Of the three black-clothed old men, only the one that flew into the house was left, and I don't know what kind of spell the black-clothed old man who flew into the house used. The combination of those patterns is like a mural.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Rays of light shot out from those decorations one after another, and then bounced around the room.

The power of the light is very powerful, and it can easily destroy the existence of the Void Return Realm. The old man in black just wanted to use this trick to win the round.


Gu Zheng sneered. This kind of powerful light attack through ornamentation can be regarded as a kind of formation in the outside world. This kind of formation is not the same as the fairy formation in the prehistoric. This situation must be in a hurry, but Gu Zheng is different, because he has seen the same formation many times.

Gu Zheng saw many similar decorations on the metal walls of the cabin of the Sootian Boat in the Luoxue Ice Field. At that time, Gu Zheng had not recovered the father and son of the cold pool monks, and the father and son used these decorations There have been many attacks on Guzheng, and the decorations that existed on the metal walls of the Aotianzhou's cabin back then were much more powerful than the ones here.

It is precisely because Gu Zheng knows that these patterns are the fairy formations of the world outside the circle, so he knows that the disappearing old man in black is actually hiding in the center of the formation. As for how to break the formation, he also knows It is very clear, and in this kind of formation that he knows very well, it would be strange if he would be injured.

It only took a moment for Gu Zheng to break the formation, and he separated the bird of divine thought and slammed into a certain place in the decoration.

The old man in black who was controlling the center of the formation was very happy when he saw Gu Zheng divide the bird of divine thought. He thought it was an opportunity, and he wanted to seize this opportunity to give Gu Zheng a fatal blow, because he knew that Gu Zheng Zheng didn't cut off the tail with the divine sense. When he separated the divine sense bird, his body was in a very fragile state.

However, happiness only appeared in the heart of the old man in black for a moment, because he discovered that Gu Zheng's bird of divine sense was coming straight to the center!

The old man in black understands that with the strength of the bird of ancient war spirits, after hitting the center, it will definitely destroy the center in an instant. Facing such a devastating attack, he should stop it quickly! It's a pity that the strange energy attack of divine sense can't be stopped if he wants to. Although he wants to kill Gu Zheng with a strange formation, he has nothing to do with Gu Zheng's divine sense.

In an instant, the only thing the old man in black could do was to dispatch those rays of light to launch an attack on Gu Zheng's body, trying to kill Gu Zheng before the divine mind bird destroyed the center.

However, do it anyway, but the old man in black also knows that he is just struggling to the death, no matter how fast the attack he launched by manipulating the light, it must not be faster than Gu Zheng's divine sense, he understands that he is finished .


Following the impact of the flying bird of Gu Zheng Shennian, the center of the formation cracked, and even the old man in black inside cracked, and the speed of the crack spreading was as if the ice surface was under heavy pressure.

Due to the heavy damage to the center, the rays of light originally shot at Gu Zheng also disappeared, and the cracks in the entire room instantly spread to a very terrifying level.

Gu Zheng's divine sense returned to his body, knowing that the stone house was going to explode, he rushed out before the stone house exploded.


With a loud noise, the stone house behind Gu Zheng exploded, and even the old man in black who fit into the center of the formation also exploded into ashes.

Gu Zheng rushed towards Cultivator Hantan without looking back. At this moment, Cultivator Hantan was lying on the ground. Gu Zheng could feel that Cultivator Hantan was not dead, but from the expression on his face, Gu Zheng could also see He seemed to be experiencing something very frightening.

Just when Gu Zheng wanted to take a closer look at the body of Brother Hantan, a kind of enlightenment appeared in his mind, and then the monk Hantan with a distorted expression on the ground also returned to normal, and even had a smile on his face, as if It's like having a sweet dream.

The realization that came into Gu Zheng's mind was that the old man in black had removed the protection of the power of the law and joined the life-and-death battle with Gu Zheng, so if he could kill Gu Zheng, he would naturally benefit, but if If he is killed by Gu Zheng, then Gu Zheng will also benefit. However, this benefit did not come to Gu Zheng, it came to the cold pool monk who also participated in the war and was still suffering from the disaster of the war.

With such a clear understanding, Gu Zheng no longer worried about the cold pool cultivator. He already understood that the cold pool cultivator had fallen into a terrifying space. An opportunity, and through this opportunity, what substantial benefits will be obtained depends on the fate of Brother Hantan himself.

The horror space where the monks in the cold pool is actually similar to the experience in the heart magic bead. It is something that frightens the monks in the depths of their hearts. The monks in the cold pool have been tortured to death in this space. When he couldn't stand the collapse, the stone house exploded, and the opportunity he got fell on him.

The advent of opportunity caused a ray of light to appear in the terrifying space, and that light appeared from Gu Zheng's body in the eyes of the monk Hantan.

