After the first step of mineral salt processing is completed, Gu Zheng uses Xianli to act on it, and it immediately turns into small crystals, which look no different from ordinary table salt, but its fragrance is very impressive. The tongue feels comfortable layered, which is a taste experience that ordinary salt cannot achieve.

There is nothing in the heart magic bead, people are suspended, like these processed mineral salts, there is no need to use any container to hold them, it is so quietly suspended in the void, if Gu Zheng Find the right water, or let it just suspend in the inner magic bead.

The processing of the mineral salt has been completed, and Gu Zheng has also reached the depths of the cave. There are several pools here, and the water in one pool is very clear, while the water in the rest is very turbid.

The water pool with very clear water quality is the place where the pig demon actually drinks water. The water there is sweet and clear. Gu Zheng wants to check its quality. As for the mushroom-like ingredients, it is at the bottom of the cave, waiting for Gu Zheng to get it Find it after the water.

Seeing the water quality of the clear pool, Gu Zheng couldn't help but feel happy. Although the water in the pool has not reached the excellent level, it has reached the intermediate level, which can be regarded as the water that meets the requirements! After all, water sources are more likely to be polluted, and the quality can reach the middle level, which is already very good.

Gu Zheng started to absorb water with the Heart Demon Bead, and the muddy pools on the side became calm, one after another strange fish jumped out of the water pool, and rushed towards the Heart Demon Bead in the air.

These strange fishes that jumped out of the muddy pool were each more than two feet long. Their bodies looked like fishes, but they had crocodile-like heads.


The fish monster who was the first to bite the heart demon bead hard, failed to do anything to the heart demon bead, it was like biting an iron plate, and it directly broke a few of its teeth.

Gu Zheng is currently collecting clean water. He doesn't want these guys from the turbid waters to destroy his good water quality, so he collects all the fish monsters that fly over, and gives them all with the Heart Magic Bead. Put it away.

"You bullying fish monsters, when the pig monster came here to drink water, I didn't see you flying up and attacking it, but now you have come to trouble me with the heart magic bead. This is a kick to the iron plate, right? ?”

After getting mineral salts first, and then getting suitable water quality, Gu Zheng, who finally felt better, couldn't help laughing.

"Unfortunately, now that I don't have a body, I can't eat anymore. Otherwise, I would be very interested in tasting the taste of these fish monsters. I think my father should also be very interested in the meat of this fish monster. This kind of fish monster exists in our hometown, the meat is firm and smooth, and the taste is very good.”

Although the son of monk Hantan has only his soul left, there is no problem in communicating with Gu Zheng.

"Indeed, the food quality of these fish monsters is close to excellent."

Gu Zheng has observed the fish monster with the eyes of the Tao. Although the fish monster comes from relatively turbid pool water, it is not impossible to produce high-quality ingredients in the muddy water. Otherwise, how could there be muddy water? .

"After the tree king's problem is solved, your father and son will be reunited at that time. It's not easy to eat a few grilled fish monsters." Gu Zheng laughed.

"Thank you master!"

Brother Hantan's son hurriedly expressed his thanks.

After collecting the water source, Gu Zheng manipulated the Heart Demon Orb to fly towards the bottom of the cave. Before, he just regarded the mushroom-like ingredients as suspicious, but now he thinks that the mushroom-like ingredients must be high-quality! After all, this is a magical cave. There are not only high-quality mineral salts, but also medium-quality water sources. Even muddy water pools can produce fish monsters with extremely high-quality ingredients. Good quality mushrooms, this is really not a rare thing.

The bottom of the cave is also very humid. On a high stone platform, there is a colorful mushroom that looks as high as chopsticks.

After carefully looking at the mushroom, Gu Zheng's eyes couldn't help but brighten up. What kind of high-grade ingredients are these? It's clearly high-end!

Gu Zheng was a little moved. The appearance of this colorful mushroom was very meaningful. It seemed to be the missing link among the ingredients that Gu Zheng had now! This ring connects all orchids, pineapple fruit, white pork, and rabbit meat! Gu Zheng originally thought that if the mushroom ingredients were suitable, he would use them to add orchids, pineapple fruit, and rabbit meat, and cook a single ingredient to raise his cultivation level to the point where he was close to the middle stage of gasification, but now if he uses up a whole set of ingredients , then the effect of the medicine will definitely raise his cultivation to the middle stage of gas transformation!

A choice was placed in front of Gu Zheng, that is whether to use the pig monster or not, no matter how to say without the meat of the pig monster, this link is also incomplete, and his cultivation base cannot enter the middle stage of gas transformation.

"Use it, anyway, the pig demon is just a backup, anyway, you will also use the tree man's body at that time, as for the spare body, I don't believe there will be no more powerful ones in the future."

Gu Zheng had already told Brother Hantan's son about the entanglement, and Brother Hantan's son told him that he made up his mind on everything, and Gu Zheng, who didn't hesitate for too long, made this decision.

Although a decision has been made, Gu Zheng can't make it a reality now, because his body is still very fragile, and cooking food can't be done in the Heart Demon Orb, but can only be done in the outside environment, so Gu Zheng needs to There is a guardian, and the son of the monk Hantan does not have a body yet, so Gu Zheng has to find a body for him first.

