The queen ant was protected by the power of law, and Gu Zheng was not in a hurry to make a move, just quietly watching its fat body squeeze out from the crack in the ground.

I have seen many monsters protected by the power of law. Gu Zheng can also see some clues from the protection of the power of law. For example, this monster needs time to transform, or it can talk to him The kind, and this ant queen Gu Zheng knew it belonged to the latter just by looking at it.

The queen ant has a fat body, which looks similar to that of an ordinary queen. When it squeezes out from the cracks in the ground, it first lets its abdomen out, and then reveals its head.

Gu Zheng was waiting to see what the queen ant would say, but he didn't expect that when he completely emerged from the crack in the ground, Gu Zheng would be a little stunned before it could say anything.

In the future, there will be a beautiful face. Gu Zheng's shock is not because this beautiful face looks so beautiful, but because there is a vertical eye on the forehead of this beautiful face. Zheng just scanned it, and felt that the ant queen was not something he could defeat.

"Welcome to the entrant, welcome to enter the third level of the quadruple immortal formation, and have the honor to meet me."

The voice of the queen ant is very nice, it is really like a beautiful woman talking.

"Go ahead and let me know how lucky I am."

Gu Zheng sneered. He had seen too many monsters who said they were lucky, but he always felt that seeing monsters who usually said such things was equivalent to seeing misfortune.

"I have three choices for you here, you can choose whichever you want, don't you think this is very lucky?" Queen Ant laughed.

"Three choices? It sounds pretty good, then tell me, let me hear what the three choices are."

Gu Zheng laughed mockingly. To him, being able to encounter this kind of special monster that can issue missions in the fairy formation is already regarded as the master of the original fairy-level space fairy. It's nothing at all. Be happy! What's more, the more choices, usually means the more complicated the event.

"The first choice is to fight with me. If you are defeated by me, then you will stay here with me forever. If you can defeat me, I can give you what you want directly!" The voice is full of charm.

"Do you know what I want?" Gu Zheng asked with a frown.

"Of course I know, isn't that what you want?"

The queen ant looked in a certain direction, and then a blue light shot out from the third eye on her brow.

The blue light created a crack in the void, and this crack has the effect of shortening the space distance. Through this crack, Gu Zheng saw a big stone somewhere in the triple fairy formation, a black charcoal. A chubby child with a straight head, was sitting cross-legged picking his feet.

"The body is as black as ink, and it also looks like liquid. It seems that it is the ink treasure I am looking for."

Gu Zheng's heart moved, he opened his mouth and said to the queen ant: "Tell me about the other two choices!"

It seems that because Gu Zheng didn't choose to fight with it, the queen ant gave Gu Zheng a contemptuous look, but due to her own limitations, it still honestly said the other two choices.

"The second option, you killed so many of my subordinates, I don't say you will kill me, just go with me to the ant nest and be my slave for ten days, then I will pass For my test of this level, you continue your journey to the third level of the immortal formation."

"The third option, you have to make me happy, for example, if you can come up with something that makes me happy, I will count you as having passed my test, and then I will send you directly to the fourth level The fourth layer of the fairy array."

After listening to what the queen ant said, Gu Zheng couldn't help but frown. He really wanted to ask the queen what kind of bullshit choices she gave.

Among the three choices given by Queen Ant, Gu Zheng didn't even consider the second choice, not to mention what to do as a slave. He couldn't afford to waste time alone. As for the first choice given by the Ant Queen, it sounds very tempting, but Gu Zheng also doesn't consider it. He doesn't think he is the opponent of the Ant Queen. But it is a pity that his Immortal Domain cannot be used yet.

For the third option, Gu Zheng thinks he can give it a try, but he doesn't think it will be an easy choice. First of all, he doesn't know how to make the queen ant happy. Secondly, he can be said to be penniless now. He thinks Among his things, there shouldn't be anything that the queen ants want.

"I have a question." Gu Zheng said.

"If you have any doubts, speak up!" said the queen ant.

