Tossing the tree king for two full days, during this period, the son of the cold pool monk cut down all the trees in the forest for a whole day, causing the tree king to be seriously injured, and the gold thread wireworm king in the tree king's body was finally saved. With the energy of the tree king, this huge monster that Gu Zheng thought was invincible a few days ago could not die anymore.

The tree king was dead, so Gu Zheng used the heart magic bead to collect all the power in the tree king's body into the heart magic bead.

The son of the monk Hantan has already strengthened the body of a tree man, and now he can only use one-third of the power that originally belonged to the tree king in the heart magic orb, which is the limit of his body's ability to accept strengthening! After all, his current body is different from that of the tree king, and he is not as advanced as the tree king, so naturally he cannot accept more power from the tree king.

The son of the monk Hantan is already using the power of the tree king to strengthen his body. As for the monk Hantan, Gu Zheng did not allow him to use the remaining two-thirds of the energy of the tree king. After all, he is now in the body of a goshawk monster, and he will need to use his current body to save time during the next journey, and let him seize the magic crystal when his body is of little use The tree man in the tree, thus using the remaining two-thirds of the power of the tree king to strengthen the body.

The body of Brother Hantan's son has been strengthened. Now he is eight feet tall and looks like a giant.

Flying with the Heart Demon Orb by the monks of the cold pool, the place where Gu Zheng and the others are going now is not the two islands with two doors. In the memory of the eagle monster, there are suspected suitable ingredients in the two places they are going to.

The only suitable ingredients in Gu Zheng's hands now are white pork. The few ingredients he got before have all been used up because of the small quantity.

The cold pool monk stopped in the air, and then Gu Zheng put it into the heart magic bead. After the weight of the heart magic bead became larger under Gu Zheng's control, it fell downward like a meteor.

There is a water pool below the place where the Heart Demon Orb fell. When the goshawk monster was drinking water at the edge of this water pool, he once found a glistening golden perch. I thought it might be the right ingredient.

The golden perch is not a monster, it is a relatively special fish. Gu Zheng intends to control the heart magic bead into the pool, and directly use the heart magic bead to take it away.

If the heavier Annihilation Orb falls into the pool, it is estimated that a large part of the fish and shrimp in the pool will be killed. If there are fish and shrimp that meet the standard of ingredients, the level of ingredients will probably be lowered because of this, so When the heavier Heart Demon Orb was about to fall into the pool, Gu Zheng lowered the weight of the Heart Demon Orb and allowed it to gently enter the water.

The water quality in the pool is quite clear. Gu Zheng manipulated the Heart Demon Orb to look for the golden perch in the pool. Immortals have curious small fish and shrimps swimming around the Heart Demon Orb. As for the slightly larger fish and shrimp, they are greedy. Attacking the Heart Demon Orb, or wanting to swallow the Heart Demon Orb into its stomach.

The Heart Demon Orb is indestructible, not to mention these ordinary fish and shrimp, even an existence like the Tree King cannot do it, what they do to the Heart Demon Orb is futile.

There are many kinds of fish and shrimp in the pool, but none of the ingredients meet the standard. Gu Zheng has become less interested in observing them. He knows that there is a golden light swimming towards us in front of him. Finally came the interest.

The golden light swimming towards the Heart Demon Orb is exactly the golden light perch that Gu Zheng was looking for, and this golden light perch did not come for the Heart Demon Orb. Behind it was a monster like a water monkey. It was only after running for his life that he came to the vicinity of the Heart Demon Orb.

Gu Zheng doesn't care why the golden perch is close to the heart magic bead, for him, as long as he finds the golden perch, he will treat him, and he will put the golden perch into the heart magic bead as soon as he thinks about it, so that he has time to look at it. The speed of the golden perch was too fast, and it was too late to observe with the eyes of Tao.

Through the observation of the Eye of Dao, Gu Zheng was delighted that the golden perch was indeed a qualified ingredient.

After getting the golden perch, Gu Zheng originally left to control the heart magic orb, so he hurried to the next place to see if the suspected ingredients there were up to standard.

Gu Zheng wanted to leave, but the water monkey who had lost the golden perch didn't intend to let the magic bead leave without worrying about it. It opened its mouth and swallowed the heart magic bead into its belly.

The heart magic bead was swallowed by the water monkey, and Gu Zheng was used to it. After all, this was not the first time the heart demon bead was swallowed by a monster, but the monsters who dared to swallow the heart magic bead were all gut-wrenching. A bad end.

