I have already seen the sculpture of the giant ocean arm, the drop of blood given to Gu Zheng by the giant ocean arm is sealed in the palm of Gu Zheng, as long as he goes to the sculpture and drops the blood on the sculpture, Gu Zheng can also get the giant ocean arm The sculpture of the arm leaves this space.


With a loud bang, the gate of the barbaric tribe was slashed by the wind released by Gu Zheng's Elven Blade.

However, something happened that Gu Zheng didn't expect. The gate of the ferocious tribe looked dilapidated, but it didn't break open under his slash. It didn't trigger when passing through with divine sense.

At this moment, because of Gu Zheng's knife, the fairy formation protecting the ferocious tribe was activated, and a huge transparent mask rose in an instant, covering the entire ferocious tribe inside.

Gu Zheng frowned. It was fine for the barbaric tribe to have such a shield to protect the tribe, but the strength of this shield was like the strength of the mountain guard array that protected a sect in the prehistoric.

"Master, what should we do now?"

Brother Hantan's son asked.

"What else can I do, attack!"

The angry cold pool monk said this, because those savage-like guys from the ferocious tribe had already started to attack them.

Don't look at the barbarians who look like savages, but they also have cultivation bases, but their cultivation bases are basically the same as those in the early stage of returning to the void. In the case of the formation, the attacks of Gu Zheng and others could not hurt the members of the brutal tribe inside, but the members of the brutal tribe could directly pass through the shield and fly towards Gu Zheng and others.

Gu Zheng wasn't angry at Brother Hantan's scrambling, because right now they really had no choice but to attack by force.

Waving to the two subordinates, Gu Zheng sent an attack signal to them, and after receiving Gu Zheng's order, the cold pool monk took the lead in attacking the shield with the flame stick that had been upgraded to a high-level fairy weapon. As for the cold pool monk His son turned into a real dragon, and launched a frenzied attack on the shield protecting the savage tribe.

Gu Zheng didn't make a move immediately, he just frowned at the yelling and attacking barbaric tribe members on the city wall.

The members of the barbaric tribe basically have magic tools such as wooden sticks in their hands, and most of the attacks they launch are in the form of light. Although these attacks they launch cannot cause any harm to Gu Zheng and them, Gu Zheng It can be seen from Zheng Zheng that the attacks they launch belong to witchcraft, and witchcraft can be regarded as all-encompassing spells. The effects are generally quite strange, such as war songs, curses, control, puppets, etc. Gu Zheng thinks The general members of the ferocious tribe are already in the early stage of returning to the void, and it is not necessarily true that there are powerful witchcraft masters in this tribe! After all, Gu Zheng had already developed a special feeling, which made him feel that the process of obtaining the statue of the giant ocean arm should be very difficult, and even dangerous.

"People from the savage tribe, can we talk?"

Gu Zheng has also started to attack the shield of the savage tribe, but he also shouted to the members of the savage tribe on the city wall. If the matter can be resolved through conversation, it is naturally better than doing it like this now, even though he Knowing that talking doesn't seem to work, but it's a big deal if it does.


"What's there to talk about? You hateful intruders!"

"We won't talk to you, we're going to kill you!"

"Yes, kill these evil invaders!"

The members of the savage tribe on the city wall were furious, and the attacks on Gu Zheng and others became more violent.

"Do you want to kill us with your tickling attacks?"

Cultivator Hantan is a talker, and he who is attacking the shield at the moment can't stand the arrogance of the members of the brutal tribe, so he can't help but speak.

"Ignorant, do you really think our attack is tickling?"

A majestic boy sounded, and the members of the savage tribe on the city wall cheered. From the titles they cheered, they knew that the chief of the savage tribe was about to appear.

The chief of the savage tribe was already standing on the wall, and he did not appear alone. Behind him was a guy with many feather ornaments on his head and tattoos on his face, who looked like a priest. In addition to the priest, there were two strong tribe members who carried a big drum to the city wall.

"Can we talk about it?" Gu Zheng spoke again.

"What do you want to talk about?" the Chief asked, narrowing his eyes.

"I just want to visit the statue in your tribe. It would be better if you let me go in and visit it, and we will avoid hurting our friendship. But if you don't let us go in and visit it, then when we break through your protection, Have you ever wondered how many of you will die?"

Gu Zheng is deceiving and intimidating. He also hopes that the people of the savage tribe will be more sensible. Although their shields are very protective, Gu Zheng will definitely break through the shield in at most half an hour. If it is true At that time, if the two militants, monk Hantan and his son, want to massacre the city, the ancient dispute will not stop it.

"Bah! Shameless person, you actually said that you want to visit the statue of our tribe's god? You obviously want to take it away, don't think I can't see through your mind!"

The chiefs of the ferocious tribe hadn't spoken yet, and the priest couldn't help but curse at Gu Zheng.

"How do you know?" Gu Zheng sneered.

