Faced with the puffer fish monster who doesn't know what value he has, Gu Zheng actually wants to search its soul to get the information he wants. However, the puffer fish monster is protected by the power of law. He cannot do anything to the puffer fish monster, so naturally he cannot search for the puffer fish monster's soul.

"Have you ever seen it?"

Gu Zheng used his divine sense to transform into the appearance of a green-haired sea monster in the sea water.

"I've seen it!"

The puffer fish monster gave an affirmative answer.

"I want to know where it is. If you can help me, then I can spare your life."

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, the puffer fish monster's frightened eyes immediately relaxed a lot.

"It was eaten by a hundred fish demon." The puffer fish demon said.

"The Baimu fish demon? Does it look like this?"

Gu Zheng encountered a whitefish demon in the Great Trench in the previous stage. At that time, the thousandfish demon prevented it from entering the cave in the Great Trench. He had a big battle with the thousandfish demon.

Gu Zheng used his divine sense to conjure up a pattern in the seawater, among which was the kind of fish monster he had seen.

"It looks very similar to this one, but it's not this one." The pufferfish monster paused, and then continued: "I can take you to find this hundred-eye fish monster, but you have to promise me one request."

"You actually negotiated terms with me?" Gu Zheng smiled: "Say it! What request do you want me to agree to?"

Gu Zheng also had no choice. Although he now knew that the guy who swallowed the green-haired sea monster was the Baimu demon, he didn't know which one of the several auras was the aura of the Baimu demon. Moreover, even if he knows, there is no way to track it now, because the qi mechanism will disappear in the natural environment. He has already delayed a lot of time. The qi mechanism that belonged to the Baimu fish demon in the sea water must have disappeared. .

"I want you to take me to the cave in the big trench at this stage, and I want you to help me kill the sea snake monster at the bottom of the cave." The puffer fish monster said angrily.

"At the current stage, I must go to the cave in the Great Trench, but I can't agree to your conditions! After all, the green-haired sea monster took my things. The first thing I have to do is to find the Baimu fish demon and take the things that belong to me. Take back my things! In addition, the sea snake monster at the bottom of the cave you are referring to should also be a monster that can give me tasks, and it will definitely be protected by the power of law, and it is an existence that I cannot kill."

Hearing Gu Zheng's refusal, the puffer fish monster hurriedly said again: "Since you are going to the Great Trench, then the matter I asked you for help is not in conflict, because the Baimu fish demon is also in the Great Trench! As for the sea snake Monster, even though it can issue tasks for you, after you complete the tasks it issued, I have a way to make the power of law protecting it disappear, and then you can help me kill it!"

"Okay, I promise you!"

Gu Zheng concluded a contract with the puffer fish monster. Anyway, the content of the mission agreement does not conflict with his itinerary. After learning that the Baimu fish monster went to the Great Trench, his next formation is to go to that place. As for the big He must also go to the cave in the trench, and he will definitely see the sea snake monster that can give him a task! Moreover, since he was only swayed by the otter monster that can send him tasks not long ago, he doesn't have a good impression of the special monster that can send him tasks now, so it's easy to deal with one of them at that time. One thing to decompress.

Looking at the puffer fish monster with surprise in his eyes, as if he didn't believe that he would agree so readily, Gu Zheng smiled and said: "Are you thinking, obviously I already know where the Baimu fish monster is, and there is only one place in the big trench. It’s so big, you can find it by yourself, why do you have to make an agreement with you?”

The thought in his heart was shattered by Gu Zheng, and the puffer fish monster could only nod subconsciously.

"There are not so many reasons, I just feel that your conditions do not conflict with what I want to do." Gu Zheng said.

"Thank you."

Pufferfish Monster is another weak sentence, which seems to be a little moved, which makes Gu Zheng very uncomfortable. If he wants to do something, then he doesn't want to be grateful to the other party. If he doesn't want to do something, basically It's useless to force it, not to mention that the one thanking him now is still a monster, and he has never encountered such a situation before.

"follow me!"

