Gu Zheng does not have the conventional means to deal with metal monsters now, but Gu Zheng suddenly thought of another unconventional means, or it is possible, and the inspiration of this unconventional means came from children playing Game Rock Paper Scissors.

If you regard the guard monster as an indestructible stone, then if you want to restrain it, flexible cloth can indeed be regarded as a way, and among the resources that Guzheng has now, there just happens to be a black stone of unknown purpose. Is it a handkerchief?

The black veil is a fairy artifact. When the sister of the sea anemone banshee gave this fairy artifact to Gu Zheng, she once said that the black veil should be used in key places. If it is used in the right place, it will have a great impact on Gu Zheng Help, if it is used in the wrong place, Gu Zheng will lose it, as for the consequences, they can be big or small.

Facing the invincible gatekeeper monster, now is of course a critical moment. If the gatekeeper monster cannot be defeated, the consequences are of course variable, because it is related to the strange fluctuations of space lines. I don't know how far he can go!

"Is it really a black veil?"

Gu Zheng asked himself in his heart, at this moment he had no hint of special feeling, this could only be a gamble.

"It's a bet!"

Gu Zheng gritted his teeth. If the immediate crisis cannot be resolved, then he can't even imagine what will happen next, so what's the use of keeping the black veil.

Gu Zheng left the Heart Demon Orb, and threw a black handkerchief the size of a palm at the gatekeeper monster.

When he didn't throw the black veil, Gu Zheng didn't have the guidance of the special feeling in his heart. This special feeling made him understand that he was right!

The black veil that was thrown became very huge. As soon as it saw the appearance of the black veil, the guard monster immediately retreated in panic, but the black veil was aimed at it, and even if it retreated, it would be of no avail. Covered by the veil, and finally wrapped tightly.

The fairy artifact of the black veil is only low-level, but it is something that restrains the guard monsters, so even though the guard monsters struggled under the black veil, they couldn't break free from the black veil, and quickly struggled violently It stopped moving, and the black veil began to shrink gradually until it became the original size, and then slowly faded until it disappeared, leaving only a palm-sized bronze mirror on the ground.

The bronze mirror has the kind of fluctuations that are unique to fairy artifacts, and its size and shape are also the same as the image presented in the void by the clay giant. After Gu Zheng collected it into the Heart Magic Orb, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and the clay giant issued a task He finally has all the three items needed in the game.

There was no time to rest at all, Gu Zheng immediately set off and turned back to submit the task. Although it is not long since it has just entered the night, the final submission time of the task is in the daytime, but who makes the journey so long! After all, the ancient battle is now in the third area of ​​the current stage, and the clay giant is in the first area of ​​the current stage, which is a long way away.

The night was still full of demons dancing, and it didn't stop because the gatekeeper monster was dead. When Gu Zheng controlled the heart magic orb to fly, he would still encounter monsters blocking the way.

For these monsters who dare to block the road, Gu Zheng's policy is still to collect what can be received, and to kill what cannot be received. Anyway, as long as there are no special things happening on the road, which will delay a lot of time, even if the journey is far away, he will go back and submit the task. The time is still enough.

From the land in the third area to the land in the second area, although it took most of the night on the road, nothing special happened, so Gu Zheng rushed to the soil before dawn. Where the giants are. However, Gu Zheng, who came back to submit the task, did not find that he saw the clay giant, and a special feeling arose at this time, which made him scold Qi Ling again in his heart.

The special feeling made Gu Zheng understand that if there was no obstruction from Qi Ling, as long as he came back to submit the task, he would be able to see the clay giant who issued the task. It's time to show up!

It seems that the timing of the appearance of the clay giant has changed, which has little impact on Gu Zheng, but in fact this change has a fatal impact on Gu Zheng!

The task that Gu Zheng took this time seems to be difficult, but in fact it is very smooth. He found the right direction at the beginning, entered the big trench without wasting much time, and received the task in the big trench The required items are Symphony Pearl, Xuanying Gold, and a black handkerchief that can help him defeat the monster guarding the gate, and finally obtained the Sky Mirror! Although the whole process was quite thrilling, fortunately, the final result was that there was no danger, and he came back to submit the task ahead of schedule.

However, if Gu Zheng's trip goes wrong and he doesn't get the quest items, or doesn't get all the quest items, then according to the original idea, before the statute of limitations expires, he will still come back and submit the quest, only the items needed for the quest, He'll try his luck by substituting what he thinks might be. For example, if you don’t get the Illusion Pearl, Gu Zheng will use the original pearl. If you don’t get Xuanyingjin, Gu Zheng will find it from the trench cliff. It looks a bit similar to Xuanyingjin and come back to try his luck .

If things are just hit and miss, then task submission time is very important! After all, if there is enough time, if the items submitted by the clay giant named Gu Zheng are not required for the mission, Gu Zheng still has time to look for them again, but if the clay giant appears when the mission is about to expire, then Gu Zheng will There is no time to find the wrong thing and find it again, and the only two possibilities for the task are failure and success.