It is not difficult to find a body for the son of the monk Hantan. After all, Gu Zheng is already familiar with the current environment from the memory of the pig monster. He knows what the most powerful monster is in a wide range. Stay, just temporarily be the physical body of the son of the monk Hantan.

The most powerful monster in the current area is not as powerful as the pig monster. It is a humanoid monster with a head like a fish head and many barbs on its back. It lives by a pool at the foot of another mountain, but its strength is not as strong as the pig monster. It is tall and good at hiding in the water. The pig demon has seen it but did not kill it.

After controlling the Inner Demon Orb to fly to the foot of another mountain, the fish-headed monster who was lying on the rock by the pool immediately became alert, and it sprayed a mouthful of highly corrosive venom at the flying Inner Demon Orb.

The venom sprayed by the fish-head monster was very fast, and it also successfully hit the heart demon orb, but the mind demon orb was a treasure, and the fish-head monster's venom did not cause any damage to the mind demon orb.

Seeing that the venom was useless to the Mind Demon Orb, the fish-headed monster immediately dived into the pool, but at this time the Heart Demon Orb was not close enough to it to ingest it, so Gu Zheng had no choice but to control the Mind Demon The pearl entered the pool.

For Gu Zheng, if he wants to cook delicious food to improve his strength, he must catch this fish head monster, otherwise it will be very troublesome if it is attracted by the delicious aroma and makes trouble in the past matter.

The heart magic bead entered the water, although Gu Zheng's sight was not affected, but he was unwilling to enter the water pool for Gu Zheng, because the flying speed of the heart magic bead was not fast, and its speed would become faster after entering the water pool. Slow down, that's what he's trying to do. If he can't capture the fish-headed monster in the pool, then he can only manipulate the Inner Demon Orb to hide on the shore, and launch a sneak attack on the fish-headed monster when it reappears.

The water in the pool is not particularly deep, and the area is not too large, which is a better point. Gu Zheng feels that whether he can catch the fish head monster will soon be known.

Although the fish-headed monster hid in the water, something lucky happened to Gu Zheng. The fish-headed monster that returned to the pool was also known for its courage. The Heart Demon Orb bumped into it, and Gu Zheng happened to collect it into the Heart Demon Orb.

There is nothing useful in the memory of the fish-headed monster. After Gu Zheng destroyed its will with an illusion, he let the son of the monk in the cold pool take its body. Now the son of the monk in the cold pool is the fish-headed monster.

In the space where the fish head monster is, Gu Zheng took out the set of stone cooking utensils made in the forest by the father and son of Hantan monks. After cooking food in the forest, Gu Zheng took out the set of stone cooking utensils. The high-quality cooking utensils were collected in the magic crystal, thinking that it would save time to make these things when they are used again in the future. I was trapped in the magic crystal in the forest before, and I wanted to use the heart magic bead to get out of the magic crystal. After the solution, Gu Zheng understood that he could still use this set of stone cooking utensils, but he had no way to release the living creature, the monk in the cold pool, out of the heart magic bead. Bring it out! It is precisely because there is no way to bring the living things out that the treant taken away from the tree king was still in the phantom crystal. Otherwise, Gu Zheng would not need to find a new one for the son of the monk Hantan. Can accept the body strengthened by the power of the tree king.

The son of the monk Hantan, who is now considered to be the overlord of the current area, has been released by Gu Zheng to watch. As for the set of stone cooking utensils, Gu Zheng has also put them in place.

Looking at the simple stone cooking utensils, Gu Zheng couldn't help sighing. When he was in that tribe before, he didn't know that in this space world, he could finally obtain the spirit of the true fire of his life. He would have known it at that time This matter can simply take away a lot of useful living items from the tribe, so there is no need to use this simple stone cooking utensils like now.

The things that Gu Zheng is going to cook this time are orchids, pineapple fruit, white pork, rabbit meat and colorful mushrooms. If these things want to become a delicious dish, they need to be processed in different ways.

There are really many things that are a pity for Gu Zheng, just like these few kinds of ingredients on hand now, if he has the spirit of true water in his life, he can cook them into a food cultivation that increases energy, so as to improve his food quality. He has greatly improved his own cultivation, but now he only has the spirit of the real fire, which leads to the fact that the original good ingredients can only be cooked to enhance the cultivation of food, and there is no way to achieve the kind of food cultivation level.

There are only ingredients like orchids, and the only thing that can be used is the small white flower that bloomed on it, and the treatment of this small white flower is relatively simple, just blanch it.

The fruit like pineapple is not actually a fruit. It has a hard skin on the outside. It tastes just a little sweet, but more of a mouth-watering sour taste. What Gu Zheng needs to do is, Squeeze the juice out of it.

As for the white pork, rabbit meat and colorful mushrooms, they just need to be cleaned up.

It didn't take long, Gu Zheng had already done all the preparations that he needed to do, and now he was going to start cooking delicacies that could improve his cultivation.

