As far as Gu Zheng was concerned, he wished that the three-tailed leopard monster and the two-headed brown bear would be killed, and he didn't want the battlefield to be on the top of this mountain, so when he saw the two monsters rushing towards him, he would lead the battlefield downhill. Brought down to the top of the mountain.

Of course, Gu Zheng, the queen of the group of monsters, also heard about it. He also knew that these were two monsters who summoned their subordinates. It's a trouble, anyway, in this space world, he doesn't have a treasure like the Heart Demon Orb to use, so this time, Gu Zheng plans to use his trump card to quickly get rid of the three-tailed leopard demon and the two-headed brown bear.

To deal with the three-tailed leopard demon and the two-headed brown bear, Gu Zheng didn't plan to use the fairy realm, he planned to use the dragon realm to deal with these two hateful monsters.

To say that the fairy-level combat skill of the Shenlong domain is really easy to use, it is not like the fairy domain of Gu Zheng, which can only be used once a day, it can be used twice a day!

Facing the chasing three-tailed leopard monster and two-headed brown bear, Gu Zheng didn't wait for them to attack, he directly launched the Shenlong domain at the two hateful monsters.

Countless phantoms of divine dragons appeared, and the space within a certain radius was locked. The attacks of the two monsters disappeared under the impact of the phantoms of divine thoughts, and their bodies were also violently moved back and forth in the field by the phantoms of divine dragon fly.

However, the three-tailed leopard demon and the two-headed brown bear are only monsters in the early stage of the Golden Immortal, and they can't last long in the Shennong domain. Soon, under the impact and tear of the phantom of the dragon, their bodies were destroyed. A piece of minced meat, the appearance of death is very miserable! In this process, the Three-Tailed Leopard Demon, who still had two lives, was able to return to the top of the mountain to take refuge when he lost one life, but it is a pity that the Shennong Domain has locked the current area and died It could only stay in the Shenlong domain once, and was killed a second time soon.

It didn't take much time for Gu Zheng to use the Shenlong domain to deal with the two early-stage monsters of the Golden Immortal. When these two monsters died, the little monsters they summoned hadn't been able to come close.

Gu Zheng decided to take the initiative to attack, and he wanted to kill those little monsters who were coming here.

After all, when he was observing on the top of the mountain before, Gu Zheng had already discovered that the time it takes for the golden-feathered vulture to ripen the white flowers would probably take a meal, even if he tried to kill the golden-feathered vulture , We have to wait until the free labor of the Golden Feather Vulture ripens the white flowers, and during this time, he wants to get rid of those little monsters who may become stumbling blocks.

The two monsters in the early stage of Jinxian were killed by Gu Zheng in a very short period of time. As for the little monsters summoned by the two of them, it can be said that they were delivering food to Gu Zheng and wielding the blade of the elf The ancient battle of frenzied beheading is simply people blocking and killing Buddhas blocking and killing Buddhas.

A quarter of an hour later, Gu Zheng stood still. As for the corpses of monsters piled up beside him, his elf blade was dripping blood, and his hair was flying in the night wind. He looks as if Shura came to the world.

The little monsters summoned by the two monsters have been killed by Gu Zheng, and the remaining ones have been frightened, and they fled when Gu Zheng killed their companions.

A problem is placed in front of Gu Zheng, which is a problem that Gu Zheng has to consider.

Gu Zheng had observed the golden-feathered vulture before, so he knew that the golden-feathered vulture was very sensitive, so he concluded that the golden-feathered vulture already knew that its two companions, including its genus, had been killed by Gu Zheng up.

Based on this premise, if Gu Zheng goes to the top of the mountain at this time, the reaction of the Golden Feather Vulture is likely to be dead. Treasure, you have to live to enjoy it! After all, if Gu Zheng goes up the mountain now, if it does not give up ripening the treasures of heaven, material and earth, then it will be in a situation where it will be slaughtered. Instead of being slaughtered by others, I might as well give up ripening the treasures of heaven, material and earth A vigorous battle with the ancients.