"This priest calculated it!" The priest said proudly.

"Then have you figured out that we came to your tribe under the guidance of the so-called god you said, did you ask me to bring its statue back?" Gu Zheng asked again!

"Hey, you are really too shameless! You are guided by the devil, and you dare to lie like this. It seems that not burning you to death is not enough to vent your anger!"

The priest waved the witchcraft staff in his hand, looking resentful.

"So there's nothing to talk about?"

Gu Zheng's voice squeezed out from between his teeth, he was already ready to kill.

"That's right! You don't need to talk too much, if you want to take away our statues, you can only step on our corpses!"

This time it was the chief who spoke, and he had already said so, and the members of the savage tribe on the city wall immediately launched an attack even more frantically.

"Stubborn and unresponsive, death is not a pity!"

Gu Zheng laughed. He was ready to order the father and son of the cold pool monks to massacre the city when he broke through the protective mask of the ferocious tribe.

"Let us die? Are you qualified?"

The priest bared his teeth and waved his hands to the two big men behind him. The two big men immediately beat the big drum, and the priest danced along with the sound of the drum.

"Witchcraft is rather weird, you two be careful later."

Gu Zheng told Brother Hantan and his son to continue attacking the shield protecting the ferocious tribe. This is not a protection that can be breached in a short while, and it should be a protracted battle.

With the dance of the priest, the weirdness of witchcraft began to show its power. This is something that can be seen with the naked eye, because when the priest danced, there were extremely tiny red light spots floating from his body. These red lights After the point was absorbed by the members of the savage tribe, the momentum of these members of the savage tribe began to change, and their strength also increased from the early stage of returning to the void to the middle stage of returning to the void!

If only one person raised his cultivation base in this way, there would be no threat to Gu Zheng and the others at all, but it was not one person who raised his strength, but all the members of the barbaric tribe. There were more than three hundred of these people! More than 300 guys in the middle stage of Void Return, plus the chief, the bastard who is equivalent to the peak of Void Return, under the protection of the shield, the attacks launched by this force have already made Gu Zheng and the others have to pay attention, except for the cold pool cultivator. Relying on the cultivation base of the early stage of Jinxian, the son can also resist the attacks of the ferocious tribes, and the two of them, like Gu Zheng and Hantan monks, have to pay attention to their own protection when attacking the defensive shield. Fortunately, one of the two people has a shield of immortal power and the other has a body of dragon scales, so they haven't suffered any harm yet.

However, as the priests continued to dance and the drums continued to sound, the troubles of Gu Zheng and others came, and this trouble corresponded to the members of the previous savage tribe, who said that their attack against the cold pool monks was a counterattack when they were tickling.

The attacks launched by the members of the savage tribe are basically presented in the form of lights of various colors. These things that look like lights are actually some luminous particles. These particles are so small that they can be seen by the naked eye. After being on the ground, it often takes a while before it goes out.

The particles of light that had fallen on the ground were no longer a threat to Gu Zheng, but now with the dance of the priest and the disturbing drumbeats, the particles that had been extinguished on the ground emitted light again. And the particles of different colors will be automatically distinguished, so that there are a total of particles of seven colors, which converge into several areas of different colors, which makes the ground outside the barbaric tribe a glow.

The rays of light outside the barbaric tribe are not just for a good-looking picture. They also have different effects because of their different colors. For example, if you step on the red area, you will feel like you are in a sea of ​​fire if you step on it. Stepping on the green area On the top, there will be toxins to attack Gu Zheng's protection. If the yellow area steps on it, earth-based witchcraft attacks will be born from the ground, such as ground cracks and ground subsidence. If the purple area stands on it, it will There are purple rays of light constantly shooting out from the ground, and when the blue area steps on it, there will be frozen power. Anyway, these attacks are very fancy, and their power is not bad.

"How is it? Have you tasted the strength of our savage tribe?"

The priest on the city wall is very proud. He has stopped dancing now, and the two strong men behind him have also stopped beating drums. He wants to launch the seven-color guardian array, that is, the seven areas with different colors on the ground. Completely completed, there is no need for them to do those things before.

"That's it? At worst, let's change positions!"

Gu Zheng waved to the father and son of the monk Hantan, and the three immediately ran to the other side. After all, attacking this protective formation can be done from any position, and it is a kind of cumulative damage.

"too naive!"

Looking at the three of Gu Zheng who were going to continue to attack the shield on the other side, the priest's eyes showed sarcasm, because once the colorful protective array is successfully deployed, they will follow the attacker who wants to destroy the protective shield like a shadow.

"It's so annoying!"

Looking at the ever-changing luster under his feet, Brother Hantan said bitterly, the colorful protective array is really annoying, not only will it follow you everywhere, but it will also automatically adjust different colors to let the attacker try something new.

"Master, what should we do now?"

Brother Hantan's son was also very annoyed by this situation, but since the city walls were full of ferocious tribesmen, he didn't speak directly, but sent a voice transmission to Gu Zheng.

