Gu Zheng entered the Treasure Pavilion again, and there are still two worlds in front of him, but what makes him more depressed is that his current state, whether walking or flying, will not interrupt his way of time But he can't do it with others, once he does it with others, even if he casts a small fairy art, the flow of time will be interrupted.

Unable to fight with others, and didn't want to interrupt the flow of time, Gu Zheng was going to smash it with immortal coins.


A bag was thrown by Gu Zheng on the counter of Zhenbao Pavilion.

"Shopkeeper, here are thirty blue fairy coins, I want to see the teleportation array of your Treasure Pavilion!" Gu Zheng cut straight to the point of the shopkeeper.

Having been the shopkeeper of Zhenbao Pavilion for more than a hundred years, I have seen all kinds of customers, but it was the first time for the shopkeeper to see such a guest as Gu Zheng.

There is a Teleportation Immortal Formation in the Treasure Pavilion, which is considered a secret, how did the curious shopkeeper Gu Zheng know about it!

It is said that the teleportation array in the Treasure Pavilion is a secret, but this so-called secret level is not high, not only the people in the Treasure Pavilion know it, but also some guests who are not called distinguished! And this teleportation fairy array leads to another treasure pavilion. This treasure pavilion is like a collection of treasure pavilions in many counties and cities. Only things that can be placed in this treasure pavilion are considered real treasures.

Every time the teleportation array is used, there is loss, so the use of the teleportation array in the teleportation pavilion is to give immortal coins. Ultra-long-distance teleportation such as cross-continental teleportation requires about a dozen or twenty blue fairy coins.

Gu Zheng understands that the teleportation array in the Teleportation Pavilion cannot be the teleportation array of the level of cross-continental teleportation, because the cost of arranging that kind of teleportation array is too high, and if it is arranged, it will be hidden in the Treasure Pavilion God knows how many years it will take to recover the cost, not to mention that the resources used to deploy the teleportation array are basically the ones that have a price but no market. Therefore, the range of the teleportation array in the Teleportation Pavilion will definitely not exceed Dongsheng Yingzhou, and if such a teleportation fairy array is used in the Teleportation Pavilion, the price is definitely within the category of ten blue fairy coins, and he The thirty blue fairy coins given are not too little.

"I don't know where the guests know that there is a teleportation array in our Teleportation Pavilion, but..."

The shopkeeper naturally wants to reject Gu Zheng, although Gu Zheng gave a lot of blue fairy coins, but as the saying goes, there are rules, Gu Zheng is not yet a distinguished guest of their Treasure Pavilion, and it is against the rules to let him use the teleportation array . What's more, it can be said that I don't know anything about the shopkeeper Gu Zheng. What if this guy wants to use the teleportation array for his dangerous purpose? He can't afford this responsibility!

However, rejecting Gu Zheng's words, the shopkeeper couldn't finish his sentence after all, because he was completely shocked. He saw Gu Zheng's brow slightly wrinkled, and then he saw another world in Gu Zheng's eyes!

The cultivation base of the shopkeeper of Zhenbao Pavilion is already in the golden fairy realm, and to be able to sit in the position of the shopkeeper of Zhenbao Pavilion, he has more knowledge than ordinary cultivators of the same level, so he immediately understood what Gu Zheng saw The world is going back in time, and it has been going back hundreds of years! Because in the world in Gu Zheng's pupils, he saw the old shopkeeper of Zhenbao Pavilion who had already fallen due to the failure of crossing the tribulation!

Being able to turn back time within a certain range, and it was still operating normally hundreds of years ago, this kind of ability to manipulate time shocked the shopkeeper of Zhenbao Pavilion, and made him understand that such a strong person, let alone he could not afford to offend Even the headquarters of Dongsheng Yingzhou Zhenbao Pavilion can't afford to offend them.

"Senior, this way please!"

Not daring to say any more nonsense, the shopkeeper of Zhenbao Pavilion immediately led Gu Zheng the way.

"Where does this teleportation array in your Treasure Pavilion lead to?"

Following behind the shopkeeper, Gu Zheng asked, the reason why the shopkeeper of Zhenbao Pavilion was able to see another world in his eyes just now was because he did it deliberately.

"Leading to another Treasure Pavilion, or that is the real Treasure Pavilion."

