At the same time, three unusual ice monsters were discovered, and Gu Zheng's tactics also changed accordingly. The light ball of spiritual thought floated out of his body again, but this time the light ball of spiritual thought that floated out was divided into three parts and turned into The three divine mind cranes flew towards three unusual ice monsters respectively.

Transforming divine thoughts into cranes, and turning them into three at the same time, this kind of supernatural power is not insignificant, but this is not Gu Zheng's current extreme operation, he can transform into four at most! Anyway, his body has already cut off the tail between him and his divine sense, so attacking with divine sense will not have much effect on his body, unless the divine sense crane is severely injured, but obviously the ice monster he wants to deal with is They are unusual, but they are not immortal cultivators. Gu Zheng is not afraid that they have any means to deal with divine thoughts.

The three unusual ice monsters were all rushing towards the ancient battle, but when they saw the light ball of divine thought turning into a crane, their reactions were completely different from ordinary ice monsters.

After the ordinary ice monsters saw Gu Zheng's Divine Sense Crane, it was as if they hadn't seen it at all, and they still rushed towards Gu Zheng regardless of life and death. However, the three unusual ice monsters, after seeing Gu Zheng, After fighting for the divine sense crane, they all suspended their advance.

The body of the leopard-like ice monster flickered. It was originally much larger than a normal ice monster, but its body shrank many times in an instant, so that it became the size of a cat. This is exactly the same as the previous one. A supernatural power that the super ice monster has never displayed.

A bigger body often means greater brute force, and a smaller body means faster speed, and this ice monster with a smaller body immediately shuttled through the crowd of ice monsters Get up, so that it is difficult for Gu Zheng's Divine Mind Crane to attack it. After all, if you want to attack it, you will inevitably encounter those ice monsters that get in the way, thus wasting time.

For this situation, Gu Zheng is not panic at all. Anyway, the distributed divine sense is also controlled by him. Since the divine sense can even do high-end transformation, it is easy to compress the volume, so the same volume The shrunken Divine Sense Crane was still chasing the shrunken super ice monster, and the super ice monster that was approaching didn't dare to stop at all.

The super cold ice monster walking upright also swayed when it faced the divine crane, but it didn't change its size, but disappeared.

Faced with this sudden disappearance, the disadvantages of Gu Zheng's divine sense attack also appeared. This time, he separated three strands of divine sense to deal with the three super ice monsters at the same time. With the three strands of divine sense, the destructive power should be able to deal with the three super ice monsters, but the perception of the divine sense has declined! Although the degree of decline is not large, it seems a bit of a waste of time to search for invisible super ice monsters at this time, so Gu Zheng let it go, he wanted to see this What kind of tricks can the super cold ice monster that can only be invisible play.

The third super ice monster can fly, and it doesn't seem to be flying fast, but after Gu Zheng's Divine Mind Crane appeared, its originally unpleasant flying speed increased a lot, so that it was basically on par with the Divine Mind Crane In this case, it is very difficult for the Divine Crane to catch up with it! The increase in speed is not the most troublesome thing, the most troublesome thing is that it even made a call, and its call undoubtedly has a control effect on ordinary ice monsters, so the situation It also becomes more complicated.

There were already a lot of ice monsters. After being commanded by the flying ice monster, some of the ice monsters still attacked Guzheng, and the other part was the Divine Mind Crane that attacked Guzheng, thus sharing the three The pressure of the super ice monster.

Gu Zheng's divine sense is not afraid of the attacks of these ordinary ice monsters. Their attacks are undoubtedly suicidal to Gu Zheng's divine sense cranes. As long as Gu Zheng's divine sense cranes touch them, their bodies will Decomposition occurs, and there is no way to save it.

However, the suicidal attack still had some effect. They did share the pressure of the three super ice monsters. Gu Zheng didn't know where the ice monster that could sneak was. The flying ice monster, although Gu Zheng's divine sense couldn't catch up to it for a while, ordinary ice monsters can also share its pressure. After all, ordinary ice monsters can also fly. If they can't fly, how can they even hurt the immortal cultivators of the Golden Immortal Realm? It's just that flying is an uncommon method for them. If it wasn't for the command of the flying super ice monster, anyway, Gu Zheng hadn't seen them flying before. That is to say, I have seen them jump very high.

As far as Gu Zheng is concerned, the cranes with divine thoughts have been separated anyway. Since the ice monsters are suicidally blocking them, let them stop them. The speed is not slow. As for the three super ice monsters, although they can't be solved by divine sense for the time being, this is not a troublesome thing. It is the same to solve them by other means after they get close. Let Gu Zheng not only know how to attack with Divine Sense!

The divine mind crane was slaughtering the ice monster, and Gu Zheng himself was also slaughtering the ice monster. He, who had no expression on his face, suddenly frowned.


Gu Zheng smiled in his heart, he gave such an evaluation to the super cold ice monster that can sneak.

