The head of Lengshuimen has entered the cave with the middle and high level of the two doors. At this moment, there is no one in the cave, because whether it is Gu Zhengyi or the three heads of the door, they are all on the second and third floors of the triple fairy formation. layer.

Due to the complexity of the triple fairy formation, if someone is in the fairy formation and the fairy formation is destroyed from the outside, then the space in the fairy formation will become a static space, so now the head of Lengshuimen has to do The only thing to do is to break the fairy formation from the outside.

The triple fairy array is divided into three layers. They are both integrated and separate. The leader of Lengshuimen doesn't want to destroy the fairy array completely, he only needs to break the first two layers of the fairy array from the outside. But even if this is the case, the resources needed to arrange the triple fairy formation will suffer serious losses because of the destruction of the fairy formation this time.

At this moment, Gu Zheng is in the second-layer fairy formation of the triple fairy formation. This is a yellow sand world, and it is also a killing formation. The monster transformed from the formation looks like a huge worm. Not only can it walk freely in the sand, it can also spray venom, and it can also release light with powerful decomposition capabilities.

However, no matter how powerful the array is, the strength it can display is only equivalent to the appearance of the middle stage of Jinxian. Such strength is nothing in the eyes of Gu Zheng. For such a rare thing as an array weapon, he had already smashed the worms that showed off their might into insect cakes.

Gu Zheng already knew where the worm's weakness was, and the worm had been beaten by him with the Qianqiu reincarnation pen so that he dared not come out of the ground. However, as the formation spirit in the second-layer fairy formation, it is impossible to avoid it like a real monster. After a few seconds, it will have to get out to face Gu Zheng, and that is the time for Gu Zheng to take it down up.

The underground worm has emerged in the distance, and Gu Zheng has already flown towards it. The Qianqiu reincarnation pen in his hand is pointing to a seemingly inconspicuous red spot on its colorful body, and that is where it is. where the weakness lies.

However, just when Gu Zheng was about to take down the worm, the whole space suddenly trembled, and everything was still.

"Still Space!"

Gu Zheng laughed. When he knew that this was the triple fairy formation, Gu Zheng knew that the hidden danger was the static space. After all, Gu Zheng has experienced many triple immortal formations, and he has also experienced static space several times.

For cultivators below the Golden Immortal Realm, encountering a static space is a terrible thing, because when the static space is created, almost everything in this world is in a static state. This static state will then become a part of the static space, and if you want to break this static state, unless your body can move! Wanting to move the body seems to be a very simple matter, but in the still space, although the mind of the immortal cultivator is not stilled, but the immortal power is stilled. If you want to activate the immortal weapon to help you move, this It is impossible.

For cultivators above the Golden Immortal Realm, the stillness of space is not terrible, because cultivators who have reached this realm basically already have supernatural powers in the fairy realm. After coming out of the fairyland, the space static effect on them will naturally be eliminated.

Of course, the triple fairy formation also has strengths and weaknesses, and the still spaces created by the triple fairy formation are also different! Just like the static space that Gu Zheng is now trapped in, it is the more powerful one, and it can even limit the immortal realm of the immortal cultivator! Because of this, it is regarded as the last resort by the three elders of Lengshuimen. Otherwise, it would be ridiculous to use tricks such as static space when he knew that Gu Zheng's cultivation base was at least the Golden Immortal Realm. one thing.

When Gu Zheng first explored the Triple Immortal Formation, he had an awareness of its strength, so when this kind of static space that can limit the Immortal Formation appeared, Gu Zheng was not surprised at all. However, Gu Zheng was not in a hurry to break his static state, because he wanted to see how the people who broke the immortal formation from the outside would die!

The first two floors of the triple fairy array were broken, and the sight that appeared in front of the head of Lengshuimen and the others was very strange. There was a slightly shiny thing floating in the air. The thing was the size of a watermelon, and it looked like a It is a transparent bubble, but there is a world in that bubble, which is the static space where Gu Zheng is, so they can see that Gu Zheng in the space is already in a static state.

