The remaining hyena monsters seemed to have finally found out that they were no match for the cold pool monks, and they began to run for their lives.

Although the hyena monsters did not hurt the cold pool monk, the cold pool monk was still very angry. First of all, he used the judge pen to deal with these hyena monsters, but the guidance given to him by the judge pen never appeared again. Yes, these hyena monsters have delayed his time, so that he has not dared to join Gu Zheng and the others, so how can he allow these hyena monsters to come and leave whenever they want!

Brother Hantan chased after the fleeing hyena monsters. The hyena monsters had wrong knowledge. They ran in groups instead of running in all directions. This made it difficult for monk Hantan to kill them.

Brother Hantan didn't have to kill all the hyena monsters, he also wanted to join Gu Zheng and the others, so after killing a few hyena monsters, he flew in the direction of Gu Zheng and the others.

Besides, on the side of Gu Zheng, they waited for two minutes, and the originally quiet forest was broken by the sound of running, and what broke the silence were four guys who looked like hyenas. Here, then he can recognize it at a glance, this is the hyena monster that he killed more than a hundred of them.

Seeing the hyena monster running towards this side, the son of the monk Hantan immediately wanted to make a move, but was stopped by the squirrel monster.

"I remembered that the doll came to me before, and sometimes I could see this kind of guy following him."

Hearing what the squirrel monster said, although Brother Hantan's son didn't attack right away, he remained vigilant. He didn't think that if the squirrel monster lost his mind, these hyena monsters just came out to look for food.

As if they were on guard against Gu Zheng and the others, the four hyena monsters squatted on the ground and howled like wolves.

"They told me to go with them."

After hearing the cry of the hyena monster, the squirrel monster spoke to Gu Zheng.

"Can you understand what they say?"

While Gu Zheng asked about the squirrel monsters, he also looked at the hyena monsters. These hyena monsters look like stone puppets, but they are not the kind of finely crafted ones, they look very rough.

"They don't know how to speak, but they can express some very simple intentions. Through their voices, I can understand a little bit about their intentions." Said the squirrel monster.

"Follow them, can there be information about the chess dolls?"

Gu Zheng said again that the chess doll was his goal here, so no matter how twists and turns he made, his movements had to be related to finding the chess doll.

"I-I don't know about this." The squirrel monster said cautiously.


A hyena monster suddenly let out a strange cry, and then fell to the ground and twitched as if suffering from epilepsy.

The other three hyena monsters turned a blind eye to their sickly counterparts, and their sickly counterparts only twitched a few times on the ground, and immediately jumped up energetically.

Gu Zheng's eyes widened slightly, and he found that the jumping hyena monsters had become different. The two cloudy gemstones that originally formed their eyes became clear and bright now, and it even spoke human words in its mouth .

"It's you, I didn't expect to meet you again!"

What the hyena monster said made Gu Zheng a little excited, because its voice was the voice of a chess piece doll.

"Yes! Long time no see."

Gu Zheng didn't know what to say, and felt a little bit emotional in his heart. It was true that he hadn't seen him for more than ten years, but when he saw him again, the purpose of Gu Zheng was to deprive the chess piece doll of its freedom, or deprive it of its life. The task item needs chess pieces, not chess dolls!

However, after thinking about it, Gu Zheng felt somewhat relieved. The chess piece doll became a chess piece last time, but didn't it become a chess piece doll again in the end? Besides, the dog was just a dog last time, but this time it turned into a monster, and it can be reorganized after the explosion. None of the toys that the original fairy-level space fairy owner had when he was young normal.

"Follow these puppets of mine!"

The voice of the chess piece doll sounded again, and several hyena monsters ran wildly, and Gu Zheng followed behind with Brother Hantan and the squirrel monster.

The forest was not very big in the first place, and there was a small pond outside the forest, which Gu Zheng had seen in this space world last time.

Not only did Gu Zheng fail to discover anything special about Xiaotan last time, even this time he still did not discover it.

