Brother Hantan's son had just finished off the big snake, and Brother Hantan was also in trouble. From above the tree trunk, many beetles appeared in an instant.

The appearance of the beetles is very strange, the number is incalculable, and they are all as big as chickens. No matter what kind of attack these guys will launch, the cold pool monk is the first to attack them. Under the effect of soul power, the air is like It was the dumplings, and the beetles fell down one after another.

That is, when the monk in the cold pool launched his soul power to attack the beetle, the wretched golden eagle attacked again, and a large flame swept over it.

The golden eagle is really obscene, it flies away after spraying the flames, and its height is still beyond the reach of the soul power of the monks in the cold pool.

The cold pool cultivator's body is protected by soul power, and the golden eagle can't hurt him, but the flame temperature of the golden eagle is very high, and the big tree burns immediately, and the big tree is not as hard as imagined. Under the burning of the flames, the size shortened at an exaggerated speed, so that the original seven or eight feet tall tree was shortened by half of its height in just two breaths, so that even if the cold pool cultivator climbed again Going up to the top of the tree is no longer a threat to the golden eagle.

Brother Hantan encountered difficulties here, and the same thing happened to Brother Hantan's son. The big tree he climbed quickly shortened its height under the flame attack of the golden eagle.

"Both of you enter the magic crystal!"

Gu Zheng ordered the father and son of the cold pool monk, if he could not undo the soul seal of the father and son of the cold pool monk, he really wanted to undo the soul seal of the father and son of the cold pool monk a little more, so that they could easily take down this abominable beast Golden eagle.

After Gu Zheng said so, Brother Hantan brought the magic crystal to meet his son, and then both father and son were taken into the magic crystal by Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng didn't have any special feelings, but he felt that this golden eagle might be useful to him. This feeling was not out of imagination, because he had encountered similar things before, that is, that wretched and useful flower. chinchilla! Chipmunk had always kept a safe distance from him back then, as if he knew the power of the means he could use from the very beginning.

Brother Hantan and his son had already entered the magic crystal, and the magic crystal had already landed on the ground, and the golden eagle was still hovering in the sky.

Gu Zheng didn't want the golden statue to be as wretched as a chipmunk, just like he could know the scope of his magic crystal, but the golden eagle didn't fly away or come down, which made him feel that his worries might become reality. If this worry really becomes a reality, it will indeed be a headache! Moreover, the method used to deal with chipmunks at the beginning would not work for the golden eagle either. Who knows where the golden eagle suddenly appeared, even if it appeared the next day at the top of this area, Gu Zheng It is also impossible to go up to the sky to ambush him.

"Heaven?" Gu Zheng had a thought: "Let me first determine whether you are as wretched as a chipmunk!"

Brother Hantan and his son do not have the ability to go to the sky, but Gu Zheng has it. He can control the magic crystal to fly to the sky, but the speed of the magic crystal is not fast. I am afraid that the golden eagle will fly away when he gets close to a certain range of.

The magic crystal was lifted into the air under the control of Gu Zheng, and things really happened as Gu Zheng guessed, once the wretched golden eagle got too close to the magic crystal, it immediately flew towards the distance. Moreover, the golden eagle seems to be smarter than the chipmunk, at least it doesn't launch many unnecessary attacks like the chipmunk, and the golden eagle doesn't attack the magic crystal at all.

Although he failed to catch up with the golden eagle, it is not that Gu Zheng has no way to deal with it. Long before he used the phantom crystal to fly into the sky, he had already thought of a way, but this method was a bit troublesome, so he didn't have the first time to deal with it. use.

Gu Zheng let the magic crystal lose strength, and let it fall near the leader of the golden eagle who seemed to only be able to run.

The leader of the golden eagle can only run, it has complete wings, it should have the ability to fly, as to why it doesn't fly, but chooses to run, this ancient dispute is not very clear, maybe it prefers this way!

Gu Zheng sucked the leader of the golden eagle into the illusion, and then told Brother Hantan to change his body.

The current body of Brother Hantan was taken by him. Although the leader of the golden eagle is dead, he can be possessed by Brother Hantan. After all, the father and son of Brother Hantan have complete souls, and the seal on the soul has been sealed by the ancients. The dispute has been settled a bit, and they now have soul power equivalent to the realm of returning to the void. It is still no problem for such a soul to possess a dead monster.

Hearing Gu Zheng say that he was allowed to possess the leader of the golden eagle, Brother Hantan immediately understood Gu Zheng's plan. He gave up the body of the original monkey monster, let his soul enter the corpse of the leader of the golden eagle, and finally controlled the golden eagle. The body of the eagle leader flew up, and this series of steps took a full hour.

For an hour, the golden eagle in the air seemed impatient to wait. It tried to attack the magic crystal on the ground a few times, but Gu Zheng ignored this wretched fellow at all.

Now, monk Hantan has perfectly controlled the golden eagle's body, and Gu Zheng's plan is about to be implemented, but this time there may only be one chance to implement it, and success means success. If it fails, the same method should not be used a second time up.

