As the Big Three in the mysterious enchantment, the golden-eyed fish demon is naturally very extraordinary. Even if its original energy can be used, it must be used on things related to it. Just like the tree king back then, the reason why the son of monk Hantan could use its energy was because the son of monk Hantan used the body of a tree man.

Now monk Hantan wants to use the original energy belonging to the golden-eyed fish demon to strengthen his son's body. At first glance, this kind of thing seems to be contrary to common sense, but it is not! The tree king is also related to the golden-eyed fish demon, and they belong to one of the three giants in this mysterious enchantment. They all have the ability to deal with the kind of treasure that breaks the rules, so they belong to the original energy of the golden-eyed fish demon. , the son of the cold pool monk can use it.

However, since the main body is not a fish, the son of the monk Hantan cannot directly improve his own strength by using the original energy belonging to the golden-eyed fish demon. It can only use this energy to break the shackles of the main body, allowing him to The treant body can accept the remaining part of the tree king's energy! And in this way, the strength of the son of the monk Hantan, who has received so much energy from the tree king, will definitely reach a terrifying bottom.

Brother Hantan has injected the original energy of the golden-eyed fish demon he absorbed into his son's body. As for the matter of breaking the shackles, he left it to his son to handle it himself. , but also to absorb the original energy that the golden-eyed fish demon is passing away.

Although the original energy of the golden-eyed fish demon cannot be used by the monks of the cold pool, it can be used by the water monkey. It is used to improve its own strength, but it does not have the ability to directly absorb this energy, and it needs the help of the cold pool monks.

The golden-eyed fish demon is powerful, but after it is eliminated, Gu Zheng will gain a lot. The son of the cold pool monk can improve his strength, and the water monkey's strength can also be improved. These are all the gains of Gu Zheng. As for the cold pool monk, although his strength cannot be improved at this time, the growth space of his body is due to the ability to absorb the energy of monsters, which becomes unlimited. As long as there are enough monsters and time, his strength The promotion will also be very fast, and in this mysterious enchantment, the most indispensable thing should be all kinds of monsters.

The cold pool monk has absorbed the original energy of the golden-eyed fish demon, and is injecting it into the water monkey's body at the moment. As for the cold pool monk's son, he has already broken the shackles of his original body, and has begun to absorb the energy belonging to the tree king. That part of the power, while Gu Zheng is observing the door.

The door was originally on the back of the golden-eyed fish demon, but after the golden-eyed fish demon fell from the sky, the door fell to the ground by itself, and now it stands so abruptly, with a layer of halo attached to it.

The door is where Gu Zheng must enter, but it is naturally impossible for Gu Zheng to enter now. Not only does he have to wait until his subordinates have recovered to their peak state, but he also has to cook a delicious meal to solve the problem brought by the spirit of the real fire. The kind of backlash disadvantages that come.

Finally, the son of monk Hantan was the first to complete the transformation. When Gu Zheng sent him out of the phantom crystal, he couldn't help feeling a kind of shock, because his size was really too big, almost as big as the tree king back then. a third of that!

Although the transformation of the water monkey has not yet been completed, but with the father and son of the monk Hantan freeing up his hands, Gu Zheng can rest assured to cook delicious food to improve his strength.

After releasing the set of stone kitchen utensils from the Heart Demon Orb, Gu Zheng took out three delicious ingredients for cooking this time, namely white pork, flying feather meat and sapphire cabbage.

All three ingredients need to be processed in the first step. Since sapphire cabbage grows in the swamp, even if the grade of the ingredients is not low, there will inevitably be some ingredients that do not match the two ingredients. If Gu Zheng has the spirit of true water , it will be relatively simple to deal with this kind of bad ingredients. You only need to use the water control formula to get rid of those bad ingredients. To remove the bad ingredients in the ingredients.

The water in the stone pot had already boiled, and the sapphire cabbage was peeled without any struggle, and thrown into the pot one by one.

Even though Gu Zheng doesn't have the spirit of true water, but fortunately he has the eyes of Tao. Under the observation of the eyes of Tao, he can see that those bad ingredients have disappeared with the process of blanching, so Gu Zheng will also be fried. Take out the sapphire cabbage, and then throw it into cold water to pass through it again, so as to taste it later.

The sapphire cabbage that had passed through the cold water was put aside by Gu Zheng for later use, and Gu Zheng began to simply treat the white pork again.

The white pork used in this delicious cooking is deboned meat. Gu Zheng set off the real fire of his life and roasted two big stick bones of white pig on the fire. The monk Hantan and his son who were in charge of vigilance couldn't help swallowing.

Gu Zheng knew that monk Hantan and his son were greedy, and they had indeed made merit during this time. He was ready to wait for him to eat delicious food and solve the problems caused by the spirit of the real fire in his body, before entering that door, give The father and son of the monks in the cold pool cook food once, which can be regarded as a reward for the three armies.

The stick bones of the white pig had been simply roasted. Gu Zheng broke open the stick bones and threw them into a stone pot filled with water and mineral salts to cook.