After scolding, Gu Zheng rested with peace of mind. He comforted himself that if it wasn't for the obstruction of Qi Ling, he wouldn't even have time to rest! After all, if he submits the mission now, he will immediately go to the sea area to pick up the missed mission! But now, he can rest until dawn, then submit the current mission, and then go to the sea to pick up the missed mission.

As for why Gu Zheng didn't take advantage of the time to pick up the mission that Haili missed, it was because the current mission hadn't been submitted yet, and Gu Zheng didn't want to touch another mission, because he didn't know about the mission that he missed. Will it trap him and make him miss the time to submit the current task.

During the two hours of Meimei's rest, the daytime of the space world came, and after the daytime came, the clay giant appeared not long after.

"Enter, have you found the three items needed for the mission?" The clay giant asked coldly.

Gu Zheng didn't say much, and directly took out the Symphony Pearl, Xuan Yingjin and the Sky Mirror.

Seeing that Gu Zheng really found the three items needed for the mission, the clay giant's eyes became a bit complicated, and it sneered at Gu Zheng: "Congratulations to the entrant, I didn't expect you to find it."

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and do what you should do!"

Gu Zheng's expression is also very cold. He knows that as a monster who has issued a mission, this guy will enter the land of freedom after completing its mission. If Gu Zheng one day completely controls the immortal space fairy weapon, then this Gu Zheng naturally wanted to remember the fact that Huo and Qi Ling were in collusion.

Laughing again, the clay giant took a deep breath, and the three mission items that were suspended above Gu Zheng's palm all flew towards the clay giant's mouth.

After the clay giant ate the three quest items, its body collapsed like a sand sculpture, turning into countless tiny particles, and these particles flew to various places in the air with bright lights.

Gu Zheng watched all this quietly, and he had a particularly clear feeling that the spatial structure had become more stable, and this stable spatial structure would not reproduce the kind of strange enough to affect his passage. fluctuation.

The task of stabilizing the space lines is considered to be completed, and Gu Zheng will enter the sea area next, to lure out the monster that can issue the task of repairing the space.

In the first area of ​​the current stage, the land and the sea are connected together, so it saves the ancient struggle to create any space passages, so he directly jumped into the sea with the heart magic orb.

The mark left by the sea anemone banshee's sister to Gu Zheng is on the back of Gu Zheng's hand. It is a sudden appearance that looks like a sea anemone.

After Gu Zheng entered the sea, the imprint was activated by a thought, and the imprint immediately shot out from the back of Gu Zheng's hand, turning into a huge phantom of a sea anemone.

The tentacles of the phantom sea anemone kept swaying in the sea water, and Gu Zheng waited quietly. After about a cup of tea, he caught a special wave, and this wave was exactly what a huge The kind of fluctuation that the monster came to.

It didn't take long for Gu Zheng to see the monster that could give him the task of repairing the space. This monster looked like a huge starfish, but the monsters that made up its body had all decayed, and it looked like a giant starfish. The rotten flesh monster encountered in the first stage is somewhat similar.

"Enter, I'm going to give you the task of repairing the space right now. The time limit for this task is one day. After completing it, the space world in the current stage will be repaired. If you can't complete it, the difficulty of the final test will be increased by three times!"

Not only does the starfish monster look somewhat similar to the rotten meat monster, but even its voice is husky.

How helpless Gu Zheng felt. After seeing the power of the guard monsters, he could no longer imagine what it would be like to triple the difficulty of the final test. He could only think in his heart, hoping that he could complete this task .

The starfish monster began to send tasks to Gu Zheng. To Gu Zheng's surprise, it not only looked a bit like a rotten meat monster, but also sounded a bit like a rotten meat monster, and even the tasks it gave were exactly the same! That is, it is also very hungry, and it needs to eat a lot of things.

When encountering rotten flesh monsters in the first stage, Gu Zheng's Heart Demon Orb didn't store many monsters, but now it is different from the past, the number of monsters stored in Gu Zheng's Heart Demon Orb has exceeded 400! These monsters were originally the rations that Gu Zheng had left for Brother Hantan's son, but now he wanted to give it a try and see if he could directly satisfy the starfish monsters!

"Master, let it eat it! Anyway, even if I absorb the original energy of those monsters, it is impossible to break through the strength. If I want to break through, the reserve is estimated to be doubled."

Seeming to see Gu Zheng's hesitation, the son of the monk Hantan took the initiative to speak.

"I'm so hungry, do you have any monster corpses in your storage? If you have any, give them to me quickly! If there are any missing by then, you can find some more for me!"

Brother Hantan's son was also in the sea, so the starfish monster heard his words, so it made an eager voice towards Gu Zheng.

"I don't want to give you the corpses of these monsters right now. I don't think that amount is enough to fill you up. Anyway, there is still one day before the end of the mission, so I will collect some more!" Gu Zheng said.

"Whatever you want, there is only one day anyway, if you can't feed me by then, you don't want to restore the space."

