The Heart Demon Orb is a treasure that can interfere with the laws of the space world. Even if the sea of ​​fire released by the flame conch is more powerful, it is impossible to cause any damage to the Heart Demon Orb.

However, the Heart Demon Orb had already flown to a suitable distance, and Gu Zheng stopped it in the raging flames. This behavior of completely not moving made the Flame Conch mistakenly think that it had severely damaged the Heart Demon Orb. , also made it feel at ease to absorb the energy of the shark monster.

Gu Zheng kept the Heart Demon Orb from moving, he was actually waiting for the sea of ​​flames to end, otherwise he would be in the sea of ​​flames when he appeared now.

The original energy of the shark monster continued to flow, and it soon became like a dried fish. At this time, the sea of ​​fire finally extinguished. Gu Zheng appeared outside the heart magic bead with a thought, and pointed the flaming stick in his hand at the shell of the flaming conch. Call to go.


With a loud noise, Gu Zheng's flaming stick hit the target. The flaming conch is not a fragile lobster or crab, so there is no need for Gu Zheng not to dare to use force.

However, even with a lot of strength, Gu Zheng couldn't break up the power of law protecting the flame conch.

The flame conch didn't feel any pain, its shell was very thick, even if Gu Zheng hit it with a flame stick, it couldn't cause any harm to it, but it was very surprised, it didn't understand why it suddenly appeared Gu Zheng is such a guy.

Surprised but surprised, the flame conch's reaction was extremely fast. It also changed its slow-moving style before, and after turning around like lightning, the two tentacles moved towards the direction of the original ancient dispute.

However, without the existence of the Heart Demon Orb, the flame conch tentacles would be a headache for Gu Zheng, but with the existence of the Heart Demon Orb, it would be so easy for the Flame Conch to hit Gu Zheng. Dodging the flame conch's tentacles, and another thought appeared in another direction, and the flame stick in his hand hit the flame conch's body again.

The flame conch was obviously angry. While it was making a weird cry, a dazzling flame erupted from its body. It really wanted to burn Gu Zheng to death.

However, this time it wasn't just Gu Zheng who disappeared, even the flaming conch disappeared! After all, the two consecutive attacks of the flame stick have broken up the power of law protecting the flame conch, and without the protection of the power of law, even if Gu Zheng is not the opponent of the flame conch, he can take it into his heart with a single thought In the magic bead.

The Heart Demon Orb is the territory of the ancient struggle, as long as the flame conch is collected in the Heart Demon Orb, then there is only one fate waiting for it.

Activate the feature of the Mind Demon Orb, and the thing that the Flaming Conch is afraid of appears, that is a strange dragon with blue scales.

The flame conch didn't dare to attack the thing it was afraid of in its heart, and let the illusory sea dragon bite it to pieces, and its will was also slackened.

Gu Zheng needs flame conch, not only because of the grade of its ingredients, but more importantly, it contains a wealth of fire-attributed energy in its body. , become the food cultivation of the spirit of the real fire of life, thus greatly reducing the time for cultivating the spirit of the real fire of life in the normal steps. However, Gu Zheng has the main ingredients now, but Gu Zheng does not have the auxiliary materials, and he still needs to spend time collecting them.

Continue to collect ingredients, the time of the night also passed unconsciously, this night of ancient struggle is a lot of harvest, as for the dangerous situation, due to the existence of the heart magic orb, he did not really encounter it, anyway, as long as he enters With the Heart Demon Orb, those monsters have nothing to do with him.

At dawn, Gu Zheng, who left the Heart Demon Orb, started cooking.

What Gu Zheng is going to cook today is not simple delicacy, but food repair.

Anyway, Gu Zheng has the foundation of the fairy chef, even if he doesn't have the spirit of true water and fire in his body, as long as he has the source of true water and fire, the most basic food for increasing vitality Xiu, he can still cook, and once the food changes from ordinary delicious food to food with more powerful medicinal effects, the effect on improving cultivation will naturally be better.

"Unfortunately, in this space world, the level of ingredients is still generally low!"

