Gu Zheng has a deep knowledge of illusion, especially after he got the Heart Demon Orb, he already felt that there should be very few illusions in the world that can really fool him! However, he was completely deceived by an illusion just now. If the picture hadn't been broken in the end, he really felt that he had gone back to the past through the gate of time, or entered a parallel space, but now it seems that there is no That's not the case.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The lava mirage smiled, and beside it, the female lava mirage had been torn into a pile of pieces.

"What's the matter? Haven't you woke up from the shock yet?"

The lava mirage was still laughing, as if it had seen something particularly interesting.

"Indeed, I didn't expect that I would be completely deceived by an illusion."

Gu Zheng smiled wryly, and stretched out his hand to caress the illusory air.

"So, your main body is already very high in illusion?" Lava Mirage asked.


Gu Zheng nodded, still with a wry smile in his heart, but this wry smile was not because he felt helpless, but because he felt a little belatedly.

A mirage originally refers to an illusory scene, and shellfish monsters like mirages are very good at illusions. As a human being in two lifetimes, the main body killed not ten but eight shellfish monsters that could perform illusions. However, in this relatively difficult space world, he ignored the physical signs of the lava mirage dragon. This guy already has shell-like wings. Or, if you look at it, you will feel that it should be a cross between a dragon and some kind of shellfish! However, shellfish belonged to water, and lava belonged to fire. After combining these two incompatible attributes, Gu Zhengzhen ignored its ability to create illusions like mirages.

"Actually, it's nothing. This so-called purgatory is originally an illusion. You have not been attacked here, and you have not killed other monsters. Naturally, you have not discovered the fact that it is an illusion. You just think it is a mysterious realm. , It is precisely because you have entered the illusion of illusion without knowing that this is an illusion, so you have entered the drama too deeply! However, I believe that your body is very familiar with the way of illusion, so if it is you The main body has fallen into such an illusion, even if you are not attacked or killed in this illusion, I think you can quickly see through it, so as to avoid entering the illusion in the illusion." Lava Mirage Dragon said.

Gu Zheng didn't say anything, he just smiled, this smile is a smile, because what the lava mirage dragon said is indeed true, if he entered such an illusion, such an illusion would not even count as a hair.

"However, as the saying goes, if there is a loss, there will be a gain, and if there is a gain, there will be a loss. Opportunity is really so unpredictable. If you didn't see through the illusion, how could you enter the place where people can find opportunities? What about the illusion in the illusion?"

Hearing what Lava Mirage Dragon said, Gu Zheng nodded: "I really want to thank you for finding this opportunity!"

If it is a general lava monster, even if it is the lava dwarf king who told Gu Zheng how to resolve the disaster, Gu Zheng didn't say anything to it, because Gu Zheng knew that it was the responsibility of these monsters. However, the lava mirage is different, especially after experiencing the illusion in the illusion, Gu Zheng has a feeling that the lava mirage has changed from an ordinary lava monster, because of his original questioning, it has brought more communication , until it becomes different from what it is now.

"Actually, you don't need to thank me, these are still my duties, but I want to thank you. If you didn't ask too many questions back then, we wouldn't have had such a relationship, and neither would I. It may be like now, a real rebirth!" Lava Mirage Dragon said.

"A real rebirth?" Gu Zheng asked.

"You should have heard a lot of monsters mentioning the Land of Freedom, right? The monsters that can enter the Land of Freedom are all monsters that have fulfilled their promises, and these monsters that have fulfilled their promises, once the fairy-level space fairy has new owners, they can leave the land of freedom. However, fulfilling the agreement does not mean that they are truly reborn, because most of them do not have the bodies that belonged to them, so even if they are in this state Once I am free, my strength will be greatly reduced! But I am different. I was only left with a remnant soul. Because of you, now I not only have a sound soul, but also have a real body that is originally mine. I am so special Existence, it is the first one in the Land of Freedom!"

As if to show that he has really become different, the lava mirage dragon's voice landed and transformed into a human, which is the appearance of the handsome man that Gu Zheng saw in the illusion in the illusion.

"That's really congratulations!"

Gu Zheng laughed. He knew that the lava mirage must have benefited a lot after killing the female lava mirage.

"It is precisely because of the difference that I can talk less with you. Now let's not talk too much, let's talk about this test! First of all, I am very sorry to tell you that the reward corresponding to your opportunity is not Not rich." Lava Mirage Dragon said.

"I know, because you have reminded me that danger is always directly proportional to opportunity!"

It is really not surprising that the ancient disputes, some things may be confused when the authority is in charge, but after getting out of the game, you can figure it out quickly.

"That's right, the opportunity rewards this time are very generous, but the danger level is also very high. For example, if you go to the underground stone chamber, or you go to the Fire Demon King. As the saying goes, you have to lose. If you choose me, who has a very low level of danger, or even no danger, as the breakthrough point of the opportunity, then the reward you have found for this opportunity will naturally not be rich." Lava Mirage Dragon said.

