The unicorn transformed into an unknown creature exploded into ice mist in the electric light bubble of the monk's son in the cold pool, and its second transformation was terminated by the monk's son in the cold pool. However, the son of the cold pool monk did not pay a price for this. His original electric glow bubbles have also become ordinary bubbles, and the electric glow has also been consumed when the unicorn is eliminated.

The third transformation of the unknown creature actually turned into an ice blade. The ice blade that shone with cold light made the cold pool monk's son feel that it could cut through the air bubbles with just one blow.

The son of the cold pool monk originally planned to wipe out all the five transformations of the unknown creature through a single bubble, but now it seems that it is impossible to achieve, so he let out a roar, directly let the bubble explode, and was able to kill the bubble Broken skates, one came and died together.

There was another roar, and the electric bubble spit out again by the son of the cold pool monk flew towards the ice fog in the air.

The ice fog is brewing the fourth transformation of an unknown creature. Due to the protection of the power of the law, it will not be included in the electric glow bubble at this time. However, once its transformation is complete, as long as the electric glow bubble touches it, it can be absorbed into it.

The fourth transformation of an unknown creature has been completed. This time it transformed into something like a ray, with electric light attached to its body surface, and its transformation has just been completed, and the electric light bubbles that have been on standby for a long time Put it back inside.

However, the form that the unknown creature changed this time also possesses electrical properties. Not only is it no longer afraid of the attack of the electric glow, but it is also very good at breaking through the bubble package. Its tail with the electric glow just touches the bubble. My son immediately felt like the bubble was about to be burst.

The electric glow bubble is considered to be a relatively powerful sorcery of the son of the monk of the cold pool, and it consumes a lot of energy for the son of the monk of the cold pool, so the son of the monk of the cold pool does not want it to be shattered easily. However, if he doesn't let the bubble explode, the ray transformed by the unknown creature will be able to burst his bubble, and then he will only lose money in vain.

The son of the monk in the cold pool roared. It is not in his character to lose money in vain. Instead of this precious bubble being burst by an unknown creature, he might as well let the bubble explode and die with the fourth transformation of the unknown creature.

There was an explosion, and the fourth form of the unknown creature turned into ice mist again. Just when the son of the monk in the cold pool wanted to spit out electric bubbles again to deal with the last form of the unknown creature, his actions It was stopped by Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng also knew that the son of the cold pool monk would consume a lot of electricity to himself, and he didn't want the son of the cold pool monk to consume too much. After all, he is now the main force in the entire team. As for the last unknown creature Just leave it to him to deal with the transformation once. Although it will definitely take him longer than the monk's son to end the last transformation of an unknown creature, but he is confident that he has the ability to eliminate this difficult character. grasp.

The unknown creature has an ice attribute, and it is better to use fire-attribute magic to deal with it. Gu Zheng also intends to use fire-attribute magic to deal with it, but Gu Zheng does not use ordinary sea of ​​fire, because he understands that this unknown creature is more powerful than what he has seen before. It is even more powerful, and it is definitely impossible to kill it with a sea of ​​fire, and now it is time for him to show his skills.

"Fire Dragon Art!"

Gu Zheng's natal true fire spirit oscillated in Gu Zheng's body, followed by a dragon chant, and a mighty fire dragon with a body length of two feet appeared in the cave.

Fire Dragon Art is a powerful fire-type fairy art, and Gu Zheng's Fire Dragon Art is even more outrageous because of its many methods. Before, there was no real fire spirit in his body, so Gu Zheng couldn't perform this killing move. Now he has the real fire spirit Ling, Gu Zheng has long wanted to use the long-lost fire dragon technique to see the effect.

The fire dragon has appeared, and the last transformation of the unknown creature has also been completed. Coincidentally, its last transformation is also a dragon, an ice dragon similar in size to the fire dragon.