"Before you let me see Mo Bao in the third layer of immortal formation, and your third choice, if I completed it, it would not allow me to get Mo Bao, but sent me to the fourth layer of immortal formation. Then when I want to get calligraphy, will I go back to you, and then will you give me three more choices?" Gu Zheng said.

"What a clever little ghost, can think of such questions."

The ant queen gave Gu Zheng a wink, and then said solemnly: "If you make the third choice and you really complete it, then as a reward, you won't have to go through the tests behind this immortal formation. It will save you a lot of time! Of course, Mobao is what you need for your mission. After you arrive at the Four Layer Immortal Formation, Mobao will follow you to the Fourth Layer. It’s just that where Mobao is at that time, it’s not I can figure it out."

After listening to the explanation, Gu Zheng was silent. The three choices could only be one of them, and he had to think carefully about this issue.

"It's up to you to choose! Time waits for no one. If you don't make a choice, I will help you choose in a minute."

The queen ant urged Gu Zheng, she smiled very happily, and her happy smile was in stark contrast to Gu Zheng's mournful face.

"I'll choose the third one!"

Gu Zheng made a choice that had no choice, and then he poured out those things in the heart magic bead, and even those that were originally intended for the son of the cold pool monk, to save the energy needed for cultivation and advancement. corpse of the monster.

There were already more than a thousand corpses of monsters in the Heart Demon Bead, and most of these monsters were of huge size. When Gu Zheng poured out these things, there were immediately more corpses in the relatively empty space. A hill made of dead bodies.

Looking at the hill made of corpses, the Queen Ant's eyes lit up, which made Gu Zheng's heart beat a little faster. Could it be that there are things that the Queen Ant wants in the corpses of these monsters?

"It's really enviable, you have such a treasure! If it weren't for the rules that prevent me from asking for the treasure, I really want you to give it to me!"

Looking at the Inner Orb floating in the air, the greed in Queen Ant's eyes was undisguised.

When the Ant Queen mentioned the Heart Demon Orb, Gu Zheng felt a little nervous. He was very worried that the Ant Queen would ask him for the Heart Demon Orb. If this happened, he didn't know what to do. . However, the second half of the Queen Ant's words made Gu Zheng feel relieved, and at the same time he was somewhat proud. He thought that the Queen Ant was just so envious when he saw his Heart Demon Orb. When the pearl still has magic crystals, I don't know what the queen ant will be envious of.

"Since you can't ask for the treasure, then tell me quickly, what is it that makes your heart beat!"

Gu Zheng's urging, in exchange for the Queen Ant's eyes, it said to Gu Zheng: "I want your sea centipede!"

The queen ant said that it wanted Gu Zheng's sea centipede, which surprised Gu Zheng. After all, it had been looking at the mountain of corpses before. As for the sea centipede on the ground, it didn't even glance at it. .

The sea centipede is quite special. It is a formation that Gu Zheng obtained last time in the fairy formation of the four-way space. At the beginning, Gu Zheng wanted to use this rare formation to make a big splash when facing the enemy in the future. Brilliant, but who would have thought that there would be no such opportunity to shine in the future, so this array has been kept in his Inner Demon Orb until now.

However, although the array is a very rare thing, since the queen ant wanted it, Gu Zheng gave it to him. For him, there is nothing that makes him happier than being able to pass the test and reach the quadruple fairy array , no matter how you say this fairy formation is really too difficult, if you can save a little time wasting here, then it would be better to waste a little less time.

After giving the sea centipede to the queen ant, Gu Zheng put all the things that had been released into the heart magic bead into the heart magic bead. The ant queen also breathed on him, and the sight in front of him immediately alternated light and dark. Finally came to the last level of the quadruple immortal array.

Entering the last level of the quadruple fairy formation, Gu Zheng felt a little peace of mind at first, because the mark given to him by the toad monster guided him. Mo Bao, who was originally in the triple fairy formation, indeed came to the quadruple fairy formation. It's just a little far from where he is.

After a little peace of mind, Gu Zheng felt a little nervous next time. First of all, this space is forbidden space, and forbidden space will be very unfavorable to Gu Zheng. required time.