"Tell me, what is my chance?"

Gu Zheng smiled slightly. For him, as long as he can survive, this opportunity is already a great opportunity, and he has already made money.

"You have a good control over immortal space artifacts. This lowest reward is a bit useless for you!"

The lava mirage paused, and then said: "Take out your eyeball fairy."

Gu Zheng took out the eyeball fairy artifact, and as soon as the lava mirage pointed at the eyeball fairy artifact, Gu Zheng immediately understood what the so-called tasteless reward was this time.

Originally, Gu Zheng just knew that he couldn't use the supernatural power left in the Eye Bead Immortal Artifact unless it was a last resort, but Gu Zheng didn't have a clear concept in his mind when it was a last resort. Just like the supernatural power that was used before, if he hadn't already guessed the time very closely, he was really sure whether the eyeball fairy would be beating so violently at that time. But now, the lava mirage dragon has changed the eyeball fairy again, which makes Gu Zheng directly feel that when the moment of last resort comes, even if he doesn't need to take out the eyeball fairy, the eyeball fairy will jump out and activate the supernatural power !

After knowing the supernatural power of the eyeball fairy artifact, Gu Zheng was a little startled, this is not a tasteless reward, this experience is too powerful in a sense! For Gu Zheng, the only last resort he can think of is when encountering a monster of the level of the female lava mirage dragon, and monsters of that level have the strength to easily kill Gu Zheng! If the Eye Bead Immortal Artifact hadn't undergone the change of the Lava Mirage Dragon, Gu Zheng was actually quite afraid of encountering that kind of time. After all, at that time, if he couldn't handle it properly, he might end up dead! But now it’s all right, Gu Zheng doesn’t have to worry about that time anymore, because he knows that once that time comes, the Eyeball Immortal Artifact will activate its magical power by itself, and since the Eyeball Immortal Artifact will activate its magical power at that time, the one that originally belonged to There must be a life in the dead game.

"See you soon!"

The words before the lava mirage disappeared made Gu Zheng's eyes brighten, but then he narrowed his eyes.

The last time the Lava Mirage said goodbye by fate, and then in this dangerous time, because he used the magic power of the eyeball fairy, the Lava Mirage appeared to solve his troubles for him, which made Gu Zheng guess. In other words, does it imply that they will meet again? So since we will see each other again, will it be after the eyeball fairy activates its magical power? However, Gu Zheng also felt that he might be thinking too much, because the tone of the lava mirage's farewell this time was really the same as a normal parting speech.

The lava mirage disappeared, and the purgatory space also disappeared, and Gu Zheng once again appeared in the fourth floor space.

Anger, rage, rage!

Gu Zheng, who had just regained his sobriety in the fourth-floor space, saw the anger in his heart soar two levels in an instant. He saw the lava horse fighting and the lava skeleton lying on the ground.


Seeing that Gu Zheng finally woke up, the lava horse hurriedly reported the situation to Gu Zheng.

After falling into the illusion of the female lava mirage dragon, Gu Zheng's body is of course still in the fourth-level space, but the fourth-level space is not peaceful. Not long after, a group of fifty humanoid monsters came out of the cold space. Tanzhong crawled out.

These human-shaped monsters crawled out of the cold pool, but from the appearance, people can't tell the difference between male and female. Their bodies look all the same. There is no hair on the round head, no ears and nose, only a pair of dead fish Eyes and a mouth like a black hole. Not only can they use their arms to turn into ice hammers to attack, but they can also release cold currents, and this kind of cold current is not like ordinary ice crystals. It has a lower coldness and has a lot of damage to lava skulls and lava horses. .

Although the lava skeletons were injured, their defensive barriers were still very strong, but they didn't last long in front of the cold pool monsters. The cold pool monsters broke through the lava skulls' defensive barriers. It was because the lava skeletons suffered backlash again. After the two backlashes added up, they were completely injured and seriously injured. In the case of a sharp drop in combat effectiveness, they were finally brought down one by one by the cold pool monsters. .

The loyal Lava Warhorse naturally participated in the whole battle, and its Burning Void Purple Flame is indeed very lethal to the monsters in the cold pool, but the Lava Warhorse's Burning Void Purple Flame cannot be used indefinitely, so in When only eight of the fifty cold pool monsters were killed, it could no longer release the Fenxu Ziyan, so it could only focus on saving its life in the fourth layer of space, waiting for Gu Zheng to wake up.

Fortunately, when Gu Zheng entered the illusion, his body in the fourth-floor space was protected by the power of law. Otherwise, even if he was protected by lava horses and lava skeletons, his corpse would have been cold at this moment.