The fire dragon ran towards the ice dragon, no matter what the result of their collision, Gu Zheng would not just watch and do nothing else. After all, the great thing about Gu Zheng's Fire Dragon Art is that it doesn't need Gu Zheng's constant manipulation, it can fight on its own, and what Gu Zheng should do is what's really scary.

The fire dragon and the ice dragon collided with great momentum, and the flames and shattered ice also fell downwards following this collision. However, the battle between the two dragons did not end here, and they soon fought together again, and Gu Zheng's attack also fell on the ice dragon at this time, which was another blow he swung with a flame stick. All together.

The ice dragon seemed mighty, but under the attack of the fire dragon and Gu Zheng, it didn't last even a minute, and it completely turned into ice dust and merged into the sea water.

The unknown creature was completely dead, and the vortex barrier that blocked the road ahead also disappeared. If it was in the previous cave, there would be no more danger at this point.

However, a new danger appeared soon, and this time the danger was still a bone fish demon, but it was different from the previous bone fish demon.

"If you want to pass me, you must accept my test!"

Originally, the son of the monk Hantan was going to attack the bone fish demon, but the bone fish demon suddenly spoke, so he could only pause the attack first, and looked at Gu Zheng inquiringly.

"What test will I accept from you?"

Gu Zheng frowned, he didn't think the bone fish demon was teasing him, he clearly felt the existence of the power of law from the bone fish demon, and this power of law was the kind that didn't follow what it said, The kind that really can't pass, this makes Gu Zheng feel extremely headache! After all, the Bone Fish Demon is not the final monster in this cave. The final monster should be the dragon monster holding the flagon pot. However, none of these things are easy to do, and they are basically wasted in twists and turns. Time, like the dragon monster in the last cave, being able to complete the test so quickly is entirely due to luck, and time is very precious to him now, he really doesn't want to do any tests.

"I want a physical body, you go and catch me a magic shark!"

The Bone Fish Demon didn't have any ink marks, it spit out bubbles towards Gu Zheng and the others, and light and shadows appeared in the bubbles, and one of the sharks with bumps all over its body was exactly the magic shark that the Bone Fish Demon wanted.

Seeing the magic shark in the bubble, Gu Zheng suddenly had the urge to vomit blood. The magic shark is not uncommon, but it is a monster that only exists at night. Only in the trench, Gu Zheng has seen the magic shark If there are not ten, there are eight! But it is daytime now, and when night comes, it will be time for Gu Zheng to deliver the goods to Luminous Tree, and there is no time for him to complete this test! There was a Demon Shark in the Heart Demon Orb of Gu Zheng before, but who would have thought that it could become something needed for the mission. Naturally, the monsters including the Demon Shark were all passed by the son of the monk in the cold pool. have eaten.

"What do you want the Demon Shark for? You don't want the body of the Demon Shark, do you?"

Just when Gu Zheng was about to vomit blood, the son of the monk Hantan asked the Bone Fish Demon, and the reason why he asked this question was because he could tell from the skeleton of the Bone Fish Demon that the Bone Fish Demon was A magic shark.

"That's right." The Bone Fish Demon said.

"Since you only want the body of the demon shark, then it is not necessary for my master to find you a demon shark. As long as there is a way to help you achieve the ultimate goal and let you have the body of the demon shark, isn't it also possible?"

Brother Hantan's son was a little excited, and he remembered the deal that Gu Zheng made with the eye jellyfish in disguise. By restoring the curious taste of the eye jellyfish, he avoided entering that dangerous underwater cave.

"If you can do this, it can be regarded as your pass, but if you can't, then you will lose the opportunity to continue searching for the magic shark. At that time, the cave will collapse, and I want you to know the consequences! "The Bone Fish Demon reminded.

Brother Hantan and Gu Zheng's eyes all fell on Brother Hantan's son. They knew that Brother Hantan's son would say this, and he should have the ability to make the bone fish demon have the body of a demon shark. But his ability, Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan didn't know about it before. Moreover, this is a very serious matter. Once the cave collapses, that is to say, Gu Zheng will not see the dragon monster holding the flagon, and the corresponding end will be to be obliterated directly.