The Golden Feather Vulture Gu Zheng does not mean that he must be killed, but Gu Zheng must get the Tiancaidibao that has been ripened by the Golden Feather Vulture, and if he wants to get the Tiancaidibao, he can't go up the mountain to disturb him at this time. Goldfish Vulture. After all, once he went up the mountain to disturb the Golden Feather Vulture, as long as the Golden Jade Vulture gave up ripening the Tiancai Dibao, the Tiancai Dibao would undergo irreversible decay and decay, and the mission of Gu Zheng would also fail because of this.

The current situation is that Gu Zheng can only wait, but this waiting also has a deep knowledge in it, Gu Zheng must seize the right time, because the Golden Feather Vulture has paid such a high price to ripen the treasures of heaven and earth, of course the purpose is for himself Enjoy, so at the moment when Tiancaidibao is mature, Golden Feather Vulture will definitely swallow it without hesitation, and things like Tiancaidibao melt in the mouth, once Golden Feather Vulture swallows it, Then it also represents the failure of the ancient battle mission.

"Now I can only take a gamble, betting on whether the Golden Feathered Vulture can see through my stealth technique. If he can't see through my stealth technique, then I can still hide near it and wait until the treasure of heaven and earth At the moment of maturity, instantly activate the Immortal Domain to trap it in the Immortal Domain, kill it and take away the treasures of heaven and earth! But if he can see through my invisibility technique, what should I do?"

The ancient struggle with myriad thoughts in my heart is also quite tangled.

"It's a pity that I don't have the spirit of real wood in my body. If I have the spirit of real wood, I can use wood control tactics. Then I can take over the job when the golden feathered vulture gives up ripening the treasures of heaven, material and earth." , then you don’t have to worry about how to get close to it.”

Thinking this way in his heart, Gu Zheng, who had entered a retrograde state, walked towards the top of the mountain.

At this moment, there are only three minutes left before the maturity of Tiancaidibao.

Gu Zheng's stealth technique is very magical. Under normal circumstances, there are not many monsters who can see through his stealth technique, but in the space world where everything is possible, his stealth technique has become less brilliant. The number of times has also been quite a lot, as if when he was on the mountainside, his stealth technique was once seen through by that weasel monster.

Gu Zheng was very bad. The golden-feathered vulture, who had closed his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes. His sharp eyes looked at him in a stealth state, as if to remind him not to approach him through stealth.

Now that the stealth technique has been discovered, Gu Zheng had no choice but to show up. The Golden Feather Vulture, who had paid a huge price, saw that he was still within a safe range, so he did not give up on ripening the treasures of heaven, material and earth. Staring at him with vigilant eyes, as long as he dares to step into the mine, the Golden Feather Vulture will immediately give up ripening the treasures of heaven and earth.

As the saying goes, there must be a way for a car to reach the mountain. Originally, Gu Zheng was still worried about how he would approach the Golden Jade Vulture if his stealth technique was seen through by the Golden Feather Vulture, so it can perform teleportation, but the instant The distance of moving and shuttling is limited, just like the range he is in now, even if he moves instantly, he cannot travel within the range where the Golden Feathered Vulture can launch the Immortal Domain.

However, Gu Zheng was not idle, he began to test the bottom line of the golden-feathered vulture with regret in his heart, and he was slowly approaching the golden-feathered vulture. Back off immediately.

The golden-feathered vulture has some intelligence, but it is not very intelligent. If it has the intelligence of a normal person, then he must be able to see at this moment that it is not the only one who cares about heaven, material and earth treasures. He cared more about it than it did. If Gu Zheng didn't care about the treasures of heaven and earth, then why would he slowly approach it like he is now.

Strength is not the only criterion for solving problems. Sometimes wisdom is more important than strength. It is precisely because the Golden Feather Vulture does not know the real purpose of Gu Zheng, so it just looks at Gu Zheng warily, and Gu Zheng who stops It can be seen from the nervous eyes of the Golden Feather Vulture that he has now reached the edge of the thunder pond, and if he takes a step forward, the Golden Feather Vulture will give up chasing the treasures of heaven and earth in all likelihood.

