
Gu Zheng's Immortal Palm was shot heavily on the civet cat monster's head, but the imagined situation where the civet cat monster's brains burst into the air did not appear.

He failed to kill the raccoon monster, and the attacks from the fox monster and the mouse monster were also approaching. The only way for Gu Zheng to avoid these two attacks without injury was to teleport.

The attacks of the fox monster and the mouse monster were in vain, Gu Zheng launched teleportation without hesitation, and he couldn't help being a little angry.

The reason why Gu Zheng failed to kill the raccoon monster with one palm was not because the raccoon monster was so powerful, but because when the raccoon monster appeared through teleportation, a strange fluctuation acted on it.

Where did the strange fluctuation come from? Gu Zheng had seen it at the time. It came from the monkey monster that had woken up, and the monkey monster waved its paw at that time.

Although he didn't hurt the raccoon monster, Gu Zheng knew that he hurt the monkey monster, because the magic represented by the special fluctuations belonged to the kind of 'passed on generation', which was a kind of injury transfer, and through this monster The power of the damage transferred by the spell has only half of its original power, so the monkey monster will be injured by it, but it will not die because of it.

Qi returns to Qi, but Gu Zheng must also consider the current crisis, which will be very fatal!

After the monkey monster comes back to life, the other monsters will also come back to life, which means that Gu Zheng will fight six elite-level monsters. The reason why they are called elites is because they are real monsters, not fierce beasts. ! They know powerful sorcery and know how to cooperate, so even if Gu Zheng, who is in the process of teleportation, cannot see the situation outside, he can still imagine that the few monsters outside must have passed the civet cat. The monster, knowing that he will appear there, will be greeted by a storm of black art attacks.

Gu Zheng can know where the civet cat monster will appear after teleportation, so the civet cat monster can also know where he will appear after teleportation.

Gu Zheng's conjecture was not wrong. The civet cat monster who also hated him was waiting for him at the place where he was going to show up. As for the five monsters who had comprehended, they had already prepared their own attacks and were ready at any time. Let him go to hell.

Gu Zheng, who was about to emerge from the state of teleportation, had a wry smile on his lips. He really didn't expect that the six monsters represented by the six statues would force him to the current situation, not only let him use up A teleportation, even his hole card in Xianyu had to be used.

It has to be said that Gu Zheng's analysis of the battle situation is very good. If he didn't use up the Immortal Domain when he first appeared, then he must be the one who died.

The Immortal Realm launched in an instant made all the attacks come to nothing, and the scene changed from a garden to a world of ice and snow. The six monsters that were originally standing in the sky or on the ground have now been gathered together. Stay in mid-air.

"Damn you!"

Gu Zheng has already transformed through the energy of the fairyland. Now his body is three times bigger than before, and he looks very strong. As for the comparison between those monsters and his body, they are like normal-sized cows, monkeys, Foxes, wolves, civet cats, and mice are standing in front of a silverback gorilla.

"If you want us to die, we still want you to die! Don't think that you are the only one in the fairyland, brothers, let's launch the fairyland and break his fairyland!"

Sure enough, they are elite monsters, they can talk, and the bull-headed monster who is talking at the moment has very dissatisfied eyes.

The bull-headed monsters are not lying, they can indeed display the fairy realm, but among the six monsters, only it, the monkey monster, and the jackal monster can display the fairy realm. The three of them unsealed from the state of sculpture were relatively late.

Although the bull-headed monster is stronger, it also knows that none of them is an opponent in the ancient battle, so it didn't use the fairyland at the beginning, even if it is now that it has to use the fairyland, it still calls it Brothers together.

The brothers naturally wanted to respond to the call of the bull-headed monster, and they immediately activated their magical powers.

Strange landscapes appeared in the fairyland of Guzheng. Three scenes appeared in the air as if wrapped in air bubbles. These three scenes were the fairylands of the bull-headed monster and the three of them. They looked like a grassland and a fruit forest respectively. and a forest.

After the appearance of the three fairylands, they are expanding at a very considerable speed. As long as they expand to a certain extent, the fairylands of the ancient struggle will be broken.