Looking at the ingredients that were taken out, Gu Zheng sighed in his heart.

The quality of the ingredients at night is higher than that of the day, but even so, Gu Zheng only harvested one high-quality ingredient after a night of hard work last night, that is, the flame conch, but the flame conch is of great use. He has to wait for the auxiliary materials to be collected, and use them to cook the food repair to shorten the coagulation time of the spirit of the real fire, so it will not appear in this cooking, and the food repair cooked by Gu Zheng this time can only It uses ordinary and medium-level ingredients, and because of its lack of ability, the quality of the ingredients is not high, and the effect of food cultivation will not be particularly good, at least it will not let him and the monks in the cold pool who are in the early stage of transformation. Because of the existence of a food cultivator, his cultivation has entered the middle stage of transforming gods.

"Master, if this is the case, how long will we stay in this space world?"

It's not the first time to eat the food repair cooked by Gu Zheng, and the cold pool monk couldn't help but ask out his curiosity. After all, everyone doesn't want to stay too long in the test of the space world, but the food repair has some advantages. It takes a long time interval, and if you want to pass the test of the space world, you need to have enough strength, so the length of time required is also affected by the speed of strength improvement.

"I don't know about this for the time being, let's take a step and see!"

Gu Zheng was processing the ingredients while talking, and soon some ingredients such as fish, shrimp and crab had been processed by him.

Gu Zheng is a human body, while the father and son of Hantan monks are monster bodies. Although they cook all of them are Zengyuan Food Cultivators, they cannot be cooked in one pot. Gu Zheng must be customized according to their different physiques in order to be able to play to a greater extent. Food repairs need to be repaired.

For the first food repair, Gu Zheng has to cook for himself first. For this food repair, Gu Zheng used a total of four ingredients. These four ingredients are crab legs, white jade fish roe, senbei meat, and silver belt. Fish, although there are only four ingredients, but all of them are of medium grade.

The crab legs are taken from the strange crab. This kind of strange crab looks similar to the king crab, but it is much bigger than the king crab. It does not have the two big claws of the traditional crab. It has only four legs, but each There is also a small pincer on the leg. Four legs need to support a washbasin-sized body. One can imagine how thick the crab legs of this strange crab are, and the strange crab is really weird. Except for the crab leg meat, which is a medium-grade ingredient, the rest of the body is It's just an ordinary-grade ingredient. Gu Zheng needs to chop off the crab legs, boil them in water for a while, and then take out the crab leg meat for later use.

White jade fish roe is a kind of cuttlefish roe. Each of these roe is like rice, and it is as white as jade. It is the main ingredient of Gu Zheng's cooking and food repair. After Gu Zheng took it out, it also It needs boiling water once.

Xianbei is a kind of shellfish, the meat is very white, with a delicate fragrance, its meat is the most troublesome to deal with because of its stubbornness, Gu Zheng has to use Xianli to break up the meat first, and also It also needs boiling water once.

Gu Zheng, the silver hairtail, spent a little time chasing it. It was made of medium-grade ingredients as a whole. After Gu Zheng cleaned it up, he cut it into several pieces and fried it first. However, the silver hairtail is relatively large in size, and the fish pieces that Gu Zheng used for cooking this time only accounted for one-third of its total volume.

The four ingredients have all been preliminarily processed by Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng will be cooking and food repairing next.

Heat the oil in a pan, and when the oil temperature is right, Gu Zheng first stir-fries the firm crab leg meat, then puts the senbei meat into it and fry for a while, then adds water and then boils properly.

The aroma wafts from the pot of simmering crab leg meat and senbei meat. It is a bit like cooking seafood, but it is more charming than that.

Brother Hantan and his son couldn't help swallowing their saliva. Although they ate the delicacy cooked by Gu Zheng the day before yesterday, the delicacy at that time could not be compared with the present. He didn't have the source of fire, and he couldn't use the fire control art and water control art, so naturally he couldn't fully arouse the fragrance that food should have through the fire control art and water control art. What's more, the delicious food eaten by Hantan monks and his son before was only ordinary at the highest level, but now the senbei meat and crab leg meat stewed in the pot are all middle-level ingredients.

