Gu Zheng stretched out his hand and pointed at the treasure chest, and a metallic alchemy within it was suspended.

Xianli shot out from Gu Zheng's fingertips, entangled the metallic inner alchemy suspended in space, and the originally metallic inner alchemy gradually turned into liquid under Gu Zheng's continuous refining of immortal power.

Although the inner alchemy had turned into a liquid, Gu Zheng didn't dare to absorb the inner alchemy directly. He could only control it with immortal power, allowing the liquid inner alchemy to enter the body in a fine way like a silk thread.

The metallic energy turns into silk threads, and enters Guzheng's dantian like a stream of water, and in Guzheng's dantian, there is a slight golden light emitting from a place that was originally empty, and that golden light has a strong attraction for metallic energy. Force, metallic energy all converge towards that piece.

Gu Zheng has just started in the natal real gold area, and even the cyclone has not yet been produced, but now the gathering of metallic energy is to promote the rapid birth of the natal real gold cyclone.

Among the spirits of the natal five elements, the destructive power of the natal real gold spirit is the most powerful, but it is also the most painful process to promote the generation of cyclones through the situation of the inner alchemy. Unable to bear the pain, he frowned.

As time passed, the metallic energy transformed from the inner alchemy was also converging towards Gu Zheng's dantian, and under the action of this energy, the position in Gu Zheng's dantian gradually had the momentum to create a cyclone.

In the outside world, the inner alchemy that was originally suspended in the air has completely disappeared, and the last strand of energy has entered Gu Zheng's body, and inside Gu Zheng's body, a small golden cyclone has emerged from the dantian.

Gu Zheng opened his eyes and got up, and closed the lid of the treasure chest. He now has the vortex of natal real gold. The next step is to turn the vortex of natal real gold into the source of natal real gold by refining the metallic inner alchemy. However, this matter cannot be done now, it needs a certain time interval before it can be done.

Now the Heart Demon Orb is in the belly of the giant sea turtle monster. Although the Heart Demon Orb is bright, the outside world is dark, and Gu Zheng couldn't see where the giant sea turtle monster brought the Heart Demon Orb.

With a thought, Gu Zheng appeared in the space where Brother Hantan's son devoured the original energy of the monster's corpse, and there are many, many spaces like the Heart Demon Orb.

In the space where Brother Hantan's son was located, there were originally a large number of corpses of monsters, but now half of these monster corpses have been swallowed by Brother Hantan's son. After all, it took Gu Zheng several hours to refine an inner alchemy.


Seeing Gu Zheng coming in, Brother Hantan's son greeted him. Although Brother Hantan's son was absorbing the original energy of the monster, it wasn't that he couldn't be distracted.

"How do you feel?" Gu Zheng asked.

"There is no need to swallow up the original energy of these monster corpses. I think I am about to face the threshold of breakthrough. As for what will happen then, I am not very clear. I can only wait and see when I get there! But , I don't want to need epiphany to advance, I hope to advance directly." The son of the monk Hantan said.

In fact, not only Brother Hantan's son wanted to advance directly, Gu Zheng also wanted to! Although the benefits obtained by direct promotion are not as good as epiphany, but this is only a space world inside the fairy-level space fairy weapon after all, everything you get here is empty, and it will be gone if you leave here, so it is better to advance directly . But whether it is directly promoted or not, this is something that no one knows.

"It would be fine if you were promoted directly, then the predicament we are facing will basically be resolved soon."

Gu Zheng sighed with emotion, the immediate predicament he was talking about naturally referred to the event that the Heart Demon Orb was swallowed by a giant sea turtle monster.

"What does the master mean to say that if I advance, then there will be a situation of crossing the catastrophe?"

The son of the monk Hantan stared wide-eyed, because before Gu Zheng was not sure whether the promotion would trigger the tribulation, but his current tone made the son of the monk Hantan feel that if he could advance, then There will be a situation of crossing the robbery, and once there is a situation of crossing the robbery, even if he is in the belly of the monster, Jie Lei will not let him go, and the first thing to suffer will be the giant sea turtle monster.

