The terrifying beast horde, some ice monsters that had never been seen in the beast horde, and Gu Zheng's horrific means of destroying the ice monsters were all seen by those people outside the Luoxue Ice Field.

Exclamations came from those people outside the Luoxue Icefield. They naturally understood that Gu Zheng would let people see his intention to kill those ice monsters, and what he wanted was a warning.

But do warnings really work? If the warnings in the world are effective, then many things will not happen. This is Gongsun Yuan's worry. He really hopes that Gu Zheng can solve the anomaly of Luoxue Icefield, so that he can end his service early and do it sooner. what he wants to do.

"My lord, do you think this colorless barrier can withstand the impact of the beast tide?"

A subordinate next to Cao Qingyang couldn't help asking at this moment. Right in front of them, more than one hundred ice monsters were rushing towards them.

Gu Zheng asked Cao Qingyang and the others to bless the colorless barrier with spiritual thoughts once in a while outside the Luoxue Ice Field, and they didn't need to be separated one by one, just three or five people together.

"It might work!"

Cao Qingyang was not very sure about his subordinate's question. Gu Zheng's cultivation really shocked him, and he was willing to believe that Gu Zheng's colorless barrier could resist the impact of the ice monster. However, the number of beasts rushing towards them is more than one hundred. Although they have never fought these ice monsters head-on, they can already see through the mirror that at least half of these ice monsters His strength can already hurt the immortal cultivators in the Golden Immortal Realm, and the other half can also hurt the immortal cultivators in the Void Return Realm. With a beast horde of this scale attacking the colorless barrier, he really has no idea! After all, he had also sensed the strength of the colorless barrier before, and he felt that the colorless barrier should be difficult to resist.

"What if you really can't resist it?" The subordinate who asked the question just now spoke again.

"How could it be impossible to resist, since senior let us guard here, then this colorless barrier will definitely be able to withstand the attacks of these ice monsters!"

As a camp deacon, Cao Qingyang naturally understands the importance of morale. Although he is not particularly confident, as a deacon, he cannot express his true thoughts at this time. What should I do if I can't bear to escape?

"Perhaps the seniors didn't expect such a large-scale beast horde!" Another subordinate said in fear as the beast horde got closer and closer.

"My lord, what if the colorless barrier is really broken? We can't resist these ice monsters!"

Another subordinate whispered, and what he said was indeed true. If the colorless barrier was really broken, with the strength of the five of them, they would definitely be crushed by the beast tide.

"Shut up!"

Cao Qingyang scolded annoyedly: "If anyone says such things again, don't blame me for being rude!"

Having said that, Cao Qingyang also has his own considerations. He wants to see if this colorless barrier that seems unable to withstand the attack of the beast tide can withstand it! If he really couldn't stand it anymore, he would run away at the first moment, and he would not love to fight at all. As for the people around him, he didn't know whether he would escape or not. Anyway, he knew that he should be able to escape. In fact, if Gu Zheng was not really too powerful, Cao Qingyang would have wanted to escape at this time, but he didn't dare to think about these things deeply, and he didn't dare to say too much, he was afraid that Gu Zheng would search for his soul again, To know these things that are enough to make people angry.

Sweat appeared unconsciously in the palm of his hand, Cao Qingyang was really nervous looking at the beast tide that was only a few hundred meters away. In fact, not only Cao Qingyang was nervous, but all those who saw the beast tide rushing towards the colorless barrier were also nervous. They had also sensed the colorless barrier and knew that the colorless barrier was not too strong. With a colorless barrier that is not too strong, it cannot resist the attack of the beast tide at all.

People were flustered, but in the end no one escaped. It has to be said that the deterrence given to them by Gu Zheng still played a decisive role, and Gu Zheng said that he would not cheat them, and he did not cheat them. The colorless barrier is indeed It's not too strong, but it's not strong enough to resist the beast tide!

I saw that all the ice monsters that rushed to a certain distance from the colorless barrier stopped in an instant. Because the colorless barrier took effect, it was no longer transparent in the eyes of the ice monsters, but became A tall iceberg.

After all, the monster is a monster, and the ice monster, which doesn't think too much, retreated immediately, and the immortal cultivators outside couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. Although they didn't understand what was going on, they knew one thing, that is The colorless barrier worked, and they didn't have to face the dilemma.

Gu Zheng is still beheading the ice monsters, and there are still waves of ice monsters rushing towards him, as if there is an endless stream.

For Gu Zheng, this kind of battle doesn't make much sense. He just harvests these monsters mechanically. He also knows that this situation cannot last too long, and the ice monsters are not endless.

As the killing continued, a unique ice monster finally appeared.

In the eyes of Gu Zheng, a cold ice monster that can be called out of the ordinary must have reached a certain level of strength, just like the cold ice monster that is rushing towards Gu Zheng now, its size alone is almost It is several times larger than ordinary ice monsters. If ordinary ice monsters are only about the size of leopards, then this ice monster is over three feet long. The ice dragon transformed by the dragon technique does not appear to be at a disadvantage in terms of size.

