The dragon-like monster wind swept away the hundreds of flying ants in the air first, only to hear the sound of swishing and falling, and the air suddenly became quiet.

To deal with the group on the ground, the cold pool cultivator opened his mouth and sprayed again, and the huge waves that appeared out of nowhere rushed forward along the canyon, and countless big black ants were all buried in the flood in the process.

It took less than half a minute to clean up tens of thousands of ants. This kind of thrill of killing is very refreshing for the cold pool monks, but the consequences are also very serious. At least the cold pool monks have entered a state of full alert.

The cold pool monk was so on guard because he saw the twisting cliff again, which meant that the once invincible monster that was integrated with the cliff still existed in this place.

Gu Zheng just frowned slightly, he was not as nervous as the monk in the cold pool, because this monster that merged with the cliff had a different feeling from the last time.

When Gu Zheng saw this monster last time, what he brought to Gu Zheng was a kind of powerful coercion. That kind of coercion made Gu Zheng feel that as long as he dared to provoke the other party, he would definitely end up dead.

But this time, apart from feeling the powerful coercion from the monster, Gu Zheng didn't feel that kind of very dangerous feeling, which made him feel that things seemed to be turning around, because a very powerful, but But the monsters that didn't make him feel dangerous were usually the special monsters that would give him missions.

Sure enough, it was different from last time. They only knew that the invincible monster was integrated with the cliff in the last time, but they didn't see its whole picture. This time, a pair of people appeared on the wriggling cliff. Same arm and half body.

The scene looked a little weird, the pair of arms were struggling against the cliff, half of the body was buried in the rock except for the head, and more than half of it was already exposed, and this struggling movement seemed to be trying to get the head out of the way. Pull out from the rock wall. Moreover, under the struggle of the unknown monster, the rock is not as hard as a real rock, and it will collapse when touched by a huge force. On the contrary, it is soft and resilient like dough, giving people the feeling that, A person is trapped in a huge dough, and he is struggling to pull his head out of the dough.

Cultivator Hantan was very nervous. Seeing that he was about to attack, Gu Zheng quickly stopped him, that is, when Gu Zheng stopped Cultivator Hantan, the monster struggling in the cliff finally threw its head off the cliff. Pulled out of the wall.

It has a humanoid body, but it has a huge and ferocious pig's head. It's just that the upper body has broken free from the cliff, and the lower body is still in the cliff. There is no intention to struggle with the lower body. The head has just been pulled out of the cliff. The pig-headed monster was panting heavily.

"Enter, this is the second time you have come to this enchanted space. It is your arrival that I can show up to meet you. Do you want to make a deal with me?" the pig-headed monster said from Gu Zheng.

"Transaction? What kind of transaction?" Gu Zheng asked.

"I want you to help me get rid of the insects. There are still many big black ants in my body. Their existence makes me suffer endlessly, but because of the rules, I can't kill them. I can only use the hands of the entrants." .”

After the pig-head monster finished speaking, his body shook. Many holes suddenly appeared on the pigskin that looked good. Those holes looked very scary, dark and deep, and the effect of the whirlpool gave people the feeling that Like a black hole.

"If you want to help me, then you will need to enter my body and help me get rid of those big black ants." The pig-headed monster said.

"Since it's a transaction, what benefits can I get?" Gu Zheng asked.

"You will come to this enchanted space again, naturally for some kind of mission, you tell me your mission, and I will see how I can help you."

Hearing what the pig-headed monster said, Gu Zheng frowned slightly. It didn't know that its mission was to find Xiao Qicai, and it also said to see what help it could provide, which made people feel very unknown. However, even if it is very unknown, it has to be said that the encounter with the pig-headed monster is a breakthrough for his mission of finding Xiao Qicai. Gu Zheng still told the mission of finding Xiao Qicai.

"It turned out to be such a mission, no! Among the several missions I can help you with, there is no such thing as a mission to find Xiao Qicai!"

After hearing what Gu Zheng said, the pig-headed monster scratched its head, and following its head, dozens of big black ants were grabbed from its hair, which made people feel chills.

"Since you can't provide me with such help, then I can only forget it. I have to hurry up and hurry. Maybe we can complete the transaction when I enter this enchanted space next time!"

At this moment, Gu Zheng's mood is extremely bad, and the reason is naturally because of the words of the pig-headed monster.

The pig-headed monster said that among the several tasks it can help Gu Zheng, there is no task of finding Xiao Qicai. This also means that there may be several tasks that Gu Zheng has not encountered. It explained that in this barrier world, he might enter one after another.

In addition, there is no task to find Xiao Qicai, which sounds like no problem, but Gu Zheng feels that there is a big problem here! After all, Gu Zheng didn't have a good impression of the otter monster with thieves and mouse eyes from the beginning, and the otter monster wanted Gu Zheng's Heart Magic Orb at first, but was rejected by Gu Zheng. Another point is that the otter monster He once told Gu Zheng that if Gu Zheng saw the gatekeeper monster first and then saw it, then the nature of the task it gave Gu Zheng would change, combining all kinds of suspicious things, Gu Zheng felt that the task of finding Xiao Qicai, Probably not really 'simple'.

