Gu Zheng's punching speed is very fast, even if it needs to mobilize the energy of the world, the time required to punch twenty punches is very short.


In just a moment, the Gu Zheng who swung nineteen punches has already beaten Ao Tianzhou to the point of being riddled with holes.

"The last punch!"

Gu Zheng had a sneer on his face, and the energy of heaven and earth formed a bright light attached to his fist under his control. When he smashed this fist on the golden shield, the originally indestructible golden shield, without When any crack appeared, it exploded, and even the Soaring Boat inside was torn into pieces.

The whole world became clean, because Gu Zheng destroyed Soo Tianzhou, which was equivalent to the eye of the formation, and the entire illusion was broken. After the light and dark alternated, the vision in front of him also appeared in the space full of light.


Brother Hantan's son was a little excited. Although he didn't stay in this space for a long time, because he didn't know the situation of Gu Zheng and the others, it really felt like years passed by. Now he finally saw Gu Zheng, which made him How can you not be excited.

"Yes, you have escaped from the illusion."

Gu Zheng smiled at the son of monk Hantan. He didn't know what the father and son of monk Hantan experienced in the illusion. All he knew was that three people must be able to see through the illusion to break the illusion. Naturally, he was also happy that Brother Tan's son was out of trouble. However, Gu Zheng was also somewhat surprised. He thought that the person who would see through the illusion first would be the monk of Hantan, and Jiang is still old and hot.

"Master, I am not out of the illusion."

The son of the monk Hantan had a bitter face, and he told Gu Zheng what happened in the illusion and what he realized.

"Master, I made things even more troublesome."

Brother Hantan's son still had a bitter face, and he blamed himself for complicating things because of him.

"You don't need to blame yourself. If you didn't eat the treasure of heaven and earth, then you would be killed by the illusion. It can only be said that it made things complicated. There is no way around it." Gu Zheng smiled slightly , and then said: "As the so-called blessing and misfortune depend on each other, although you have made things complicated, if you can kill those people in the illusion within the time limit, then you can still get your personal rewards, This is also a good thing, as for what you are worried about, whether you will be killed by the people in the illusion, I think they don't have that ability!"

Hearing Gu Zheng's comfort, Brother Hantan's son felt a little better, but he was still a little worried.

"Master, why do you think they don't have the ability to kill me in the illusion? Anyway, I don't have enough control over the red bellyband. I don't think I can beat them when I go back to the illusion." The son of the monk Hantan whispered.

"Because the law has temporarily transferred you to this space, I want you to go back to the time when you were in the illusion, and you will no longer be at the cultivation level at that time! After all, you were still in a state of illusion at that time, You don't know who you are, that's why you were forced into such a mess, and when you go back again, your cultivation base may be your own strength. If this is the case, do you think Wu Yazi Will those people be your opponents?"

Although Gu Zheng didn't say this because of special feelings, his reasoning was not unreasonable, so the son of monk Hantan, who was still worried, immediately felt relieved.

"Then I'll have to wait for my father. It stands to reason that the master would have destroyed the Aotianzhou, which is equivalent to the eyes of the fairy array, my father, "

Just when he was a little happier, worry appeared on the face of Brother Hantan's son again, and he didn't dare to continue speaking. After all, monk Hantan has appeared until now, which means that he is deeply trapped in the illusion, and Gu Zheng can break the Sootian Boat, which is equivalent to the eyes of the fairy array, for the cold pool trapped in the illusion. For monks, it is undoubtedly an opportunity to see through the illusion.

However, it is only a moment to see through the illusion, and it does not take much time, but so far the cold pool monks have not appeared, so it is a very important thing, in fact, it is not only the son of the cold pool monk who thinks this is very important , even Gu Zheng thought so, but he didn't show his anxiety.

Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan's son were very anxious, and Brother Hantan himself was also very anxious.

When Gu Zheng destroyed Soaring Sky Boat, the entire illusion was affected. The cold pool monk who was eating with his family in the illusion at that time saw a scene that made his eyes widen. Not only his wife and children were all still, but also Their facial features were also severely distorted. When he saw this scene, Brother Hantan was shocked at first, and then his head hurt. He felt that all this seemed unreal.

Although Brother Hantan has doubts, he has been in the illusion for too long, so long that it is difficult for him to remember what the truth is. Otherwise, under normal circumstances, if he has such doubts, the truth will be remembered immediately.

In a blink of an eye, the illusion that had been severely affected by the destruction of the Soaring Boat returned to normal, and the wife and children of the monks in the cold pool returned to normal. They immediately launched a family attack on the monks in the cold pool. Under the affectionate greetings, Brother Hantan was caught in a tangle. On the one hand, he felt that all this was real, and on the other hand, he felt that all this was so unreal. He didn't know what to choose to believe.

"Father, what's the matter with you? Don't keep silent, you are so scary!"

"Daddy, are you sick, why don't we go see a doctor?"

His ears were filled with concerned greetings from his wife and children, and the battle between heaven and man in the heart of the monk Hantan had finally reached its limit. He had a very good temper in the illusion, and for the first time he had a big explosion.