Gu Zheng didn't want to say anything more about thanking him, so he took the puffer fish and left.

However, I don't want to say anything more about thanking you. This doesn't mean that Gu Zheng doesn't want to say something else to the puffer fish monster. After all, it's rare to have a talking monster by his side. Gu Zheng also wants to get something from it. Know something about this space world.

However, it is a pity that apart from clearly knowing what it wants to do, the puffer fish monster has very little understanding of this space world, and it is almost of no help to Gu Zheng.

Brother Hantan felt like he was going crazy. When Gu Zheng left, he left him thirty seal monsters, but now he hasn't killed even one seal monster!

According to common sense, the cold pool monk shouldn't be so weak. The seal monster is only the strength of the late stage of returning to the void. This kind of cultivation level is the same as him, and he still has the mobile fortress of the heart magic bead that can be used. It should be able to easily eliminate thirty seal monsters!

In fact, Brother Hantan has indeed killed many seal monsters, but these seal monsters are too different, they will not only come back from the dead, but also rescue their companions! This is the situation that Brother Hantan is facing now. Thirty seal monsters are still intact, but he himself is exhausted enough.


Brother Hantan snarled at the monster seals. Even if he smashed their heads or hearts, they would not die anyway. He was really at the end of his rope.

Feeling that there was no other way, the monk Hantan gave up. He couldn't get out of the heart magic orb he was in. He didn't want to do those unnecessary consumption anymore. He was waiting for Gu Zheng to come over and vent his anger on him. The struggle is now approaching him.

In addition to being annoyed by the seal monster, Brother Hantan was also a little annoyed at himself, why the body he got was not as powerful as his son's body, so that he would always be in the embarrassing state of being at the tail of the crane in the team.

Gu Zheng couldn't help being a little surprised. According to his thinking, when he came back, even if Brother Hantan didn't get rid of all the thirty seal monsters, at least he had already got rid of most of them. But what he saw was, Thirty seal monsters are attacking the heart magic pearl like a merry-go-round at this moment.

"Master, these damn seal monsters can't be killed, they will not only be resurrected by themselves, but also with the help of their companions!"

Although Brother Hantan couldn't see Gu Zheng, but he had a real sense of Gu Zheng, so Brother Hantan knew that Gu Zheng must be observing the seal monster in an invisible way, so he also spoke out and gave a report.

Gu Zheng is indeed in an invisible state. He is observing the seal monsters at close range through the eyes of Tao. He also wants to know why these seal monsters are so different.

Through the observation of the Eye of Dao, Gu Zheng did not find out why the seals and monsters are different, so maybe the secret of their differences can only be known when they have personally experienced them.

Gu Zheng suddenly appeared, and directly slapped a seal monster on the head of a seal monster. The blood of the monster immediately dyed the sea red, and the seal monster's head was smashed by Gu Zheng's palm. Strength, but Gu Zheng's initial stage of returning to the void is not an ordinary initial stage of returning to the void, and his Mie Cactus Palm is also a magical skill that can kill people by leapfrogging.

Slapping a seal monster to death with one palm naturally caused other seal monsters to besiege him, but before those attacks landed on him, Gu Zheng had already returned to the Heart Demon Orb.

Going back to Gu Zheng in the Heart Demon Orb, he was not in a hurry to make a move, he wanted to see how the seal monster was reborn.

Under Gu Zheng's gaze, the seal monster that had just sunk into the bottom of the sea changed. Its head, which was smashed by Gu Zheng's palm, swelled up almost like a sugar blower.

Seeing that the seal monster's head was swollen, showing signs that it was about to be reborn, Gu Zheng left the Heart Demon Orb with a thought, and he, who appeared next to the seal monster, had to carefully observe what was going on with this change.

"I see!"

Gu Zheng discovered that the power that led to the rebirth of the seal monster came from the abdomen of the seal monster. It was a kind of energy with extremely strong vitality, but different from the energy of the seal monster. The only explanation for the different energies of Qi is that there is another monster in the body of this monster, or something that does not belong to its body.