"That's right, I wasn't sure before, but now I'm sure, as long as you can advance to the cultivation base, then there will be a situation where you will cross the tribulation."

Gu Zheng would say this because when he looked at Brother Hantan and his son just now, he had a special feeling. This special feeling made him understand that as long as the son of Brother Hantan advances in cultivation, then there will definitely be a crossover. Robbery occurs.

"Crossing Tribulation."

Brother Hantan's son murmured, the excitement that was still on his face just now had turned into worry.

"Don't worry, I don't think you need to worry about that!"

Knowing what Brother Hantan's son was worried about, Gu Zheng comforted him in this way.

There is an iron law in crossing the catastrophe, that is, it cannot be disturbed during the process. If it is disturbed, the number and power of the tribulation thunder will increase. People or monsters who interfere with the tribulation will also be punished by the tribulation thunder. For example, the son of the monk in the cold pool is now in the heart magic bead. If he wants to cross the catastrophe, he must go outside, but leaving the heart magic bead is the stomach of a giant sea turtle monster. At that time, the power of the law will determine whether the giant sea turtle monster is Interfere with the existence of Dujie, then the power and number of Jielei will increase!

Originally, it was difficult to pass the Sixty-nine Heavenly Tribulation in the Golden Immortal Realm. With the interference of giant sea turtle monsters, it is not certain that the Sixty-Nine Heavenly Tribulation will become the Ninety-nine Heavenly Tribulation. The son really didn't have much confidence to get through it.

The son of the monk Hantan was worried, but Gu Zheng was not worried about this matter. This was not a guide with any special feeling, but Gu Zheng's judgment based on experience.

In the eyes of Gu Zheng, the giant sea turtle monster is a very powerful existence, which can be seen from the weight of its fearless Heart Demon Orb, so in Gu Zheng's view, the giant sea turtle monster has the part to fight it alone The ability of Heavenly Tribulation! Therefore, in Gu Zheng's mind, the situation at that time is that unless Tianjie kills the giant sea turtle monster, it will be difficult to hurt the son of the cold pool monk in its stomach. After killing the sea turtle monster, it will not have much power, and the son of the monk in the cold pool should be able to survive.

Time is still passing, and the son of the cold pool monk is still absorbing the original energy of the monster's corpse. As for where the giant sea turtle monster took the heart magic orb, no one knows.

Gu Zheng, who was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, opened his eyes. He felt that the aura of Brother Hantan's son had changed. He was very experienced and knew that this was a sign that Brother Hantan's son was about to break through! However, no one knows whether there will be a breakthrough, because no one is sure whether the hurdle is there.

Under normal circumstances, when a cultivator transitions from the peak of Void Return to the early stage of Golden Immortal, he will stop to look for the opportunity of epiphany, which is something that has to be stopped. But there are exceptions to everything. There is no need to look for the existence of special exercises like Gu Zheng at that time, because when he is about to break through, he will enter the mysterious realm that can give him the opportunity to achieve enlightenment. If you catch the opportunity of enlightenment in the mysterious realm, your cultivation will be promoted to the early stage of Golden Immortal. If you can't catch it, you will become like ordinary immortal cultivators, waiting for the opportunity of epiphany to appear in the days to come, while Hantan The aura change of the cultivator's son at this time is about to reach that point!


Looking at the golden light radiating from Brother Hantan's son, he suddenly restrained himself in an instant. Gu Zheng couldn't help but applaud in his heart, because he knew that luck had come to Brother Hantan's son, and Brother Hantan's son was lucky. Entered the mysterious realm on that hurdle.

Entering the Xuanmiao Realm has the possibility of catching the chance of enlightenment. Although it is not as exciting as advancing directly, it is also much better than the situation of not being able to advance directly and waiting for the arrival of enlightenment.