"Stop arguing!"

Brother Hantan yelled at his wife and children, but his wife and children were not frightened by his yelling, but continued to attack him with tears in their eyes.

The unbearably tormented monk Hantan ran out directly. He only had one feeling now, that is, regardless of what happened to his wife and children, he desperately needed a quiet environment to think about things that he couldn't understand just now. He wanted too much. Know what is true and what is false.

Covering his ears and running forward, regardless of chasing his wife and children who were crying behind him, Brother Hantan followed the doubts in his heart and quickly found himself. He finally knew what he was and what kind of place this place was! Knowing all this, the monk in the cold pool broke out in a cold sweat, because he knew that the time of the illusion was about to end, if he was entangled in the things in the illusion for a while, then not only would he never be able to leave In the illusion, even Gu Zheng and his son could not escape bad luck.


The monk Hantan who had already woken up roared at his wife and children who were in the illusion behind him, and then closed and opened his eyes to see through the illusion.

Brother Hantan saw through the illusion before the time limit of the illusion was about to end, and the space he was in now was the special space full of light that Gu Zheng and the others were in. However, in this room, Brother Hantan did not see his son, all he saw was Gu Zheng, because at the moment when he broke through the illusion, his son had already been brought into his own illusion, He has completed his own mission.

The son of the monk Hantan has indeed entered the illusion that belongs to him, but the current illusion can no longer be called an illusion. It should be called a test more appropriately. After all, if you want to get out of here, you don’t know that it is an illusion. That's fine, but to kill Wu Yazi and the others.

After entering the illusion, the son of the monk Hantan, who was still a little worried, suddenly became very happy, because things were just as Gu Zheng expected, he entered with the cultivation level of the outside world, that is to say, he was no longer the original The one in the illusion is only a little monk in the late stage of gasification, but a strong man with the strength of the early stage of Jinxian.

Brother Hantan's son entered the place where he appeared in the illusion, which is the place where he disappeared before. This is somewhere in the mountains and forests. Wu Yazi and others can't be seen, but there are a few animals around that Wu Yazi turned into from plants. of monsters.

When facing these monsters before, the son of the monk in the cold pool was a little more cautious, but now facing these monsters with teeth and claws, the son of the monk in the cold pool sneered, raised his hand and waved at them again and again.

The sound of explosions became one piece, and several monsters transformed from plants were blown to pieces. As for them, they also attacked the son of the monk in the cold pool, but their attacks fell on the monk in the cold pool. Like scratching an itch.

Although it was like scratching an itch, through the attacks of these monsters, the son of the cold pool monk also discovered that after he returned to the illusion this time, the strength of the monsters in the illusion has been improved! However, it doesn't matter even if they are promoted. Anyway, even if they are further promoted, they are only in the realm of transforming gods. Compared with the son of monk Hantan in the realm of Jinxian, the gap is a bit too huge.

Quickly eliminated a few monsters, the son of the cold pool monk immediately flew up, he only had a stick of time, and the monsters he saw in this illusion, plus Wu Yazi and others, all of them needed to be dealt with , there are twenty-five monsters in total, and he needs to kill all of these monsters before the time ends, and now there are only twenty-two of the twenty-five monsters left, and he dare not stay for a moment.

The son of the monk Hantan has no divine sense, and he can only perceive the existence of monsters through his keen perception when flying in the air. This method is not as efficient as divine sense, but it is also impossible.

He didn't perceive any monsters in the forest, nor did he see Wu Yazi and others, but the son of the monk Hantan saw a fierce bird, and this fierce bird had chased the fairy with the treasure of heaven and earth in the past. Asuka, it is also the target that Brother Hantan's son needs to solve.

The son of monk Hantan flew towards the vicious bird, and the vicious bird flew towards him. This is an unknown vicious bird with two heads that looks very majestic. The son of monk Hantan was a little terrified when he saw it before. , but seeing it now is like seeing a flying insect.

The ominous bird first attacked the monk's son in the cold pool. Flames of different colors spit out from its two heads, and the high temperature burned the air to make a strange noise.

The son of the monk Hantan opened his mouth and spit out, and after the electric light bubbles spewed out of his mouth lightly, the speed increased instantly to the point of lightning, not only enveloping the flames spewed out by the fierce birds, but also enveloping the fierce birds in it .

The fierce bird wrapped in the electric glow bubble struggled desperately. It launched various attacks in the electric glow bubble, but it was a pity that its attacks couldn't break through the electric glow bubble at all.

The electric light bubble can not only explode, but also temporarily store some things in it. The reason why the son of the monk Hantan didn't let it explode is because he wanted to take it with him and give him a big gift when he saw Wu Yazi.

Through the battle with the fierce bird, the son of the monk Hantan discovered that the strength of the fierce bird has also improved. This guy whose strength was similar to Wu Yazi before, his strength has been improved to the point where he is equivalent to the middle stage of returning to the void. The son also judged that even if Wu Yazi's strength improved, he probably had the highest peak return to the void, and this kind of strength still belonged to the category that he could easily suppress.