"Enter don't leave, although I don't have any direct information about Xiao Qicai, but I know a monster, if you find it, it may not necessarily know Xiao Qicai, because it is the know-it-all in this enchanted space. "

The anxious voice of the pig-headed monster sounded, and Gu Zheng, who was about to leave, stopped and turned around.

"Knowledgeable?" Gu Zheng, who stopped walking, murmured, and then turned around again: "The so-called know-it-all in your mouth, Xiao Qicai said something else if you know it, and even if you know it, you must test it for me. I don't have that much anymore. Time wasted on this one task."

If the pig-headed monster hadn't said at the beginning that it could help Gu Zheng in several tasks, then Gu Zheng would grab the know-it-all he said at this time, like grabbing a life-saving straw, but now Gu Zheng is really worried , Looking for the so-called know-it-all is also a waste of time.

"No! I can give you my token. As long as you take my token, Know-it-all will not give you another test. He will tell you about Xiao Qicai, of course, only if he knows .”

Hearing what the pig-headed monster said, Gu Zheng turned around again: "You also know that my mission time is limited, how far is that know-it-all from here?"

"It's a long way from here, but with my help, you can reach it in a stick of incense." The pig-headed monster said.

The time for a stick of incense is not too long, and in Gu Zheng's view, it will not take too long to help the pig-headed monster eliminate the big black ants, so he wants to agree to the task of the pig-headed monster.

"If my master accepts your task, can I enter your body and help get rid of those big black ants?"

Brother Hantan spoke at this time, he wanted to share Gu's worries.

First of all, entering the body of a pig-headed monster is an adventure in itself.

Secondly, if Gu Zheng doesn't need to enter the pig-headed monster's body, then he can continue to use his divine sense to launch explorations outside. Knowledgeable, if you want to know about Xiao Qicai, you need to know about it, so it is still necessary to hurry up and explore. In case you can meet a monster with enough intelligence, you can search for It is not impossible for Hun to learn about Xiao Qicai.


The pig-headed monster gave Brother Hantan an answer, but Gu Zheng shook his head: "No need, let me do it!"

What Brother Hantan was worried about, Gu Zheng naturally thought about it, but he knew more than Brother Hantan, he knew that once he entered the body of the pig-headed monster, his body would be shrunk, and the big black ant would turn into a big black ant in his eyes. Become a behemoth! In addition, his strength will also increase a lot, and in the face of such a situation, his speed of cleaning up the big black ants must be much faster than that of the cold pool monk.

After reaching an agreement with the pig-headed monster, the pig-headed monster exerted suction on Gu Zheng, and the strong suction made Gu Zheng enter its body from its mouth.

Sure enough, the moment he entered the body of the pig-headed monster, Gu Zheng felt the power of size. His size became so small that the mouth of the pig-headed monster seemed to him to be a boundless space.

Just as Gu Zheng entered the air of the pig-headed monster, a few big black ants rushed towards Gu Zheng. In Gu Zheng's eyes, it was as big as an elephant.

"Early stage of Void Return!"

Gu Zheng could see the strength of the current big black ants at a glance, and he couldn't help but feel a little shocked. You must know that when they were outside, the strength of these big black ants was at best equivalent to the early stage of gasification.

Gu Zheng was surrounded by seven big black ants. Some of them were ready to bite Gu Zheng at the right time, while others spewed highly corrosive acid. Gu Zheng danced the elven blade in his hand into a flower, and the blade energy flew out with his dancing, and the seven big black ants soon turned into a pile of stumps, even though they were all It is the strength of the early stage of returning to the void, but for Gu Zheng, this kind of strength is not enough to look at.

Gu Zheng had just finished off the big black ant when he heard the sound of flapping wings. He knew that some kind of flying ants were rushing over, and judging from the sound, there were ten ants coming.


Gu Zheng snorted coldly, and decided to personally enter the pig-headed monster's body to eliminate these damned ants. Gu Zheng never thought about using the elf blade to kill the ants. The reason why he used the elf blade just now Those big black ants just want to make a safe place.

With a thought, Gu Zheng divided his divine sense, and killing the big black ants through his spiritual mind is Gu Zheng's combat policy, and this method is naturally faster than ordinary fighting methods.

Gu Zheng's divine sense has already met flying ants. Some of these flying ants spray gray smoke at Gu Zheng's divine sense, and some shoot tail needles at Gu Zheng's divine sense, and Gu Zheng's divine sense The thoughts do not dodge or dodge at all, because their attacks do no harm to the special energy of the divine thoughts at all, but once the divine thoughts hit them, their bodies will quickly disintegrate, and the efficiency is that of hitting One must die at a time.

The ten flying ants were quickly dealt with by Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng allowed his divine sense to temporarily return to his body. Now he needs to set up a fairy formation to protect his body when the time comes. After all, his divine sense has not yet cut off the tail between him and his body, and when his divine sense is activated, his body will be in a relatively fragile situation.

Xianli shot out from Gu Zheng's fingertips, and Gu Zheng arranged a fairy array in the mouth of the pig-headed monster that could defend against the attack of the big black ants, and then he entered it himself, opened the fairy array and separated his mind.