Niutou has pride in his heart, but also fear.

When it first entered the Guzheng Immortal Realm, it felt that the Guzheng Immortal Realm was very powerful, and it was scared in its heart, so it summoned the other two brothers to display the Immortal Realm together.

The bull-headed monster feels very proud of its unreserved decision to let the brothers cast the fairy realm together. If it didn't let the other two brothers use the fairy realm, but only let one of them use the fairy realm, it felt that it would definitely not be able to use it. Gu Zheng's fairyland was broken, and through the expansion speed of the current three fairylands, it already knew clearly that Guzheng's fairyland was stronger than what it perceived at the beginning!

"Do you think that your fairyland is enough to break mine?"

Looking at the pride in the eyes of the bull-headed monster, Gu Zheng's voice was full of contempt.

"Is not it?"

The bull-headed monster's heart shuddered.

"It's really not, you are not a hundred-eyed fish demon, and I didn't let Xianyu appear in its ultimate form to deal with you!"

Gu Zheng shook his head. What he said was the truth. The release of the fairyland is the consumption of fixed divine thoughts. If you want to use more powerful magical powers in the fairyland, it will be an additional consumption of divine thoughts. As for the consumption of divine thoughts, Gu Zheng Fighting is with a thrifty attitude! After all, before seeing the sea snake monster at the bottom of the cave, Gu Zheng had already used teleportation once, and even used up the fairyland.

The tauren changed its look, and the fox monster said suspiciously at this time: "Are you lying to us? Your fairyland still has an ultimate form? Then you should show it!"

Hearing what the fox monster said, the few monsters who were still a little scared and worried all looked at Gu Zheng in unison. After seeing that Gu Zheng didn't move, their worry and fear turned into mocking laughter .

"You are still too young!"

Gu Zheng shook his head and smiled, and the energy of the fairyland was crazily instilled into the basic structure of the fairyland.

The weak points of Guzheng's fairyland can move against beliefs, and the fairyland that can do this is equivalent to having no weak points, so the basic structure of Guzheng's fairyland does not need to be too strong. However, not needing does not mean that Gu Zheng's Immortal Domain will not be stronger. The reason why such a situation did not occur in previous battles is that when Gu Zheng was using Immortal Domain, he never encountered three enemies at the same time. Now that the situation of using Immortal Realm and wanting to blow up his Immortal Territory has arisen, then Gu Zheng should strengthen the Immortal Territory and crush their Immortal Territory, so why not!

The expressions on the faces of the bull-headed monsters have changed drastically. They have already felt that the fairyland of Guzheng is getting stronger, and under the ebb and flow, their originally expanded fairyland is shrinking. Once this shrinks to a certain extent, Their fairyland will be annihilated, and they will all suffer serious backlash.

"Quick, attack the weak point of its fairyland with me!"

The mouse monster has not been idle since it entered Guzheng's fairyland. Its eyeballs are rolling around, and it has a comprehensive observation of Guzheng's fairyland, so it knows where the weak points of Guzheng's fairyland are. Moreover, the mouse monster is also quite cunning. If it calls on the group of monsters to attack the weak point of the Ancient Struggle Immortal Realm together with it, it does not happen directly stupidly, but uses the magical power of sound transmission, only a few of them can know.

To attack the weak point of Gu Zheng's Immortal Realm, it is natural to want to break through it with one blow, otherwise it will be troublesome to wait for Gu Zheng to make a move, so the mouse monster used the weapon in its hand.

The mist in the hands of the mouse monster is a crutch twisted like a snake. It uses the crutch to point at the weak point of Gu Zheng's fairyland, and the phantoms of thousands of black mice immediately rush towards the weak point of Guzheng's fairyland.

The monsters such as Niutou also tried their best. They used all the weapons they hadn't used in the fight against Gu Zheng at this moment. Some directly sacrificed their weapons to the weak points of Gu Zheng's fairyland, and some used weapons Launching an attack, anyway, the scene was very lively for a while, and the attack momentum from them was also very large.