With the electric light bubbles filled with fierce birds, the son of the cold pool monk continued to search, and it didn't take long to find a group of monsters gathered in the forest below. There were ten monsters in this group. Stop it, the kind of monster that casts a spell to turn plants into.

It is a good thing for the son of the monk Hantan that the ten monsters get together. He wished that all these monsters would be together so that he would not have to run around here and there.

Without going down from the sky at all, the son of the monk in the cold pool directly sprayed out the dragon-shaped lightning, and it was like a living dragon. All the monsters encountered turned into charred corpses in an instant.

Now there are only eleven guys left that need to be dealt with, five of them are humans, and the remaining six are monsters. The son of the monk in the cold pool thought that it would take some time to find the remaining guys, but he didn't. Thinking about it, he soon found out that ten of the guys who needed to be dealt with were gathered together, except for Wu Yazi, the rest were all there!

"Very well, since you are all here, it will save me a lot of trouble!"

The son of the monk Hantan sneered, he opened his mouth to aim at the bottom and spray out a dragon-shaped lightning.

Brother Hantan's son's dragon-shaped lightning is a supernatural power that he comprehended after he crossed the Golden Immortal Tribulation. This supernatural power is very powerful. The monk's son still felt that as soon as his dragon-shaped lightning came out, those guys below would be doomed.

However, the sudden flash of light in his mind made Brother Hantan's son feel that he couldn't kill all these guys with dragon-shaped lightning. Anyway, he still didn't know where Wu Yazi was, so he left his mouth to ask for more information. It's better, but the dragon-shaped lightning is more powerful, once it is used, there is no turning back.

Instead of dragon-shaped lightning, the son of the cold pool monk used electric glow bubbles instead. He believed that as long as his electric glow bubbles exploded in front of the shield below, it would be enough to blow up the shield. Yu Wei, who was killed by the explosion, only had half his life left.

However, something happened beyond the expectations of the cold pool monk's son. Those guys protected by the shields were able to allow their attacks to pass through the shields, and the shields themselves were not affected! Therefore, when those attacks hit the electric glow bubble, a loud noise was also produced.

"I didn't expect it to be an advanced shield. Since that's the case, then I can safely use the dragon-shaped lightning."

The son of the monk Hantan gave a strange laugh, and opened his mouth to spit out a dragon-shaped lightning bolt.

There are ten enemies, and their attacks are also various. These attacks were originally aimed at the son of the monk in the cold pool, but because the son of the monk in the cold pool released the dragon-shaped lightning, all of these attacks fell. On the dragon-shaped lightning.

The power of the dragon-shaped lightning is naturally weakened due to various attacks, but this is also what the monk's son wants to see. After all, the dragon-shaped lightning in its prime can not only break through the enemy's shield, but also Kill all the places, and what he wants is to leave a living and ask where Wu Yazi is.


The dragon-shaped lightning collided with the enemy's protective shield, making a roar like thunder, followed by the sound of howling ghosts and wolves.

As expected by his son of Brother Cold Pool, even though he was attacked by the enemy, the dragon-shaped lightning was still powerful enough to break the enemy's shield, and after breaking the enemy's shield, the lightning glow They were still scurrying around on several enemies, so that the six monsters with low strength were turned into charred corpses on the spot. As for the remaining four, even if they were not electrocuted to death, they became bruised and bruised. appearance.

Cultivator of Cold Pool launched a make-up knife, and the scales on his body flew out very fast, like a hidden weapon, he first eliminated the two monsters among the remaining four enemies, leaving behind the one who had competed with him for talents in the first place. Dibao's two enemies, and among these two enemies, one is the bearded man who turned Xianli into a bird. As for the last one, the son of the monk Hantan has no impression of him.

The son of monk Hantan is not as gentle as Gu Zheng. Although he left behind the beard and the life of the other immortal cultivator, he has already cut off their hands and feet with fish scales.

The two enemies whose hands and feet had been cut off, plus the skin and flesh that had been shocked by the dragon-shaped lightning before, now they are looking at the monk's son in the cold pool, and even breathing is a little difficult.

"Tell me where Wu Yazi is. If you tell me, then I will give you a good time. If you don't, then I will make your life worse than death!"

Brother Hantan's son didn't bother to talk nonsense, and his vicious eyes swept across the two enemies who were helpless on the ground.

"You don't want to know anything from us, we can't say anything!"

The enemy who had no memory of Brother Hantan's son before was the first to yell at Brother Hantan's son.

"Really? Then you can enjoy it first."

The son of the monk Hantan sneered, and raised his palm upwards, and the shouting enemy floated up. Then he waved his hand fiercely, and threw the enemy out from the air like a sandbag, and hit the rock beside him heavily.

Originally, he was seriously injured, and was thrown heavily by the son of the cold pool monk. The enemy who vomited blood was already angry, but the son of the cold pool monk would not guard him just like that. He said that disobedience would make the opponent's life worse than death, so He imbues his enemies with life energy.

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