Although the static space looks small, it is not something like the head of Lengshuimen can shake it, let alone someone like him can't shake it, even Da Luo Jinxian may not be able to destroy it! Although the head of the Lengshuimen cannot destroy the static space from the outside, they can go in, and they will not be affected by the law of static when they enter the static space. They can go in and kill Gu Zheng, who seems to be unable to move at all. scary guy.

"What are you waiting for? Go in and kill him!"

The second elder couldn't help urging, if it wasn't for the fact that the third layer of the immortal formation was destroyed twice, they wouldn't be able to escape from the eyes of the formation within a certain period of time. Destroy this terrible fellow! This kind of terrible guy can't die for a moment, and his heart can't be peaceful for a moment.


The head of Lengshuimen hurriedly replied to the second elder, and then glanced at the two companions beside him.

Although Gu Zheng seems to be motionless now, the leader of Lengshuimen has an indescribable fear of him, so since he wants to enter the still space to kill Gu Zheng, it is better for the three of them to go together.

The other two high-level people in the door didn't want to go, and they were also afraid of ancient disputes, but the head of the door had already given a silent order with their eyes, and they were determined to go, so the three of them touched the static with their fingers together. space.

There was a flash of white light on their bodies, and the three heads of the Lengshuimen who touched the still space with their fingers were instantly sucked into the still space.

The three heads of the Lengshuimen who were sucked into the still space, although they were not affected by the law of stillness, since they have reached the still space, they naturally have to follow the laws of this world, that is, they can't go out casually now, think To get out, one must take the correct route and enter the third layer of the triple immortal formation like breaking the formation.

Now that the prey has entered, Gu Zheng naturally won't let the stillness continue. He just moved his mind, and ripples like ripples appeared in the void, which is the manifestation of the power of Tao.

Although the static space is so powerful that even the fairyland can be restricted, the Taoism is undoubtedly above the fairyland, not to mention the supreme avenue like the way of space, so when there are ripples in the void, Gu Zheng's body has disappeared.

The three heads of Lengshuimen screamed like a ghost. When they saw the ripples of Dao power in the void, they had already launched an attack, but it was a pity that the place he attacked was empty. Struggle had already appeared beside them, and the pen of Qianqiu reincarnation pen stabbed their souls, making them feel the fear of death.

Gu Zheng wanted to kill a few unsightly guys, but he didn't torture them, he just ended their lives as quickly as possible, so there were three more corpses under his feet soon.


After collecting the things that the three leaders of Lengshuimen could use, Gu Zheng smiled into the void. He knew that the elders of Lengshuimen could see his smile, and he would go to them soon.

The three elders of Lengshuimen naturally also saw Gu Zheng's smile, and they also laughed, but it was just a miserable smile. They knew they had lost, and the comeback completely disappeared following Gu Zheng's teleportation.

Gu Zheng flew to the side of the huge worm, and planted the red spots on its body with the Qianqiu reincarnation pen in his hand, and the worm's body also burst into a dazzling light, and then its body gradually shrank, and finally turned into a piece like amber. General spirit.

After receiving the formation spirit, Gu Zheng's body started to run in a still space like a snake. Before he ran for a long time, the sight in front of him changed.

Gu Zheng entered the third space of the triple immortal formation, but he still couldn't see where the three elders of Lengshuimen were. As the eyes of the formation, they were still hidden by the formation space.

The third-floor space looks very similar to the magma world. In front of Gu Zheng is a passage with magma lakes on both sides of the passage.

Seeing the magma lake, Gu Zheng couldn't help feeling a little annoyed. If it wasn't for the test in the magma world, how could he waste time here with these little fish.

Gu Zheng didn't leave immediately, he was sensing the structure of the space, he wanted to force out the three elders of Lengshuimen directly, once he forced out the three elders who were the eyes of the formation, then there would be no more With the ultimate move triggered by a wrong step, he can accomplish what he wants to do by directly destroying the eye of the formation.