Feeling that Gu Zheng didn't seem to be looking for something, and he was still calm, the shopkeeper tried to ask: "Senior, what are you looking for when you turn back time?"

"Look for a person, this person has used your teleportation array!"

While Gu Zheng was speaking, the way of the power of time and power changed a little. Another world no longer just appeared in his pupils, but appeared in the real world like an image.

The shopkeeper of Zhenbao Pavilion couldn't help but widen his eyes, because the two phantoms appeared beside him, one was the old shopkeeper of Zhenbao Pavilion, and the other seemed familiar to him.

"This, this person,"

The shopkeeper of Zhenbao Pavilion widened his eyes. He felt that he had seen this person there: "Senior, I seem to have seen the news of looking for this person in the News Pavilion. Could it be that the news of looking for this person in the News Pavilion was posted by you, Senior?" ?”

"That's right, and this is the man I'm looking for."

Gu Zheng paused, and then said: "I know very little about this person, I don't even know his name, can you help me?"

"If this person has bought anything valuable in this Treasure Pavilion, this junior should be able to help the senior! Back then, he was able to use the teleportation array in the Treasure Pavilion, which meant that he was a distinguished guest of the Treasure Pavilion. As for this distinguished guest, some information about him will be kept in the Treasure Pavilion."

Hearing what the treasurer of the Treasure Pavilion said, Gu Zheng stopped and said, "Then I won't go to the real Treasure Pavilion today, please check it for me first!"

Gu Zheng now has very little Dao power left in the Dao of Time, and when passing through the immortal formation, the Dao power of the Dao of Time will be interrupted after all due to the space shuttle, since the shopkeeper of the Treasure Pavilion can find some Let him check the information of the cold pool monk first, and if the information he finds at that time is enough for him to find the final retreat place of the cold pool monk in a short time, he will save a lot of time. I went to the real Treasure Pavilion, if it doesn't work, let's talk about it when the time comes!

"It is an honor for this junior to be able to help senior!"

The shopkeeper of Zhenbao Pavilion was full of smiles, his words were very sincere, and his heart was also sincere. How many people want to make friends with such a big man like Gu Zheng but have nowhere to go, but now such an opportunity has appeared in front of him, which can make Gu Zheng like this The big man owes a little favor, and what he gets must be a generous return.

The shopkeeper of Zhenbao Pavilion brought Gu Zheng to the guest room, and then he went to investigate the monks about the Hantan monks.

Zhenbao Pavilion keeps the information of each distinguished guest. This information includes the name left by the distinguished guest, as well as photos of the distinguished guest's appearance and aura. It is the basis for Zhenbao Pavilion to identify the distinguished guest. However, not all the distinguished guests will visit the Treasure Pavilion frequently, and all these jade slips containing the information of the distinguished guests are placed in a special place, and naturally few people usually read them, especially those who have already There are no distinguished guests who have visited the Treasure Pavilion for hundreds of years, and there is no need to look through the dusty jade slips of this level. Who knows if these people are still alive.

If it hadn't been for the fact that Brother Hantan was a customer of Zhenbao Pavilion in Gu Zheng's back in time, and also knew from Gu Zheng that this was a time image from 800 years ago, the shopkeeper of Zhenbao Pavilion would not have come to check these jade slips , but since there was an exact time period, it didn't take long for the shopkeeper of Zhenbao Pavilion to find what Gu Zheng needed from the pile of dusty jade slips.

For Gu Zheng, even if he got the jade slips about the monks in the cold pool, it would not be of much help in finding the final place of retreat for the monks in the cold pool. After all, the names and auras left in the jade slips have no practical significance, because the monk Hantan is considered dead, and it is impossible to trace them by name or auras. His only What I can hope for is that there will be information such as addresses in the jade slips! After all, some people would ask the Treasure Pavilion to keep an eye on the information of some treasures. When these treasures appeared in the Treasure Pavilion, they would notify the person who asked them, and the notification required an address or other contact information.

The shopkeeper of Zhenbao Pavilion had already handed over the jade slip containing the information of monk Hantan to Gu Zheng. After reading the contents of the jade slip, Gu Zheng frowned slightly.

"Senior, don't you have any useful information?"