After the senbei meat and crab leg meat were stewed, Gu Zheng took them out and discarded the remaining soup in the pot.

Changing the steamer and adding water, Gu Zheng put the white jade roe on the steamer and started steaming, and at the same time put some sea salt in the white jade roe.

The fire control technique controls the temperature, and the water control technique acts on the white jade roe through the steamer, so that the white jade roe and salt can be perfectly melted, and the fragrance of the white jade roe should be stimulated.

Feeling that the steaming of white jade fish roe has reached a certain level, Gu Zheng opened the steamer and put all the senbei meat and crab leg meat that had been stewed before, including the fried silver hairtail pieces, into the steamed soup. White jade fish roe in juice.

Cover the rest of the ingredients with white jade fish roe. After covering the steamer again, Gu Zheng activates the fire control technique to increase the intensity of the fire. At the same time, the eye of Tao observes the changes in the food, and the water control technique allows the juice in the ingredients to interact , so as to burst out a more delicious taste and produce a more powerful medicinal effect.

As the rectification process continued, the fragrance became more and more intense. The Hantan cultivator and his son sucked their noses vigorously, greedily enjoying the breath in the air. For them, this kind of breath food was too tempting.

The smell of food repair is indeed very attractive, but it is a pity for Gu Zheng. If it can be more attractive, there will be an extremely fragrant form at that time, but it is a pity that his current fire control formula and control The water formula is not authentic, it is not issued by the spirit of the true fire and the spirit of the true water, and the influence it can have on the ingredients has reached its limit. If his fire control formula and water control formula are authentic, then this The ingredients cooked once can definitely produce the effect of extremely fragrant and transformed, and the efficacy of the medicine will also be doubled because of the extremely fragrant and transformed.

When the food repair was about to come out, the original tranquility was broken, and some monsters like swordfish jumped out of the sea frequently to harass Gu Zheng, but unfortunately their strength was too low, and Gu Zheng had a monk and his son in the cold pool The guardians, before they had any impact on the ancient dispute, they died under the attack of the father and son of the cold pool monk.

Shixiu comes out of the pot, and the aroma is tangy. The steamed white jade fish roe looks like a bowl of rice, but this bowl looks like plain rice. In fact, there is something wrong with it. The other ingredients only need Pushing away the covered white jade fish roe will raise the fragrance emitted at this moment to a higher level.

The father and son of monks in Hantan were in charge of guarding, and Gu Zheng began to taste food cultivation.

White jade fish roe looks like rice, but it is a different kind of thing from rice. It has a completely different taste. It is smooth on the outside, soft and glutinous on the inside, and has a full meaty aroma.

Even though the senbei meat has been pounded by Gu Zhengxian, fried, stewed and steamed, it is still very tough. It is slightly elastic when chewed, and the aroma is also diffused in the cavity during the chewing process. .

The crab leg meat is also chewy, but it is full of the soup of various ingredients, so that it feels full of juice after taking a bite, and the delicious smell lasts for a long time.

Silver hairtail meat tastes burnt because of being deep-fried, and its ingredients are of medium grade, which makes it taste many times better than ordinary hairtail meat.

It is reasonable to simply taste each of the ingredients, and Gu Zheng began to eat it in big mouthfuls. What food repairers value is not the taste but the efficacy of the medicine. Gu Zheng wants to seize the time to absorb the efficacy of the medicine, and then cook for the monks and sons of Hantan to improve their strength. food repair.

Watching Gu Zheng quickly eat the food repair, the monk Hantan and his son licked the saliva from the corners of their mouths. Next, Gu Zheng's safety will be entrusted to the two of them, and they must work hard.

The medicinal effect of food cultivation soon took effect in Gu Zheng's body. The pores of Gu Zheng's body turned into whirlpools, and a soaring tornado appeared above his head, and the immortal essence between heaven and earth began to frantically gather in his body.