Although the three elders of Lengshuimen are desperate, they are already ready to fight to the death, so their attack on Gu Zheng has already appeared.

It was as if three fountains were born in the tumbling magma, and these three fountains transformed into three different forms in the air, a fish, a dragon and a magma monster.

Gu Zheng's divine sense has already cut off the tail between him and the body, so even if he is sensing the space of the fairy array, it will not affect his battle, and these majestic magma monsters are nothing in his eyes. neither.

The Qianqiu reincarnation pen was shaking in Gu Zheng's hands. After the tip of the pen spread out, the space seemed to be distorted, and all the magma monsters that were close to the twisted waves were all torn into magma.

Despair soared from the hearts of the three elders again. This time, Gu Zheng used the Qianqiu reincarnation pen to easily destroy their attack, and showed unprecedented strength. This gave them a relatively clear understanding of Gu Zheng's cultivation. If you know him, that means his strength is definitely not in the realm of the Golden Immortal.

Desperate to desperate, the three elders of Lengshuimen launched a second attack. This time the attack was still a fish, a dragon and a magma monster. They were helpless because this was already their strongest attack method.

However, this time, Gu Zheng did not directly attack the three elders. He has fully understood the structure of the fairy array space, and he is going to end the game.

The Qianqiu reincarnation pen seemed to be writing something in his hand, and the entire space of the fairy array vibrated accordingly, and then there was a loud bang, and the magma lakes on both sides of the passage seemed to explode, and the magma map was like a tsunami Rising, then disillusioned like a bursting firework.

If the fairy array is completely destroyed, the entire fairy array space will no longer exist, but Gu Zheng did not completely destroy the entire fairy array space, he only destroyed half of the fairy array space, so those that could have been used by the formation eyes to generate The attacking magma disappeared, and even those magma monsters disappeared together.

Without the cover of magma, the three elders of Lengshuimen naturally have nothing to hide. They appeared in the original magma lake, and the first thing they did was to vomit blood, and half of the space of the fairy array was destroyed. They are a great injury.

"I'm fighting with you!"

As the maker of the plan, the third elder once again showed his toughness at this time, spurting blood from his mouth, disregarding that activating the Immortal Domain at this time would cause more serious injuries to his body, he launched his Immortal Domain against Gu Zheng .

Sturdy is sturdy, but the third elder also knows that this is just his last scheming, the strength of Gu Zheng is not something he can contend with at all, although his fairyland can absorb Gu Zheng, but as long as Gu Zheng If he uses his own fairyland in his fairyland, then his fairyland will be exploded in an instant!

As the eye of the formation, the first two layers of the triple fairy formation were broken, and the third elder of Lengshuimen had already suffered a backlash. Half of the fairy formation on the third floor was broken, and the third elder of Lengshuimen was backlashed again. However, the third elder, who had just been backlashed, seemed to have fallen into madness. He took Gu Zheng into the Immortal Realm regardless of the aggravation of the backlash. In fact, he had his considerations in it! Because after suffering several backlashes in succession, if his fairyland is blown up by Gu Zheng's fairyland again, then he will die immediately due to the backlash!

That's right, the last scheming of the third elder of Lengshuimen was to ask for death, because he knew that as the planner, once he fell into the hands of Gu Zheng alive, he would definitely end up worse than death!

Gu Zheng naturally understood the scheming of the third elder. He had suffered several backlashes, and Gu Zheng knew it clearly, so Gu Zheng would not let him get what he wanted! Isn't it Xianyu? This is nothing terrible to Gu Zheng, because in his eyes, the third elder is just a scum of war, and how strong can a fairyland of scum of war be.

