"What is your relationship with this woman in armor?"

It doesn't take much time for Gu Zheng to adjust his breath. He, who has fully recovered his celestial power, stands up at this moment.

"what relationship?"

Qing Lianzi's eyes were confused, he knew that Gu Zheng would ask this question, it was because his armored woman could display the same sword array, but he couldn't remember what relationship he had with this armored woman, he just knew that this armored woman It's his enemy. He hates this woman in armor. If he didn't want to let Gu Zheng adjust his breath, he wouldn't want to see her more for a moment.

"You don't even know what our relationship is?"

The armored woman who was restless like a trapped animal in the sword array suddenly had her eyes lit up.

"Tell me, what is your relationship?"

The reason why Gu Zheng cares about this issue is because when he just adjusted his breath, his special feeling suddenly appeared, and this special feeling made him feel that there is something related to Qing Lianzi. , It is better to know more, it seems that there is still a follow-up on this person.

"Hahahaha, so you don't know, it seems that I still can't die!"

The woman in armor laughed triumphantly as if she had survived a desperate situation.

Qing Lianzi was still thinking about the relationship between him and this armored woman, but after hearing her laughter, she suddenly became furious. He hated this armored woman to the bone, and at this moment the armored woman's laughter , which made him feel extremely harsh.

"Shut your mouth and you can die!"

Qing Lianzi roared, and the long sword in her hand slashed fiercely in the direction of the sword formation.

This is Qing Lianzi's first attack on the armored woman, and also the last time. His sword slashed, and there were four sword qi generated in the sword array, and these four sword qi attacked the armor from four directions. woman.

Even standing outside the sword formation, Gu Zheng could clearly feel the power of Qinglianzi's sword, because the four sword qi generated in the sword formation had a very strong binding force, so that the armored woman couldn't bear it at all. She couldn't dodge it, and facing this situation, the woman in armor who couldn't dodge could only resist through her celestial artifacts and supernatural powers, but her celestial artifacts and supernatural powers were destroyed as if destroyed by the four sword qis, so As for the sword energy, it finally struck her body, splitting her whole body into four pieces.

The armor woman died, and her fairy artifacts disappeared with her. This made Gu Zheng feel very sorry, but after thinking about Gu Zheng, he was relieved. After all, after the death of those previous enemies, their fairy artifacts would also be transformed into nothingness.

"Enter, I don't have time to tell you more. What I told you is that you have to remember well. Every time you defeat three enemies, you have a chance to summon me. Now you have defeated seven enemies in total. Use You lost a chance to summon me, and you only need to defeat three more enemies to pass this test."

Qing Lianzi's body was fading when he spoke, and when his words landed, he had completely disappeared from this special space.

Looking at the position where Qinglianzi was just now, Gu Zheng gritted his teeth with hatred, this Qinglianzi is really unreliable, why didn't he say what he should say when he trapped the armored woman with the sword array just now, and he had to wait until he was about to disappear before rushing Confession, so that Gu Zheng still has some questions to ask him, and there is no time at all.

"Forget it, this is just a test. The people you meet can't be regarded as real people. Their thinking is still different from real people. If you care about them like them, you will be pissed off sooner or later."

Gu Zheng can also think about it, he comforted himself in his heart.

Although Qinglianzi is unreliable, he undoubtedly provided help to Gu Zheng and also brought good news to Gu Zheng. His words made Gu Zheng confirm the guess in his mind before, that he had indeed defeated seven enemies and returned There is a chance to summon Qinglianzi.

According to what Qing Lianzi said, Gu Zheng can complete this test by defeating three more enemies. That is to say, among the next three enemies, Gu Zheng has two hole cards available, one is Immortal Realm, and the other is Immortal Realm. Zhang is Qinglianzi.

Without waiting for Gu Zheng to think about many things, the next enemy has already appeared in this special space.

The new enemy is a birdman wrapped in flames, with a human body and a bird's wings and head.

The moment he saw the flame bird man, Gu Zheng's heart almost didn't sink! Because among the enemies that the flame bird had encountered before the ancient battle, the realm had reached a new height, he was the strength of the early Jinxian!