Combining the two kinds of spirit monsters with different magical powers that he had seen before, Gu Zheng felt that there should be a kind of spirit monster that he had never seen before in the body of the seal monster. The existence of the seal monster will behave so strangely.

Before Gu Zheng could study further, the revived seal monsters attacked Gu Zheng, and the sea water turned into countless ice spears and shot towards Gu Zheng. As for the other seal monsters, they were also attracted by Gu Zheng who appeared on the bottom of the sea. Alarmed, they also launched attacks on Gu Zheng.

With a thought, Gu Zheng returned to the Heart Demon Orb again, making all those chaotic attacks come to nothing.

"Give me your flame stick!"

The flame stick was given by Gu Zheng to the cold pool monk, and his own elf blade was placed in the phantom crystal. As for dealing with the current situation, Gu Zheng felt that it would be convenient to have a fairy weapon in hand many.

Gu Zheng got the flaming stick, the spirit of the real fire in his body vibrated, and the long stick that was originally fiery red was immediately surrounded by his real fire.

With a thought in his mind, Gu Zheng immediately touched the Heart Demon Orb, and he stabbed a seal monster in the stomach with the flame stick in his hand.

The flame stick is an upgraded high-level fairy weapon. Apart from its supernatural power, it is slightly inferior to the fairy blade. As for the general attack, it has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it can be regarded as a very powerful fairy weapon.

The immortal level of the flame stick, coupled with the power of the real fire attached to it by Gu Zheng, he directly pierced the stomach of the seal monster with a stick.

There is indeed a special spirit monster in the body of the seal monster, but it is not the whole body of the special spirit monster, but a part of the body of the special spirit monster. If this special spirit body is regarded as an octopus, then stay The body part of this seal monster is just a section of the octopus leg of the octopus monster.

However, even if it was an octopus leg, Gu Zheng's flame stick hit it accurately and destroyed it directly!

Although the spirit body monster is also difficult to kill, it has divided its body into multiple parts, and its strength will inevitably be weakened because of this. What's more, besides the divine sense, the true fire of life is also a good way to deal with the spirit body.

These seal monsters were killed by cold pool monks before, and the reason why they can be resurrected is because the body parts of the spirit monsters in their bodies are working, not rebirth in the true sense, and now the spirit body monsters in their bodies The body part was destroyed by Gu Zheng, and the seal monster, which lost its special power support, turned into powder and scattered in the sea water.

Being able to feel the aura of spirit monsters, Gu Zheng can clearly know where the limbs of spirit monsters hidden in monster bodies are hidden in them, so every shot he makes is very precise, And those seal monsters were all killed in one move in his hands.

"The master is mighty!"

Brother Hantan shouted in the Heart Demon Orb, his voice and expression were extremely excited, he knew that Gu Zheng would vent his anger on him, and he also knew that Gu Zheng would have some more heroic means, but knowing it is the same thing, seeing it with his own eyes Another thing, he really couldn't help being excited.

"Master is too powerful!"

The monk in the cold pool was still shouting crazily, but just for a moment, the seal monsters surrounding the Heart Demon Orb had changed from the original thirty to ten.

The remaining ten monsters have already realized the seriousness of the matter at this moment, knowing that they cannot defeat the ancient dispute, they began to flee in multiple directions.

"Want to leave? It's not that easy!"

Gu Zheng sneered, the ten seal monsters seem to be able to escape, and they are facing different directions anyway, but once they choose to escape, then Gu Zheng will kill them in a faster way, such as using God The idea is to break them down, and the reason why Gu Zheng didn't use divine sense before is because once the divine sense is used to attack, the main body has no strength. When it is relatively close to the seal monster, the main body has no strength, but it is very dangerous one thing.

However, now the worries before Gu Zheng are gone, the seal monster has already taken the initiative to keep a safe distance from his body, and he can safely use the bird of divine sense to hunt and kill.

Divine Mind Asuka's speed was very fast, and the first seal monster was caught up without running far.