Taking Gu Zheng into Immortal Realm, the third elder couldn't help being stunned, because the imaginary result of Immortal Realm being exploded in an instant didn't happen! The third elder couldn't understand why for a moment, but his temperament was so tough. Since Gu Zheng didn't use the Immortal Domain to blow up his Immortal Domain, then he had to mobilize the energy of the Immortal Domain to counterattack against Gu Zheng. In ancient times, a hair was counted as a hair.

The energy of the Immortal Realm was dispatched by the three elders as much as possible, and the pressure in the Immortal Realm was like a frenzy rolling towards Gu Zheng, and there was a great momentum to suppress Gu Zheng forever.

A contemptuous smile appeared at the corner of Gu Zheng's mouth. He knew the fairyland very well, and he had thoroughly understood the fairyland of the third elder in this instant. In addition, he was stronger than the third elder in all aspects, so the third elder To him, this fairyland is no different from his own now.


Even an existence as tough as the third elder couldn't help but let out a cry of despair when something happened.

The variable really shocked the third elder. His original ability to control the energy of the fairyland was instantly deprived, and then the energy that was originally like a frenzy dissipated silently, and a new energy oppressed On his body, making him unable to move at all!

Gu Zheng's terror once again refreshed the cognition of the three elders. Even if he was killed, Gu Zheng was already strong enough to deprive others of the realm of the fairyland, so when he saw Gu Zheng flying towards him, he resigned to his fate and closed his eyes. eyes.

The third elder resigned to his fate, and it would be impossible not to resign himself to his fate. He has been imprisoned now, and he can't do anything he wants. This is obviously the fairyland he used, but now it has become someone else's.

For the bad guy, the third elder, Gu Zheng didn't use too cruel means to deal with him, but just launched a soul search on him in a waking state, but even so, the results of the soul search in a waking state The pain caused the Third Elder to open his eyes that had just been closed, and he couldn't help howling like a pig being killed.

In fact, Gu Zheng had already guessed that there was nothing about the cold pool cultivator that could be found from the third elder. If this guy really had something about the cold pool cultivator, there was no need to take risks to deal with him.

The howling of the third elder finally came to an end, and the ancient struggle that searched for his soul deprived him of what belonged to him, and then ended his life.

Once the third elder died, his fairyland was instantly shattered, and Gu Zheng reappeared in the broken fairyland space.

As soon as Gu Zheng appeared, the hearts of the other two elders of Lengshuimen sank and tensed.

What's sad is that the appearance of Gu Zheng means the death of the third elder, and what's more important is that they may also follow in the footsteps of the third elder.

Even if the fish dies, the net will be broken, the second elder activated his Immortal Domain again, and captured Gu Zheng.

The Second Elder was similar to the Third Elder in every respect, so in the eyes of Gu Zheng, he was still a scum of war, so he was naturally deprived of the ownership of the Immortal Domain by Gu Zheng. However, since he already knew that this was a scam, and there was no news about the cold pool cultivator, Gu Zheng didn't waste any more time searching for the soul of the second elder, but ended it after taking away the things that belonged to the second elder. took his life.

Gu Zheng reappeared in the dilapidated space of the Immortal Formation, and the Great Elder also launched the Immortal Realm against Gu Zheng.

However, the Great Elder is different from the Second Elder and the Third Elder. After launching the Immortal Realm, he did not attack Gu Zheng, but begged Gu Zheng for mercy.

However, Gu Zheng, who was upset in his heart, did not wait for the elder to finish his begging for mercy, and ended his life directly in his fairyland. When the news came out, he had already made his rules, that is, anyone who dares to make a wrong decision on this matter will bear the consequences!

The head of Lengshuimen and the three elders are all dead, and the disciples in the sect have already dispersed. They simply cleaned up the ancient disputes on the battlefield, and once again embarked on the road of verifying the authenticity of the news.

Among the five news obtained this time, two of them have been confirmed to be false, and of the remaining three, one of them is relatively close to Lengshuimen, and Gu Zheng needs to fly a day to reach that place.

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