The place where the porcupine monster is located is an open space in the forest, which is as large as a square. In this dense forest, such a place is very rare.

The so-called open space is actually not a real open space, because in the center of this open space, there is a rare big tree growing.

The big tree looks like an old banyan tree, it has a canopy as big as a square, and under its canopy, not to mention a small tree, not even a single grass grows, so it forms such a A glade.

There are many red fruits growing on the big tree like the old banyan tree. The porcupine monster is leaning against the old banyan tree at this moment, nibbling the red and red fruit on the old banyan tree in its mouth, and humming from time to time, it seems to enjoy it .

The strength of the porcupine monster is not high, but its sensing ability is good. It has already sensed it before Brother Hantan's son came nearby.

Clouds were born under the four hooves, and the porcupine monster stepped on the clouds, and it wanted to see what caused the abnormal movement it felt.

The porcupine monster saw Brother Hantan's son, and it didn't show any fear for this fast flying guy, but its eyes were very alert, and Brother Hantan's son also stopped outside the range of the tree canopy.

Brother Hantan's son frowned a little. He followed Gu Zheng's example and conveyed his intentions to the porcupine monster through his soul power.

"I want to ask you something."

Even if he learned everything, Brother Hantan's son didn't imitate it a bit. He conveyed his intentions to the porcupine monster very politely.

The porcupine monster was originally very wary of Brother Hantan's son, but after hearing the polite intentions conveyed by Brother Hantan's son, an imperceptible cunning flashed in its eyes.

"What do you want to ask me about?"

The porcupine monster also conveyed its inquiry to the son of the cold pool monk.

"I want to ask you where these three monsters are."

Following the example of Gu Zheng, the son of the monk Hantan used his soul power to outline the appearance of the bull-headed horse-faced monster, the lion-headed dragon-body monster and the four-winged green phoenix monster in the air.

The porcupine monster looked at the image drawn by the soul power in the sky, and shook his head at the son of the monk in the cold pool. Just when the monk in the cold pool was disappointed, the porcupine monster said again: "Although I don't know where these three monsters are. , but I am good at divination, as long as you are willing to cooperate with me in divination, as long as these monsters are indeed in this space world, I can help you find them!"


Hearing what the porcupine monster said, Brother Hantan's son's eyes lit up.

"Of course it's true, I don't need to lie to you." The porcupine monster said sincerely.

"Although you don't need to lie to me, you also don't need to help me! Besides, since you can do divination, why do you need my cooperation? And how do you want me to cooperate?"

Generally speaking, the son of the monk Hantan is more or less cautious when he does not follow Gu Zheng's side, at least he will have these questions at this time.

"I have the need to help you!" The porcupine monster chuckled, and then said: "First of all, helping you is friendship with you, and second, helping me is not in vain, you have to pay me some money ?”

"What kind of remuneration do you want me to pay you?" the son of Brother Hantan asked again.

"You came from the outer space world, right? Then you should have rare goods brought in from outside, you can use those rare goods as my reward."

The porcupine monster looked like a money fanatic, while Brother Hantan's son nodded: "If you can really help, you will be rewarded, but you haven't answered the question I just asked."

There are indeed some things in the magic crystal, and these things are some of the ingredients collected by Gu Zheng. The ingredients, as a reward for it, should satisfy it.

"I need your help. That's because what I want to divination is what you want to ask. I need you to concentrate on thinking about what you want me to divination when I do divination!"

Hearing what the porcupine monster said, the son of the monk Hantan nodded, and he said to the porcupine monster: "Okay, then you can do divination! As long as you can help me find out where the three monsters are, I will definitely reward you." satisfy you."

"First of all, I want to make friends with you, so I am willing to help you. Remuneration is secondary, but you want me to help you divination, but divination must be by your side, and it must be done in my divination place That's it!"

The porcupine monster seemed a little helpless, but the son of the monk Hantan asked, "Then where is your divination place?"

"Just under this big tree, come with me!"

After the porcupine monster finished speaking, it landed first when it saw the monk's son flying towards it.

Under the big tree, the porcupine monster placed a few fruits on the ground in an upright manner, and then rushed to the son of the monk Hantan who came over and said, "I'm going to start a divination. Now concentrate on thinking about those three monsters."


Brother Hantan's son responded, and then really concentrated on thinking about the three monsters.

The porcupine monster started to move, and several fruits quickly changed positions under its hands, which made people feel a little dazzled.

Doing dazzling movements, one of the eyes suddenly opened and closed in the hair on the back of the porcupine monster's head, and in this short period of time, it has already seen the son of the monk Hantan, His eyes became a little dazed.

The porcupine monster is not that kind. Originally, it wanted to fight the intruders in its territory, but the polite question of Brother Hantan's son made it think carefully, so it wanted to plot against Brother Hantan son. After all, the strength of Brother Hantan's son should not be underestimated. If there was a head-to-head confrontation, the porcupine monster would not be sure to win.