However, when Gu Zheng increased the power of the Heart Demon Orb and wanted to crush the water monkey to death, he actually felt a strong resistance!

Gu Zheng was a little surprised. He had already observed the water monkey in the Heart Demon Orb, and the strength of this water monkey was not high, even inferior to ordinary treants. The pressure is right.

However, it has been a while since I entered the enchantment, and Gu Zheng also knows that there are too many unusual places in the enchantment. These unusual places do not necessarily represent opportunities, and some are real dangers, just like When entering the enchantment, the guy Gu Zheng saw on the cliff who was connected to the enchantment, if he knew it was invincible and still challenged it, thinking about seeing if there would be any chance, it would undoubtedly be An act of courting death.

As soon as Gu Zheng thought about it, the weight of the Heart Demon Bead increased again, and the water monkey was immediately crushed to death. Although it could withstand the weight of the Heart Demon Bead just now, the weight of the Heart Demon Bead just now was not its limit Weight, it's not easy for Gu Zheng to make it gut-wrenching.

Although Gu Zheng used the heart magic bead to crush the water monkey's stomach, the water monkey didn't die, it immediately fled to the distance, but its speed has become very slow because of the injury.

Normally, the monsters that were crushed to death by Gu Zheng with the Heart Demon Orb were the kind that exploded, but the Heart Demon Orb came out of the water monkey's body, but only left a hole in its body. It can also be regarded as a little abnormality of the water monkey.

Being able to withstand the weight of the previous Heart Demon Orb, and after the weight of the Heart Demon Orb increased, he was not crushed to death. Gu Zheng was already in the mood for this water monkey, and he didn't wait for the water monkey to run away. , with a thought, he wanted to use the heart magic bead to take the water monkey into his heart.

However, something happened that really shocked Gu Zheng, the Heart Demon Orb couldn't get the Water Monkey into it!

There is no way to take the water monkey away with the heart magic bead. To Gu Zheng, the water monkey is unusual and has risen to the same height as the tree king. After all, the Heart Demon Orb is a rare treasure, and it can only be collected by a few very special monsters, such as the previous tree king!

The Heart Magic Orb couldn't collect the water monkey, so Gu Zheng immediately changed his mind and changed it to have the magic crystal instead, and then controlled the magic crystal to chase for a certain distance. Collect water monkey.

The heart magic bead and the magic crystal have similar functions, and they are also two treasures that can ignore the laws of the space world. Then, the tree king encountered in this special magic crystal made Gu Zheng understand a truth, that is, the magic crystal When there is no one, it does not mean that the Anxin Orb is useless! After all, the tree king has the ability to confine magic crystals, but he doesn't have the ability to confine the heart magic orb. As for the water monkey, his status in Gu Zheng's heart has soared to the same height as the tree king. I want to know if the anomaly it can show on the Heart Demon Orb is also useful to the magic crystal.

The water monkey, which was able to resist the collection of the heart magic bead, failed to withstand the collection of the magic crystal of Gu Zheng, and it is now in the magic crystal of Gu Zheng.

Although Gu Zheng had looked at the water monkeys before, he was certainly not as careful as he is now.

When looking at the water monkey through the pool of water through the Heart Demon Orb before, he thought that the water monkey was a monster without eyes, but in the magic crystal, he found that the water monkey actually had eyes, but its eyes were in the water before. That's all, it didn't open it when it was opened, but now its eyes are open, and there is ample spiritual light in them, which shows that it is a monster full of spirituality. In addition, he also found that the water monkey has super recovery energy. It was crushed by the heart magic pearl just a moment ago, and now the wound is no longer visible on the body surface.

Gu Zheng is the owner of the magic crystal. If he is in the magic crystal, if he does not want to be discovered by the water monkey, then the water monkey will not be able to see him at all, so the water monkey at this moment is looking at this nothing with terrified eyes. peculiar space.

"Can you talk?"

Gu Zheng's voice suddenly sounded, and the water monkey who was looking at the magic crystal space was taken aback, but it couldn't move at all because it was fixed in the air by Gu Zheng, or it must have escaped.

"Looks like you can't talk."

Gu Zheng appeared in front of the water monkey. The water monkey still had panic in its eyes, but it still couldn't communicate as Gu Zheng expected! Moreover, not only can it not communicate, but it also has a very bad-tasting saliva from its mouth.

Gu Zheng knew that the saliva from the water monkey was actually a kind of poisonous water. If it hadn't been suppressed in the phantom crystal, the poisonous water in its mouth would not be as simple as flowing out, but a jet attack against Gu Zheng. .

