The thirteen super ice monsters had already exploded, and Gu Zheng walked towards the hatch.

Originally, Gu Zheng thought that there would still be a keyhole on the cabin door, and he even thought that if the keyhole was still not suitable for the statue of monk Hantan to be inserted, then he would use his divine sense to probe the keyhole again. However, the hatch in front of Gu Zheng is not as important as the previous one. There is no keyhole on it. As soon as Gu Zheng gets close to it, it will automatically open.

Entering the next cabin, Gu Zheng didn't see Dong Lianruo right away. It was darker in this cabin, and his vision was more severely affected. He knew that Dong Lianruo was right in front of him, but because he didn't destroy the center of the metal wall, his spiritual sense was not at all. Unable to leave the body, he still couldn't feel the aura from Dong Lianruo.

This cabin is different from the two cabins that Gu Zheng passed through before. Gu Zheng did not find the existence of the center in the same position. When Gu Zheng was about to continue searching, the celestial shield on his body was suddenly attacked attack.

The attack is an invisible attack. Although it failed to break through Gu Zheng's celestial power protection, the damage to the celestial power defense is not small. According to Gu Zheng's estimation, such attacks can be made up to ten times, and the celestial power defense on his body is equivalent to will be broken. Moreover, judging from the damage suffered by the immortal power protection, the invisible super ice monster should be different from the ice monsters he had seen before, because the blow that damaged the fairy power protection gave He felt as if the Immortal Power Protection was hit by a saber qi, and he had never seen an ice monster that could attack like a saber aura before.

Since the divine sense cannot be separated from the body, Gu Zheng also had no way of knowing what the invisible super ice monster looked like, and he did not make any attacks in the direction of the suspected attack. Anyway, he knew about these invisible monsters. The virtue of the super ice monster is simply to change the place with one shot. If he waits until he realizes that he is being attacked, and then launches a counterattack towards the place where the attack is suspected, it will be futile in all likelihood. And his first task now is to find the existence of the center. Once the center is destroyed, the divine sense will be able to leave the body, and he will not have to worry about these invisible super ice monsters.

Although he failed to find the center smoothly, Gu Zheng was not in a hurry, because when he was looking for the center, he had already seen the decorations on the metal walls. These decorations were almost the same as those in the first two cabins. The guidance produced is like entangled melon vines, as long as he finds the melon vine that can produce melons, Gu Zheng can follow the vines to find the location of the center.

Gu Zheng was still looking for the center, but after a few breaths, his celestial power shield was broken. After all, the super ice monsters in this cabin are very powerful, and the Gu Zhengxian power shield can only withstand their damage ten times, and how many super ice monsters have been born in this cabin, Gu Zheng didn't have a clear concept in his mind, he just judged from the frequency of attacks that the number of super ice monsters was no less than ten.


Gu Zheng sneered in his heart. Facing this invisible enemy, he was not helpless, and he also used invisibility.

Although Gu Zheng's invisible state cannot attack casually, but now he is only looking for the location of the center, and has no intention of attacking the super ice monster, so invisibility should be a good way to deal with it.

Gu Zheng is not sure, his invisibility tube doesn't work, anyway, the super ice monsters inside Aotianzhou are different from those outside, but he is more fortunate that his invisibility has not been seen through, as for It is said that when he was in the first cabin, the key reason why his invisibility was seen through was because he launched an attack on the super ice monster.

Without the harassment of invisible attacks, Gu Zheng quickly found the melon vine, and followed the melon vine to the center.

It's not difficult to destroy the center on the metal wall, but when destroying the center, because of the need to use immortal power, Gu Zheng's invisibility is still controlled by the super cold ice in the third cabin, which has a more sensitive sense. Seen through by the monster, a large wave of invisible attacks flew towards him.

When Gu Zheng destroyed the center, his spiritual sense that had been suppressed in his body returned to normal, and he immediately felt those invisible attacks that were close at hand.