The so-called divination of the porcupine monster can actually be regarded as a very powerful hypnosis, but the son of the monk Hantan is relatively strong, and it is not easy to really hypnotize him. However, for the porcupine monster, it doesn't want to be able to completely hypnotize the son of the cold pool monk, as long as it can make the son of the cold pool monk relax his vigilance, and through the observation of its third eye just now, the cold pool monk's son The son is already in a state of letting down his vigilance.

Now that Brother Hantan's son had relaxed his vigilance, the porcupine monster also had a thought and let its puppet attack Brother Hantan's son.

The puppet of the porcupine monster is a big tree whose canopy completely covers the current area. This big tree was originally a monster in the early stage of Jinxian, but unfortunately, it was calculated by a porcupine monster whose strength was lower than it. The porcupine monster After killing it, it was made into a puppet that can be controlled by it. Otherwise, with the peak strength of the porcupine monster returning to the void, what capital would dare to plot against the enemies in the mid-term of the Golden Immortal.

The branches of the big tree stretched down unknowingly, and in the process of stretching down, they exuded a hard luster like metal.

The appropriate distance was reached, but the son of the monk in the cold pool hadn't reacted yet. The branches of the big tree suddenly accelerated, stabbing towards the vital parts of the monk in the cold pool's son like a sharp sword.

However, it seemed that he had let down his vigilance, but when the branch of the big tree was about to pierce the vital part of Brother Hantan's son, Brother Hantan's son suddenly disappeared.

"court death!"

The son of the monk in the cold pool roared, and he appeared at the top of the big tree. He was angry and sprayed a dragon-shaped lightning downward.

The porcupine monster is cunning enough, but it underestimated Brother Hantan's son. It didn't know that Brother Hantan's son possessed the power of soul power.

The son of the monk Hantan used his soul power to detect the porcupine monster before, but the detection at that time was just like seeing the aura in the eyes of the porcupine monster with his eyes, it was just such a simple thing.

When the son of monk Hantan flew over to look for the porcupine monster, the monster porcupine dared to fly to the top of the tree to see him, which made the son of monk Hantan vigilant. After all, if an ordinary monster ran out to see the situation, the son of the cold pool monk would still understand, but the porcupine monster is a monster with intelligence, it shouldn't run away when it sees him, it should be able to radiate from him. In his aura, it is only right to have a general idea of ​​his strength, so if the porcupine monster does not run away, and there is no look of fear in his eyes, it can only show that this guy has nothing to fear.

What kind of support is it that makes the porcupine monster feel confident about him? The son of the cold pool monk is also very curious, so he uses his soul power to carefully investigate the surrounding environment. This investigation allows him to discover that the old man under the porcupine monster The tree turned out to be a guy from the early stage of Golden Immortal.

Brother Hantan's son is indeed not as good as Gu Zheng's questioning skills, but his poor questioning skills does not mean that he is a fool, his vigilance has not weakened, but in his opinion, if the porcupine If the monster cooperates obediently, he can avoid a battle. As a militant, he now has a mission to avoid unnecessary battles, and he still wants to avoid them.

Since the son of the cold pool monk got a chance from that special space monster last time, his soul power has increased a lot. Compared with before, he is no longer so afraid of spiritual attacks.

To put it bluntly, the divination of the porcupine monster is also a kind of mental attack. Although it is powerful, it doesn't know how to let the son of the cold pool monk enter the situation it wants to see.

The porcupine monster thought that the son of the monk in the cold pool had followed its way, and the son of the monk in the cold pool was just playing tricks.

Because I already knew in advance that the old tree actually has the strength of the early stage of the Golden Immortal, and reminds such a huge monster, even if it is the early stage of the Golden Immortal, it will be more troublesome to solve, so if you want to solve it quickly, the best way is undoubtedly to use it. It's critical.

Brother Hantan's son already knew where the old tree's vital point was through soul power exploration. Its vital point was the red fruit the size of a human head at the top of its canopy.

As for the sneak attack on vital points, the son of the monk Hantan thinks that one strike is the best, and the best time to succeed with one strike is when the enemy thinks it is about to succeed. Moreover, after comprehending the supernatural power of teleportation, the son of the monk Hantan has not used it in a battle of the golden thread level, so at that seemingly dangerous moment, he escaped the sneak attack of the old tree through teleportation, and He came near the old tree's vitals, and as for the dragon-shaped lightning that spewed out from his mouth, it was naturally aimed at the old tree's vitals.

Some things are troublesome to tell, but in fact it just happened in an instant. The old tree was struck by dragon-shaped lightning in the vitals, and a loud noise came from the red fruit the size of a human head, and the red fruit was blown up on the spot. smash.

In a sense, the old tree is no longer a monster, but a puppet. Its resistance to this kind of damage is worse than that of a real early-stage Golden Immortal monster, so the dragon-shaped lightning from the cold pool monk is critical to it. The attack caused by the effect is a direct instant kill!