If it was the past, Gu Zheng could completely distract himself from handling the flying fish when he was stewing the stick bones, but now he doesn't have that ability, so he can only do it in the same way, and the stewing process alone, It will last for half an hour, which is quite tiring for Gu Zheng's current state.

As time goes by, the aroma in the stone pot becomes more and more intense. The bone marrow in the stick bone in the pot has been boiled, and the meat on the stick bone has also been boiled, turning into a milky white broth with a strong smell. It was so mellow that even Gu Zheng couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

The broth was finally ready, and Gu Zheng took out the stick bones and discarded it. For him, the delicious cooking this time only needed the broth made from white pork stick bones.

Although Gu Zheng said that the white pig's bone is no longer needed for delicious cooking, and the white pig's bone has lost almost all its essence during the cooking process, but it is still a high-quality ingredient, and there are many other ingredients on it. Lean meat, Gu Zheng can do without, but the drooling Hantan monk and his son are unwilling to waste it. They divided the two stick bones, not to mention the meat on top, even the stick bones themselves. They didn't throw it away, they chewed it up and swallowed it into their stomachs, and they kept making satisfied sounds.

"It's such an aftertaste, the salty taste is wonderful!"

Brother Hantan had a hard time feeling. He had eaten the food cooked by Gu Zheng before, but after Gu Zheng obtained high-quality mineral salt, it was the first time for his father and son to taste this kind of food, which was really memorable.

"Yes, it's really delicious!"

The son of the monk Hantan really has more to say. His body is so huge that the stick bone, which was originally not small, is not as good as a fishbone. He can only smash it in his mouth for a long time until Not willing to swallow it now.

Hearing the words of Brother Hantan and his son, Gu Zheng couldn't help but smile: "Don't worry, this time will definitely make you enjoy yourself!"

Although the son of the monk in the cold pool is huge, there were so many sea monsters called by the golden-eyed fish demon before, and there was also a huge guy among them. That guy looked like a shark, and the son of the monk in the cold pool coveted its meat very much. Zheng also decided that after he took the delicacy and solved the problem of the spirit of the real fire in his body, he would be free to use the real fire without fear of any disadvantages. At that time, even if the shark was relatively large, he would be able to use it Bake to taste.

The stick bone soup is now ready, the flying fish has been processed, and Gu Zheng is about to start cooking.

After the stone pot was heated up, Gu Zheng first put the flying fish into the pot and fried it. When the flying fish was fried and the meat was half-cooked, Gu Zheng poured the stick bone soup that had been boiled before into the pot. , and then stewed up.

After about three minutes of simmering on high heat, Gu Zheng put the sapphire cabbage that had been processed before into the pot, and then stewed for another two minutes to come out of the pot.

The deliciousness is out of the pot, Gu Zheng couldn't help sighing, without the spirit of true water, there is no water control formula, it is really a very uncomfortable thing, otherwise it is like the three ingredients in the pot. To say that cooking is a powerful food repair, at least it should have an extremely fragrant shape.

However, even if there is no extremely fragrant form, the delicious medicinal effect is good. After taking it, it is enough to upgrade Gu Zheng's cultivation base from the middle stage of Qi transformation to the late stage of Qi transformation, completely solving the disadvantages caused by the spirit of the real fire.

Gu Zheng has already started to taste the delicious food, he first took a sip of the milky white soup.

The taste of the soup is very delicious, mixed with the aroma of grilled stick bones, fish and vegetables, and the taste is very long, which makes people's teeth and cheeks fragrant.

After drinking the soup, Gu Zheng began to taste the flying fish meat. The meat was firm and chewy, with a little bit of springiness. Different parts of the meat had different textures, and the taste was very good.

After eating the fish, Gu Zheng tasted the vegetables again. Because the sapphire cabbage was special, even if it was blanched and stewed for three minutes, the taste was already very good and the dish was full of fragrance.

As usual, after a simple taste, Gu Zheng began to feast, and then waited for the effect of the medicine to take effect.

Gu Zheng is already absorbing the effect of the medicine, and the father and son of the cold pool monks are massacring, because the delicious food cooked by Gu Zheng inevitably attracted many monsters, and this time the number of monsters attracted is also particularly large. There are some very powerful ones, but it is a pity that the father and son of the cold pool monk are too powerful now, and those monsters are simply here to die! No, it should be said to be delivering food. Besides, the cold pool cultivator's ability is relatively strong, and he can absorb the life energy of these monsters.

In Gu Zheng's body, the original natal real fire spirit was like a raging flame, but with the absorption of the medicine, the color of the original raging flame became less glaring, and it was no longer that violent The temperature has stabilized, of course because Gu Zheng's cultivation has reached the late stage of gasification.

After finishing his promotion, Gu Zheng stood up and breathed a sigh of relief. The backlash of the real fire spirit that had troubled him for many days was finally over.

"Congratulations, master!"

"Congratulations master!"

Brother Hantan and his son saw Gu Zheng standing up, and immediately congratulated Gu Zheng. Looking around, the whole beach was full of corpses of various sea monsters. The corpse looked very shriveled, but the rest looked quite normal.