Gu Zheng couldn't see the super cold ice monster that could sneak, but he knew that he was already nearby, because he was suddenly attacked just now because of the shield of immortal power protecting him, and the reason why he said something interesting in his heart was that It was because the stealth of the super ice monster turned out to be against common sense, and this was the first time Gu Zheng had seen this kind of stealth against common sense.

All stealth has a law, that is, once an attack is launched, the stealth state will end. Gu Zheng is also an expert who is good at stealth, and this law is also valid for him. However, the attack on his celestial shield just now turned out to be invisible, and it felt like the celestial shield was stabbed by an invisible sharp blade.

For Gu Zheng, the super cold ice monster that can launch an attack in a stealth state without revealing itself is of course very weird, but this is not a big deal. Although its attack is also invisible, this intangibility is also It's only relative, no matter how Gu Zheng knew it was approaching, it was already exposed. For the first invisible attack, Gu Zheng didn't do anything against it, but if there was a second attack like this, Gu Zheng would definitely not let it retreat completely, because Gu Zheng was already on guard.


There were no ice monsters approaching around, but there was still a noise on Gu Zheng's shield of immortal power, and his shield of immortal power encountered an invisible attack again.

Because of his vigilance, this invisible attack allowed Gu Zheng to capture the source of the generation, and immediately launched an attack aimed at the source.

In the hands of Gu Zheng who seemed to have nothing, a red light was thrown out by him in an instant, and landed at the source of the invisible attack, turning it into a sea of ​​flames.

This is the first time that Gu Zheng used fire magic to deal with ice monsters. Although the invisible super ice monster immediately changed its position after launching the second invisible attack on Gu Zheng, but the sea of ​​fire covered it. The range is very wide, making it impossible to escape.

The five elements are very mysterious. Not only are the five elements restraining each other, but also the five elements are opposing each other. In this environment, the damage of the fire attribute magic to ice attribute monsters should not be high, but it depends on who is performing the fire attribute magic. Well, the fire-attribute magic performed by such a powerful person as Gu Zheng can do a lot of damage to the ice monsters. This kind of disgust and restraint that comes almost from the source makes those ice monsters encounter fire. Thinking of fleeing immediately after the attribute damage, this kind of situation is very rare in the ice monster who is not afraid of death.

The super ice monster that was originally invisible also appeared under the burning of the flames. Although it can evade one of the laws of the stealth state strangely, it can't evade all the laws in the stealth state. When attacking, it will inevitably show its true body.

Although the super ice monster was forced to show its true body in a stealth state, it was not afraid of flames like other ice monsters. Instead, it grinned and launched an attack on Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng also wondered before, why the attack of the invisible super ice monster falling on his fairy shield would give him a feeling like being hit by sword energy, but after seeing the super ice After the body of the monster, his doubts have been answered, because when the super ice monster that can walk upright approached him invisibly, two hands that had nothing in it had transformed into two. An ice thorn like a sharp sword, and at this moment it launched an attack on Gu Zheng by standing in the sea of ​​flames and waving the ice thorn, letting a wave of sword-like energy strike towards Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng ignored the attacking energy directly. In this case, the energy could not get close to his fairy shield at all, because they were launched by the super cold ice monsters that appeared, so they were not The previous invisible state, but in the face of this non-intangible attack, the ice dragon that originally protected Gu Zheng will naturally solve Gu Zheng's worries and problems.

The two ice dragons sprayed ice mist at the same time to deal with sword energy, and Gu Zheng stretched out his hand, and the huge energy of the world was instantly dispatched by him, and after it acted on the super ice monster, it was directly suppressed. move.

Stretching out his hand again, the super ice monster, which had been crushed immobile, flew towards Gu Zheng without any resistance, and was choked by Gu Zheng.


The sound of a sharp blade piercing the wind sounded when Gu Zheng grabbed the neck of the super ice monster. The super ice monster, which could not move its limbs, extended a sharp ice thorn from its abdomen to stab Gu Zheng.

However, although the speed of the ice thorns piercing out is fast, there is no possibility of hurting Gu Zheng. Without waiting for the ice thorns to pierce the fairy power shield on the surface of the body, Gu Zheng has already sent the super ice monster towards the beast tide. Throw it out.


With a loud bang, those ice monsters who had been distracted by Gu Zheng's dealing with the super ice monsters, had already taken the opportunity to rush to the front, were instantly blasted into ice cubes.

The power of the explosion was so powerful that many ice monsters were killed, and the thing that exploded was naturally the super ice monster thrown out by Gu Zheng.

To deal with ordinary ice monsters, Gu Zheng used the power of the true water of his life to turn them into silk threads. After piercing their bodies, he connected to their original energy and manipulated their original energy by seizing power, thus triggering an explosion.

To deal with the super ice monster, Gu's method of using silk threads cannot be completed, because the silk thread cannot pierce the super ice monster's strong body. However, when Gu Zheng pinched the neck of the super ice monster in his hands just now, everything became different. This kind of direct contact from the body made Gu Zheng's natal true water power instantly enter the super ice monster In the beast's body, when the super ice monster pierced the icicles, Gu Zheng had already controlled its original energy, so it exploded after Gu Zheng threw it out! If he didn't want it to explode, Gu Zheng didn't need to take it into his hands, and just use the energy of heaven and earth to destroy it in the distance.