However, when the hyena monster led them to run around the small pool, he found that the small pool turned out to be a formation, which made Gu Zheng sigh with emotion. He got the clue, otherwise how could he find out that this is a fairy formation.

The sight in front of them alternated between light and dark, and Gu Zheng and the others appeared in a formation space.

This is a very beautiful formation space, like a paradise, with mountains and water, flowers and fruits.

Although the formation space is beautiful, it has an ugly side. This ugly side is brought about by the monsters in this formation space. It's like being squeezed out of mud by urchins.

Gu Zheng saw the chess doll. Compared with the one he saw more than ten years ago, the life of the chess doll is really nourishing.

When I saw the chess piece doll more than ten years ago, the chess piece doll still had to be chased and killed by monsters transformed from another chess piece. Now when I see it again, it seems to be the emperor of this small world. Here All the monsters are created by it, some of these monsters act as soldiers, some as generals, and some monsters are even females, acting as dancers and maidservants serving it.

Sitting on the crooked but tall throne that seemed to be squeezed out of mud, the chess doll was drinking and enjoying the fruit handed to him by the ugly maid next to him.


Looking at the chess piece doll, Gu Zheng sighed in his heart. After more than ten years of living like this, the chess piece doll, which was originally as cute as a porcelain doll, has gained a lot of weight, like a little fat man.

"I knew when I saw you that you came to find me."

Chewing a grape-like fruit in its mouth, the chess piece doll spoke vaguely, it seemed that it hadn't finished speaking, and Gu Zheng didn't interrupt it, just listening quietly.

"I found the little squirrel, and was taken under the big pine tree by the little squirrel. I should go with you."

After eating another plum-like fruit handed by the maid next to him, the Chessman Doll concentrated on tasting it with a face full of intoxication, and half of what it said made Gu Zheng's heart hang a little bit, he was most afraid that the Chessman Doll would speak again When, he will hear but.

"However, your subordinates make me very unhappy, so I don't want to just leave with you."

Swallowing the plum in her mouth, the chess piece doll really said something that made Gu Zheng feel helpless.

Hearing what Chessman Doll said, Brother Hantan's son frowned. He didn't know where he had offended Chessman Doll, but his eyes widened immediately, and he remembered his father who hadn't rushed over yet.

"Subordinate, are you referring to him?"

Gu Zheng used his divine sense to transform into the appearance of a monk in the cold pool in the air, and the chess piece doll nodded, and when he nodded like this, Gu Zheng was a little bit dumbfounded. He thought that he would leave the monk in Hantan to study the judge's pen. It was something that brought him a chance, but he didn't expect it to cause trouble.

"This subordinate of mine is also quite a responsible person. I don't know how he offended you?"

Gu Zheng’s words are against his will. Brother Hantan is obviously a militant, but Gu Zheng now has the ball for the chess doll, so he has to lower his posture a bit. After all, the chess doll is protected by the power of law. If the chess doll is unwilling to follow him, there is nothing he can do.

"Duty? Why don't I feel that my subordinates saw a stranger appearing in this piece of our territory and wanted to pass on a message to me, but he directly attacked my subordinates , After beheading more than a hundred of my subordinates, you still don’t stop, and you still want to hunt down my subordinates who are fleeing for their lives, tell me his duty?”

Hearing what Qizi Doll said, Gu Zheng is also a black thread. There is no right or wrong in this kind of thing, it is whoever has the biggest fist and whoever is begged has the final say.

"Why don't I go out first and ask him to apologize to you after I bring him in?" Gu Zhengbi smiled.

"There's no need to apologize, and you don't need to go out. He's outside Xiaotan now. I'll let my subordinates go down to see him. When you call him in here, he will be able to hear your voice."

After the chess piece doll's voice fell to the ground, a hyena monster suddenly appeared above the originally peaceful small pool.

Brother Hantan came here chasing the induction of Gu Zheng, but because Gu Zheng entered the formation space, his induction was cut off. Just when he was worried that something happened to Gu Zheng and the others, he saw this A hyena monster that suddenly appeared.