How many big black ants are there in the pig-head monster's body? Gu Zheng is not clear about this. Now he wants to use his spiritual thoughts to explore the body of the pig-head monster. If he finds the big black ants, he just needs to get rid of them. The quick cleaning method is also an advantage for him to enter the pig-headed monster's body compared to the cold pool monk.

Groups of big black ants were wiped out by Gu Zheng, and it had been an hour since Gu Zheng had entered the pig-headed monster, and Gu Zheng couldn't even remember how many big black ants he had killed, he just knew, He is only halfway through the exploration of the pig-headed monster's body, which means that even if everything goes well, he still needs an hour to get rid of all the big black ants in the pig-headed monster's body.

Another half an hour passed without knowing it, and a group of big black ants who were dodging their spiritual thoughts were dealt with by Gu Zheng. Gu Zheng, who should have continued to fly according to the original route, turned his divine sense and flew back at this moment Go, because the place where his body is is currently being attacked by a group of flying ants.

Fortunately, Gu Zheng had set up the fairy array from the very beginning, otherwise, at this time, it would be too late for the divine sense to return to its original body.

Although Gu Zheng had already stayed in the pig-headed monster's body for more than an hour, he was basically beheading big black ants during this time. If he was just on his way, it wouldn't take long.

When Gu Zheng's divine sense returned to the position where his body was, the flying ants that were madly attacking the fairy formation were quickly dealt with by Gu Zheng.

After solving the crisis of flying ants, Gu Zheng strengthened the fairy formation again, and then his brows frowned again.

Gu Zheng discovered a problem when he got rid of the flying ants. These flying ants are not the ones that have lived for a while, they are newborn flying ants, so Gu Zheng frowned. This is a problem.

The appearance of newborn flying ants represented two things that bothered Gu Zheng.

The first thing is that there are newborn flying ants, which means that there is an ant nest in the body of the pig-headed monster. The big black ants that Gu Zheng saw were not stragglers, they came from the same ant nest! And in that ant nest, there must be an ant queen. If there is no queen ant, there shouldn't be these newborn flying ants.

The second thing is that the queen ant has the ability to lead the ant colony. Leaving aside how powerful it is, it is not easy for the newborn flying ants to attack Gu Zheng's body. It must have come from the queen ant Therefore, what Gu Zheng has to do now is not simply destroying these big black ants. The first thing he has to do is to find the ant nest, and first destroy this nest that can continuously produce new big black ants Say it again! Otherwise, I have already encountered big black ants that can avoid Gu Zheng's divine thoughts before, if the ants will order these big black ants not to confront Gu Zheng head-on, but to hide and seek with Gu Zheng in the intricate ant nest , then Gu Zheng needs to spend more time on this task.

Gu Zheng's divine sense flew up again, and it took a fork that it hadn't taken before, and it was going to look for the trace of the queen ant.

Although Gu Zheng still doesn't know where the queen is in the intricate ant nest, he is not looking for it blindly, because he has already caught the air mechanism in the newborn flying ants before, so as long as he follows along If those newborn flying ants' auras continue to search, they will definitely be able to find the ant nest.

Gu Zheng's analysis is not wrong, there is indeed an ant nest in the body of the pig-head monster, and the location of this ant nest is in the dantian of the pig-head monster.

At this moment, the queen ant hiding deep in the ant's nest at the dantian part of the pig-headed monster is ovulating frantically, and the eggs she excreted quickly turned into big black ants one after another, and these big black ants Black ants are divided into three species. In addition to the common species and flying ants that Gu Zheng has seen, there is another kind of ant that Gu Zheng has never seen before. Running around, after getting close to the so-called cave wall, it immediately stuck to the cave wall and merged into the cave wall.

The purpose of Gu Zheng is to exterminate all the ants. This kind of ants that can blend into the cave wall is undoubtedly a stumbling block on his way to complete the task.

However, at this moment, Gu Zheng still doesn't know that the Queen Ant has made such a drastic change in order to prevent him from completing the task.

Gu Zheng is on his way to the dantian of the pig-headed monster, and the closer he gets to the target dantian, the more ants will be there! However, Gu Zheng didn't care much about the large number of ants. After all, these ants were very weak, and it was only a matter of divine sense to solve them.

Finally, after dealing with the innumerable ants, Gu Zheng finally came to the pig-headed monster's dantian, and it was nearly an hour and a half since Gu Zheng entered the pig-headed monster's body.

Gu Zheng's scalp was a little numb, because he knew that the dantian of the pig-headed monster was in front of him, and he also knew that the space of the pig-headed monster's dantian must be very huge! However, at this moment, the huge dantian space is completely black, because those big black ants have completely filled the pig-headed monster's dantian, and the number cannot be estimated at all!

"Okay, strangling you with divine sense doesn't consume too much of your divine sense. Otherwise, even if my divine sense runs out, I won't be able to finish killing you all. There won't be much left of your divine sense!"

Thinking this way in Gu Zheng's mind, he was also ready to start cleaning up the dantian space of the pig-headed monster, but at this moment, Gu Zheng's mind moved, and he found something abnormal around him.

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