"Master, this is just a useless supernatural power, so I haven't mentioned it before, and I didn't expect it to be used at this time."

The son of the monk Hantan is not joking, he can restore the body of the monster that eats it all, but only the body has no soul, even if it is restored, it is useless, but now this supernatural power is about to be used. The Bone Fish Demon has its own soul, all it wants is a physical body.

The son of the monk in the cold pool began to practice, just like he absorbed the original energy of those monsters before, he bent down towards the bone fish monster, and two light belts shot out from his back like a shot, connecting to the bone fish monster body, and then a gray mist sprayed from the tentacles of the light band, covering the body of the Bone Fish Demon, until finally the body of the Bone Fish Demon was covered by the gray mist.

Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan couldn't see clearly what the bone fish demon was wrapped in the gray mist, but they could feel the strong breath of life from the gray mist.

Unknowingly, the time of a stick of incense passed, the son of the cold pool monk closed the light band tentacles behind him, and then blew a breath into the gray mist.

The gray mist that had shrouded the Bone Fish Demon dissipated a little, which allowed Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan to see that there was no Bone Fish Demon in the place originally covered by the fog, and some were just a demon shark covered in pimples. But the magic shark's eyes were closed, and it looked as if it was dead.

Without keeping Gu Zheng and others waiting for a long time, the demon shark who opened his eyes shook his body first, and then let out a laugh, which was consistent with the bone fish demon before.

"That's great, congratulations on completing the test!"

The Bone Fish Demon was very satisfied with Cash's body, it disappeared into the cave with a flick of its tail, and the power of law that originally existed because of it also disappeared.

Without the power of law to seal the road, Gu Zheng and others were able to move forward again.

Next, on the way to the bottom of the cave, Gu Zheng and the others did not encounter any danger, but the temperature of the seawater was getting lower and lower. Under normal circumstances, such low-temperature seawater would definitely freeze, but this space world It's not the real world, and the seawater still shows no signs of freezing. Fortunately, Gu Zheng and the others are not ordinary people, they just feel a little cold, and this low temperature has no effect on them.

After walking in the low-temperature seawater for a while, Gu Zheng and others have already seen the bottom of the cave. The situation at the bottom of the cave is very similar to that of the previous cave, except that the place where the dragon monster is no longer a magma pool, but a cave. Ice Pond. Moreover, the dragon monster in this cave is not the same as the dragon monster in the previous cave in appearance. The biggest difference is that the scales of the last dragon monster are fiery red, while its scales are silver white.

"Enter, you are finally here!"

The voice of this dragon monster is also different from that of the last dragon monster. In addition to exuding excitement, the voice of the last dragon monster is male, while this dragon monster is female.

"Yeah! I'm finally here, so you know what I'm here for?"

Gu Zheng's voice was filled with indescribable emotion. It took him half a day to enter the cave from the deep sea into the Great Trench, and then into this cave from the Great Trench. He went through many hardships and dangers along the way, and killed hundreds of monsters. It was a strange thing if he didn't feel emotion when he saw the dragon monster holding the flagon.

"Of course I know what you want. What you want is the flagon that can save your life, but if you want to get the flagon, you must save me!" said the dragon monster.

"It's not difficult to get you out!"

Knowing that the dragon monster was sealed by the ice, Gu Zheng naturally looked at the ice, and he found that there is indeed a seal in the ice, but as long as he melts the ice with the true fire of his life, the seal in the ice will naturally disappear. It will be lifted, and the dragon monster will be able to get out of trouble at that time, and he understands the last dragon monster's intention to let him cultivate the real fire spirit first. After all, the real fire without the real fire spirit is not enough to melt the ice here, and the temperature of the ice here has been dropping since he came to the bottom of the cave. After cultivating the real fire spirit, if he cultivates the true fire spirit of his own life here, then after he cultivates the true fire spirit of his own life, the trapped dragon monster may also be frozen to death.

