"It stands to reason that after passing this difficult test, the reward should be very generous! Then what is my reward?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Your reward is rich, and this reward is for you to eliminate disasters. Those who can enter the volcano must have disasters on them. If they can't complete the test of the disaster elimination space, then it is a certainty that they will die afterwards! Just like the entrant before you, the disaster she carried belongs to the third-level space, but she failed the test of the disaster-elimination space, so it is inevitable that the disaster is in the third-level space. What you carry Disasters, disasters belonging to the crater, if you fail the test of this disaster-elimination space, then you will definitely die in the crater, do you think this reward is rich?"

Hearing what the lava dwarf said, Gu Zheng immediately thought of the silver eel, because the place where it survived the catastrophe was in the crater.

"Enter, I am really optimistic about you, I think you are very likely to become the new owner of this fairy-level space artifact!" The lava dwarf said seriously.

"Oh? Why do you say that?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Because your control over the fairy-level space artifact has reached a very high level, it is precisely because of your control over the fairy-level space fairy that you have a special feeling, so you will Leave your subordinates who are carrying the disaster outside the door?"

Hearing what the lava dwarf said, Gu Zheng felt an indescribable feeling in his heart. He has always regarded the control of the fairy-level space fairy as one of his secrets, so he didn't even say it about the lava warhorse. However, it's just that he can have special feelings about some things. Among the talking monsters encountered along the way, some were curious about why Gu Zheng was so lucky, and Gu Zheng also did not explain to them.

From Gu Zheng's point of view, it's best not to talk about his control over the fairy-level space artifact, and don't mention it to those curious monsters here. However, the words of the lava dwarves made him understand that the entrant's control over the fairy-level space artifacts does not seem to be a secret, it's just that ordinary monsters cannot touch this secret. If you come into contact with the secrets, then naturally you can't hide it from the owner of the original fairy-level space fairy who arranged all this.

However, when the secret in his heart was revealed, Gu Zheng was not shocked, and he was very relieved when he returned, because before he always felt that the control of the fairy-level space fairy weapon was like a loophole. He made a lot of money, but now he doesn't have to worry about this loophole, which will cause dissatisfaction with the owner of the original fairy-level space fairy weapon. Although the original owner of the fairy-level space fairy weapon must have fallen, but the existence of that level, even if it is fallen, can still leave an eternal will in this fairy-level space fairy weapon, and such a will , is not a force that Gu Zheng can contend with at all.

Gu Zheng was still irritable before, and he would have such an incomprehensible special feeling about the control of fairy-level space artifacts, but now he is no longer irritable. If he didn't have that feeling of irritability, he shouldn't be on guard against the silver eel. If he wasn't on guard against the silver eel, then he definitely wouldn't have the feeling that he couldn't let the lava horse follow him in. After all, if he didn't let the lava horse follow in, what he was protecting was the silver eel in the lava horse's stomach.

What's more, from the lava dwarf's words, he has already heard that he has a high degree of control over the fairy-level space artifact, so that the lava dwarf thinks that he is very likely to be the next owner of the fairy-level space artifact. What else is there to worry about? At least you don't have to worry about that elusive special feeling.

"If I don't have a special feeling, what will happen if I let my subordinates follow in here?" Gu Zheng asked.

"If you let your subordinates follow you here, I will still eliminate the disaster for you if you are still able to complete the test, and I will get rid of the disaster that belongs to you! However, everything has two sides, and disasters can also happen It represents a chance, so you didn't let it follow you in, you are lucky enough, I will tell you the way to prevent the disaster, so as to achieve the purpose of eliminating the disaster for you, and such a disaster will eventually become a chance!" The lava dwarf laughed.

