way, it is also useful to you."

The fat baby took out the white king piece, and then it closed its eyes as if waiting to die.

Xuan Yue looked at the fat baby with a strange expression for a while, and saw that it really wanted to die, so she walked to its side and tapped its body lightly with her fingers.

The fat baby's body shook, and then a burst of smoke floated out of its body, its body began to shrink, and finally turned into a rough fat baby clay sculpture.

When Gu Zheng appeared, Xuan Yue was still staring at the fat baby's clay sculpture in a daze.

"What's wrong?" Gu Zheng asked.


Xuan Yue shook her head and smiled: "I just think it's quite easy to get this thing."


Gu Zheng shook his head: "If it's not that you are not a woman, then this fat doll is a ruthless killer, it will cause a lot of headaches, if it is not that you are attractive enough to attract it, I feel that the fat doll may not choose to make the ending change Become a home!"

"Master, are you making fun of this disciple?" Xuan Yue said embarrassedly.

"No, I'm telling the truth as a teacher. First, it was the pot spirit in the space world before, and now it's this fat clay doll. It seems that I have an indescribable attraction to some monsters in this world! But no matter what How to put it, we got the most difficult thing to get." Gu Zheng smiled.

"Master, do you think it is more difficult to get than western things?" Xuan Yue asked again.

"Yes, that's what the western stuff is. The western stuff doesn't have the strength of the fat baby."

Gu Zheng picked up the white king piece, and a special feeling arose.

When he first saw the White King Chess, Gu Zheng already knew that the White King Chess was one of the items needed to leave this space world, but this item was not complete, and after getting the White King Chess, the special feeling came again. Gave him new guidance and made him understand more.

"Master, where are we going next?" Xuan Yue asked after hearing what Gu Zheng said.

"Let's go to the fairy array in the great lake! I really don't want to go to that place, but I have to go to that place." Gu Zheng said helplessly.

"Why?" Xuan Yue asked.

"After getting the white king piece, you will have a specific sense of where the black king is. That guy is now in the fairy formation of the Great Lakes, and after getting the black king, it will fuse with the white king piece, At that time, we will gather together the four items that leave this space world." Gu Zheng said.

The Black King was indeed in the fairy formation of the Great Lake at this time, and his only follower was following him.

Two days have passed since his awakening, and the despair on the Black King's face has become more and more intense. First, he sensed the death of his queen, and then those subordinates who would be resurrected the next day, Not a single one survived! It wasn't until this time that the black king understood that from the moment they awakened, they no longer had the ability to regenerate, and death was death.

In fact, the Black King is not unprepared for all this. If he hadn't been prepared, he wouldn't have come to this fairy formation in the great lake.

When he first awakened, the black king felt two kinds of mortal dangers, and these two kinds of dangers were different. One was that he felt that the danger was approaching, and this kind of danger was very serious, so he didn't act together with the black queen. The second danger is to lead the black king to the big lake. This sense of danger makes the black king feel that if things develop to the point that it is not willing to accept, then it can use this danger to bring everything to an end.

After entering the second layer of the Great Lake Immortal Formation and seeing the center of the Immortal Formation, the Black King instantly understood that the so-called ending everything means destroying the center when danger is approaching, so it is waiting, waiting for the danger. near.

Gu Zheng and Xuan Yue are the dangers that the Black King has never met, and Xuan Yue has also entered the Great Lakes at this time.

"Master, according to your previous guess, the black king is in the space of the double immortal formation, waiting for us to approach and destroy the center of the immortal formation, right?" Xuan Yue asked.

"That's right." Gu Zheng said.

"What is the danger of the master's double immortal formation?" Xuan Yue asked.

"Although I haven't entered the double immortal formation yet, after all the threads have accumulated together, I'm really worried that after the center of the double immortal formation is destroyed, there will be the kind of broken void that I don't want to see the most. And once this happens, it will be the danger of the double immortal formation." Gu Zheng said.

"Then, has Master thought of a good way to deal with that situation?" Xuan Yue asked again.

"No, but this time we can try to prevent that kind of thing from happening. After entering the still space of the first-level immortal formation, you can use the invisibility technique! It's best not to give the black king time to destroy the center."

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then he said: "However, this is just my master's idea. I haven't entered the space of the double fairy array yet, and I don't know what's going on inside. If there are other dangers in it, then It’s hard to say everything.”

The master and apprentice didn't say anything more, and when they were outside the fairy formation, Xuan Yue used the invisibility technique to enter it.

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