Knowing how the lava mirage died, the bones on the ground faded into mist, and finally condensed into the appearance of the lava mirage.

"We met again, it really surprised me, but not so surprising!"

The lava mirage dragon laughed at Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng also laughed: "How can I say that it's both unexpected and not so unexpected?"

Gu Zheng felt relaxed this time, not only because he saw the lava mirage dragon, but through the report of the lava horse, he learned that in that kind of terrain where one man is in control, the new lava monster can The number is huge, but they can't break through the formation of the lava skeletons, so that neither it nor the lava skeletons have suffered any damage.

"The accident is that you found the opportunity for me to appear. The less accident is that I thought that you would be the new owner of this fairy-level space fairy artifact. Your luck is really good. Even if you find me It's not surprising! Moreover, the difficulty of finding me this time is not too high!" said Lava Mirage Dragon.

"Isn't that high?"

With Gu Zheng's current body, he couldn't show any expression vividly, otherwise he would definitely give Lava Mirage Dragon a big roll of his eyes.

"The first thing we have to face is the silver turtle. If you don't kill the silver turtle, you won't get its ashes. I don't think it will let me enter this cold area to look for you, and I didn't enter here to look for you either. It is also a gamble, not to mention that my subordinates are still under attack! Even if I continue to explore the depths of this area regardless of the life and death of my subordinates, I I also have to follow that wounded cold mermaid until it brings me to this place. Without it, I'm sure I'll go into these caves, but can I find your bones and lure you out? This is No one knows about it, no matter how many forks here, I don't have much time to wander here, and the icy armor on my body is not allowed!" Gu Zheng said with emotion.

"Hearing what you said, it's really difficult!" The lava mirage also laughed.

"Tell me quickly, what benefits can I get this time?"

Facing Gu Zheng's inquiry, the lava mirage dragon told Gu Zheng that it is very important for Gu Zheng to find it this time, and it will help Gu Zheng when he faces the King of Fire Demons. Without its help, even Gu Zheng With the current strength, the chance of winning against the Fire Demon King is less than 20%. With its help, the chance of winning against the Fire Demon King can increase by 50%.

Gu Zheng knew the power of the Fire Demon King, so he was not surprised that Lava Mirage said that with his current strength, his chance of winning against the Fire Demon King was less than 20%. However, it seemed that this time the lava mirage really appeared for the last time, and there seemed to be a lot of gossip, so Gu Zheng hesitated and asked the lava mirage a question.

"For you special beings, I have something special about me, do you know?"

This is a question that makes Gu Zheng hesitate, but Gu Zheng really wants to know the answer, and the special things he refers to are naturally the Heart Demon Orb and Magic Crystal. The King of Demons and the Humanoid Red Cloud.


To Gu Zheng's delight, the Lava Mirage answered his question this time, and the answer was relatively clear.

Lava Mirage told Gu Zheng that some special treasures can indeed be brought into the space world inside the fairy-level space fairy artifact. These special treasures can ignore some rules in the space world, and this special treasure, some space It can be used in the world, but in some space worlds, such as this space world with relatively high difficulty, it is in a state of being able to use or not!

The so-called usable state is divided into two types. One is that if the baby is special enough, it can still be used, such as the magic crystal of Gu Zheng. The ultimate test is used to increase the difficulty of the test in this space world.

The so-called unusable means that maybe in some special places, or for some special monsters, the so-called treasure is invalid!

Whether it is the heart magic bead or the magic crystal, the lava mirage dragon knows it, but it doesn't know the specific situation of these two things. He just knows that there is a special treasure before Gu Zheng, which has been taken away by the king of fire demons. up! It is precisely because the special treasure was taken away and the difficulty of the final test of the space world increased, so this situation was encountered in the original setting. The clues of the ancient dispute appeared in the past, that is, the relationship between the lava dragon clan and the fire demon king. fighting!

The story back then was set into several fragments by the owner of the original fairy-level space fairy artifact. These fragments can be accessed by the entrants if they are lucky enough. Once they are exposed, there will be corresponding benefits, and these fragments Benefits help entrants grow in the space.

The segment of the story that was set back then does not need to be touched from the beginning. It does not mean that if you miss the beginning, you will not encounter it later, because it is a separate segment, the most important of which is the segment of the ending, and this segment represents What's more, the lava mirage dragon will help the entrants deal with the final Fire Demon King, increasing the entrant's chances of winning by half.

The ancient battle of that year was divided into three parts. Understand the battlefield of that year, understand the reason why the lava mirage was defeated, and understand the cause of the death of the lava mirage. The trigger conditions of the three parts are also different. The ancient battle is very lucky. All triggered.

Lava Mirage also told Gu Zheng that the reason why the illusion is special than the Heart Demon Orb is because the Heart Demon Orb does not belong to the reward item in this space world test. The Demon King was taken away. As for the magic crystal, it was the reward of Gu Zheng's trial as a cold pool monk in this space world, so the Fire Demon King couldn't take it away.