Gu Zheng didn't stop the bull-headed monsters from doing these things. Anyway, the weak point of his fairyland can move. In his opinion, the attacks of these guys are ridiculous like clowns.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The attacks launched by the group of monsters had an effect where the weak point of the fairyland should have been, but Gu Zheng's weak point of the fairyland was no longer there, so their attacks didn't even have the effect of making the fairyland tremble.

"How could this happen!" the bull-headed monster exclaimed.

"No way! Its weak point in the fairyland can move at will?" The fox monster also spoke.

"That's right, he moved the weak point of the fairyland!" The mouse monster gave an affirmative answer.

"Then what should we do now?" the monkey monster anxiously scratched his ears and cheeks.

"Quick, continue to attack the weak point of his fairyland!"

The raccoon monster screamed, it mastered the way of space, but in fact, it was not satisfied with the speed at which it found the weak point of the fairyland.


The bull-headed monster issued an order, and the civet cat raised its weapon again. Seeing that the group of monsters were about to attack Gu Zheng's weak point in the fairyland again, Gu Zheng's mouth sneered again.

Gu Zheng could move the weak points of the Immortal Realm with his thoughts, but he didn't want to do that anymore. He felt that it was better to strangle the bull-headed monsters' attack momentum directly, and not leave them any hope, which was considered kind enough to them.


The bull-headed monsters screamed, and Gu Zheng oppressed them with the energy of the fairyland. This not only interrupted their attack, but also made the fox monsters, civet cat monsters and mouse monsters with relatively low strength kneel on the ground.

Although the bull-headed monsters, monkey monsters, and jackal monsters were not forced to kneel on the ground because of their higher strength, their next fate was even more miserable, because the fairyland that the three of them displayed was finally at this time. It was crushed and annihilated by the fairyland of the ancient struggle.


The bull-headed monster and the three of them vomited blood collectively, which was the backlash they had to bear when the fairyland was broken.

The qi and blood in their bodies surged, and they were unable to resist the oppression of the energy of the ancient Zheng Xianyu. Their bodies were weak and they could no longer maintain a standing posture, and they were all crushed to the ground.

Moreover, due to the backlash from the destruction of the fairyland, they couldn't mobilize the monster power to resist at all. The three of the bull-headed monsters couldn't support as hard as the three of the civet cat monsters, so they were instantly defeated by the immortals of Gu Zheng. The domain energy was crushed to death, and it had to be said that he died miserably.

"You can die too!"

Gu Zheng raised the blade of the elf, as if to chop off the heads of the fox monster and the other three guys.

In fact, when Gu Zheng raised his sword, he wanted the fox monsters to beg for mercy. If that was the case, he could decide their final life or death based on the value of each other.

However, seeing the dazzling Elven Blade being lifted up by Gu Zheng, the fox monster and the three of them not only did not beg for mercy, on the contrary, they showed ruthless eyes!


Gu Zheng sneered, and the elf blade in his hand slashed out with a sharp knife aura. With this knife, he chopped off the heads of the fox monster and the mouse monster, and the blood splashed on the face of the civet monster next to him.

The reason why Gu Zheng didn't kill the raccoon monster is that among these few monsters, only the raccoon monster has a certain way of space. Gu Zheng wants to search for its soul and see if it can get some What.

Gu Zheng's hand was already on top of the raccoon monster's head, which would cause the soul searcher to start a forced soul search with a splitting headache. The raccoon monster, who had been frightened, immediately let out a scream! However, even though he could not help screaming in pain, the civet cat monster still did not beg for mercy from Gu Zheng.

"You can die too."

The soul search was soon over. When Gu Zheng's hand left the civet cat monster's head, he placed a restraint in its mind, so the civet cat monster died by headshot.

The soul search did not find any useful information. Gu Zheng only knew that the civet cat monster and the others were sworn brothers. They were sealed in this cave because they offended the owner of the original fairy-level space artifact . The approach of the entrant is the opportunity for the civet cat monsters to wake up, and the only condition that can make them atone for their sins is that they need to kill the entrant, so they didn't beg for mercy just now! Because, once they can't kill the entrant, they will enter a terrible space, and then in that space, they will suffer forever.