"That's it for now, pay attention to safety and wait for the opportunity!"

Gu Zheng sent a voice transmission reply to Brother Hantan's son. As for the opportunity he said, he was looking for the weak point of the defensive shield.

In fact, all defensive shields have weak points, but the difficulty of finding this weak point is different, just like the defensive shield of the barbaric tribe, it is not easy to find weak points. Now, they are actually sensing the location of the weak point through the attack on the defensive shield.

The priest and others who were also moving on the city wall had also come to the top of the three of them facing Gu Zheng.

"Hey, the intruders below, don't you think that the colorful guardian array is very annoying? Then let me tell you that the annoying thing is still behind!"

The chief spoke at this time, and after his words fell to the ground, he turned his head up to the sky and howled, sometimes like howling a wolf, sometimes like howling a tiger, but it didn't sound like a human voice anyway.

Following the chief's roar, the same monster screamed in the distance, which let Gu Zheng and others know that the chief was summoning the monster to attack Gu Zheng and them.

The chief can summon monsters, let alone how strong these monsters are, anyway, this is something that is not good for Gu Zheng and them. However, Gu Zheng and the others were not angry because of this, but their eyes became very playful!

The ground began to shake, and many monsters rushed towards the ferocious tribe. These monsters were of all kinds, with different strengths, but the lowest strength was not lower than the middle stage of returning to the void. As for the wolf monster with the highest strength, it had even Reaching the early stage of Golden Immortals, these guys seemed to have been greatly stimulated. Their eyes were all red, and saliva was dripping from the corners of their mouths. The monsters are supposed to be incompatible with each other, but now they have the same purpose, which is to go outside the barbaric tribe and try their best to kill those non-monster existences.

The mighty group of monsters looked like seventy or eighty monsters. Seeing these monsters rushing towards them, the cold pool cultivator roared like a dragon chant.

The monk Hantan's cultivation was in the forest, and he was promoted from the middle stage of returning to the void to the late stage of returning to the void. Like his son, he would awaken some supernatural powers every time his cultivation level was promoted, and his current roar is his this time A magical power awakened, this magical power can make monsters whose strength is lower than his be temporarily controlled by him!

Originally, the cold pool monk saw that there were no monsters around, so he didn't think of using this supernatural power to send monsters to help them attack the city shield, but the chief of the ferocious tribe dispatched monsters to deal with them, so the cold pool monk also mobilized him just now. The comprehended supernatural powers made the monsters betray the dispatch of the brutal chief.

The eyes of the savage tribe on the city wall widened. They couldn't believe that the monster dispatched by their chief had started a civil war on the road, and the battle was extremely brutal.

Indeed, the monsters started a civil war on their original path! After all, monks in the cold pool can only control those monsters below the late stage of returning to the void, and among the monsters, there is also a wolf monster in the early stage of Golden Immortal. The wolf demon must be eliminated.

Although the cultivation base of the wolf monster is the highest among the monsters, it is a pity that it has lost its reason and judgment on some things under the dispatch of the brutal chief, so when the monsters around him betrayed and attacked it At that time, it was not prepared at all, and it suffered a big loss directly!

Although the wolf demon suffered a great loss, no matter what it said, it was still the great monster in the early stage of the Golden Immortal. When it launched a crazily counterattack, many of the monsters controlled by the monks in the cold pool died, and in the end there were only three or more. The monster came to the front of the city wall of the ferocious tribe, and launched a frenzied attack on the shield of the city.

Originally, when only Gu Zheng and the others attacked the defensive shield, the defensive shield could last quite a long time, but now there are more than 30 monsters joining, although these monsters are not as strong as Gu Zheng and them Strong, but the victory lies in the relatively large number. If the people of the savage tribe don't want to come up with any effective solution to the problem, then the defensive shield will be breached in at most one stick of incense time.

Of course, the people of the ferocious tribe will not sit still. Their attacks may not be enough damage for Gu Zheng and the three of them, but they still have damage that cannot be ignored for the monsters who have lost their minds.

"It's really disgusting!"

The monster dispatched by the chief was actually used by Gu Zheng's side, which made the priest feel as if he had been greatly insulted, and he couldn't just watch the brutal tribe lose face.

The priest waved the witchcraft staff in his hand, and was still attacking the members of the ferocious tribe under the city wall. Immediately, twenty members of the ferocious tribe walked towards the priest with dull eyes.

The priest took out a stack of paper figurines from his bosom, and he threw the paper figurines casually, and the paper figurines were immediately suspended in the air. Each paper figurine corresponds to a member of a ferocious tribe.

A cold light flashed in his hands, and the priest of the savage tribe actually cut the throats of more than 20 members of the savage tribe with his sharp nails!

The ferocious tribe members with their throats cut, spurted blood from their necks like a fountain, all pouring on the paper figurines above their heads.

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