After answering Gu Zheng's doubts, the lava mirage dragon disappeared. He told Gu Zheng that when Gu Zheng entered the top layer of the inner space of the volcano, it would appear to help Gu Zheng deal with the Fire Demon King.

After the communication with the lava mirage dragon, Zhang Chao left the cave. There was no need to continue exploring here. He returned to the foot of the volcano to help the lava skeletons deal with those monsters.

When Gu Zheng returned to the foot of the volcano, near the entrance at the foot of the volcano, there were still three layers inside and three layers outside, surrounding those lava monsters that Gu Zheng had never seen before.

These lava monsters have a big head, two forelimbs that support their crawling, and a long tail. The attack they launch is to spray flames from the air, and the temperature of the flame is higher than that of the magma. high! But because the terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack, they can't do anything to the lava skeletons and lava horses hiding in the mountainside.

After Gu Zheng appeared, he was flying in the air, which naturally attracted the attention of the lava reptiles below, but these lava reptiles did not have the energy to control the sky, so they could not fly up to fight Gu Zheng. However, although they can't control the sky, the height of the flames can be so amazing that they can't separate the original energy threads to investigate them, so as to find a faster way to deal with them! After all, the original energy thread created by Gu Zheng also has a distance limit. If he does not fly high enough, and more than two hundred lava crawlers spew fire at him at the same time, he will not be able to resist the same. If he flies high enough, The thread of original energy will lose its effect again.

The original energy in Gu Zheng's body vibrates. Although the lava crawlers are a little difficult to deal with, it is only a little bit for him. There is more than one method he can use to deal with these lava crawlers!

The magic power of manipulating magma was activated by Gu Zheng, and the huge waves from the magma lake were shot towards the lava crawlers, and Gu Zheng used the huge magma waves to deal with the lava crawlers, so he would naturally avoid the opened hole to prevent the magma from pouring into it.

Seeing the huge waves of magma coming, the lava crawlers actually climbed up the volcano.

Of course, the huge waves of magma were born very quickly, and only a hundred or so lava crawlers were able to climb the volcano, and the remaining half were sucked into the magma lake by the magma.

The lava crawlers were reduced by half, and in the remaining half, some lava crawlers climbed relatively high. This was an opportunity for Gu Zheng. He immediately separated the original energy thread and shot it at the climbing bird .

The lava crawlers can see the original energy threads of Guzheng, which is also their peculiarity. They once again spewed high-temperature flames towards Guzheng. Unfortunately, the number of lava crawlers is now small, and Guzheng is still targeting crawlers. The tallest one, so that not many flames can fall on him.

The lava crawlers hurt the enemy not only by the high temperature of the flames, but also by the number of flames they spew. On Gu Zheng's body, Gu Zheng was able to resist for a while, and during the time he resisted, he was confident that he would make the lava crawlers pay the price.

The reason why Gu Zheng wanted to use the original energy thread to deal with these lava crawlers that he had never seen before was because although he had never seen these lava crawlers before, but because of his understanding of lava monsters, he would be shocked when he saw these lava crawlers. Know that the original energy in their bodies is the kind that can be catalyzed to produce an explosion, and this explosion will also cause a chain reaction! Therefore, as long as Gu Zheng detonates a lava crawler, the rest will be unlucky.

Just when Gu Zheng catalyzed the original energy in the lava reptile, those lava reptiles that had been sucked into the magma lake by the huge magma wave quickly crawled out again. For Gu Zheng, this was not an unexpected situation Well, the lava crawlers themselves came out of the magma lake, and the huge waves of magma had an impact on them at most, and had no lethality.

Seeing what Gu Zheng was doing to their companions in the higher sky, the lava crawlers that had just come out immediately joined the climbing army, and they wanted to burn Gu Zheng with flames at a suitable distance.

Under normal circumstances, Gu Zheng catalyzes the original energy of the lava monster very quickly, but the lava crawler encountered this time is really special, so that Gu Zheng catalyzes its original energy slower, otherwise it would have died earlier. It has already exploded. Moreover, when Gu Zheng used the original energy thread to penetrate the body of the lava reptile, it actually wanted to jump off the volcano to get rid of Gu Zheng's original energy thread, but it was a pity that it had already been penetrated by Gu Zheng's original energy thread. body, so the body was no longer in control, and it failed to fall just like that. It was also because of the need to maintain the action of the lava crawler not falling, and the speed at which Gu Zheng catalyzed its original energy was therefore a little slower.

However, no matter how slow Gu Zheng catalyzes the original energy of the lava crawler, it cannot take a long time. When the lava crawler detonated by Gu Zheng's original energy thread enters the body and detonates, the time is still a few seconds within the bell.

The explosion that can produce a chain reaction is not very powerful, but the fluctuation generated by that kind of explosion is fatal to the affected lava monster, so at that moment, there are many lava The reptiles were detonated, and within a breath, more than two hundred lava crawlers all exploded, turning into energy that could be absorbed by the lava skeletons! And the lava skeletons who stayed in the belly of the mountain to protect the lava horses, also hurried out of the mountain at this moment to have their upgrade feast!