At this moment, the son of the monk Hantan in the mysterious realm has forgotten who he is, he only knows that he is standing on the edge of the endless sea.

Looking forward, there is a dark blue sea that makes people feel frightened, and looking back, there is an endless sandy beach, and there are fruit trees like coconuts growing on the sandy beach.

Brother Hantan's son was a little confused. He didn't know where he was, who he was, and what he was going to do next. His only clear feeling was that this strange environment made him feel scared.

Standing in place like that, the son of the monk Hantan sometimes looked at the deep blue sea, and sometimes looked back at the endless sandy beach, wondering where he was going.

There were fruit trees on the beach, but the son of the monk in the cold pool did not feel that the tall fruit was very attractive to him. He did not feel hunger or thirst, nor did he feel that he had the strength to pick the fruit.

Compared with the sandy beach, the endless sea is more attractive to the son of the cold pool monk. His body in this mysterious realm is still the one in the space world. It is a half-dragon man with two horns on the top of his head covered in scales. , may be due to nature, he is a little afraid of the ocean, but also has some instinctive desire.

The son of the monk Hantan stood still in the mysterious realm. He hadn't decided on the direction he was going to go, but he was somewhat anxious about the ancient struggle in the Heart Demon Orb. After all, the flow rate of time in the mysterious realm is different from that in the outside world. In the mysterious realm, the son of the monk Hantan only stayed for a while, but two-thirds of the time in the heart demon has passed!

According to the standard of a normal mysterious realm, its duration is usually one stick of incense. When it is close to a stick of incense, the mysterious realm will make people in it feel anxious. This is a reminder that is easy to wake up .

Now there is not much time before the anxiety arises, and after the anxiety arises, the mysterious realm will end soon. Gu Zheng is really worried that in this mysterious realm, the son of the monk Hantan will not be able to catch the one that will allow him to break through opportunity. After all, Gu Zheng has experienced too many things like the mysterious realm. From the expression on the face of his son, Brother Hantan, he can tell that he has not moved until now, otherwise what he saw and heard would have an impact on him , will show one or two in the form of expressions on his face! In the case of Brother Hantan's son, he didn't wake up and didn't move before. Even if he felt anxious, he might not be able to wake up. The opportunity that can give him an epiphany and firmly grasp it.

The time for the Mysterious Realm is approaching, and anxiety is also born in the heart of the son of the cold pool monk. This special feeling makes him flustered and makes him want to move, but it doesn't make him wake up, so he still doesn't know who he is , I don’t know what I’m doing in this space.

Anxiety made the son of the cold pool monk decisive, he finally made a choice, he wanted to go to the sea.

However, just when the son of the monk in the cold pool was about to step into the sea, a huge wave suddenly appeared on the distant sea, and the height of the huge wave was over a hundred feet. Even if they are cultivated, seeing such a huge wave, they can't help but run away in shock.

However, it is precisely because the son of the cold pool cultivator is not him in a normal state at this time, so the choice he made is also different from that in a normal state. He did not turn around and run, but plunged headlong into the sea. It just feels safer in the sea.

After the cold pool monk's son entered the sea, he was terrified, because in the sea, there was a giant dragon waiting for him with its mouth wide open, and he was diving right into the dragon's mouth right now. .

The son of the monk in the cold pool was terrified. For a moment, he only thought of him escaping from death. He opened his mouth and sprayed on the giant dragon, but the spray sprayed out its electric bubbles.

The moment he saw the electric glow bubble, the son of the cold pool monk rang in his head, and he remembered who he was and why he appeared in this place.

However, Brother Hantan's son woke up a little late, and there was not much time left before the end of the mysterious realm, and the giant dragon injured by the explosion of the electric bubble had already dived into the deeper sea.

The son of the monk in the cold pool was in a hurry. He swam towards the dragon desperately. Now he has regained his sobriety. Said that he has come to his senses, and he feels that as long as he can catch the giant dragon as soon as possible, then he still has a chance to be enlightened.