The six monsters transformed from stone carvings have all been killed, and their bodies have disappeared without a trace, not even their weapons are left behind, which also put an end to Gu Zheng's thought of reaping a few immortal weapons.

The corpses of the six monsters disappeared, which corresponded to the collapse of the sculptures of the six monsters in the channel of the Great Trench like sand sculptures.

Gu Zheng's divine sense returned to his body, while the son of the monk Hantan stared at him with wide eyes: "Master, are you too powerful? How did you do it?"

The son of the monk Hantan also knows the statues of the six monsters. Once they get close, they will turn into real monsters to attack them. After Gu Zheng's divine sense just passed, he didn't see Gu Zheng attacking. It has vanished into nothingness, which shocked the son of the cold pool monk.

Gu Zheng had obviously experienced a dangerous battle. Both Teleportation and Immortal Realm were forced out by six monsters, but in the eyes of Brother Hantan and his son, the battle would be resolved so quickly, which is actually understandable. Because, in the special space where the ancient battle spirit was transferred, the flow of time is different from the outside world. Many things happened there, but in the outside world, the time is only a few seconds past.

After telling Brother Hantan what happened to his son, Brother Hantan's son couldn't help being amazed.

Although he has lost the number of times he used teleportation once that day, and even lost the biggest hole card of Xianyu, Gu Zheng did not choose to stay for a day. The monk's son moved on.

Before he had gone far, Gu Zheng couldn't help but stop and frowned, because another statue appeared in front of him.

"It's not over, is it? There is such a thing that can change from a statue to a monster!" Brother Hantan scratched his head: "Master, there is only one monster statue this time, so let me have a good time." Already!"

As a militant, it is true that the son of the monk Hantan is eager to fight, and it is also true that he wants to solve the problems of the ancient war.

"This monster is very unusual. It may be difficult for you to deal with it alone. Let's deal with it together."

Gu Zheng's words made Brother Hantan's son's eyes widen: "Master, isn't it just a tiger monster? Could it be that the body itself is more powerful?"

The sculpture in front is indeed a tiger monster. Is it true that the body is more powerful than the monster? Gu Zheng doesn't know, but he knows that this tiger monster is very powerful anyway, and its strength is at the early stage of the Golden Immortal! The reason why Gu Zheng knew so clearly was because he had seen this tiger monster in the memory of the civet cat monster.

There are many sworn brothers of the civet cat monster, not just the few that Gu Zheng saw, but among their group of sworn brothers, the bull-headed monster who gave the most orders is not the eldest brother, it is just the third brother of the civet cat monster and them. The second brother of the raccoon monster is this tiger monster.

The tiger monster is very respected by the civet cat monster and others, because after offending the owner of the original fairy-level space fairy, the original owner of the fairy-level space fairy wanted to let them be wiped out! However, their second elder brother, the tiger monster, can say a few words in front of the original owner of the fairy-level space fairy weapon. It used its death to keep the civet cat monster. In the space world of the space fairy, find a chance of life.

As for the specific supernatural powers of the tiger monsters, Gu Zheng is not clear, but what Gu Zheng knows is that the ranking among these monsters is based on the strength of their strength. Well, since the third-ranked bull-headed monster and the fourth-fifth-ranked monkey and jackal monsters are all capable of performing fairyland supernatural powers, tiger monsters can also perform them in all likelihood.

Although the monsters in the early stage of the Golden Immortal were basically no match for the cold pool monks, the tiger monster was not an ordinary monster, it was an elite monster! It has the same level of cultivation as Brother Hantan's son, but it is likely to have the fairyland that Brother Hantan's son does not have. This is why Gu Zheng didn't let Brother Hantan's son go there alone! After all, the Immortal Realm is the trump card, no matter how powerful the son of the monk Hantan is, as long as he does not have the supernatural powers of the Immortal Realm, then he must not be an opponent of the tiger monster with the supernatural powers of the Immortal Realm.

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