The energy after the explosion of more than two hundred lava crawlers was all absorbed by Gu Zheng's lava skeletons, so that the bones of the lava skeletons looked more transparent like crystals, corresponding to the increase in strength.

Back in the middle of the mountain, Gu Zheng gave the small inner alchemy of the silver turtle to the lava warhorse. When the lava warhorse saw the small inner alchemy, he immediately told Gu Zheng that as long as he ate this inner alchemy, he would be finished. The refining time of the silver eel inner alchemy will be shortened to half a day!

Gu Zheng originally planned that since the lava warhorse ate the inner alchemy, it would only take half a day to completely refine the inner alchemy of the silver eel. Let alone how its strength will improve, at least it no longer needs to be taken care of. , This is a worry-free thing, so he plans to stay in place for half a day before entering the interior of the volcanic space. However, when he first had this idea, he also had a dangerous special feeling. This special feeling made him understand that he couldn't stay here any longer, otherwise there would be troubles that he didn't want to encounter. .

"Isn't there still half a day left? At worst, I will rest in the first floor of the volcanic space!" Gu Zhengxin said.

The space inside the volcano, Gu Zheng has also experienced before, as long as the monsters are cleaned up there, there is indeed half a day or even longer time to rest and recuperate, but at that time because there was no lava horse, Gu Zheng and the others even Need to rest and recuperate, at most it will only take one or two hours.

Putting the inner alchemy of the silver turtle in the keyhole, the lock on the door quickly disappeared in the rotation, and the originally closed door opened after the lock disappeared, and a dark passage appeared in front of Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng understood that the pitch-black passage was actually a teleportation array, and once he stepped in, he would be teleported into the inner space of the volcano.

I told the lava skeletons to be careful, there was an ancient dispute in the heart, and he was afraid that he would be separated from the lava horse that needed protection when he entered, so he rode directly on the back of the lava horse.

After entering the darkness, the feeling of being teleported also emerged. The vision in front of him became completely dark, and then brightened again in an instant. Gu Zheng entered the first layer of the inner space of the volcano.

It looks very similar to the volcanic space that Gu Zheng experienced before. It is a circular space, and there is a spiral staircase leading to the upper floor in the center of the space. The top of the spiral staircase is covered by clouds and mist.

As Gu Zheng thought before, the teleportation array did separate them. None of the thirty-six lava skeletons were together, but fortunately he entered on a lava horse, and the lava horse was still in his crotch. Moreover, the first floor of the inner space of the volcano is different from the first floor of the inner space of the volcano that I experienced last time. In the first floor of the inner space of the volcano, the monsters began to rush out of the cave after they entered. After coming out, the first floor of the current inner space of the volcano has no caves at all, and the number of lava monsters has reached at least 500. They lie on the ground like seals basking in the sun on the beach. As soon as they entered, they got up. The lava monster attacked them.

There are five hundred lava monsters, but this is nothing to Gu Zheng, because these lava monsters turned out to be lava crawlers that he had just encountered before entering the inner space of the volcano, and this kind of lava crawler could be catalyzed by him. The original energy, thus producing a chain self-explosion guy, for him, it is like sending upgrade energy to his lava skull!

The lava reptiles are also relatively scattered, so they spray towards the flames of Guzheng, and Guzheng can withstand them, but this time he has to resist these flames, he can't just take care of himself, he also needs to take care of the lava horse under his crotch, so Guzheng He didn't consume the original energy, and directly separated the three original energy, forming a layer of shield on the body surface, completely protecting him and the lava horse in the passport.

Splitting out the original energy transformation shield, this method has never been used before, because the cost is too high, and the protection performance is not good, and it can only be used in such a situation, against the clock.

The high-temperature flames of the lava crawler have already burned on the shield protecting Gu Zheng and the lava horse. Although the amount of these burned flames is not too terrifying, the impractical shield of Gu Zheng can't stand it at all. How long do you live. However, for Gu Zheng, ten seconds is enough, and seconds is enough for him to catalyze the original energy of a lava crawler.

The lava crawlers will naturally not let go of the scattered lava skeletons against Guzheng and lava horses. Unfortunately, the lava skeletons are now very powerful, and their bones can also resist high temperatures, and are better than the original energy shield of Guzheng. More resistant, so sticking to the Lava Crawlers when they explode is definitely not a problem.

A few seconds passed quickly, and Gu Zheng also successfully detonated a lava crawler, and a shocking scene occurred. None left! After all, the wave spreads very fast, no matter how large a layer of space is, it is not enough for the wave to spread in one breath, and only the lava crawler touched by the wave will explode immediately.

More than 500 lava crawlers have died, and the energy generated by them is like a feast for the lava skeletons.

The lava skeletons are crazily absorbing the energy in the air, and in the process of absorbing energy, the damage they received in a few seconds is also recovering quickly.

However, in addition to the energy produced by the explosion of the lava crawlers in the air, there were also piles of ashes, and after the explosion of the lava crawlers outside the volcano before, Gu Zheng had not seen any ashes produced.

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