Gu Zheng is already beheading the cold pool monsters. Although these cold pool monsters are powerful, they are still unable to escape the doom of being immobilized under the special attack of the lava hammer. Although Gu Zheng's lava hammer has no magical powers to display , but characteristic attacks can still immobilize them.

"Go to hell!"

The angry Gu Zheng swung the lava hammer at the immobilized cold pool monsters. These cold pool monsters are indeed very powerful. Even with the strength of Gu Zheng, it takes two hammers to kill one, and they The time of being immobilized was relatively short, only three seconds, Gu Zheng had just crushed two immobilized cold pool monsters to death, and the other six had already woken up.

The six cold pool monsters sprayed cold mist towards Gu Zheng almost at the same time. Although Gu Zheng hated these guys, he didn't dare to take it too seriously. After all, it was the simultaneous attack of the six cold pool monsters.

After avoiding the cold mist of the cold pool monster, Gu Zheng rode on the lava horse and took the cold pool monster for a few turns. When the characteristics of the lava hammer can be activated again, he smashed the remaining cold pool monster with a hammer. fixed body.

"Go to hell!"

Gu Zheng used very violent means to smash the bodies of the cold pool monsters like ice sculptures. This time, after killing two of them again, the rest of the cold pool monsters came to life.

The cold pool monsters who woke up seemed to have a better sense of fighting. Two of them launched a cold mist attack towards Gu Zheng, and the other two flew towards Gu Zheng at the same time. It soared three feet and became as sharp as an ice hammer.

Gu Zheng is still riding on the lava horse. Even though the fighting consciousness of the cold pool monsters has improved, it is still difficult for them to attack Gu Zheng.

The lava warhorse led Gu Zheng to avoid it, and Gu Zheng shot out a flame whip, entangled a cold pool monster that was flying over.

The cold pool monster is very powerful, but after being entangled by Gu Zheng's long flame whip, even the uneasy life becomes unavoidable.

Gu Zheng swung his flame whip and used the cold pool monster as a meteor hammer, and smashed it hard on another cold pool monster.

The long flame whip drew various lines in the air, and the sound of explosions followed continuously. It was the sound of cold pool monsters smashing each other.

Finally, with the final bang, the fourth-floor space returned to silence, and the remaining eight cold pool monsters after Gu Zheng woke up were all eliminated.

Gu Zheng was very upset. He didn't expect that after he came out of the illusion, all his capable generals would look like this.

The Lava Skeletons have always been very strong. This kind of strength is not only their combat effectiveness, but also their recovery ability.

However, lava skeletons also have a big weakness, that is, they will not restore their injuries through breath adjustment like Gu Zheng and lava horses. They seem to lose their ability to recover after their injuries reach a certain level, just like their original The bones were burned into iron rods, and there was no way to restore them by themselves. It was through the ancient struggle to fulfill the agreement of the lava frog that the lava frog restored them to their original appearance.

However, although lava skeletons have such a big disadvantage, they also have an extremely powerful advantage. Their vitality is extremely strong. When the ancient war conquered them, even if they were beaten to the point of immobility, they still did not die. vitality.

The current lava skeletons are in the same state as when Gu Zheng conquered them, lying on the ground as if they were dead, but their vitality is still there.

Gu Zheng was very worried because he didn't have the means to cure the lava skull.

However, Gu Zheng is not too worried. Since the matter happened in the fourth floor, there may be a solution in the fourth floor. After all, the matter did not end here. Those dead monsters in the cold pool are now turning into a stream of cold, rushing towards the cold pool as if they were summoned.

Under normal circumstances, Gu Zheng would definitely prevent these cold currents, just like he would have prevented the ashes in the first layer of space from seeping into the rock wall. However, now is an extraordinary period, and since he was still thinking about the turning point that could cure the lava skull, Gu Zheng did not stop the cold current. After all, cold snaps may represent danger or opportunity.

After the cold current merged into the cold pool, the liquid in the cold pool rolled like boiling water. With a bang, a fountain-like effect was produced from the cold pool, and a chubby guy rushed out of the cold pool with the fountain When seeing this chubby guy, Gu Zheng's eyes couldn't help but narrowed.

If the previous cold pool monster looked a bit like a human, then the chubby guy who rushed out of the cold pool now looks very human! It's like a teenage fat kid with braids upside down, still wearing a bellyband.

Gu Zheng was surprised when he saw the fat boy, not only because the fat boy looked too human, but more importantly, the pattern on the fat boy's bellyband was the common pattern of fish leaping over the dragon's gate among the patterns of children's bellybands in the prehistoric world!


As soon as the fat boy appeared, he opened his mouth and sprayed a cold mist towards Gu Zheng. This cold mist was very large, almost equivalent to the amount sprayed out by the six cold pool monsters before, and the speed was still very fast. With the body of the lava horse The posture is barely dodged.