Secondly, the two treasures, the Heart Demon Orb and the Magic Crystal, are in an unusable state in this fourth layer of immortal formation, and through the exploration of divine thoughts, Gu Zheng also found that this fourth layer of immortal formation is also a Kill!

The killing formation is the formation that Gu Zheng least wants to go through. The reason why the last killing formation can be passed quickly is because there are no restrictions on treasures such as the heart magic orb and magic crystal, but because he happens to have what the queen needs. Things, thus greatly saving time, but in the quadruple fairy formation, his previous two advantages became irreproducible.

Knowing that it was a killing formation, and there was no other good way, the only thing Gu Zheng could do was to hurry up and deal with the upcoming danger carefully.

The fourth layer of immortal formation in front of him looked like a desert scene, but as the ancient battle deepened, the first wave of obstacles he encountered was a group of fifteen lizard monsters.

The strength of the lizard monsters all looked like they were in the middle stage of returning to the void, and they launched various attacks against the ancient battle.

In the middle stage of returning to the void, he is already at the same level as Gu Zheng. Although Gu Zheng often kills people by leapfrogging, he still needs to work hard to deal with fifteen lizard monsters that are more agile at the same time.

However, Gu Zheng didn't want to waste too much time, because the special feeling he developed made him understand that it is very unwise to waste time with lizard monsters, which may cause new troubles for Gu Zheng.

In order not to waste time, Gu Zheng also didn't care about wasting the little bit of divine sense that he had just recovered. He began to attack with the cooperation of divine mind when attacking.

With the cooperation of divine sense, Gu Zheng can kill the lizard monster much faster, but for the sake of safety, he is very careful when launching the divine sense attack! After all, although the attack power of divine thoughts is great, it is also a double-edged sword. Once the divine thoughts are released, one will be in a situation where one is at the mercy of mermaids, so the activation of divine thoughts must be successful in one blow.

Fortunately, Gu Zheng's combat skills are relatively high. When he released his divine thoughts to kill lizard monsters several times, the situation seemed very dangerous, but because of Gu Zheng's precise calculations, these seemingly dangerous things eventually turned into dangers. No danger.

After more than a dozen lizard monsters were eliminated by Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng, who didn't care about taking a rest, hurried on his way again, because a sandstorm appeared behind him at a slow speed, and his intuition told him that if he was approached by a sandstorm, it would be very dangerous. .

Without being able to control the sky, Gu Zheng who wanted to hurry could only run wildly, but Gu Zheng who hadn't gone far opened his eyes wide and ran happily in one direction.

It may be that the nerves were too tense along the way, and it was true that he had no luck, so when Gu Zheng saw that there were ingredients in the desert, his heart was really excited!

However, it is inconceivable that there will be ingredients in the desert of the fairy array space, but what really excites Gu Zheng is that although the grade of the ingredients is not high, they are very rare.

The leaves are a bit like lettuce, but they are very small. There are only ordinary ingredients of this grade. The real name is Emerald Grass. Its effect is a very rare supplement of divine sense!

Gu Zheng is not short of immortal power now, what he lacks is divine sense, and at this time, he can encounter special ingredients that can supplement divine sense, it feels like a person who has been thirsty for two days in the desert and suddenly sees a clear spring generally.

There are three emerald grasses, which is simply a treasure for Gu Zheng! After all, with Gu Zheng's current level of cultivation, one emerald grass can make up for his lack of spiritual sense, and the remaining two can be reserved for special occasions.

However, it is a pity that such treasures as the Heart Demon Orb and the Magic Crystal cannot be used here at all. If he wants to preserve the remaining two emerald grasses, Gu Zheng can only temporarily wrap them with fairy power and bring When you are by your side, you have to protect it carefully, and don't let it be damaged or polluted, otherwise the efficacy of the medicine will be gone.

Quickly pulled out three emerald grasses, and after protecting two of them with immortal power, Gu Zheng stuffed the remaining one into his mouth.

Emerald grass looks like lettuce, and its taste is very similar to lettuce.