Cultivator Hantan naturally didn't like the hyena monster at all, and he wanted to launch an attack immediately, but at this time the hyena monster spit out his words.

"Follow it in!"

Gu Zheng in the space of the fairy array spoke under the signal of the chess piece doll, and his voice was also heard by the cold pool cultivator through the hyena monster.

Hearing Gu Zheng's voice, Brother Hantan was taken aback. Gu Zheng's voice was a bit serious, and it came from the mouth of the hyena monster, which made him think that he had killed so many hyena monsters before. Will something bad happen.

Fearfully following the hyena monster into the formation space, Brother Hantan soon saw Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng also told him the current situation by means of voice transmission through his mind.

Brother Hantan is not an ignorant person. Knowing that the chess piece doll is the key to their mission and an existence that cannot be offended, he quickly lowered his stance.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know they were all your subordinates. What happened before was really offending. I hope you will see my master's face and don't be as knowledgeable as me."

Cultivator Hantan's posture was indeed very low, but the chess piece doll didn't follow this pattern. It waved at Cultivator Hantan, signaling him not to speak any further.

"No need for an apology, an apology does nothing."

Chess Doll sneered at Brother Hantan, turned to look at Gu Zheng, and said with a slightly relaxed attitude: "It's not impossible if you want me to go with you, but you have to promise me four things!"

Hearing what Chessman Doll said, Gu Zheng's heart tightened. He still didn't know what the so-called four things were. Just this number alone made his scalp tingle. After all, his time is very tight, so the four things are no matter how simple they are. , and will definitely take some time to complete.

"Which four things?"

Gu Zheng really wanted to say whether the chess doll was a lion or not, but after all he didn't say that, he still wanted to ask the chess doll to see how difficult these four things were.

"Four things may sound like a lot, but I feel that it is not difficult for you."

That being said, the smile of the Chessman Doll was a bit narrow, which made Gu Zheng feel that what it called would not be very simple.

"You have subordinates, and I also have mine. Your subordinates make me unhappy. It is not too much for me to anger you, so the first thing is to calm me down. You have to do something that can make me It’s about me getting rid of my anger, as for what this matter is, it’s up to you to think about it!”

When the words fell to the ground, Chessman Doll touched the squirrel monster next to it, and the squirrel monster yelled at it twice in a fawning manner.

During the period of waiting for the cold pool monk to come, the squirrel monster was freed as a friend of the chess doll, and it has already told everything that happened after the encounter with the ancient dispute under the inquiry of the chess doll.

"Second thing, the little squirrel is my only friend. After you found it, you frightened it many times. Now you have to compensate it. You have to do something to make it happy. As for this matter What it is, you have to figure it out yourself."

Hearing what the chess doll said, Gu Zheng frowned, while the squirrel monster was elated, not to mention how proud he was looking at Gu Zheng, his eyes seemed to say that Gu Zheng also has today.

"The third thing, your subordinates have killed many of my subordinates, and you still feel that these subordinates of mine are not worth mentioning. In this case, I am going to let him fight against my strongest subordinates. I will send him to the place where my strongest subordinates are."

"After doing the first three things, I feel much more comfortable in my heart. When you do one more thing that makes me happy, I will leave with you!"

Chessman Doll finally said four things. If Gu Zheng hadn't stopped him with his faith, the son of Brother Hantan would explode. In his opinion, none of these four things were easy.

"Are there any details, such as a time limit?"

Gu Zheng is also patient. If there are not too many details that need to be paid attention to in these four things, then even if there are a lot, he can still do something, but if there are many details, then he may have to find a way from other places .

"You came to this space world because of a mission. I asked you to do these things because your subordinates made me unhappy. I am different from those special monsters. I will not give you any time limit. You can't do it in a day." If you do these things, then you can stay here for one day. If you can’t do these things in two days, then you can stay here for two days. However, the four things can only be done separately, not at the same time. Another point is that the specific The situation can be drawn up through consultations at that time."