The speed of the giant dragon is very fast, but the son of the cold pool monk has come to his senses, and he is also very fast with the peak strength of returning to the void, so he quickly swam to the side of the giant dragon, holding the giant dragon firmly with both hands. Dragon scales.

That is, at the moment when the son of the monk in the cold pool grabbed the scales of the giant dragon, his eyes lit up, and many things flooded into his mind.

Gu Zheng in the Heart Demon Orb, his originally frowning brows stretched out, and he saw the golden light that had been restrained entering the body of the monk's son in the cold pool, burst out again at this moment, and the light was brighter than before! Gu Zheng understood that this was the son of the monk Hantan who seized the last moment. He had an epiphany. After he came out of that mysterious realm, he would soon cross the catastrophe.

A moment later, the son of monk Hantan who had closed his eyes opened his eyes, and he happily told Gu Zheng what he had gained in the mysterious realm.

Gu Zheng told him to be more careful when he waited for the next robbery.

Gu Zheng and the others are in the heart magic orb, so they can only feel that the son of the monk in the cold pool needs to go out to deal with the robbery, and they can't see the terrifying scene outside at all.

At this moment, in the sky in the second area of ​​the first stage, a large area of ​​dark clouds has gathered, and the strong wind has caused huge waves several feet high on the sea surface. Fleeing frantically, space traps appeared in the sea one after another, so that some of the fleeing monsters couldn't escape, and their lives were quickly harvested by the space traps.

As for the giant sea turtle monster that swallowed the Heart Demon Orb, it is quietly staying on the bottom of the sea at the moment, its limbs and head are all shrunk in the turtle shell, and the two smaller turtles following it The sea turtle monster started to flee in two different directions after circling unbearably in situ several times.

For the two turtle monsters who left, the giant turtle monster didn't stop them, and didn't even take a second look, but the two fleeing turtle monsters did not end well. During their escape, one of them was torn apart by the turbulence of space. fragments, and the other one disappeared without a trace after falling into the space vortex.

Brother Hantan had already left the Heart Demon Orb, and the moment he left the Heart Demon Orb, there was a roaring sound in the clouds that were brewing with thunder in the sky.


The Crossing Tribulation belonging to Brother Hantan's son has arrived. The Heavenly Tribulation fell from the sky and slashed into the sea, but the thunder that fell was not one, but two thunderbolts that were as thick as arms. The reason for the robbery.

Rolling Heavenly Tribulation descended from the sky and fell into the seawater, creating a miracle. The seawater automatically parted to make way for it, allowing it to strike the giant sea turtle monster in preparation.

A very bloody scene was produced. Under the bombing of Heavenly Tribulation, many monster corpses on the giant sea turtle monster were blown away, but the giant sea turtle monster itself was not injured, and even its shell was not blown out.

The first cataclysm of the Six Nine Heavens Tribulation was easily overcome by the turtle monster, and then the second tribulation thunder of the Six Nine Heavens Tribulation fell. There were still two thunders, but they were a little thicker than the previous two.

The turtle monster is still lying on the ground without moving, but Gu Zheng's vision is no longer blurred at this time, because when the catastrophe descends, the entire body of the giant turtle monster has been illuminated by the light of the catastrophe, so Gu Zheng can see that the sea turtle monster that seems to be lying still is actually using black magic to fight against the catastrophe, because in this state, there is an air flow in its body, and through the flow of this air flow, the original The monster corpses attached to the surface of its body also became stronger.


There was another loud bang, the second double tribulation thunder of the Six Nine Tribulations still only split part of the monster's corpse on the turtle shell of the giant sea turtle monster, and still failed to expose its tortoise shell.

Looking at the giant sea turtle monster that easily resisted the thunder twice, Gu Zheng was also shocked. He had to admit that he had underestimated the strength of the giant sea turtle monster before.

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