The shopkeeper of Zhenbao Pavilion asked cautiously. He could guess that the person Gu Zheng was looking for was very difficult. Otherwise, he would not have released news of high returns in the News Pavilion, and would not have used the method of time to investigate the events of 800 years ago. .

"I'm not sure if it's useful, but after all, I've received some goods!"

Gu Zheng got up and put a small box containing 500 blue fairy coins on the table: "I'll verify the information first, if the information is useless to me, then I will still use the teleportation fairy array!"

"The junior wishes the senior all the best!"

The shopkeeper of Zhenbao Pavilion stood up and bowed to Gu Zheng's back, then opened the box happily, and smiled happily when he saw the blue fairy coins neatly placed inside.

In order to be able to find the retreat place of monk Hantan, Gu Zheng did not expect to spend a small amount of money to solve it. Although the reward set in the News Pavilion was 500 blue fairy coins, he had already given Niu Bo 500 before, and now he is giving it to him again. To him, it's a trivial matter to pay the shopkeeper of Zhenbao Pavilion five hundred. He doesn't care about fairy coins or anything. As long as he wants, he can make a lot of money through legitimate means! Whether it's Niu Bo or the shopkeeper of Zhenbao Pavilion, the information they provided to Gu Zheng made Gu Zheng feel that it was worth the price, and even the price offered by the shopkeeper of Zhenbao Pavilion made Gu Zheng feel that it was super worth it! Because Gu Zheng really didn't dare to think that the contact address left by monk Hantan in the jade slips would be the land of falling ice and snow!

Luobingxueyuan is an extremely cold place in Yingzhou, Dongsheng. It is not particularly far from Dahuang County, and the retreat place of the cold pool monks is in an extremely cold place. Luobingxueyuan is also an ancient dispute. An extremely cold place that has been explored!

The Luoxue Icefield is very large, and the address that Brother Hantan left for the News Pavilion back then did not specify the location of his cave, but was on the edge of the Luoxue Icefield. He asked the people from the News Pavilion to play a special tune after they arrived at that place. It is precisely because the location of the specific cave was not named, which made Gu Zheng feel that monk Hantan's cave in the Luoxue Icefield is probably his final retreat place. If this retreat place in the Luoxue Icefield is just one of his many retreats One of the lands, so there is no need to be so mysterious, just let someone tell his people to go to the vicinity of the cave, and at worst, change to another cave. Anyway, it is not difficult for the cultivator to open up a cave.

However, there is no absolute, maybe this place is really just a non-important cave for monks in the cold pool, maybe he is the kind of cautious person, but anyway, the trip to Luoxue Icefield made Gu Zheng very much looking forward to it , he expects to have a different harvest here.

It is said that Luoxue Ice Field is not too far from Dahuang County, but this place does not have a direct connection to the teleportation fairy array, and it will take twelve days for Gu Zheng to fly from Dahuang County. Moreover, each state in the Great Desolation is divided into many countries, and the entire Luoxue Ice Field is quite large, and it is within the territory of the three countries.

Eleven days passed unknowingly. For immortal cultivators at the Gu Zheng level, as long as they are not fighting skills, even flying for eleven days is not a problem, but now there is only one day left to the Snow Ice Field. Stopped on a mountain, ready to adjust your breath a little to let yourself enter the full state. After all, tomorrow will use the Way of Time to search for the monk's cave in the cold pool, and when the Way of Time Returns is used, in addition to consuming the power of the Way of Time, the body will also feel more tired.

The place where Gu Zheng descended was a mountain top. The vegetation here was not considered lush, and the immortal essence was not very rich. It belonged to the barren mountain in the eyes of immortal cultivators, and there were not many casual cultivators who would open up caves here on this barren mountain-level mountain.

After the breath adjustment, Gu Zheng planned to roast some meat and drink some fairy wine to relax. In the past few years, he was busy with the search for monks in the cold pool. I haven't touched it, and I haven't touched anything I eat. But now it is different from before, this time Luoxue Icefield he really expressed great expectations, once he finds the cave of the monk Hantan in the Luoxueicefield and gets the statues of him and his son from it, then Gu Zheng will be counted. Even if he finishes the test, he will immediately return to that volcanic world, so before that, he wants to satisfy his appetite a little bit, and food and delicious food are indeed a good enjoyment when relaxing.