The size alone is not enough to explain how different this ice monster is. What makes it really different is that it prevents Gu Zheng from directly seizing its original energy like ordinary ice monsters. The body explodes, causing destruction. There will be such an abnormal ice monster, but it does not mean that it has inner alchemy in its body, but the ice that makes it is extraordinarily strong, and the silk threads transformed by the power of Gu Zheng's natal true water cannot penetrate into its body at all.

The unique super ice monster naturally wanted to hurt Gu Zheng, but before it rushed to Gu Zheng, it was already entangled by three ice dragons.

Ice dragons are larger than super ice monsters. When they were transformed by Gu Zheng, they had already been blessed with fighting skills by Gu Zheng's thoughts, so ordinary ice monsters would die if they faced them. , unless it is a group attack. However, the guy they faced this time was not an ordinary ice monster, so they were invincible. After launching a few attacks, they failed to hurt the super ice monster, but they just forced it to be unable to get close. .

Ice monsters are transformed from pure mysterious energy and ice. They have a certain amount of intelligence, but this intelligence can be ignored. However, the Super Ice Monster Beast is not an ordinary Ice Monster Beast, it possesses higher spiritual intelligence, which is almost the same as that of ordinary spirit beasts! Because of this, it didn't want to waste any time on Binglong, and only wanted to find trouble with Gu Zheng, I don't know if it's sad or not! Although the good spiritual wisdom makes it feel that it cannot allow its kind to be killed by Gu Zheng, but this spiritual wisdom makes it ignore Gu Zheng's strength, and the ice dragon transformed by Gu Zheng can trap it , isn't it looking for death if it wants to trouble Gu Zheng?

"This super ice monster is truly reckless!"

"That's right, you can't even deal with the ice dragon transformed by senior, and you still want to attack senior, it's really beyond your control."

"Don't say it doesn't know life and death, but this kind of thing has no concept of death at all!"

"How is it possible! It is intelligent. Although it is observed through a precious mirror, the aura in its eyes is not fake."

"What is this kind of aura? Could it be that the eyes of the ice dragon transformed by senior don't have aura?"

"Yes! In fact, no matter how powerful it is, it is similar to the ice dragon transformed by the senior. Do you think the ice dragon transformed by the senior is afraid of death? Death really has no concept for these illusions! "

The appearance of the super ice monster made the outside of Luoxue Ice Field become lively, and these people wanted to see how Gu Zheng dealt with the super ice monster.

The super ice monster also lived up to expectations. When it felt that it could not quickly break through the encirclement of the ice dragon, it began to launch a counterattack against the ice dragon.


The super ice monster roared, and its body instantly doubled in size, so that the ice dragon, which seemed to be bigger than it, seemed to have switched positions with it in terms of body proportions, and this body change Such supernatural powers have never appeared on ordinary ice monsters before.

The enlarged super ice monster went berserk, and it rushed towards an ice dragon like crazy. The ice dragon flicked its tail to pull it off the ground, but its body disappeared in an instant!


Those who watched through the mirror almost all exclaimed. They thought that after the super ice monster grew in size, the ability it gained was only an increase in strength, but they didn't expect to use the way of space!

Everyone thought that the super ice monster that used the way of space was definitely going to attack Gu Zheng, but they never thought that the super ice monster just appeared next to another ice dragon and slapped it with its paw. On the head of an ice dragon.

The sound of sucking in cold air rang out outside the Luoxue Icefield. Even though they knew before that the super cold ice monster's body would definitely become very powerful after its body skyrocketed, but they never expected that the super cold ice monster after its body skyrocketed The power of the ice monster has increased to such an extent that it smashed the head of the ice dragon directly. This is an instant kill! You must know that when the ice dragon besieged the super ice monster before, the super ice monster also hit the head of the ice dragon with its claws, but at that time, the power of its claws was only enough to crush the ice dragon's body. Breaking the head is at most a serious injury to a powerful ice dragon, and it takes three times for such a serious injury to destroy an ice dragon!

An ice dragon was quickly dealt with, and the super ice monster dodged before the other two ice dragons attacked, followed by a pounce.

Ice dragons are huge in size, but they are actually very fast, but no matter how fast they are, they are still a bit slower than the super ice monsters that have grown in size, which makes the super ice monsters , jumped onto an ice dragon.

An unexpected scene happened. Those who watched the battle through the mirror almost didn't drop their jaws in shock. Even Gu Zheng frowned involuntarily because of this scene.

It was really unexpected. Although the super ice monster is huge in size, in the eyes of everyone, if it jumped on the back of an ice dragon, it would at most crush the ice dragon that was flying into the air and sink it. Who would have thought that it just used that ice dragon as a springboard, and jumped from this ice dragon to the last ice dragon with its strength, and the ice dragon that it borrowed was a 'crash' It disintegrated!

Looking at the super ice monster that rushed over, the last ice dragon opened its mouth and spit out a large amount of ice, but facing the powerful ice, the super ice monster just opened its mouth and sucked the huge amount of ice. It was sucked into the belly by it, and then it opened its mouth and sprayed again, and the ice that was originally sucked by it was sprayed out by it again.