Gu Zheng didn't move forward, this distance was already good for him, he could already use a teleportation to shorten the distance between it and the metal dislocation to the extent that he could use the Immortal Realm.

However, for the sake of safety, Gu Zheng did not stand still, and he used the stealth technique again to confuse the Golden Feather Vulture in this way.

The golden-feathered vulture was indeed confused, it didn't know what Gu Zheng's behavior was going to do, it had clearly seen through Gu Zheng's stealth technique, and it felt that Gu Zheng also knew this, so in its eyes , Gu Zheng's behavior is a bit funny, just like deception.

The critical moment is coming soon, the original plain white flowers begin to emit light, and the whole body is surrounded by a strange fluctuation, and the refreshing fragrance is also emitted from the stamens, and this fragrance can make everything crazy.

At this time, the Golden Feather Vulture's heart was in its throat. At the critical moment when Tiancaidibao was about to be matured, it didn't want things to change in any way, but it had been paying attention to Gu Zheng and found that Gu Zheng had disappeared! Moreover, when Gu Zheng disappeared, there were still spatial fluctuations captured by it, so he understood that Gu Zheng had used teleportation.

At that moment, the Golden Jade Vulture's heart was very tangled. It was also able to use teleportation, and knew that even if Gu Zheng used teleportation, he would not be able to come to it immediately, but it was also afraid that Gu Zheng would have something serious means, thus taking away the treasures of heaven and earth in its hands.

However, after working so hard for so long and paying so much, especially at this critical moment, the Golden Feather Vulture really lost the courage of Gu Zheng to fight to the death. It began to believe in itself too much, believing that even if Gu Zheng could perform teleportation, It can't use any other extraordinary means, Tiancaidibao will enter its belly at the moment of maturity, it only needs to be a little bold, and all efforts will not be in vain.

The golden-feathered vulture waited boldly, and the sudden appearance of Gu Zheng gave him a surprise. Gu Zheng dared to show up before he swallowed the treasures of heaven, material and earth, and cast immortal supernatural powers on it.

The sight in front of him alternates between light and dark, and the familiar mountaintop has turned into a fairyland of ice and snow. The golden-feathered vulture's open mouth bites inertially. Naturally, what he wants to get is not the treasure of heaven and earth that he wants, but what he shakes is the ancient fairyland. A cold northwest wind.

"call out!"

The golden-feathered vulture let out an angry cry. The cooked duck flew away, and the fat meat from its beak fell to the ground again. Contest is not in the fairyland.

Gu Zheng was not in the Immortal Realm, he used the Immortal Realm first to separate the Golden Feathered Vulture from the treasures of heaven and earth! After all, killing the golden-feathered vulture is not the task of Gu Zheng, but obtaining the treasures of heaven, material and earth is what he must do, so before killing the golden-feathered vulture, the first thing he has to do is to ensure the safety of the treasures of heaven, material and earth.

After taking the golden-feathered vulture into the Immortal Realm, Gu Zheng finally got the Tiancaidibao that the old man wanted. He carefully and matured the Tiancaidibao and did a simple process. After putting away the Tiancaidibao, he just now Entered the fairyland.

Gu Zheng understood that he had to quickly enter the Immortal Domain. He had already seen from the strange eyes of the Golden Feather Vulture when he launched the teleportation that the Golden Feather Vulture was also good at the way of space. Although his Immortal Domain was very powerful, but It is very dangerous to put a guy who is good at the way of space and the strength is in the middle stage of the Golden Immortal, alone in his own fairyland. If they are broken by the Golden Feather Vulture first, then the Golden Feather Vulture There is a possibility of a turnaround.

The Golden Feather Vulture does have some knowledge of space, and because of this, it soon found out where the weak points of the Ancient Zheng Immortal Domain were, and it was already weak against the Gu Zheng Immortal Domain. point launched an attack, and the Pengniao that rushed out of its body rushed towards the weak point of Gu Zheng's fairyland with a powerful force. Once the phantom of the Pengniao can hit the weak point of Guzheng's fairyland, then The fairyland of the ancient struggle will be broken in an instant!