With a thought, Gu Zheng used teleportation, and easily dodged the invisible attack. When he appeared again, he was already beside a super ice monster, and the tentacles shot out from his palm, It has also entangled the super ice monster.

Gu Zheng was curious before, why the super ice monster from the third cabin can launch a knife-like attack, and now he understands what is going on, because the super ice monster in the third cabin The beasts are fundamentally different from the previous ice monsters. They turned out to be human-shaped ice monsters, and their appearance is also extremely similar to humans. The ice weapons in their hands also look like long knives.

Seeing Gu Zheng appearing suddenly and controlling one of their companions with tentacles, the other super ice monsters immediately launched an attack on Gu Zheng's side, regardless of whether their attack would land on them first companion's body.

Facing attacks from several directions, Gu Zheng threw the super ice monster he controlled in one direction. Although he had a short contact with the super ice monster thrown out by him, but He has also completed the control of the original energy in the super ice monster with the power of his life's true water, so the super ice monster thrown out by him immediately made an explosion sound.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The sound of explosions came out again and again, which was a kind of chain reaction. Gu Zheng already had enough understanding of the super ice monster inside Aotianzhou, so Gu Zheng was not at all aware of the current explosion. Unexpectedly, the fluctuations produced by this kind of explosion, as long as other super ice monsters are within a certain range, they will be like the original ice mist spirit, because of the fluctuations, the original energy in the body will lose control and explode.

Although Gu Zheng said that it took some time to destroy the center on the metal wall, the super ice monster in this cabin may be more powerful, so before the center was destroyed, the number of births was not many, and it was just Thirteen only.

There are thirteen super ice monsters, and they are also humanoids that Gu Zheng has never seen before, but for Gu Zheng, as long as they can find their invisibility, it is not difficult to solve them. In fact, even if their invisibility cannot be discovered, Gu Zheng has a way to solve it, but that consumes a lot of money, and Gu Zheng thinks it is not worthwhile.

The sound of explosions kept ringing, and all the super ice monsters that were bound by Gu Zheng's tentacle magic power would all end up in an explosion, and under the influence of the fluctuations generated by this special explosion, all those super ice monsters that were touched by the fluctuations would end up in an explosion. Monster beasts will also explode and die, so the whole battle ends very quickly.

After destroying the center, Gu Zheng's divine sense returned to normal. He had already seen Dong Lianruo in the distance at that time, but the super ice monster didn't clear the light, so Gu Zheng didn't approach him.

To be honest, Gu Zheng had met Dong Lianruo in other people's memories before, but he never expected that when he actually saw Dong Lianruo, there would be such a huge difference from what he saw in other people's memories.

At this moment, Dong Lianruo is sitting cross-legged in a corner of the cabin. If the Cao Mengqi he saw before Gu Zheng was in the state of a living dead, Dong Lianruo is already in a state of qi, if Gu Zheng comes one day later, he may not see him again. He is alive.

Before Cao Mengqi would turn into a state of the living dead, it was because he was attacked by a super ice monster, and the energy of the super ice monster entered his body. However, if Dong Lian is in this state now, it is because of something The thing has absorbed blood and most of the cultivation bases.

Questions couldn't help but arise in Gu Zheng's mind. He was very curious about what could have sucked Dong Lianruo into such a state? Since they have already become like this, why should they keep him alive? How good it would be to simply suck away all its blood essence and cultivation base! And, why Dong Lianruo won't be attacked by the super ice monster? If the super ice monsters want to attack him, they should have a lot of chances!

Questions are questions, but Gu Zheng's hand was not idle. He cut Dong Lianruo's palm, released a little bit of Dong Lianruo's blood and sprinkled it on Dong Lianruo's storage bracelet. Gu Zheng did this to pass The secret technique allowed Dong Lianruo to release the relationship between him and his storage bracelet. What Gu Zheng wants most now is undoubtedly the statue of the son of the monk Hantan, and this statue should be in Dong Lianruo's storage bracelet.