Hearing what the lava dwarf said, Gu Zheng was even more grateful for the special feeling that made him irritated before. If he didn't have that special feeling, he would let the lava horse follow him into this space, even if he could still complete the test in the end, but the lava dwarf gave him He eliminates the disaster by directly killing the silver eel, so that although the disaster disappears, the opportunity will also disappear with it! And with that special feeling that makes him irritated, the current situation has come into being. Not only will he get a way to prevent disasters, but he will also be able to turn disasters into opportunities. This is really a wonderful thing.

"Okay, all that needs to be said has been said, and now I will tell you how to prevent the disaster." The lava dwarf said.

"Wait a minute, can I ask you another question?" Gu Zheng said.

"Okay, I will answer what I can answer, and you don't have to ask more questions if I can't."

Hearing what the lava dwarf said, Gu Zheng nodded and said: "The mysterious energy that appears in the first and second floors, that is, the mysterious energy that can collect ashes, you should know what it is? Can you give me Tell me about it?"

"Enter, are you too cunning? Is this a problem? Is this a series of problems?" The lava dwarf smiled: "As for your series of problems, I can only say that you have already solved them. method, if there are no variables, then there is no danger!"

"Thank you!"

Gu Zheng thanked the lava dwarf. Although the lava dwarf said it very implicitly, he had already heard that the master behind the mysterious energy was the traitor in the mouth of the lava mirage dragon! After all, the lava dwarf said that he had the solution to the problem, which made Gu Zheng immediately think of the eyeball fairy weapon that the lava mirage dragon had changed.

The lava dwarves were already teaching the ancient struggle how to prevent disasters, and in the cave where the lava dragon lizard was located on the first floor, a voice came from the stone gate.

"Since you insist on being sacrifices so that I can show up earlier to help you kill the entrant who killed your king, then I reluctantly agree. You can die in peace now. I promise you that he will live It won't be long."

Hearing the sound coming from behind the stone gate, the heads of more than thirty lava dragon lizards that were lying on the ground quickly tapped their heads, as if they were kowtowing to thank them.

Like a gust of wind, the lava dragon lizards that kowtowed stopped their movements, their life energy disappeared instantly, and turned into a pair of ashes sculptures.

Silently, the ashes sculptures of more than thirty lava dragon lizards turned into piles of ashes, and these ashes seeped into the rock wall like what Gu Zheng had seen before.

Gu Zheng is the only one left in the disaster relief stone room. The lava dwarves have done what they should do and disappeared. Now Gu Zheng not only knows the way to stop the disaster, but also knows what the so-called chance is. This made him sigh with emotion, the previous feeling was really right, this was indeed an opportunity for the Lava Warhorse.

Gu Zheng, holding the fairy axe, walked out of the stone gate, and the lava horse immediately neighed happily, but since Gu Zheng didn't say what happened inside, as his subordinate, he didn't ask much. It has been judged from the fluctuation that the ax in Gu Zheng's hand is the key to the third-level space.

Taking the lava horse and lava skull up the winding ladder, Gu Zheng put the fairy ax into the groove of the cloud barrier, and the cloud barrier gradually became transparent, and the feeling of being transported was born again.

After the alternation of light and darkness, Gu Zheng appeared in the third-floor space inside the volcano. This third-floor space looks very similar to the second-floor space. The only difference is that there is only one cave in the second-floor space, and the caves here are densely packed. Like the inside of an anthill.

The third floor space is indeed an ant nest, and Gu Zheng soon saw densely packed lava ants emerge from the ant nest.

The body size of the Lava Ant-Man looks like a normal person. They only have a human-like torso, but they have four sharp-edged legs and a pair of huge pincers, and their heads are like ants.

"My God! It seems that this time we are going to use the terrain to fight?"

According to the law that monsters are stronger than each other, although Gu Zheng has not yet known exactly what the strength of these lava antmen is, but from the number, he has already felt that this is not a battle that can be fought hard, and there must be Appropriate tactics will do.

The most favorable terrain for Gu Zheng and the others is the spiral staircase. As a passage connecting the space, there is no doubt about its firmness. Once Gu Zheng and the others reach the spiral staircase, it can be said that it is an advantage that one man can guard against ten thousand men.