The white pork has its own fat. After frying in the pan, the rabbit meat, sliced ​​rabbit meat, colorful mushrooms, and orchids are stir-fried together in the pan, and the fragrance immediately fills the air. However, although the fragrance at this stage is very fragrant, there are still some strange smells in it, so that it is not very attractive.

However, this unattractive aroma is just, just a stage in the cooking process. When this stage passes, the aroma of the food in the pot will definitely make people's index fingers move! After all, several kinds of ingredients can be mixed together to produce effects, each of which is an indispensable part. Now Gu Zheng has not added the juice of the pineapple fruit. Once he adds the juice of the pineapple fruit, the food in the pot The smell will make a qualitative change.

The food in the pot has been stir-fried to the right level. Because several ingredients are mixed together, the two kinds of meat have become as if they have been added with sauce, with an attractive luster. The petals of the orchid have not changed in appearance because of the stir-frying. They still look white and tender like freshly peeled onions, but in fact, a certain amount of gravy has been sucked into them, and the taste has undergone a wonderful change.

Now that it was the right time to stir-fry, Gu Zheng poured the juice of the pineapple into it. With the addition of the juice of the pineapple, a tempting sour smell came out, and the smell made people feel particularly good. It seemed that it was originally a stuffy nose, but suddenly smelled the smell of old mature vinegar, even the air seemed to be fresher because of it, and the sense of smell became particularly sharp, and I was able to smell how refreshing the qualitatively changed fragrance is.

The scent has become different, especially the sour smell is more tempting to people's sense of taste, making people drool involuntarily, not to mention that the son of monk Hantan is already swallowing, even Gu Zheng is also in this way.

The pervasive fragrance still attracted some monsters, even some fish in the pool jumped out, but these monsters and the like would be the opponents of the monk's son in the cold pool. This physical body is currently the overlord in a large area. Those guys who were tempted by the fragrance and lost their minds all died tragically under the attack of the son of the monk in the cold pool.

Gu Zheng has already made the delicious food out of the pot. Looking forward to the delicious food with color and fragrance, Gu Zheng still feels it is a pity that without the spirit of true water, these ingredients not only did not become food cultivators, but even the extremely fragrant form did not appear.

With a sigh, Gu Zheng picked up a piece of white pork and put it in his mouth. It had a taste completely different from that of ordinary pork. It was fat and delicious, and one bite made the saliva double. Moreover, due to the use of mineral salts this time, the ingredients no longer have their own light taste, and it has a nostalgic salty taste in it, which also highlights the meat that it should have. This kind of fragrance is really a feeling that makes people chew and don't want to swallow it.

Compared with white pork, the taste of rabbit meat is slightly more chewy, like high-quality beef, and the taste is also very good.


The petals of the orchid exploded in Gu Zheng's mouth. It was a scent mixed with sweet juice, which had a vegetable-like taste and the fatness of broth in it.

The meat of the colorful mushroom is very thick, and its taste is also very good. It tastes a little like meat, but it is smoother, and because it is already a high-grade ingredient, its fragrance is also the strongest among these ingredients That, so that when Gu Zheng was chewing it, some of the original shrimps in the pool jumped out of the water to express their dissatisfaction that they could not get a share of the pie.

Gu Zheng is having a good time eating, while Brother Hantan's son completely vented his desire for delicious food on those unappealing things.

All the little monsters jumping out of the pool, he has a strong ability to control water, he just had a thought, many ice thorns appeared in the pool, and shot those little monsters who dared to jump out of the pool, as for the little monsters that sprayed from the land. The monster that ran over, the son of the monk in the cold pool, seemed to be spit out endless venom, but all the monsters that were touched by its venom turned into a pool of blood in an instant.

Of course, the temptation of fragrance to monsters is not only from land and water, but also from some monsters in the air. Some of these monsters are insects, some look like birds, and some look like fish. His son, the attack on these monsters can be called a thousand arrows! I saw that with just a wave of his sharp claws, countless ice spikes flew out of the pool, and those guys who wanted to get a share of the pie from the sky suddenly fell like dumplings.

Gu Zheng had finished eating the delicious food, he greeted the son of the cold pool monk, and then led him into the heart magic bead.

After half an hour of absorbing the effects of the medicine, Gu Zheng's situation was as expected. He entered the middle stage of Qi transformation from the original stage of Qi transformation. The reason for his improvement in cultivation has been greatly reduced, and the time left for him now is as many as ten days. As long as he can improve his cultivation to the late stage of Qi transformation within these ten days, then he no longer has to worry about the life in his body. The spirit of true fire backfired.

The cultivation base has also been improved, and the next thing Gu Zheng has to do is to go to the forest on this island, where he is going to find the tree man, and let it be the new body of the son of the monk Hantan.

In the memory of the pig demon, the forest on the island where the treants existed did not look very good, because the leaves of the trees in the forest were abnormally withered and yellow.

Of course, the pig demon doesn't think that withered yellow is abnormal. This is just a conclusion that Gu Zheng came to after reading its memory. According to Gu Zheng's guess, the forest is likely to be sick. The reason why it is yellow.

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