Due to the nature of food cultivators, the immortal energy between the heaven and the earth was condensed crazily, and those surging immortal energy penetrated into Gu Zheng's body like flowing clouds.

Some monsters in the sea were also attracted by the vision caused by the food cultivator. They floated out of sleep, with a violent light in their eyes, and swam towards the shore one after another, trying to get rid of Gu Zheng, the guy who disturbed their purity. .

However, the space world during the daytime is relatively less dangerous, and the monsters that appear during the daytime are not very powerful. Although there are a lot of these monsters, they will soon be defeated under the attack of the cold pool monk and his son. However, in the process of fighting against these monsters, due to the weak strength of the cold pool monk's son, he inevitably suffered some damage, but the problem is not too big. The body of the monster has a strong repair effect, like the cold pool monk The few scars on the son's body now can fully recover after a few hours of rest.

The monsters were all eliminated by the father and son of the monks in the cold pool, and the characteristics of the Zengyuan Food Cultivator on Gu Zheng's side have also disappeared. As expected, his cultivation base did not change from the early stage of Transformation God just because of one Food Cultivation. Promoted to the middle stage of transforming gods. However, food cultivation is food cultivation after all, and its medicinal effects can be considered very powerful. Gu Zheng only needs to take another one of such food cultivations, and his cultivation base can enter the middle stage of transforming gods, but this period needs to be separated by 15 days. time of day.

The food cultivator's characteristics had disappeared, but Gu Zheng didn't open his eyes immediately, he spent a cup of tea to stabilize his current state, and then opened his eyes to look around.

The corpses of those monsters killed by the father and son of the cold pool monks were basically put on the shore by the father and son of the cold pool monks, in order to wait for Gu Zheng to see if there were any ingredients that could be used for cooking.

Originally, Gu Zheng didn't have much hope for these monsters. After all, the quality of ingredients for monsters during the day is relatively low. Bright!

The starfish-like monster has ordinary ingredients, but its meat contains a special substance, and Gu Zheng has seen the ingredients containing this special substance in the last space world, and its effect can save The time interval between taking food repair institutes!

However, there are too few starfish monsters, such as Gu Zheng's current situation, he has just taken food repair, if you want him to take Zengyuan food repair again the day after tomorrow to improve his cultivation, then For this kind of special starfish that can shorten the time between food repairs, Gu Zheng needs at least three to cook a delicacy that can really shorten the interval between food repairs.

"Anyway, it's a good thing to have such a discovery. Do you remember where this starfish monster appeared before?"

After telling Brother Hantan and his son the role of the starfish monster, Gu Zheng questioned them again.

"Master, I remember, it came ashore from that place!"

Brother Hantan's son pointed in a direction.

"Originally, I wanted to cook food repairs for you immediately, but since I found this special ingredient, cooking food repairs should be postponed for a while. Let's go to the bottom of the sea in that direction to check. Anyway, there is still more time. It’s too late to cook for you at one point!”

Gu Zheng gave an explanation to the Hantan monk and his son. The Hantan monk and his son are also very sensible, so naturally they will not have any objections to this. They also know how precious this special ingredient is. Now that they have discovered it, it is better to check it first. , if there is such a special ingredient in the sea, it will really be a big harvest.

Manipulating the Heart Demon Orb to sink into the sea, Gu Zheng carefully observed the surrounding environment.

The sea during the day is really calm, unlike at night, when it sinks into the sea, you can see monsters. Now that Gu Zheng has sunk into the sea for a while, let alone monsters, he has not seen any fish or shrimp.

As the depth of the Heart Demon Orb's dive continues to increase, creatures such as fish and shrimp gradually appear in Gu Zheng's sight, but the day is different from the night. The quality of ingredients for these things in the sea during the day is really too low , it is rare to be able to see a piece of common-level ingredients.

However, everything has two sides. Although the grades of the ingredients in the sea during the day are not high, they are not protected by the power of law. When encountering those whose grades are acceptable, Gu Zheng can put them into the Heart Demon Orb with a single thought. .

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