Hearing what Chessman Doll said, Gu Zheng felt a little more at ease, but he still had something to ask.

"The matter about my subordinate, is it really a fight with your strongest subordinate?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Of course not. He has killed so many of my subordinates. How could it be as simple as a fight! Only one of him and my strongest subordinate can survive. If he lives, it means that my subordinate is He is really good, if my subordinate is working, then he deserves to die, it can only show that he is good enough!"

The resentment towards the monk Hantan is really great, when Qizi Doll said this, she gritted her teeth a little bit.

"Also, that subordinate of mine is only at the late stage of Void Return, but your subordinate has treasures available, which is too shameful. I want to limit his treasures and let them work on a relatively fair basis. Make a duel." The Chessman Doll added.

"Master, there is no problem with this matter. I caused the trouble. I will clean up the mess!"

Brother Hantan sent a message to Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng also said to the chess doll: "I can agree to all four things you said, but I also want to ask you one thing."

"Ask!" the chess piece doll said.

"Do you know where it is?"

Gu Zheng used his divine sense to transform into a slingshot in the air.

"What is this?" The chess piece doll asked in confusion.

"This is a slingshot, it should be your master's childhood toy." Gu Zheng said.

"I don't know." The Chessman Doll shook her head.

Originally, it was with the mentality of giving it a try. The Chessman Doll didn't know about the slingshot, and Gu Zheng wasn't too disappointed.

"Then I will do the first thing now."

Gu Zheng frowned slightly. He was thinking about where to start to calm down the chess doll. The first thing he thought of was the method of coaxing children in the human world, that is to beat up the person who made the child angry. .

"Okay, start your performance." The chess piece doll said.

"The food you eat is rough, not really delicious. If I turn them into real delicious food, will you be discouraged by it?"

After all, Brother Hantan is Gu Zheng's subordinate, and Gu Zheng didn't think there was anything wrong with him. If he really needed to be beaten to calm down the puppet, then Gu Zheng would do it again helplessly after making an attempt. make such a decision.

"Okay, you can try."

The chess piece doll looked at Gu Zheng with folded arms, as if waiting to see a joke, but for Gu Zheng, he was afraid that he would not agree, as long as he agreed, Gu Zheng would be able to make him happy with delicious food! Anyway, Immortal Cook is Gu Zheng's old profession, and Gu Zheng has this confidence.

"However, since you say that the food I eat is not really delicious, then you can use these things I eat to make real delicious food!"

Chessman Doll has made a request, which is not considered a breach of contract. After all, they have agreed before, and the specific situation can be negotiated at that time.

"How about I use two pieces of food on your table as the main ingredient, and two pieces of food I have as the auxiliary ingredient?"

Since it's a negotiation, Qizi Doll can make a request, and Gu Zheng can naturally make a request.

"What is the main ingredient? What are the auxiliary ingredients?"

Chessman Doll asked, it didn't really have much idea about food, it was just asking if it could agree to Gu Zheng's request.

"The main ingredients are the main cooking ingredients, and the auxiliary ingredients mean that they only play an auxiliary role in a complete delicacy, and the proportion will be very small." Gu Zheng said.

"No, you can only use one accessory."

Although she doesn't know much about food, Qizi Doll knows that if Gu Zheng overly agrees to Gu Zheng's request, it will be easier for Gu Zheng to control the incident.

"Okay, and,"

"No more! That's it. The two pieces of food on my table are the main ingredients, and one thing from yours is the auxiliary ingredient. As long as you can cook food that makes me calm down with these things, then I'm done." first thing."

Gu Zheng originally wanted to maximize his benefits, but his words were interrupted by the Chess Doll, who didn’t know much about delicious food. The Chess Doll was afraid that the more Gu Zheng talked, the easier it would be for him to complete the test. It didn’t want Gu Zheng to be too It is easy to complete the test, it is still angry now!

"Okay, then it's settled." Gu Zheng smiled.

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