Seemingly very angry at Gu Zheng's ignorance, the starfish monster quickly plunged into the mud on the bottom of the sea after dropping these words.

Gu Zheng didn't stay too long, and immediately controlled the Heart Demon Orb to leave.

In fact, what Gu Zheng said to the starfish monster was not true. Although he had the urge to let the starfish monster eat the corpses of those monsters in the heart magic bead first, but this impulse was only for a moment.

Gu Zheng doesn't know exactly how many monster corpses the starfish monster needs, but Gu Zheng feels that the amount of monster corpses in the Heart Demon Orb cannot be filled.

For Gu Zheng, the things put into the Heart Demon Orb belong to him, and it is very difficult for him to take it out again. After all, the corpses of those monsters are all collected by them with great painstaking efforts. , It is a good thing that can provide energy for the cultivation of the monk Hantan's son to advance.

In addition to being more 'stingy', there are two other reasons why Gu Zheng's impulse was only for a moment.

The first reason is that Gu Zheng is not sure whether the starfish monster is a bottomless pit, let alone whether it is also controlled by the spirit of Qi, and will make things difficult at that time.

The second reason is that in the sea area of ​​the first stage, Gu Zheng completed the task of space restoration not by completing the test of rotten meat monsters, but because he found a special monster mermaid, and the mermaid also told me that every time In one stage, there are monsters who give the task of repairing the space, and there are also special monsters like her mermaid who can help the entrant complete the task in a different way.

Therefore, for the current Gu Zheng, it is obviously unwise to give the body of the monster obtained through hard work to the starfish monster who is not sure whether it is a bottomless pit. Anyway, the task limitation is one day. You can use this day to find the special monster that can help him complete this task, and continue to accumulate monster corpses during the search.

Where is the special monster that can help Gu Zheng complete the task? Gu Zheng already has a direction in his heart, and that is the big trench in the sea area of ​​​​the third area at the current stage.

He has been to the third area in the ancient battle, where he defeated the guard monster and obtained the mission necessities of the sky mirror. However, due to time constraints, he did not explore the sea area of ​​the third area at that time. He has never been to the Great Trench, and the Great Trench is undoubtedly a blessed land for Gu Zheng.

The peculiar fluctuation of the space lines has been repaired due to the completion of the previous mission, so the passage of the ancient battle went smoothly.

In the end, it took half a day for Gu Zheng to return to the waters of the third area.

There are fewer monsters in the sea during the day, if it wasn't for monsters that provoke the Heart Demon Orb, even if Gu Zheng wanted to collect the corpses of monsters, he wouldn't bother with them, anyway, his actions this time were purposeful.

Heading towards the Great Trench at the fastest speed, Gu Zheng entered the Great Trench when it was about to get dark in an hour.

In places like the Great Trench, relatively speaking, there are more monsters than in normal oceans. The monsters that harass the Heart Demon Orb began to come out frequently, and the corpses of monsters in the Heart Demon Orb also began to accumulate at a relatively fast speed.

As time passed and night fell, many light spots appeared in the originally dark trench, and these light spots were monsters that would glow at night.

As for the special monster he wanted to find, Gu Zheng still didn't find it, but he was not in a hurry. He had a feeling that there was a cave waiting for him ahead, and places like caves were the real blessed places in the Great Trench.

When another monster blocking the Heart Demon Orb was killed by the father and son of the cold pool monk, Gu Zheng's spiritual investigation finally found a cave on the wall in front of him.

This cave is different from the two caves discovered before. There are bright lights coming from the bottom of the cave.

Gu Zheng and the others have already entered the cave, so it stands to reason that Gu Zheng's divine sense should first explore the way.

However, Gu Zheng's divine sense did not successfully explore the bottom of the cave, it found the existence of a barrier in the cave, and something similar to the barrier of immortal power is a bit strange.

Through careful observation, Gu Zheng discovered that this fairy power barrier contains the function of sealing. Once he touches the barrier, the way forward is cleared, but the things that were originally sealed by the barrier will be freed from the trap, and the sealed ones Something, Gu Zheng didn't know what it was.

Another choice is about to be faced, but Gu Zheng is not in a hurry to make a move. He wants to wait a little longer and see if there will be any special feelings to guide him.

However, after five minutes passed, even though Gu Zheng stared at the barrier very intently, there was still no special feeling.

Xianli came out from his fingertips, and Gu Zheng began to crack the barrier, and he had already reached this point, even if he didn't have a special feeling to guide him, he still had to break through the barrier to see what was at the bottom of the cave.

Breaking the barrier was not difficult for Gu Zheng. Under the action of his immortal power, the barrier was quickly broken, and a strange sound came from behind the outer barrier.

The strange sound was like the cry of a mouse, and Gu Zheng soon discovered the thing that made the sound. It was a guy with silver lights that looked very similar to a mouse.

Gu Zheng and others discovered the Silver Light Mouse, and the Silver Light Mouse also discovered Gu Zheng, and it rushed towards Gu Zheng and the others.

For a moment, Gu Zheng had two feelings in his heart.

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