After searching Dong Lianruo's storage bracelet, Gu Zheng frowned. The statue he wanted was not in Dong Lianruo's storage bracelet! Moreover, there is a strange fluctuation on the statue, it must not be on Dong Lianruo's body, if it is on Dong Lianruo's body, Gu Zheng should have discovered it long ago.

"If it's not on Dong Lianruo's body, where would it be?"

While muttering to himself, Gu Zheng put his hands on Dong Lianruo's body.

Gu Zheng wanted to save Dong Lianruo, but the current Dong Lianruo was not suitable for searching for souls. He wanted to know from Dong Lianruo's memory what Dong Lianruo had experienced in the Soaring Boat, and where the statue of the monk's son in the cold pool had gone.

Gu Zheng's celestial power entered Dong Lianruo's body in a special way. Dong Lianruo's body was like dry land, and he frantically absorbed the celestial power that Gu Zheng sent in. However, the time required for this crazy absorption was very short, and his body was no longer capable. , without absorbing much, it has reached a state similar to saturation. If you want to inhale again, you must first change the state of your body.

If Dong Lianruo is still in a coma, it's not because Gu Zheng didn't wake him up, but because his current physical condition can't wake him up at all, and it's still not suitable for soul searching, so he wants to wake him up and be able to be searched for souls In this state, Gu Zheng still needs to help him get rid of the current state, and let him absorb the immortal power again.

For Gu Zheng, losing a little celestial power is nothing, who made his celestial power so strong, and Dong Lianruo's current state, no matter how crazy he is, he can't absorb much! It's just that the treatment process is a little more troublesome.

Gu Zheng gave Dong Lianruo the channeling of the meridians, so that the celestial power he inhaled into his body could flow smoothly, thus nourishing his damaged body. His meridians, the celestial power he inhaled for the second time, truly activated his body that was almost useless.


Dong Lianruo let out a muffled snort, and he faintly woke up after recovering most of his body functions, but before he really woke up, Gu Zheng made him fall into a deep sleep.

For Gu Zheng, he didn't need to talk to Dong Lianruo. Anyway, he could understand what he wanted to know through the soul search of Dong Lianruo, and Dong Lianruo was now in a state suitable for being soul searched.

Through the soul search of Dong Lianruo, Gu Zheng learned a lot of things, the most important of which was of course something about the statue.

Back then, Dong Lianruo and Cao Mengqi got the statues of Brother Hantan's father and son in Brother Hantan's cave, and they each shared one. Dong Lianruo's research on the statues has always been ahead of Cao Mengqi.

Not only did Dong Lianruo discover that the fluctuations generated by the statue could open the ice channel to enter the interior of the Aotianzhou, he also discovered that the statue was the key in the cabin of the Aotianzhou, and he came to the place where he is now by virtue of the key in his hand.

Something was also sealed in the statue of the monk's son in the cold pool. Dong Lianruo already knew about it, but he felt that since the thing was sealed, he should not open it unless it was absolutely necessary.

After arriving in this cabin, Dong Lianruo found that the statue in Cao Mengqi's hand was what he needed to open the hatch to enter the next cabin. After that, he contacted Cao Mengqi and asked Cao Mengqi to also come to Aotianzhou.

While waiting for Cao Mengqi, Dong Lianruo was inevitably attacked by a super ice monster. After all, he was not Gu Zheng. He didn't know that there was a center on the metal wall that could limit the birth of a super ice monster.

It has to be said that Dong Lianruo is also a character. Dong Lianruo has also experienced all those super ice monsters that Gu Zheng had experienced after he entered Aotianzhou, and he also used a unique method to pass through the first few cabins. However, the super ice monster holding the ice knife in this cabin is obviously stronger than the previous super ice monster, so Dong Lianruo suffered a disadvantage here and was in danger of dying.