However, Gu Zheng and the others appeared in this space near the cave wall. There is still a distance from the spiral staircase in the center of the space, so he has ordered the lava skeletons and lava horses to go up the spiral staircase. As for him, Is in charge of the queen.

"Crack clap clap!"

The explosions continued, and Gu Zheng swung his flame whip to drive away the lava ants who wanted to stop the lava horse and lava skeleton, and successfully escorted the lava horse and lava skeleton up the spiral ladder.

Being able to escort the lava horses and lava skeletons up the spiral ladder without any danger, in addition to the timely decision of Gu Zheng, there is also the fact that although these lava antmen are large in number, their individual strength is not as good as the lava dragon in the first layer of space. Lizards are not as good as the lava dwarves in the second floor, so they can be easily whipped away by Gu Zheng's flame whip. They are the kind of monsters that show their strength by their numbers. Another point is that these ant-men don't know magic tricks. That is to say, a pure brute force attack. If you can't get close to the lava horse and lava skeleton, you can't attack them naturally.

In the terrain where one man guards the gate and ten thousand men cannot open it, Gu Zheng chopped a lava ant-man who dared to climb the spiral ladder into flying, or chopped it to pieces. And monsters like lava ant-man are rather strange. After they died, they didn't turn into ashes, nor did they dissipate into nothingness. They just turned into corpses piled up on the ground.

Gu Zheng was beheading the Lava Ant-Man. Although the Lava Horse was inconvenient to participate in the battle, the Lava Skeletons who could throw axes were not idle. They frantically threw one after another capable of exploding axes downward, because the Lava Ant-Man Because of the large number, the number of Lava Antmen killed by their explosive axes is greater than that of Gu Zheng.

Although there were quite a few dead lava ants, there were still many lava ants below the spiral staircase, densely packed like nearly a thousand of them.

Gu Zheng killed the lava ant-man very well. He was harvesting the life of the lava ant-man with his sword in his hand and his sword in his hand. However, there is worry in Gu Zheng's heart. First of all, since this is a lava ant-man's lair, there must be a lava queen here, and the lava queen is undoubtedly a demon king. Secondly, Gu Zheng already knew that the entrant before him died in this layer of space and existed in another form. The lava dwarf also said that he would definitely meet him, which made Gu Zheng suspicious. , Was the original entrant so miserable that he became a lava queen!

Devil-level monsters are naturally powerful. Lava dwarves are easy to be defeated by Gu Zheng when they are fighting against Gu Zheng because of the disaster elimination test, but the real monster-level monsters are not so easy to deal with. It is the lava dragon lizard king of the first floor. Although it is only the demon king of the first floor space, it is not easy for Gu Zheng to deal with it. If it is not for the help of a powerful existence like the lava giant, it will be difficult for him to take the lava dragon lizard king. Down.

If the fourth entrant has become the original ant queen, then according to Gu Zheng's guess, this can definitely be regarded as a strengthened ant queen, and it is undoubtedly a hard stubble.

With all kinds of considerations in his mind, and the lava ant-man seemed to be endless, how could Gu Zheng feel at ease.

"Why doesn't the ant queen appear? If it's just an ordinary ant queen, it's okay to say that it is an immobile egg-laying machine, but this is the ant queen who has been transformed from the fourth entrant. She shouldn't be just an ant-laying machine." The egg machine is right!"

"It stands to reason that before I entered the third-level space, the third-level space was still. From the time I entered the third-level space, everything in this space will come alive! Could it be that the lava queen at this time Is it in the weak period of spawning? Or is it an inconvenient period, so it hasn't appeared until now?"