In fact, Gu Zheng is not in the mood to taste the Emerald Grass. No matter how the ingredients are not high-grade, the taste is not delicious. For Gu Zheng, as long as it can supplement the spiritual sense, it will be fine.

Gu Zheng's lack of spiritual sense was indeed quickly replenished because of the efficacy of the emerald grass, but Gu Zheng's speed did not dare to slow down at all. After all, there was still a sandstorm chasing behind.

After running wildly for a while, Gu Zheng had to stop, because the mound in front of him became a twenty-foot-long earth dragon under the vibration of the distance.

The huge earth dragon, Gu Zheng can tell at a glance that its strength has already surpassed that of the early Jinxian period. This is a well-deserved formidable enemy! However, Gu Zheng is very happy, because the appearance of this earth dragon has loosened the original restrictions on the power of the law, and this loosening is about the forbidden space.

The power of the air ban is loosened, not completely lifted, so Gu Zheng still can't accomplish things like flying by himself. However, it cannot be used by itself. Gu Zheng can use another show operation, but this kind of show operation was very restricted because of the air ban before, so it cannot be used! And with this kind of coquettish operation, for Gu Zheng, even the earth dragon in the early stage of Golden Immortal, he would not pay attention to it.

With a thought in Gu Zheng's mind, both the true water spirit and the true fire spirit in his body vibrated, and the ice dragon and fire dragon appeared one after another. Gu Zheng asked the fire dragon to deal with the earth dragon, while he rode on the ice dragon, making the ice dragon appear one after another. The dragon lifts him into the air.

The earth dragon is very powerful. Gu Zheng's order to the fire dragon is to let the fire dragon drag the earth dragon. As for the ice dragon, Gu Zheng's order to it is to let it protect itself, and he himself has the protection of the ice dragon , you can attack the earth dragon with your mind unscrupulously.

The fire dragon spewed fire at the earth dragon, but the sandstorm flew out of the earth dragon's mouth, and the raging flames spouted by the fire dragon were extinguished instantly, and some holes were scratched out by the powerful sandstorm, but it didn't matter, because the ancient The flying bird of divine sense that was fighting had already crashed into Tulong's body.

The decomposition ability of the divine sense is very powerful. After the divine mind flying bird hit the earth dragon, the earth dragon's body disintegrated immediately! However, the powerful earth dragon quickly stopped this decomposition.

However, it is a pity that although the earth dragon has the ability to quickly stop the decomposition, even if its ability is activated again, it is impossible to surpass the speed of the bird's impact, so its body will appear soon. There is a very obvious defect, and this defect is getting bigger and bigger under the continuous impact of the bird of divine thought.

The earth dragon that was disassembled and severely injured was very angry. With a flick of its dragon tail, it flew the fire dragon that was entangled with it to a distance, and then attacked Gu Zheng again.

The ice dragon is very flexible, and its mission is to protect Gu Zheng, so it doesn't fight the earth dragon at all. Seeing that the sandstorm ejected by the earth dragon is approaching, it immediately evacuates to the distance. In order to face the constant harassment of the birds of the Guzheng God's Mind, he had no choice but to give up chasing them himself, and instead use the earth magic to make countless earth spears grow from the ground and shoot at the ice dragon in the air.

Hundreds of earth spears shot from the ground into the air. The scene looked very spectacular, but it did not have the effect that the earth dragon wanted. It did not cause much damage to the flexible ice dragon, but the earth dragon itself Under the repeated attacks of Divine Mind Asuka, the incomplete parts have become overwhelmed.

Finally, the huge body of the earth dragon was broken into two parts by Gu Zheng's divine sense, and it fell to the ground and turned into a cloud of dust.

The powerful earth dragon was dealt with, but Gu Zheng was not happy at all. This earth dragon is still very powerful, so that when Gu Zheng used the bird of divine sense to solve it, it actually took longer than expected There are so many, this also caused the Sand City Storm, which was originally behind Gu Zheng, to be less than three feet away from Gu Zheng now!

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