The reason why once it fails, the same method cannot be used a second time, is because firstly the golden eagle will be on guard, and secondly, possessing a dead body is different from seizing a house. Every moment is in a state of rapid consumption! If the first attempt is unsuccessful, even if the Golden Eagle is not careful, he will still be fooled, and the cold pool cultivator will not be able to control the dead body for a second pursuit.

Under the control of Gu Zheng, the magic crystal chased after the golden eagle again, and the golden eagle was hovering in the air waiting for the magic crystal.

Since he had already had the experience of chasing the golden eagle before, Gu Zheng knew that he had to stop when he chased it, otherwise the golden eagle would fly away, so when he reached that distance, Gu Zheng let the monk Hantan go. out.

After the cold pool monk was released, he immediately sprinted after the golden eagle, and under this desperate sprint, the frightened golden eagle was inevitably pulled closer by the cold pool monk. When the distance reached a suitable point At that time, monk Hantan hit the golden eagle with his soul power.

Without even making a sound, the golden eagle that was attacked by the soul power immediately fell from the sky, while Gu Zheng controlled the magic crystal to fly over and absorbed the golden eagle into the magic crystal.

Looking at the golden eagle in the magic crystal, Gu Zheng had a special feeling. He felt that the heart of the golden eagle was useful to him, and this usefulness was interpreted by him as that, if he ate the heart of the golden eagle, it would be beneficial to him. Good thing, it feels a lot like seeing the corn on the cob in the cave.

Gu Zheng laughed, although this wretched golden eagle made him grit his teeth with hatred, but his previous guess was not wrong, the golden eagle was really useful to him.

Knowing that the golden eagle's heart is useful, Gu Zheng was not in a hurry to use its heart for barbecue. He launched a dream on the golden eagle! This is a guy with some intelligence, and it should only appear at night. If he can know its memory, it will definitely supplement his lack of understanding of the desert night.

When I caught the chipmunk before, Gu Zheng hadn't thought of the benefits of dreaming at that time. I checked its memory in a torture way, but I didn't get any particularly useful information, so after seeing the benefits of dreaming, Gu Zheng Decided to try the golden eagle by dreaming.

Gu Zheng had already dreamed about the golden eagle, and he soon saw the memory of the golden eagle in his dream.

Although the golden eagle is spiritual, it can't compare with human spirituality, so it has very little memory, but even so, Gu Zheng has seen from its memory those things that only appear at night in the desert, All kinds of monsters, even some of them are powerful, can reach the level equivalent to the realm of transforming gods!

"It seems that this world is not particularly simple!"

After reading the memory of the golden eagle, Gu Zheng felt a little emotional. The golden eagle only appeared at night, and the area it visited was limited, but in this kind of memory, there were already monsters of that level. No matter how big the space world is, there should be more powerful things.

In addition to the memory of the golden eagle, Gu Zheng knew that there should be powerful monsters in this world. He also knew one thing, that is, there are many monsters in this world that can sense magic crystals and heart magic beads. That's why golden eagles and chipmunks will avoid magic crystals or heart magic beads when they see them, because they know that these things can ignore the laws of the world, and it's better to keep them at a respectful distance, but because of their own mission, they can't Really escape, so can only harass the entrant who has this treasure.

The original reason why Gu Zheng changed the usual torture method to a gentle way of dreaming was to evade the restriction of the power of law on the mayor. Knowing the truth there is the only way to know the truth from the Golden Eagle in this way.

After knowing the truth, Gu Zheng was very speechless. This is indeed a simple space world, but if it has magic crystals or magic beads on its body, then it may trigger the influence of the power of law on some things. , thus increasing the difficulty of the event! If Gu Zheng didn't have such treasures as magic crystals, but relied on his own ability down-to-earth, after reaching a certain height, even if he could easily kill chipmunks or golden eagles, they would not escape, because those who encountered the treasure The influence of the power of the law of escape has not been triggered.

Anyway, through this incident, Gu Zheng knew that the difficulty of this space world was not as he thought, and all this was caused by the magic crystal and the heart magic bead, and he could only be indifferent to it. Accept, anyway, he can't throw away the magic crystal and the heart magic bead, so it's useless to think too much.

This time I was able to catch the golden eagle, thanks to Brother Hantan. Although he was exhausted while controlling the corpse of the leader of the golden eagle, this consumption is not too serious. It is estimated that he will recover after a few hours of rest. For this kind of meritorious performance of monk Tan, Gu Zheng decided to reward them both father and son, each with a golden eagle leg to enjoy themselves!

Although the golden eagle is also a medium-level ingredient, it is already close to the high-quality one. Its thigh meat must be more enjoyable than roasted wolf tail.

Hearing that Gu Zheng said that they would reward their father and son with golden eagle legs, Brother Hantan and his son were overjoyed. They were grateful to Gu Zheng.

After leaving the magic crystal, the previous bonfire had been extinguished, and the son of the monk Hantan went to pick up a lot of firewood and came back. During the time he went to collect firewood, the monk Hantan had also followed Gu Zheng's request and put the two firewood together. The golden eagle leg was dealt with, and after the bonfire was extinguished, he drilled wood to make fire and lit it again.