Surrounded by terrifying drugs, the air is so holy that it radiates light all over the ancient war.

The excited Hantan monk knelt down towards Gu Zheng, he was about to cry: "I'm sorry master, I failed to fulfill my promise, not only did I fail to complete the task beautifully, but I was trapped in this space instead. "

Due to the advent of chance, the cold pool cultivator already knew that this was a space, but even if he clearly realized that this was a nightmare space, he couldn't wake up from it, at least until the chance disappeared.

Gu Zheng, who was suspended in the air, did not speak, because he was not Gu Zheng himself, he was just a ray of light representing chance, but in the eyes of monk Hantan, he was willing to regard him as Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng in the air didn't speak, neither did Brother Hantan, only strong self-blame filled his heart, he felt that he was lagging behind again, he felt that if his strength could be higher, he wouldn't In such a mess, he urgently needs to become stronger!

Thinking of becoming stronger, Brother Hantan began to kowtow to Gu Zheng in the air, and as he kept kowtowing to Gu Zheng, the light from Gu Zheng's body shot on him, and he gradually had a feeling that he was becoming stronger. a feeling of.

In fact, if you want to grasp this opportunity, it is easy and difficult to say, because all you need is a strong enough obsession, and the benefits you get will be different if you have different obsessions.

Becoming stronger is the obsession of monk Hantan. This obsession is so strong that he smashed his head when he kowtowed to Gu Zheng, so he got this chance. He was promoted under the irradiation of the sun, and he once again recovered his strength in the late stage of returning to the void.

"Master, my cultivation base has improved, not only have I returned to the previous realm, I'm just one step away from returning to the Void Peak!"

After ending the nightmare space, monk Hantan, who returned to his body, knelt down excitedly towards Gu Zheng.


Gu Zheng was very pleased. Not only did the cold pool monk not waste this opportunity, but it was indeed a good thing that his cultivation base was promoted because of this.

However, a question that came up immediately brought a sad look to Gu Zheng's face.

In the beginning, Gu Zheng rejected the old man in black because he had a special feeling, and later he felt that he could make ointment for the female ray monster by himself, so things became like this.

At that time, Gu Zheng thought that when he successfully brewed the ointment, the space world would push them out, but this is not the case. They are still in this space world, and there is no way to leave.

After hearing his worries about the status quo from Gu Zheng, Brother Hantan also had a sad face. This is indeed a problem, and he has nothing to do about it.

"If you come, you will be safe. You have just advanced to the cultivation level, so stabilize your current cultivation level!" Gu Zheng paused, and then said: "My special feeling is definitely not wrong, so the only one The explanation is that we will be pushed out of this space world when the time limit for the task expires."

This is the only explanation that Gu Zheng can think of now.

"Master, but if this is the case, is your test complete? No matter what, it still needs a healing process. If we can't leave here as soon as possible, how can we have time to heal that damned ray?"

Gu Zheng didn't know how to explain this problem of the cold pool monk, but fortunately, he didn't need to explain it, because the long-overdue exclusion force finally appeared, and Gu Zheng and the cold pool monk were squeezed out of this space world. All this is just a false alarm.


Seeing Gu Zheng and the others appear, the son of the monk Hantan immediately went up to meet him. He was waiting for Gu Zheng and them in the cave, and he was already a bit hopeless. Moreover, as Gu Zheng and their entry time became longer and longer, the damn ray monster began to taunt the cold pool monk's son crazily. Faced with such a situation, the cold pool monk's son could only grit his teeth secretly, while thinking Hope Gu Zheng will come back soon.

"It came out so quickly!"

The ray monster was very shocked. Although she didn't know that space world, she knew the difficulty level of the task she gave Gu Zheng, and under such a task difficulty, the entrants usually had a narrow escape.

"Yeah! I came out, and now I'm here to heal your wounds."

Gu Zheng took out the ointment, and seeing the ointment that Gu Zheng took out, the ray monster's eyes lit up and said: "You cheated, this is not the medicine you took out from that space world!"

"This medicine is not taken from the space world, so where is it taken from?" Gu Zheng frowned: "Besides, if this is not a medicine that can complete the task, there will naturally be the power of law to punish me. Why do you need to make such a fuss? You can question it, but you must cooperate!"

Gu Zheng took the ointment and walked directly to the ray monster. Although the ray monster was upset, Gu Zheng was telling the truth. In this case, she could only cooperate, unless Gu Zheng's medicine didn't work.

"You'd better pray that your ointment works, otherwise you will die a terrible death under the punishment of the power of law!" the female ray monster said viciously.

"You still worry about yourself!" Gu Zheng mocked.

"Worried about myself? What do I have to worry about?" the female ray monster said again.

"What you should worry about yourself is that you have made things difficult for the entrant and given him a task that you shouldn't have given, and it's still based on public revenge." Gu Zheng said seriously.