Gu Zheng originally thought that the trump card of Xianyu could be delayed as long as he could, but now he felt that it could not be delayed. Without using Xianyu, the flame bird was definitely not an existence he could deal with.

Indeed, the flame bird is very powerful. As soon as he appeared on the stage, he immediately locked his eyes on Gu Zheng, and his substantive sight, after falling on Gu Zheng, produced a strong binding force, and under the influence of this binding force Under the influence, Gu Zheng not only lost the ability to fly, but even lost his immortal power. Facing this kind of absolute realm suppression, if he didn't have a trump card like Xianyu, he could only wait to die!

"You look delicious!"

The flame bird man laughed strangely, he wanted to eat Gu Zheng and flew towards Gu Zheng, but his eyesight suddenly changed from light to dark, and he was shot into the fairyland by Gu Zheng.

From the strange space to the current ice and snow, the flame bird who knew that he was in the fairyland did not panic at all.

"That's right, even the Void Returning Realm already owns the Immortal Realm. It seems that your meat is really delicious!"

Looking at the Guzheng Flame Bird who looked down on him from the sky, he still smiled easily.

Gu Zheng's eyes are always narrowed. Although his current state is only in the middle stage of returning to the void, his fairyland is different. He didn't know where the flame bird man got such confidence that he dared to threaten to eat it in his fairyland.

"Don't worry, I will make you pay for what you said!"


Gu Zheng felt that his temper was already bad, but he thought that the flame bird's temper was even worse, and he had already launched an attack on him while roaring.

I saw that the wings of the flame bird fluttered, and a sea of ​​flames suddenly appeared in the air surrounding Gu Zheng.

This is the fairyland of Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng is the ruler here. If he wants to destroy the sea of ​​fire released by the flame bird, he only needs to use his thoughts to dispatch the energy of the fairyland to suppress it, but the fire-eyed bird dares to use the sea of ​​fire to Attack him, then he has to use a similar method to make the flame bird suffer.

Gu Zheng waved his hand at the sea of ​​fire, and the sea of ​​fire released by the flame bird turned into two fire dragons in his widened eyes! Moreover, the two fire dragons were still under Gu Zheng's fingers, roaring towards him.

The flame bird man was furious, he opened his mouth to emit a huge suction force, he wanted to re-swallow the fire attribute energy that basically belonged to him into his stomach.

However, after Gu Zheng intervened, the fire energy of the flame bird man no longer belonged to him. If he wanted to swallow the fire dragon into his belly to refine it, he had to ask Gu Zheng first to answer.

Gu Zheng had a thought, and the two fire dragons that were about to be swallowed by the flame bird exploded. The flame bird vomited blood at that time, and was wrapped in the sea of ​​flames after the fire dragon exploded.

Although the flame bird was blown up by the explosion of the two fire dragons and vomited blood, his injuries were actually not serious. After all, he was still in the early stage of the Golden Immortal. It's like a person's gums are bleeding from a beating.

However, even though it was a minor injury like bleeding gums, it was a great shame to the flame bird. No matter how you say, Gu Zheng was only in the middle stage of returning to the void, while his stage was in the early stage of Jinxian.

"I want you to die!"

No longer thinking about re-swallowing the lost fire attribute energy into his belly, the roaring Flame Birdman soared into the sky, and he was about to launch a new attack on Gu Zheng.

"You still want me to die? Get the hell out of here!"

Before the flame bird man could launch an attack, Gu Zheng dispatched the energy of the fairyland to act on the flame bird man, and the powerful fairyland energy was like a mountain, directly crushing the flame bird man who was flying into the sky. Falling like a meteor.

Without actually falling to the ground, a glaring flame erupted from the Flame Birdman's body. He broke free from the oppression of Gu Zheng's Immortal Domain energy, and opened his mouth to shoot a beam of light at Gu Zheng.

The flame bird man is really angry, the beam of light it spouts is extremely lethal, even if Gu Zheng has the blessing of the energy of the fairyland, his own strength can no longer be calculated according to the middle stage of returning to the void, but he dare not take it If he dared to take this beam of light, he would definitely be seriously injured.