There was really no other way, so Dong Lianruo also treated the dead horse as a living horse doctor and broke the seal in the statue.

Dong Lianruo didn't know what would happen if he unlocked the restriction in the statue. Anyway, he had already received the death threat from the super ice monster at that time. At most, he would die. At least he could see the things sealed in the statue. What it is, it is considered as a solution before death, so he untied the seal in the statue.

The thing sealed in the statue was a mysterious energy, which enveloped Dong Lianruo immediately after it was released.

Dong Lianruo, who was wrapped in the mysterious energy, seemed to be invisible. The super ice monster that was going to kill him suddenly couldn't feel his existence, and turned into broken ice again.

It seemed that she had gotten rid of the death crisis brought by the super ice monster, but a new crisis also fell on Dong Lianruo, wrapped in his mysterious energy, and began to frantically absorb his blood essence and cultivation base. Dong Lianruo, who was powerless to stop her, became what she is now.

While the mysterious energy was absorbing Dong Lianruo's blood essence and cultivation, although Dong Lianruo was powerless to resist, his consciousness had not yet fallen into a deep sleep state of self-protection at the beginning, so he was still able to deal with any changes in the wrapped mysterious energy. He could see it, so Gu Zheng was also in his memory, witnessing the process of that change.

It turned out that in the process of absorbing Dong Lianruo's blood essence and cultivation, the mysterious energy turned into a humanoid thing, and that thing looked very much like the son of the monk Hantan.

Although Dong Lianruo lost his blood essence and cultivation later, his consciousness also fell into a deep sleep state of self-protection. He didn't see the complete change of the mysterious energy, and he didn't know how similar it would be to the statue in the end. , but Gu Zheng has confirmed that that thing is the son of monk Hantan, and the lost statue was naturally taken away by the son of monk Hantan.

After the soul search for Dong Lianruo was over, Gu Zheng woke her up. After all, this place is a dangerous place, different from the cave where Cao Mengqi was. He worked hard on the matter of the barrier, so he should have saved Dong Lianruo's life.

Although Dong Lianruo woke up, Gu Zheng didn't want to talk to him, so he directly blocked his ability to speak.

"I said, just listen."

Knowing that she was pulled back from the ghost gate, and feeling the powerful aura from Gu Zheng, Dong Lianruo nodded obediently, although she was still confused about who Gu Zheng was.

"After subduing this Taoist food, you will have the ability to leave here in a short time. Then you should go out quickly! As for the super ice monsters on the way, they are gone. As for some of the things you want For the answer, just ask the Dong family who are staying outside the Luoxue Ice Field at this time!"

Gu Zheng gave Dong Lianruo a portion of grass for food repair. As for him saying that there are no super ice monsters on the road, this is not a lie. He has experienced several cabins, so he knows that if you want to If you leave, those hatches of Soaring Sky Boat will open automatically, there will be no hindrance, and no super ice monster will be born just because someone goes out from inside. As for the super ice monsters that were originally in the cabin, that is, the three that were not cleaned up by Gu Zheng, after they could not feel the existence of Gu Zheng, they must have turned into crushed ice. This is the cabin. A kind of law in the super ice monster.

Regardless of Dong Lianruo who was already taking food repair, Gu Zheng walked towards the cabin door. He looked calm on the outside, but his heart was not at all calm. He felt that things were getting more and more interesting.

When he first received the mission from the cold pool monk in the volcanic space, Gu Zheng thought that the cold pool monk and his son were both immortal cultivators in the prehistoric world. After all, they came from the prehistoric era, and the clothes they wore made from the water of the cold pond were very similar to the prehistoric style.

After confirming that Brother Hantan's cave is located in Luoxue Ice Field, and knowing the abnormality of Luoxue Ice Field, Gu Zheng felt that Brother Hantan and his son should be plotting the so-called opportunity in Luoxue Ice Field, so they built the cave In the falling snow and ice field.

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