This seal monster, the special spirit body in its body, exists on its head, and Gu Zheng's Divine Mind Asuka slammed into its head twice fiercely.

The powerful disintegration ability of the divine sense was immediately revealed. The head of the seal monster was disintegrating at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the impact of the two divine sense flying birds was also very powerful. There was no need to worry about the seal monster or the spirit body monster in its body. Still able to survive.

After finishing off a seal monster, Gu Zheng manipulated the bird of divine sense to chase another seal monster, and the spirit body monster in this seal monster existed on its buttocks, and Gu Zheng's divine mind bird was heading towards the target again The place hit twice, and then chased after the next seal monster.

Although Shennian Asuka solved the seal monsters very quickly, there were still ten seal monsters, and they were still fleeing in different directions. It was inevitable that there would be guys who ran to places that Gu Zheng could not see, and such The guy has three.

It is a pity that even though the three seal monsters ran to a place where Gu Zheng could not see, they still did not survive, because when Gu Zheng started chasing them, he had already calculated the speed of the seal monsters. He already knew that out of the ten seal monsters that escaped by his own strength, by the time he had killed seven of them, three would have gone out of sight.

In view of this situation, Gu Zheng asked the monk Hantan to keep an eye on one, and the puffer fish monster to keep a close eye on one, and the monk Hantan has a relationship with Gu Zheng, and the puffer fish has a contractual relationship with Gu Zheng. The ancient competition for position can also be felt.

Therefore, after Gu Zheng got rid of the seventh seal monster, he immediately chased it in another direction. He remembered the aura of the seal monster in this direction, and because of the short time, the seal monster's aura It didn't disappear in the sea, so Gu Zheng's Divine Mind Asuka was able to catch up with the opponent by virtue of his supernatural speed.

The reason why Gu Zheng didn't bother to drive out all the seal monsters was because when he killed the first twenty seal monsters, he clearly felt a resentment from the remaining seal monsters. It can also be said to be issued by special monsters, so Gu Zheng felt that if all these seal monsters were not killed, these seal monsters might take revenge on him when he was inconvenient, just like the second special spirit he met. Like a monster, when he was inconvenient, he suddenly launched a seizure on him, and although that sneak attack did not kill him, it caused the phantom crystal to be lost, which made the things that could have been solved very troublesome. He didn't want a similar situation to happen again.

Gu Zheng's divine sense caught up to the eighth seal monster. Knowing that he couldn't escape, but also knew that he was not Gu Zheng's opponent, the seal monster launched an attack on the divine mind, but it was a pity that its attack had no effect on Gu Zheng's The bird of divine thought was useless at all, and it still couldn't stop the bird of divine thought from hitting it hard twice.

After finishing the eighth seal monster, Gu Zheng flew towards the direction where the puffer fish monster was. He didn't choose to go to the cold pool monk because he knew that he had the heart magic bead in his hand, and he already knew how to kill the seal monster. Brother Hantan will definitely be able to deal with the tenth seal monster! As for the puffer fish monster, it has only an agreement with Gu Zheng. It has neither the ability to kill the seal monster nor the obligation to help Gu Zheng track it. The reason why it is willing to help Gu Zheng is only for the gratitude to Gu Zheng. .

Gu Zheng was approaching the puffer fish monster, while the monk Hantan killed the tenth seal monster through the mobile fortress of the Heart Demon Orb.

Knowing that the so-called beheading is only temporary, and the seal monster will recover soon, Brother Hantan used a more cruel method. He divided the seal monster into pieces of meat.

Brother Hantan is not like Gu Zheng, who can clearly know where the spirit body monster parasitic in the body of the seal monster is, but he has a more primitive way, that is, indiscriminate attack.

The cold pool monk who didn't keep his hand directly used the supernatural power of the flame stick. He used the high-temperature sea of ​​fire released by the supernatural power of the flame stick to burn the pile of meat of the seal monster into powder. It has to be said that this is also a kind of A method that can completely eliminate the sojourning spirit body monster.

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