The golden-feathered vulture was unlucky. Just when his phantom of the roc was about to hit the weak point of Guzheng's Immortal Domain, Gu Zheng returned to his own Immortal Domain after dealing with the treasures of heaven, material and earth.

The first thing Gu Zheng did when he returned to the fairyland was to change the position of the weak point of the fairyland with his thoughts. Anyway, his fairyland is so strong, and the weak points can be switched with his thoughts, almost It is said that there is no weak point in the fairyland.

The Pengniao phantom failed to hit the weak point of Gu Zheng's fairyland, so its powerful impact only made Guzheng's fairyland shake.

A huge palm shadow fell from the sky, and with the help of the energy of the fairyland, Gu Zheng cast the Immortal Palm on the Golden Feather Vulture.

The golden-feathered vulture was still in a daze. It didn't understand why its phantom bird phantom didn't hit the weak point of the Ancient Struggle Immortal Territory. It had no defense against Mie Xianzhang coming from behind, and it was naturally beaten by Mie Xianzhang. He slapped it hard on his body and sent it flying, smashing into two big mountains in the Guzheng Immortal Realm before it stopped.

The Golden Feather Vulture was hit by Gu Zheng's Immortal Palm. It seems to be quite miserable, but it is not the case. As a metallic monster, it has an extremely strong defensive power, not to mention the strength of Jinyu Figure 9 is still there. It is said that it is a powerful mid-stage Golden Immortal, so the damage caused to it by Gu Zheng's extermination of the cactus can only be said to be minor.

However, since they have already entered Gu Zheng's fairyland, the attack that Gu Zheng can launch is not just as simple as destroying the cactus once, his attacks are launched one after another.

This is the fairyland of Gu Zheng. When Gu Zheng attacks again, it can be very strange. It appears beside the golden-feathered vulture through space shuttle, and slaps the golden-feathered vulture with a palm. It looks plain, but it hides murderous intentions!

The Golden Feather Vulture is a monster with the same metal and wood attributes, of which the metal is the main body, and Gu Zheng happens to have the real gold spirit that restrains the metal monster, so in the seemingly ordinary palm just now, he The power of natal real gold has already been beaten into the body of the Golden Feather Vulture, which can be regarded as establishing a wonderful connection with it.

The golden-feathered vulture was only slightly injured, and Gu Zheng dared to fight it so close, of course it wished for it, because its ability in close combat is very strong.

The golden feathers on the body surface are shot out, which is equivalent to countless blows in the mid-stage golden fairy realm! After all, there are so many feathers that Gu Zheng can be turned into a hornet's nest, but this is Gu Zheng's fairyland. Even if Gu Zheng can't use the Heart Demon Orb, he can travel through space to avoid attacks. When he hit the golden-feathered vulture with his palm, the golden-feathered vulture would definitely launch a counterattack against him, so he entered the space shuttle state in advance, so that the feathers shot by the golden-feathered vulture only shot into the air.

The golden-feathered vulture hates Gu Zheng to death. If Gu Zheng launched teleportation beside it, then with its response to the fluctuation of the way of space and its own speed, it can completely do what Gu Zheng is about to appear. Ambush Gu Zheng at the location, as if Gu Zheng often used this method to deal with monsters that could move instantly.

However, space shuttle is different from teleportation. Teleportation is a short-distance space shuttle. Because the shuttle distance is not far, it is easy to be ambushed by enemies who are good at space. The distance of space shuttle is far enough, even if there are enemies Knowing where Gu Zheng will show up through space shuttle, Gu Zheng also has enough time to react.

Knowing that Gu Zheng must have enough time to react, Golden Feather Vulture did not ambush Gu Zheng at the place where Gu Zheng was about to appear. A big move was brewing.

Gu Zheng had already appeared in the distance with the lingering electric glow in the gust of wind blowing beside the Golden Feathered Vulture. Seeing the aura around the Golden Feathered Vulture, he already understood that the Golden Feathered Vulture had prepared an attack for him. Big move.