Although the number of icicles ejected by the super ice monster remained unchanged, the volume of each icicle was much larger. Although the last ice dragon dodged in time, it failed to dodge after all. All the icicles hit its body, so that its body was divided into two from the position of the first pair of front paws, the front half could still move, and the second half turned into falling ice.


The super ice monster didn't just let the half of the ice dragon go, it raised its claws and slapped the ice dragon's head, and the ice dragon's head exploded completely.

"How is this going?"

"Why did the powerful ice dragon disintegrate with just one kick from the super ice monster?"

"You ask me, who am I to ask!"

"Could this super ice monster have supernatural powers like its predecessors? So it can detonate the ice dragon with the same ice body?"

"I don't think so! You also said detonation, but the way seniors deal with ordinary ice monsters is indeed to detonate the bodies of those ice monsters, but the way super ice monsters deal with ice dragons is to make ice dragons Just disintegrate."

People who watched through the mirror all guessed, but their guesses were not correct at all. They didn't understand how the super ice monster disintegrated the ice dragon, but Gu Zheng was very clear about it, and the super ice monster could have This kind of ability really surprised him a bit.

After the ice dragon is transformed, in addition to being scattered, there is another situation that can make it disappear, that is, its time of existence is up. Once its time of existence is up, it will automatically disintegrate, super The reason why the ice monster can disintegrate the ice dragon is that it acts on the ice dragon with its weak way of time through the contact of a kick, making the ice dragon's existence time come earlier, so it appears The scene where the ice dragon disintegrated.

The super ice monster possesses the power of space, which is quite shocking. I never thought that while it possesses the power of space, it also possesses the power of time, although the power of time seems to be It's very weak, but no matter what, the power of space and the power of time are both the power of the supreme avenue. This is a fact that has to move people's hearts! After all, the super ice monster is just a monster that is transformed from that mysterious energy, so if such a monster can be transformed, what is the mysterious energy itself? This is something that people can't help but think about!

The super ice monster is undoubtedly powerful, but Gu Zheng didn't take it seriously, so it only dealt with three ice dragons from the beginning to the end, and Gu Zheng didn't add any more ice dragons to deal with it, you know In this kind of place, Gu Zheng wants to maintain the number of eight ice dragons. However, it would be meaningless to Gu Zheng if he just used the ice dragon to kill the super ice monster. After finally seeing such a special guy, Gu Zheng couldn't help but feel a little itchy. He only hoped that This super ice monster should not be killed by him with one punch, it is better to let him punch two more.

The super ice monster is not far from Gu Zheng, it is waiting for Gu Zheng to attack it.

From the perspective of the super ice monster, when Gu Zheng attacks it, it will use teleportation to appear behind Gu Zheng and give Gu Zheng a hard blow. However, Gu Zheng remained motionless like that, which made the super ice monster's eyes narrow in a very humane way.

No longer waiting for Gu Zheng to launch an attack, the super ice monster opened its mouth and sprayed towards Gu Zheng, and a large amount of ice mist enough to obscure the sight was blowing towards Gu Zheng like a gust of wind.

Ice mist can be sprayed out by ice monsters, and the ice mist they spray can also transform into a spirit of ice mist like a spirit body, and what level of ice monster is this spirit of ice mist made of? The beast erupts, and its strength is almost the same as that of any kind of ice monster! However, when the ice monster spews out the spirit of ice mist, its body will be slow for a few seconds!

The super ice monster will spew out the spirit of ice mist at this time. On the one hand, it can be seen that it attaches great importance to Gu Zheng, and on the other hand, it wants the ice mist to block Gu Zheng's sight, so that it can teleport and appear in Gu Zheng. When he is by his side, he can give Gu Zheng a hard blow. Therefore, the Super Frost Monster Beast launched teleportation, but unfortunately, the Super Frost Monster Beast, which was supposed to travel through space, failed to travel through the body, and the space structure it was familiar with suddenly changed, so that It should not be hindered from traveling through the space, as if its head hit some hard object, the shuttle failed.

The space shuttle was blocked, and the super ice monster was shocked, but this was only the beginning of the trouble, because it suddenly discovered that Gu Zheng, who was still ahead, appeared beside it, and the seemingly small fist , still smashing towards its head.

Although the fist is small, the momentum it possesses is super powerful. This momentum has already affected the judgment of the super ice monster. It feels that no matter how it hides, this small fist will hit its head In fact, it has no way to avoid this punch by moving its body.

In an instant, the super ice monster used its power of time to slow down the flow of time in a small area centered on it. It wanted to reduce the influence of momentum on itself by changing the flow of time. , and then escaped the crisis brought about by this punch.

However, although the Super Ice Monster possesses a certain amount of power of time, its use of the power of time is too childish compared to Gu Zheng, who can easily turn time back Thousands of years of existence!

Therefore, the power of time that should have been slowed down was changed by Gu Zheng, and it was lost at an extremely fast speed, and this process took less than a second, only a loud bang was heard, and the super ice monster The head was blown away by Gu Zheng's small fist, it felt like Gu Zheng's punch was not on the head of a super ice monster, but on a ripe watermelon.

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