The speed of the beam of light is extremely fast, and it is impossible for ordinary people to avoid it. But this is Gu Zheng's fairyland, and Gu Zheng is the master here. He can use the teleportation that is no longer available outside, and here he can use it unimpeded! Therefore, he appeared behind the flame bird man through teleportation, and the already brewing cactus hit the back of the flame bird man.

All aspects of the ancient struggle in the Immortal Realm have been enhanced. The Mie Cactus he is playing now is a super Mie Cactus. The wind in the palm is as strong as a hill, and it directly fell the flame bird into the ground. . However, the flame bird who was hit hard was only slightly injured. He flew out of the ground in an instant, transformed into four clones, and sprayed beams of light stronger than you from five directions towards Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng couldn't help being a little startled. Although the clones of the Flame Birdman were just phantoms, the attacks they launched were almost as destructive as the attacks launched by the Flame Birdman itself. If these five beams of light fell on Gu Zheng's body, Even if Gu Zheng had the blessing of Immortal Domain energy, he would be instantly turned into ashes.

However, this is Gu Zheng's fairyland, and Gu Zheng can use teleportation if he wants to.

Gu Zheng escaped the five beam attacks of the flame bird man through teleportation, but the flame bird man can also perform teleportation, but he didn't use teleportation because this is Gu Zheng's fairyland, and he uses instant teleportation here. Mobile can't hide from the ancient battle at all.

Being able to perform teleportation meant that the flame bird knew where Gu Zheng would appear, so before Gu Zheng appeared, he aimed the beam of light in his mouth at the place where the target would appear.

It has to be said that the attack launched by the Flaming Birdman aimed at Gu Zheng's teleportation was very sharp, but he still underestimated Gu Zheng's Immortal Domain. Gu Zheng's Immortal Domain has no weak points at all, because The weak point of his fairyland can be controlled by his mind to move, and he can control the weak point of the fairyland to move by his mind. Then the time of teleportation will be extended during the process of teleportation, thereby changing the place where teleportation will appear. It's not a difficult thing anymore.

The flame bird was very surprised, he didn't understand why Gu Zheng didn't show up at the place he determined, so that all his five beams of light fell through.

However, the progress of the battle will not wait for the flame bird to figure it out. He has already sensed the danger and adapted himself, and it seems to be a sharp knife wind.

The flame bird man's feeling is not wrong, and the time of the teleportation is extended, thereby changing the place where the teleportation appears. Gu Zheng, who appeared behind the flame bird man, slashed the crazy knife at the flame bird man.

Gu Zheng could no longer use the Crazy Knife, because the number of times he can use the Crazy Knife today has been exhausted when he killed the previous enemies. However, this is the fairyland of Guzheng, with the help of the energy of the fairyland, he can do some things that he couldn't do before.

What Gu Zheng slashed was not only the Fengmo Crazy Knife, but also the super Crazy Crazy Knife blessed by the energy of the fairyland. The huge knife wind made Gu Zheng feel a little scared when he saw it.

Although the Flame Birdman felt the crisis behind him in advance, the Crazy Knife itself has a very strong momentum. This momentum will make people feel that it is wrong to hide, and this is just an ordinary Crazy Knife. Not to mention that the current Crazy Knife is a super Crazy Knife. The momentum it generates not only makes the flame bird feel that it is wrong to hide, but also gives birth to hallucinations!

The flame bird can only force himself to bleed out to dispel the influence of the hallucination on him, and at this moment, the only thing he can do is to launch a forbidden technique to form a defense against the crazy knife.

The forbidden technique launched by the flame bird made the flames on his body soar in an instant. He could only pin his hope on this powerful defense of forbidden technique.

It has to be said that the forbidden technique defense from the Golden Immortal Realm is still very powerful. After the super mad knife hit the forbidden technique defense of the flame bird man, it made an unpleasant sound like metal rubbing.

However, the Super Crazy Knife is a Super Crazy Knife after all. He won the confrontation with the forbidden defense. After breaking the protection of the forbidden defense on the flame bird, it acted on the flame bird.

For a moment, flames burst out from the flame bird's body, as if a net of light appeared.