There is no need for hunting. There are a lot of ingredients in Gu Zheng's space fairy, and in order to avoid any accidents, Gu Zheng has already arranged the fairy array before the barbecue to prevent any smell from leaking out. However, this kind of fairy array that isolates the smell is not absolutely able to isolate the smell. Some spirit beasts with abnormal supernatural powers, or immortal cultivators, can still taste the alluring fragrance! After all, the aroma produced by Gu Zheng when cooking delicious food is too unusual in itself. The fairy array, which can generally isolate all smells, still seems a bit low-grade when faced with the aroma of food, and it is a bit overwhelming .

When Gu Zheng cooks delicious food, the number of times he attracts spirit beasts is not uncommon, and the number of times he attracts immortals is extremely rare, but this time a casual cultivator who was originally practicing in the cave was attracted by the aroma of Gu Zheng's barbecue. I can't concentrate on training anymore.

Sanxiu twirled his nose, which was much bigger than normal, and greedily inhaled the smell of barbecue in the air, which most people couldn't smell at all. He couldn't help it, and finally flew out of the cave.

"To be able to emit such a special fragrance, there must be a fairy chef cooking delicious food nearby. Since the fairy chef is cooking delicious food, there should be no danger, that is, giving some fairy coins can satisfy the appetite Things! To say that these fairy chefs are really annoying. When I was in the Snow Country, I spent a lot of resources on the fairy chef shop. Now I hide in this barren mountain where I can’t see it. You found it, you say How can you hate it so much?"

He muttered to himself, but the face of the big-nosed immortal cultivator had an expression of love and hate. Ever since he entered Xianchu for the first time, he was obsessed with the delicious food of Xianchu and could not extricate himself. So much so that most of the resources on his body were used to order the delicacies in the Xianchu shop. But he really never expected that after hiding in the barren mountain for less than ten years, there would be a fairy chef cooking delicious food on this barren mountain, which made him aroused the glutton in his stomach.

It didn't take long for Sanxiu to see Gu Zheng on the top of the mountain. At this time, Gu Zheng was leaning on a big rock, leisurely gnawing on a big roast meat that looked like a leg of lamb. From time to time, he sent the wine bottle to his mouth, and the big-nosed immortal cultivator who watched flying over swallowed a few times!

"It's just one person, and you still have wine and meat, you really enjoy it!"

The big-nosed immortal cultivator said something bitterly in his heart, and let out a hearty laugh.

"Immortal chef, you have made me miserable. The smell of your barbecue makes it impossible for me to cultivate with peace of mind!"

The big-nosed immortal cultivator is very cautious. He is not the only casual cultivator on this mountain, so he didn't say this directly. Guzheng sound transmission.

Gu Zheng frowned slightly. He had seen the big-nosed immortal cultivator flying towards him a long time ago, but at first he thought that this guy had seen his barbecue in the distance, but he didn't expect it to be smelled.

Gu Zheng didn't answer, and he didn't mean to put away the fairy formation to let the big-nosed immortal cultivator have a close conversation. He was still drinking and eating meat leisurely.

Seeing that Gu Zheng didn't intend to answer the words, the big-nosed immortal cultivator seemed a little embarrassed, he clasped his fists at Gu Zheng and said, "Since fellow daoist is an immortal cook, it is also fate that we met in this barren mountain, can you cook some delicious food for me, fellow daoist? I can use resources as revenge!"

The big-nosed immortal cultivator spoke very politely. Although he didn't know the depth of the ancient dispute, the immortal chef could not be offended easily.

"Do you have special magical powers in your nose?"

Gu Zheng looked squarely at the big-nosed immortal cultivator, and his huge nose really aroused Gu Zheng's idea.

"Yes! My nose is very sharp, and my supernatural powers are incredible."

Hearing what the big-nosed immortal cultivator said, Gu Zheng regained some energy: "If a person has stayed in the Luoxue Ice Field and you know his aura, can you find the place where he once stayed in the Luoxue Ice Field?"

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, the big-nosed immortal cultivator's eyes lit up: "It seems that the person the fellow Taoist is looking for has already left the Luoxue Icefield, right? Otherwise, wouldn't it be more convenient to track the aura through spiritual thoughts?"

There is common sense in the words of the big-nosed immortal cultivator. Under normal circumstances, such things as Qi machines will disappear quickly in the air.

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