The more Gu Zheng thought about it, the more he felt uneasy. He felt that he could no longer kill these lava ant-men in this simple way. Otherwise, who knows when he will end up killing them, he would have to use some other means. . When thinking of this, Gu Zheng couldn't help but glanced back at the lava skull, and suddenly felt a little overwhelmed. Although the lava skull can accept several simple commands now, under the current situation, they naturally It's better to use subordinates who can't fully obey orders! Gu Zheng is not afraid that they will put on a defensive posture when they leave the spiral staircase, but he is most afraid that they will think that he will be in danger and mess up!

The flame wings spread out behind Gu Zheng. Gu Zheng wanted to fly to a suitable place to land, but the lava ant-men on the ground seemed to be aiming at him. He was flying in the air, and the lava ant-man was moving below him , which made it impossible for him to find a sufficient gap to fall. After all, although the Lava Ant-Man is not as powerful as the Lava Dragon Lizard, his individual strength is not too weak, and judging from the current situation, if he really dares to fall, then the place where he landed is definitely not an open space, and he will not When he falls to the ground, there will be a pile of pliers to meet him, even he can't bear this kind of scene.

There is no way, Gu Zheng who flew back to the winding ladder again can only ride the lava horse. He wants to use the lava horse's teleportation to reach a suitable open space.

It's not that Gu Zheng didn't think of reaching a suitable open space through the instantaneous movement of the lava horse, but there are too many lava ants after all, and the strength of the lava horse itself will become a little dangerous in this situation, so riding Going to battle with it is not the first choice for Gu Zheng.

Through the instantaneous movement of the lava horse, it is very easy to find the open space that Gu Zheng wants to land, and Gu Zheng's lava hammer is long enough, and he can launch a blow directly on the ground without dismounting from the horse.

Gu Zheng has never launched a regretful blow in such a dense place of monsters, so the effect of this regretful blow is very good, more than two hundred lava ants were fixed in place!

"Seven seconds to freeze!"

Gu Zheng was overjoyed, he already knew Lava Ant-Man's immobilization time, although this time was not too long, it was not too short either.

Gu Zheng swung the lava hammer and began to smash. Since the lava ants are relatively dense, Gu Zheng can sweep away a few lava ants with one swing of the hammer. He has to seize the limited time to try to kill a few more lava ants.

One after another, the lava ant-men were swept away by Gu Zheng, but the surrounding lava ant-men who were not immobilized were also running towards him. It can be said that they did not wait for Gu Zheng to swing the lava hammer a few times, within a certain range The lava ants inside will be denser than the previous ones.

The lava warhorse looks at all directions, and walks through the densely packed lava antmen with Gu Zheng. Although these lava antmen can only fight hand-to-hand, their legs are as sharp as blades, and their exaggerated pincers make people feel terrifying at first glance. The power is inside.

The lava horse ran with Gu Zheng in order to wait for the characteristics of Gu Zheng's lava hammer to be activated again. Although this time was short and its posture was flexible enough, there were too many lava ants. In a short period of time, there were several scratches on the lava horse's body by the legs of the lava ant-man, and even a lava ant-man saw the right time and used pliers to tear off a large piece of "flesh" from the lava horse's wound .


Gu Zheng's lava hammer hit the ground again, and this time more lava ants were immobilized.

"Master, why don't I start the sea of ​​fire?"

The lava horse sent a voice to Gu Zheng's mind. The injury it suffered was not considered a minor injury, but the damage of the lava ant-man has characteristics, so the lava horse, which shouldn't feel pain from this kind of injury, is really hurting at this moment. Grinning.

"No, the sea of ​​fire is not very effective at this time."

The sound transmission speed of the mind is very fast, so it doesn't waste any time. The supernatural power of the sea of ​​fire is not only activated by the lava horse, but also by the ancient battle, but the monsters they encountered are not very afraid of the flame, so It's useless. The Lava Warhorse naturally knew this too, but seeing that Gu Zheng had to deal with so many monsters alone, he couldn't help but feel a little anxious, and hated that he was not strong enough to help Gu Zheng more. Of course, his anxiety also had something to do with the lava Ant-Man's hatred is inside.

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