"You are very special, but since you can't communicate, then I can only grind your will, and then check your memory to see how special you are."

As soon as Gu Zheng thought about it, something that frightened the water monkey appeared in the magic crystal space. Gu Zheng wanted to destroy its will through fear, and then check its memory.

Gu Zheng is no stranger to the thing that the water monkey fears, it is a monster, and this monster, Gu Zheng has seen in the memory of the goshawk monster and the white pig monster, it is the huge one with a long body. The golden-eyed fish demon with the gate open.

The golden-eyed fish demon has already launched an attack on the water monkey, and the scene that made Gu Zheng stare wide-eyed also appeared. Whether it is using the heart magic bead or using the magic crystal to destroy the will of the monster, or transforming into something that makes the monster fear in his heart, there are all of them. One thing in common is that monsters have an absolute fear that they dare not resist the thing that scares them the most. This is not to say that this is the case in reality, but because of the characteristics of magic crystals and heart magic beads, Increased the power of this fear! However, with the water monkey, Gu Zheng saw an accident, that is, the water monkey dared to fight against the golden-eyed fish monster. It was attacking the phantom of the golden-eyed fish monster and bravely fought back.

Although the water monkey is fighting back against the illusion of the golden-eyed fish demon, Gu Zheng knows that it won't last long. The illusion of the magic crystal is too powerful, and it will soon be destroyed by the illusion of the golden-eyed fish demon. The special feeling produced by the mastery of the fairy weapon also came from Gu Zheng's heart at this moment. This special feeling made Gu Zheng understand that using illusions to destroy the will of the water monkey is definitely a loss!

The emergence of a special feeling allowed Gu Zheng to end the destruction of the water monkey's will with illusions. He needs to think about what this special feeling refers to.

What the special feeling refers to must be related to the golden-eyed fish demon, and the golden-eyed fish demon is also a giant monster that Gu Zheng had to face in order to leave this enchantment! Moreover, with the current forces of the Guzheng side, it is not enough to take down the golden-eyed fish demon, even if the monks in the cold pool are turned into strengthened treants, anyway, the golden-eyed fish demon is different from the tree king, the tree king It can't move at all, but the golden-eyed fish demon can fly, and the flying speed is not slow. As for the tree-like body like the monk's son in the cold pool, there is no way to fly at all.

The golden-eyed fish demon is so powerful, the water monkey looks very weak, even if it is not afraid of the golden-eyed fish demon, it has no ability to deal with the golden-eyed fish demon, and it cannot communicate at all, and it will not obey Gu Zheng's arrangement .

"Could it be that this is another thing falling from one thing?"

Gu Zheng, who was originally frowning, widened his eyes. For now, he really can't think of anything other than this possibility.

However, Gu Zheng also felt that there seemed to be something missing in the possibility he thought of! That is the illusion is the real presentation of the heart. It is true that the water monkey is afraid of the golden-eyed fish demon. Even if it can restrain the golden-eyed fish demon, it is not an opponent of the golden-eyed fish demon. If this restraint is really Tianke, Na Guzheng felt that it shouldn't appear in the pool, it should be like the king of golden wireworms aged in Tianke, and make the behemoths miserable with a small body, but it didn't look like looking for the golden-eyed fish demon. trouble, it's chasing golden perch in the waterhole!

"Golden light perch? Golden-eyed fish demon?"

Gu Zheng's eyes lit up, he felt as if he had caught something.

Originally, Gu Zheng didn't use the Eye of Dao to observe the water monkey, because the water monkey is a poison, which is something he can judge based on experience, but now he thinks he should use the eye of Tao to observe the water monkey.

As soon as he thought of it, Gu Zheng immediately observed the water monkey with the eyes of Tao. This observation really made him happy to find that the water monkey lacked some substances in the body of the golden perch, and these substances were conducive to its breakthrough. !

"Do you want to have this?"

Gu Zheng had a thought, and the golden perch caught in the pool appeared in his hands. Although the water monkey can't communicate, it has spirituality after all.

Sure enough, the water monkey, who was still on guard against the ancient war, was immediately attracted by the golden perch, with longing in his eyes.

"Want to eat, don't you? If you want to eat, you just nod."

Gu Zheng spoke again, and the water monkey quickly nodded at him. Although its wisdom was not enough to support it to understand Gu Zheng's more complicated meaning, it still understood this simple meaning.

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