"So what if it's public revenge? This is the privilege given to me by the original fairy-level space fairy weapon owner. Since he gave me such a choice of missions, I can assign missions to you at will according to my heart!" The female ray The monster said disdainfully.

"You can understand it like this, but it doesn't have to be like this. What's more, even if it's like this, some people want you to die, such as me, such as King Ray."

Gu Zheng has finished applying the medicine to the ray monster, and in the process of applying the medicine, through the inspection of the body of the ray monster, he already knows what kind of scale the ray king gave him will be. effect.

"Did you see that guy? Is he in the space world you just entered?"

Hearing that Gu Zheng mentioned King Ray, the female Monster Ray instantly looked like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

"That's right, I did see him in that space world, are you scared?"

Gu Zheng sneered, he was waiting for the sore on the surface of the ray monster to disappear, and when the sore disappeared, that is when he was going to do something to the ray monster.

"Did you get a scale from him?"

The expression of the ray monster was even more frightened, and Gu Zheng also enjoyed her expression very much, so he took out the scale directly: "Yes, I did get this thing!"

The ray monster screamed, she wants to do two things very much now, but she can't do either of these two things, and these two things are, she wants to snatch the scale from Gu Zheng , but because she was fixed on the cave wall by the power of law, she couldn't do any big moves at all, and the other thing she wanted to do was to cast a sorcery to make Gu Zheng that already The effective ointment became ineffective, and now she would rather suffer from the pain than Gu Zheng to cure her, because as long as Gu Zheng cured her, the scales in Gu Zheng's hands would be useful.

"Hey, why do you look a little scared? Could it be that the scales displayed by my master are very threatening to you!"

The cold pool monk's son finally felt proud, and he began to sneer like the female ray monster before.

"you shut up!"

The female ray monster roared, turned to look at Gu Zheng and said, "Enter, how about we discuss it?"

"What do you want to discuss with me?" Gu Zheng asked.

"When you and I let you go, let's forget about our little festival?" The female ray monster smiled apologetically.

"You want to discuss with me, but you still dare to yell at my subordinates? What do you think you are!"

The originally calm Gu Zheng roared at this time, and the female ray monster was stunned by the roar, but she didn't dare to refute, instead she still laughed along with her.

"It's okay if you want me to let you go, then you can recognize me as the master!"

Gu Zheng is not a stingy person either. Although the female ray monster has offended him, if this guy is willing to be a slave, Gu Zheng can let her go.

"It's impossible for me to recognize the Lord, you can change your request! After completing the test with you, I will leave here." The female ray monster said.

"After completing the things agreed in the contract, I have the final say on whether you can leave, so without my consent, you can't enter the land of freedom, and you can't go to other space worlds. Except for the road of recognizing the Lord, you are This is your last chance!"

Gu Zheng sneered, the matter has developed to the present, and he has also developed a corresponding special feeling. This special feeling made him understand that the power of the law has punished the female ray monster who deliberately made things difficult for the entrant. This punishment made Gu Ye Zheng has the right to choose once, whether to let the ray monster go or not, it is entirely up to him to decide. Moreover, Gu Zheng also knew that the ray monster knew about this punishment after he finished the treatment, so she would give in.

"If you want me to be your servant, don't even think about it. Even if I die, I will not choose this path! And, do you really think you can eat me? You must know that I am the strength of Jinxian in the later stage, At that time, even if you have fish scales, I can fight you to the death, and you have to think about whether you want things to be good like this." The female ray monster screamed.

"Stubborn and unresponsive, death deserves to be spared!"

Gu Zheng didn't plan to say anything more to the female ray monster. For such a face-saving guy, Gu Zheng can only help her.

Gu Zheng's ointment is naturally miraculous, and soon the sores on the female ray monster's body scabbed off, and her wounds have been healed by Gu Zheng.

The wound of the female ray monster has healed, and she has also changed from an ugly monster to a beautiful woman in palace attire, and the power of law has lost her protection at this moment.

Without the protection of the power of law, it means that the female ray monster can attack Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng can also attack her.

Gu Zheng, who has always sensed the power of law, thought that his attack speed would be one step faster than the female ray monster, but unexpectedly he was still one step slower.

However, the female ray monster made a move, not to attack Gu Zheng, she chose to run away, and she fled to the depths of the cave, because she knew that she was useless to attack Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng had the power to attack Gu Zheng. The treasure that can enter it, even if she has the fairyland, she can't kill Gu Zheng.

The female ray monster ran away, and Gu Zheng had sacrificed the scale of the ray king.

Gu Zheng didn't know exactly what the scales of the ray king did, but he knew that the scales were useful for the female ray monster.

Sure enough, the sacrificed scale turned into a stream of light and flew towards the female ray monster. Even if the female ray monster was very fast, even if she evaded on the way to escape, she was still stuck to her back by the scale .

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