With the help of the energy of the Immortal Realm, Gu Zheng launched the more powerful Miexian Jue for defense. The palms of his palms faced each other to form a space, waiting for the Golden Feather Vulture to attack him with a big move.

The golden-feathered vulture launched a big move against Gu Zheng. One of its wings waved towards Gu Zheng, and the tornado with lightning immediately swept towards Gu Zheng.

The tornado with lightning was very powerful. As it swept away, it continuously shot lightning bolts towards Gu Zheng one after another.

In addition to the lightning attack, the feathers of the golden-feathered vulture are also shot out in the tornado, and the feathers shot from the tornado are different from the feathers shot by the golden-feathered vulture when it counterattacked the ancient battle. One by one, but the feathers shot out from the tornado at this time are like a combination of two or three feathers, and the attack power of this combination of feathers is naturally more powerful.

In addition to the lightning and feather attacks, the tornado is really powerful because it formed a temporary blockade of Gu Zheng's fairyland, preventing Gu Zheng from launching space shuttle and teleportation. However, even if the golden-feathered vulture didn't do such a blockade, Gu Zheng didn't intend to avoid it by traveling through space or teleporting. He had already performed the Immortal Extermination Art, and he planned to confront the golden-feathered vulture head-on.

Some of the lightning and feathers have been sucked into the space between Gu Zheng's palms. Gu Zheng will compress the violent energy sucked into the space between his palms. There are too many lightnings and feathers. The space between them was completely sucked in, and the lightning and feathers that were not sucked into the space of Gu Zheng's palms had already crackled on the shield of Gu Zheng's Immortal Extinguishing Art.

The middle stage of the Golden Immortal is the middle stage of the Golden Immortal. Even if Gu Zheng used the Immortal Extermination Art with the help of the energy of the Immortal Realm, it is still impossible for the cyan barrier produced by the Immortal Extermination Art to withstand such a powerful and dense attack. Hold on for more than ten seconds.

But fortunately, the stronger the enemy's attack power, the faster the energy in the space of Gu Zheng's palms will be compressed. Before the lightning and the cyan shield of the Feather Destroyer Cactus are broken, Bu Zheng has already made the brewing light ball Called out.

After the ball of light flew out, the first thing it encountered was the tornado that swept over, and it exploded in the tornado.

The power of the explosion of the light ball is not great, it is not the kind of way to deal damage by explosion, but because it and the tornado are related to the Golden Feather Vulture, so when he exploded in the tornado, he was originally facing The tornado that Gu Zheng swept across had a temporary pause. Although this temporary pause lasted less than a second, the space that was originally blocked by him was also temporarily unblocked at that time. It was a space shuttle, which avoided the troubles that would be brought to him by the tornado.

The explosion of the light ball was not just a simple pause for the tornado to appear, the light it emitted during the explosion had already flown towards the Golden Feather Vulture.

The light looked very weak, but the golden-feathered vulture had already sensed a considerable crisis from it. It opened its mouth and spit out a golden light. The golden light turned into a funnel in the air, as if it wanted to cover the light in it.

The reason why Miexian Jue can be listed as a fairy-level combat skill is naturally because it is strong enough, just like at this moment, it has established a wonderful connection with the golden-feathered vulture by absorbing the attack energy of the golden-feathered vulture. The existence of this connection makes the light derived from the Immortal Extinguishing Art hardly fear any attack from the Golden Feathered Vulture. It passes through the golden funnel that the Golden Feathered Vulture wants to cover him in a way that almost passes through the air, and shoots It landed on the Golden Feather Vulture.

The reaction of the goldfish vulture is also extremely fast. At the moment when the light hits its body, it senses that the danger has increased, and immediately activates the magical power of body protection. It makes its body as hard as metal, trying to prevent the light from invading its body. in vivo!

The Golden Feather Vulture's strategy is not wrong. Under normal circumstances, its body-protecting supernatural powers can indeed block the light from invading its body, but this is not a normal situation. Buried foreshadowing.

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