Gu Zheng first roasted the golden carving legs for the father and son of Hantan monks. After roasting, the aroma was much stronger than that of roasted wolf tails. The father and son of Hantan monks couldn't help drooling. , he wanted to taste it.

The golden eagle's legs are really big. This time, the father and son of the cold pool monks have really passed the addiction of eating meat.

The monk Hantan and his son each had a golden eagle leg, and what they ate was a round belly, and there were no monsters to disturb them while they were eating.

Now it's Gu Zheng's turn to enjoy it, but looking at the golden carving heart that weighs three catties after roasting, Gu Zheng couldn't help but smile wryly. If he had known earlier, he wouldn't eat roasted wolf tail. This time he will definitely eat it Supported.

The three-pound golden carving heart was finally eaten by Gu Zheng. Although it was very full, the benefits that the golden carving heart can produce quickly emerged. Gu Zheng felt that a heat flow was slowly pouring in. His dantian.

For Gu Zheng, the heat slowly pouring into his dantian was a very familiar feeling, so he was very excited. After entering the magic crystal, he immediately began to feel that familiar wonder.

Time passed by little by little, and the energy transformed by the golden carving heart made a small red cyclone appear in Gu Zheng's originally empty dantian, and the cyclone turned into a red air mass in the continuous rotation.

Gu Zheng was very excited. He really didn't expect that the golden carving heart that made him feel useful would make him give birth to the source of real fire after eating. This is the basis of becoming a fairy chef! With the source of the true fire of his life, Gu Zheng can use the fire control formula, and he can cook food to improve his own strength. When he was in the forest before, the key reason why he didn't cook food was that he didn't have the fire control formula or the fire control formula. Water Jue is the basic method of fairy cooking, so he can't cook many ingredients that need fire control art and water control art.

Possessing the Fire Control Jue and Water Control Jue is the basis of becoming a fairy chef, and the basis for being able to use the Fire Control Jue or Water Control Jue is to first have the source of the real fire and the source of the real water. Although Gu Zheng now only has There is no source of natal true fire, but there is no source of natal true water, but some ingredients do not need these two magical powers to be fully possessed, and having one of them can make the medicinal effect of the ingredients to a great extent.

As for having the source of the real fire of natal life, it does not mean that he has the water control formula. This is not within the scope of Gu Zheng's worries, because in the process of the energy of Jin Diao's heart allowing him to produce the source of real fire of natal life, that special The feeling has already been born. After he has the source of the true fire of his life, he will have an awakening. This awakening will at least awaken the elementary fire magic, and the fire control formula is a kind of elementary fire magic. ! Even if Gu Zheng won't awaken the Fire Control Art, he can still practice it in a very short time, because he didn't lose the cultivation method of the basic Five Elements Immortal Art because of the influence of the law. The reason why he didn't practice it before is completely It was because at that time there was no such foundation as the source of the true fire of life.

"What's happening here?"

Gu Zheng was a little surprised. The energy originally transformed by the Golden Eagle Heart had already helped him produce the source of the true fire of his life, and that energy had been exhausted. It stands to reason that he should enter the awakened state at this time, but he did not. Awakened because of this, on the contrary, his stomach didn't digest it, and the golden carving heart that he thought was dross, turned waste into treasure miraculously, completely transformed into a wave of energy, and this energy was the same as before, it had already It surged towards the source of the real fire of life in Gu Zheng's dantian.

"No way!"

Just when Gu Zheng was puzzled, a special feeling emerged again, and this time, there was a lot of information about the special feeling. This information not only answered Gu Zheng's doubts, but also made him understand something. On the first day in this space world, after he ate corn on the cob, why did he unlock the restriction of the power of law, which happened to be the eye of Tao!

The special feeling allowed Gu Zheng to answer the doubts in his heart, and at the same time made him dumbfounded, because everything has two sides, and because of his problems, this world is no longer the simple space world.

If the highest difficulty of this space world is regarded as ten, then when Gu Zheng first entered this space world, this space world was indeed a simple space world, and it only had an initial difficulty of three.

Break the rules as soon as you come to the ancient battle, and get corn on the cob at the beginning! After all, if he didn't have such a high degree of control over the fairy-level space artifact, it is impossible for him to have that special feeling when he was about to enter the woods, and then turned around and found the cave, even if he found the cave, if He doesn't have treasures like the Heart Magic Orb or the Magic Crystal, and it is impossible for him to defeat the two-headed monster in the cave. To defeat the two-headed monster, he needs a period of practice, and once he has practiced for a period of time according to the normal progress After time, if you defeat the two-headed monster, even if you get the corn cob, the corn cob is just an ordinary natural treasure, which can bring him the effect of strengthening his body and improving his cultivation base, but it will not It is so powerful that it touches the power of some laws.

It is precisely because of the extraordinary start that Gu Zheng obtained the treasures of heaven and earth that could not have been obtained at that time. The difficulty of the space world has changed from three to five, corresponding to the increase in the difficulty of space. The effect of Dibao has also changed. According to the physical condition of Gu Zheng's body, Gu Zheng opened the eye of Tao! Because Gu Zheng's body is the fairy chef, the Eye of Dao is very important to him.

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