In fact, what appeared on the flame bird was not the net of light, it was actually the eighty-one saber auras of Crazy Demon Knife, and the eighty-one intertwined saber auras were shaped like a net.

The flame bird man is not dead, he is also one of the very few people who can escape from Gu Zheng's super crazy knife, the super crazy knife only left eighty-one knife marks on his body surface, let His original energy flowed along those knife marks.

"Give me some time if you have the ability!"

Although the Super Crazy Knife did not kill the Flaming Birdman, the existence of the eighty-one knife marks also put the Flaming Birdman in a state of serious injuries. Looking at the Elven Blade that Gu Zheng raised again, he was startled. scream.

Originally, Gu Zheng wanted to launch another super mad knife to end the life of the flame bird, but the scream of the flame bird made him put down the elf blade again.

Whether it is the fire spirit or the armored woman they met before, they have all played tricks on Gu Zheng, and this kind of teasing made Gu Zheng very unhappy.

Now, facing this flame bird man who kept saying that he would eat him, Gu Zheng once again remembered how the fire spirit and the armored woman had played tricks on him.

"How much time do you want me to give you?"

To Gu Zheng, the flame bird man is ridiculous. If it were him, it would be impossible for him to let out big words at the beginning, and then say such embarrassing words again when he saw that the situation was unfavorable. However, since the flame bird man wants to lose face to the end, he doesn't mind giving him a favor. Anyway, in his fairyland, he really doesn't take the role of the flame bird man seriously.

"You just need to give me ten breaths, then I will show you who is stronger between the two of us!"

Flame Birdman's swearing expression is ridiculous, but Gu Zheng just wants to fulfill his ridiculousness.

"Okay, I will give you ten breaths, if you dare to disappoint me, then I will let my ice dragon eat you!"

Seeing that Gu Zheng agreed, Huoyanniaoren didn't dare to show off his tongue, he nodded obediently and secretly brewed the forbidden technique.

The flame bird man has a small plan in his heart. In fact, the forbidden technique he needs to activate does not require ten breaths at all, only five breaths is enough, and he will be caught off guard if he wants to fight the ancient war.

The time of the five breaths is fleeting, and the forbidden technique of the flame bird has been brewed. I saw that the bright red original energy burst out from the wound on his body.

With the self-bloodletting of the flame bird man, Gu Zheng's fairyland instantly turned red, and the original ice and snow land seemed to have turned into a sea of ​​blood and corpses. Blood rained with fire poison in the sky, and many giant monsters appeared on the ground. The corpses of monsters, they are also launching various attacks on Gu Zheng.

For a while, Gu Zheng's fairyland was in great chaos, but Gu Zheng was like a towering tree in a storm, no matter how violent the wind and rain were, he couldn't shake him, those chaotic attacks hadn't touched his body yet, It has been blocked by a colorless barrier.

"That's it, your forbidden technique really disappoints me!"

Gu Zheng shook his head, he didn't care whether the flame bird attacked him with ten breaths or five breaths, he just thought that the flame bird's attack should not disappoint her and him!

However, Bu Zheng was really disappointed with the forbidden technique that Flamingo had concocted with his cleverness. Whether it is the blood rain with fire poison or the monster corpses on the ground, their destructive power and state are not enough. If Gu Zheng wants to make them all disappear, it is just a matter of thought!

"Don't say big words, if you have the ability, you can stop the blood rain and make the demon corpse disappear!"

After activating the forbidden technique, the flame birdman seemed to be out of strength. He did not attack Gu Zheng any more, and sat on the ground panting. Now that he heard what Gu Zheng said, he immediately refuted.


Gu Zheng sneered, and with a wave of his hand, the whole world was cleansed.

Under the action of the powerful energy of the fairyland, the blood light that originally disturbed the world order of the fairyland disappeared. After the blood light disappeared, the blood rain in the sky stopped immediately. As for the demon corpses on the ground, when Gu Zheng waved his hand, Being suppressed by the energy of the fairyland, their strength was not good enough. When facing the suppression of the energy of the fairyland, they burst into blood in an instant.

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