But, no matter what, the beast horde was huge, and Gu Zheng wasted some time in dealing with the super ice monsters, so that the circle he was surrounded by was getting smaller and smaller.

The circle is getting smaller and smaller, and the original tactics are no longer applicable. Using the power of true water to control the original energy of the ice monster to make it explode is equivalent to a drop in the bucket for the situation at this time. The very powerful ice dragon can exist for a very short time when it is transformed into an ice dragon.

The situation looked bad, but all of this was expected by Gu Zheng, so it was no surprise to him to change his tactics.

Gu Zheng soared into the sky, chasing after the flying super ice monster. The ice monsters on the ground also flew up, but they didn't like flying, so their speed naturally couldn't match Gu Zheng's. In comparison, Gu Zheng was quickly left behind.

Gu Zheng, who seemed to be flying forward, suddenly turned around, stretched out his hand and grabbed the super ice monster who wanted to sneak attack Gu Zheng through teleportation, and Gu Zheng caught one of its front paws as if sent to the door. hand.

The super ice monster that attacked Gu Zheng by teleportation was the one that turned into the size of a cat in order to avoid Gu Zheng's Divine Nian Crane. It's just that, now that it is sneaking up on Gu Zheng, its body has become bigger than normal! After all, it no longer needs to consider the speed when it approaches Gu Zheng by teleportation. What it needs to consider is the power that can hurt Gu Zheng, so its body becomes bigger than normal.

However, it's not that Gu Zheng, a super ice monster that moves instantly, has never been encountered before, and it is impossible to suffer from it, so when it appeared, it slapped Gu Zheng's paw, and it was accurately sent into Gu Zheng's hands.

Everything seemed to happen in an instant. After Gu Zheng grabbed the claw of the super ice monster, he threw the body of the super ice monster back. The power of true water controlled the original energy of the super ice monster, and he wanted this guy to explode behind him.

However, there was still a small accident. The super ice monster thrown behind by Gu Zheng did not explode, which made Gu Zheng frowned slightly. It is the same as the first super ice monster, but in fact they are not exactly the same, at least the power of his natal real water to control the original energy of the super ice monster, at the moment he throws the super ice monster out , has been dissolved by the super ice monster.

Although the super ice monster dispelled Gu Zheng's natal real water power that detonated its original energy, it also felt the fear, so it didn't immediately launch the next attack on Gu Zheng, but narrowed its eyes , It's like thinking about how to deal with the ancient dispute.

Gu Zheng's divine crane is not a vegetarian. Although the super ice monster has taken advantage of the suicidal cover of ordinary ice monsters, it has not been hit by the divine crane until now, but Gu Zheng's divine crane has not given up. The purpose of chasing and killing them was that at the moment when the super ice monster was afraid of Gu Zheng and appeared stunned, Gu Zheng's divine crane successfully bumped into its body.

The reason why the super ice monster has been avoiding Gu Zheng's divine sense crane is because it is afraid of being hit by Gu Zheng's divine mind crane, and it cannot bear such damage. I saw that Gu Zheng's divine mind crane just bumped into the super ice monster lightly, and the body of the super ice monster began to disintegrate at an alarming speed! No longer caring about the super ice monster that had fallen from the sky, Gu Zheng's divine crane flew towards the last super ice monster.

The last super ice monster can fly. It was not flying fast at first, but after seeing Gu Zheng's Divine Mind Crane, its flying speed has increased a lot, so that Gu Zheng's Divine Mind Crane can never catch up. on it. However, its current flying speed is not its normal flying speed. If it is its normal flying speed, then it should be used from the beginning, and this method of increasing speed through secret methods cannot last long, so Gu Zheng didn't pay attention to it at all. The reason why the main body looks like it is chasing it is actually just wanting to change a battlefield, and also wanting to seduce/lure the super cold that was just wiped out by the divine crane. The ice monster just appeared.

Gu Zheng divided a total of three Divine Mind Cranes, and now these three Divine Mind Cranes are chasing the last super ice monster. Gu Zheng also chose a new battlefield, landed and used ice to transform into a monster. The eight ice dragons once again massacred the ordinary ice monsters that followed him, so the method was still the same as before.

The current method used by Gu Zheng consumes very little. Although there is still a possibility of being surrounded by the three layers of ice monsters, but at that time, it will just fly up again and change the battlefield. Anyway, there will be no three. With the existence of a super ice monster, there is no danger in dealing with these ordinary ice monsters.

The ice monsters were exploding one after another, and Gu Zheng's Divine Crane finally caught up with the flying super ice monster. As Gu Zheng thought before, the speed increase through the secret method is not sustainable , when that time limit passed, its flying speed returned to the original slowness.

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