The fat boy made a curious sound, because he found that Gu Zheng hadn't made a move on him, and kept staring at his bellyband.

"Enter, do you know this bellyband?" The fat boy actually spoke.

"I've seen it!" Gu Zheng nodded.

"Enter, are you the same person as me?" The fat boy stared at the road.

"That's right, I'm from the Great Desolation." Gu Zheng said.


The fat boy suddenly turned his head and shouted excitedly at Han Tan.

In fact, there is no need for the fat boy to turn around and shout, because when he heard Gu Zheng say that he came from the prehistoric, a fountain spewed out from the calm cold pool, and a figure also rushed out of the fountain.

The figure rushing out of the fountain looks like its body is formed of cold spring water, but it is more like a person in the prehistoric. Whether it is the hairstyle or the clothing that is transformed on the body, it looks like a cultivator in the prehistoric.

"Enter, are you from the wilderness?" Brother Hanquan asked.

"That's right! I'm from the Great Desolation." Gu Zheng said.

"I am the ultimate in the fourth-level space. No matter what method you use, as long as you can see you, then your test will come. This test is divided into two types, one is made by the original fairy-level space fairy The other is my obsession, I can choose to give you that kind of test, you have no room to refuse! My obsession is divided into seven types, corresponding to seven different tests, But since you are from the wilderness, I will give you the one of the seven tests that suits you best!" said the monk Hanquan.

"I want to know what the reward of the test is first." Gu Zheng thought for a while.

"There are eight kinds of rewards, and there are corresponding rewards for tests of different difficulty levels. You don't need to ask more about this, anyway, I don't have the right to change the rewards!" Brother Hanquan said.

"It's fine that the rewards of the original mission can't be changed, but I need to do one thing for me!" Gu Zheng said.

Brother Hanquan frowned, and glanced at the lava skeletons that fell on the ground: "You want me to save them?"

"That's right, they were injured by the things in your cold pool, and there is a cold current in their bodies that I can't get rid of." Gu Zheng said.

"Yes, this is not considered a violation, but the premise is that you can complete the task I gave you!" Brother Hanquan said.

"Then tell me about your mission!" Gu Zheng said.

"I need you to go back to Honghuang and help me find two statues."

Brother Hanquan gave Gu Zheng a detailed explanation, and after listening to Brother Hanquan's detailed explanation, Gu Zheng's eyes couldn't help but narrowed. This is really not an easy task.

Brother Hanquan's so-called elaboration did not provide too many clues to Gu Zheng, it just remembered that it and its son, that is, the little fat man, died in the process of retreat. However, because they were taken into this relatively difficult space world by the original fairy-level space fairy master after death, and became a part of this space world, their memory is missing! It only remembered that the sculpture that was very important to it and its son was in the cave where they retreated, and that cave was in an extremely cold place, and then there were no other details.

There are too many extremely cold places in the prehistoric world, and the areas are different in size. Finding a cave in such an environment is not much different from finding a needle in a haystack! The only good thing is that Brother Hanquan said that their original cave is still there, and no one has entered it yet.

Gu Zheng is really a headache. This is a test that he cannot refuse, because if he refuses, Brother Hanquan will kill him directly. Gu Zheng has no doubts about the strength of Brother Hanquan.

After accepting the test, Brother Hanquan opened a space door that allowed Gu Zheng to leave this space world. If Gu Zheng has completed the test by then, he will return to the fourth-floor space again as long as he moves his mind. And the period of this test is also very long, a full ten years, once Gu Zheng leaves the fourth floor space, everything in the fourth floor space will be in a static state until he comes back again.

Faced with such a troublesome test, Gu Zheng has no choice.

However, compared to the last time he left this space world, Gu Zheng felt much more at ease. After all, when he left this space world last time, Gu Zheng wanted to come back early to save Xuanyue, for fear that Xuanyue might have trouble with the Fire Demon King. However, after many observations by the lava horse and a comprehensive analysis of his understanding of the space world, he felt that since the Fire Demon King sealed Xuanyue in something like a crystal, he would not treat Xuanyue What about Yue, because he is the real entrant, it was only an accident that the Fire Demon King captured Xuan Yue, and the person the Fire Demon King was really waiting for returned him.

Since it was inevitable to leave the fourth-floor space temporarily, Gu Zheng didn't stay longer. After explaining a few words about the lava horse, he left the fourth-floor space through the space door opened to him by monk Hanquan.

After Gu Zheng left the fourth-floor space, the place where he appeared was his cave, and beside him was a fairy-level space artifact in the shape of a soaring boat.

Gu Zheng, who walked out of the cave, is about to return to the cultivation world. The period of this test is ten years, which is not a short period of time. What he has to do now is to see if anything has happened there recently after returning to the cultivation world. Things, by the way, in your free time, go to those known extremely cold places to see if you will gain anything.

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