Gu Zheng checked the corpses, wanting to see if there were any suitable ingredients, but to his regret, he found that there were three kinds of suitable ingredients, one was a jellyfish-like monster, the other looked like seaweed, and One looked like a sea urchin. But it's really a pity that these two monsters, such as jellyfish and seaweed, have died miserably, and their fuzzy flesh and blood have been stained with sand, so that the grade of their ingredients has been lowered, and they no longer meet the standards of Gu Zheng. As for the beach-like monster, because of its hard shell on the outside, the yellow inside has not been polluted, but it still belongs to the ingredients that meet the requirements of ancient disputes.

Now that the cultivation level has been improved and the problem of the natal True Fire Spirit has been solved, the next thing Gu Zheng has to do is to reward the three armies.

What Brother Hantan wants to eat is a monster that looks like a puffer fish. Since Brother Hantan is not big, the puffer fish he chose is not big, so Gu Zheng decided to cook it for him first.

The monster that looks like a puffer fish is actually quite similar to a real puffer fish. Its internal organs, including the liver, are all highly poisonous. After Gu Zheng processed it, he chose to cook it by stewing.

Although the condiment is only mineral salt, and there are no auxiliary materials, but because Gu Zheng handled the puffer fish monster better, and its meat itself is very close to the high-quality level, the aroma of the boiled broth is also very good. Very tangy and very tasty.

Brother Hantan was already eating meat and soup beautifully, while Brother Hantan's son was watching eagerly, swallowing his saliva constantly.

If it was something ordinary, Brother Hantan would definitely give him some to taste as his son watched eagerly from the side. However, the delicacy cooked by Gu Zheng is obviously an exception. This is something that the monk Hantan is unwilling to share, and it is the same for his son.

A bonfire has risen on the ground, a monster like a shark, with a body length of five meters, cooking such a big fish, even if Gu Zheng's natal real fire spirit will no longer bite itself, it is not an easy job It is also unrealistic to want to cook with the real fire of life, so the flame used for grilling fish is just an ordinary bonfire. However, even for an ordinary bonfire, under the control of Gu Zheng's Fire Control Art, the temperature of the flame is very suitable.

In the past, Gu Zheng didn't ask the cold pool monk and his son to help him cook food, but this time he needed the cold pool monk's son to help him. Who made the reminder of the shark monster bigger? Using the fire control formula to control the goods, there is no way to take care of the shark monsters on the grill. The only way is to let the son of the monk in the cold pool, according to his requirements, keep turning the grill so that the shark monsters on it can be heated evenly.

The sound of sizzling oil continued to sound, and the smell of grilled shark monsters had already wafted out. The son of the monk in the cold pool began to swallow his saliva, but this was a long-term process. He wanted to truly taste the deliciousness of grilled sharks. , You need to wait another quarter of an hour.

The son of the monk Hantan was swallowing his saliva and waiting. The water monkey who was in the process of metamorphosis also completed the metamorphosis, and was released by Gu Zheng.

Originally, the whole body of the water monkey was already like black metal. After the transformation with the original energy of the golden-eyed fish demon, its whole body appeared dark golden, and there was another blood-red eye in the middle of the brow , its own strength is naturally greatly increased.

The water monkey loves to eat meat. After it completed its transformation, Gu Zheng let it go to the beach to pick monsters and let it experience the charm of cooking. The water monkey was naturally very happy. There is also communication in the competition, and after knowing that Gu Zheng can cook delicious food, he is also coveted.

The long shark was finally roasted. The rich aroma of the meat made the water monkey salivate, but this was something that could not be shared. The son of the monk in Hantan ate it happily. Although the size of the shark was huge, the body of Brother Hantan's son was even more ridiculously large, so that the shark he held and gnawed on was just like eating a skewer, and he couldn't be full with one skewer. However, even if one skewer is not enough to eat, Gu Zheng will not cook him a second skewer. Anyway, this is a very tiring job, and Gu Zheng also has other things to do.

The food chosen by the water monkey was a big crab. This crab was as big as a round table. After Gu Zheng tidied it up, he threw it on the fire and started grilling it.

The time it takes to grill the crabs is also constant. After a whole stick of incense, the originally blue crabs have also turned red, and the golden crab paste inside exudes a peculiar fragrance.

The water monkeys were greedy before, but now it's the turn of Hantan monks and father and son. After all, the water monkeys chew the crabs together with their shells. The "cracking" sound can stimulate people's appetite very much.

Rewarding the three armies is over. Gu Zheng asked the big guys to rest. After resting enough, he will lead them into the door to see where the door will lead to.

After resting for three hours, Gu Zheng and his group all returned to their full strength. Gu Zheng manipulated the Heart Demon Orb to push open the closed stone gate.


Gu Zheng couldn't help making a curious sound. There was no alternation of light and dark as imagined, nor the feeling of entering another space. The world at the door is still the beach, just like the original door, which is purely a door, without connecting anything. different space.

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