"You already have the spirit of true fire in your life, so it's not difficult to rescue me, but if you rescue me, your life will be saved." The dragon monster smiled slightly, and then said: "But I have a test here, I don't know if you want to take it or not?"

"Do I have to take any tests at this time? I just need to rescue you and get the flagon?" Gu Zheng asked.

"That's a good thing to say, but the owner of the original fairy-level space artifact set it this way. If the entrant has the ability to rescue me, and if the time is obviously enough, I can ask this question before he starts to rescue! Of course, you can choose to accept it, or you can choose not to accept it," said the dragon monster.

"Then tell me, what exactly is the test, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of accepting it?" Gu Zheng said.

"The rule is that I can't tell you about the test, but I can give you a hint. If it is completed, it will be beneficial. As for the disadvantages, of course it will be terrible." The dragon monster laughed.

"Okay, I accept this test!"

As soon as Gu Zheng said this, he frightened the Hantan monks and his sons. Their inconceivable eyes fell on Gu Zheng, but the eyes that Gu Zheng gave them were to reassure them.

This is not the first time that Gu Zheng has encountered this kind of selective test. If it was the normal situation, after going through so many tribulations, and finally saw the hope of saving his life, he would definitely choose to save his life directly. The same is true for the monk Hantan and his son I thought about it, so when he gave an unexpected answer, the cold pool monk and his son were so shocked! After all, more than half of the time for the test given to him by the luminous tree has passed. He used the real fire of his life to help the dragon monster out of trouble. Things like not encountering danger are included, so the time is not so plentiful, and what the test given by the dragon monster is, this is an unknown that no one knows before accepting it!

However, it is also Gu Zheng's character traits that he is not very sure and will not do particularly risky things, especially at such a moment of life and death, even if he wants to take risks on what has already happened, he must have at least a 30% chance of taking risks. grasp! And this time for the unknown test, what brought Gu Zheng to grasp was the special feeling born at that moment. This special feeling made Gu Zheng understand that if he gave up accepting this test, he would regret it, and if he accepted this test, This test is actually not difficult for it!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Hearing Gu Zheng said to accept the test, the dragon monster immediately laughed heartily.

"To be honest, I'm really afraid that you won't accept this test! Now that you have accepted this test, I can rest assured." The dragon monster laughed.

"As you said, since I have accepted this test, should you also tell me the specific content of the test, as well as its advantages and disadvantages, as you said before?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Don't worry, you only need to accept this test. It's not too difficult for you. You rescue me now. After you rescue me, I think you will know what the so-called test is."

The dragon monster made a fool of himself, and Gu Zheng didn't say much. Anyway, the dragon monster would tell him that the test was not too difficult, which already corresponded to the special feeling he had before.

Gu Zheng put his hand on the cold pool, and the power of the real fire of life immediately took effect, and the milky white ice began to melt without seeing the open fire.

The dragon monster waited with its eyes closed. Once Gu Zheng melted the ice to a certain extent, it would be able to get out of the ice. The father and son of the cold pool monk watched quietly, and did not get the reassurance clearly given by Gu Zheng. They must be feeling a little apprehensive, but at this moment, Gu Zheng is melting the ice with all his heart, so even if he has doubts, it's not easy to disturb them.

Time is passing by little by little, almost an hour has passed, and the continuous consumption of the power of the real fire has caused sweat to appear on Gu Zheng's forehead. Fortunately, the melting of the ice has reached a certain level, and the trapped The dragon monster escaped from the cold pool with a clear whistle.

Looking at the dragon monster that escaped from the cold pool, not to mention Gu Zheng immediately understood why the next test would be so simple, even the father and son of the monks in the cold pool were stunned.

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