The raging thunder fire spread on the old tree, it felt as if what was being ignited was not a big tree, but a pair of cotton. I believe that at this speed, it may only take two breaths. The tree will be surrounded by thunder and fire.

The porcupine monster under the tree was stunned. A few seconds ago, it secretly rejoiced that it was going to kill the monk's son in the cold pool. After a few seconds, its biggest support would be turned into fly ash, and there was no support left. , How should it compete with the son of the cold pool monk.

Without waiting for the porcupine monster to figure out how to fight him, the son of the cold pool monk directly spit out electric bubbles at the porcupine monster.

Facing the lightning-flying air bubbles that flew towards it quickly, the porcupine monster that woke up was about to flee immediately, but the son of the monk in the cold pool didn't give it a chance to escape at all. His outstretched dragon claws carried powerful The coercion made the porcupine monster unable to run at all.

The porcupine monster panicked and shot all the thorns on its body towards the electric glow bubbles, but the electric glow bubbles are not ordinary bubbles, so how could it be pierced by its thorns, those thorns all fell apart after touching the electric glow bubbles. Was thrown out.

The next moment, the electric light bubbles wrapped the porcupine monster inside, and the electric light lingered on its body, stunning it directly.

Putting his hand on the stunned porcupine monster, the son of the cold pool monk began to use his soul power to search for its memory.

The porcupine monster is an insidious guy, and Brother Hantan's son actually doesn't expect anything useful from its memory.

However, sometimes the so-called breakthroughs often appear when there is no hope for things.

The son of the monk in the cold pool found something useful in the memory of the porcupine monster. This guy actually passed by a valley. Looking at the surrounding environment, the son of the monk in the cold pool concluded that that was where the minotaur was.

After killing the useless porcupine monster, Brother Hantan's son immediately set off for the valley.

The valley is outside the forest, and the son of the cold pool monk did not know how long it would take before he wanted to fly out of the forest, but after searching for the porcupine monster, the son of the cold pool monk had a clear understanding of this time , that is, at his flying speed, he needs to fly continuously for an hour.

With a mission in hand, the son of the cold pool cultivator didn't want any obstacles on the way. Although he was a militant, at this time he also felt that it would be better to have less killings. If there are killings, there will inevitably be time waste.

This time, the son of the cold pool cultivator was lucky. He didn't need any soul power to investigate the environment. He traveled very fast, and he didn't encounter any monsters along the way. He flew out of the vast expanse in less than an hour. forest.

Behind the forest are continuous mountains. The valley where the Minotaur and the Horse-faced Monster is located is hidden in the mountains. The son of the monk Hantan flew another cup of tea and finally came to the outside of the valley.

At the beginning, the porcupine monster just passed by the valley. He didn't know anything about the situation in the valley. As for the pattern given to him by the catfish monster, there was no picture of the inside of the valley. The environment made him frown involuntarily.

This place is like a hell-like scene, there are endless bones and some monster corpses that have not completely rotted within the range of sight.

"I thought the Minotaur should be a vegetarian, but now it seems that he eats meat!"

Brother Hantan's son felt emotional, he did not rashly go deep into the valley, he stood at the mouth of the valley just like Gu Zheng, and used his soul power to explore the interior of the valley.

However, Brother Hantan's son is not Gu Zheng after all, and his soul power cannot be compared with Gu Zheng's divine sense. If Gu Zheng's divine sense is exploring the valley, then he must have sensed the danger coming. The son didn't know anything about it, and he suffered a loss because of it.

A sudden appearance of a skull hit the soul power of Brother Hantan's son at an extremely fast speed, and the soul power was received inside the skull. Brother Hantan's son's head suddenly felt like being hammered. The allocated soul power was wiped out by the skull.

Before the soul power of Brother Hantan's son was wiped out, the skull he saw suddenly appeared was actually thrown out by the bull-headed horse-faced monster he wanted to find, but the bull-headed horse-faced monster seemed to have been hidden in the dark wind of the valley. Among them, he didn't find it when he used his soul power to investigate. But fortunately, the Minotaur and Horse-faced Monster did not take advantage of the special period when Brother Hantan's son lost his soul power and had a splitting headache to attack him.

The headache lasted for a while before it ended. Brother Hantan's son was scared and annoyed at the same time. According to what the catfish monster said before, the Minotaur was the one with the lowest strength among the three monsters he needed to kill, that is, Jin The realm of the early stage of immortality, but when he came up, he suffered a loss at the hands of this monster that he didn't pay attention to at first, how could he not be annoyed by this.

Originally using soul power to detect, the son of the monk Hantan was imitating Gu Zheng, but now the soul power detection is obviously not feasible, he simply returned to the previous style, and rushed directly towards the valley.

Brother Hantan's son had just rushed into the valley when a tornado of sinister wind greeted him head-on, and within the tornado of wind, bones shot out one after another towards Brother Hantan.

"Small tricks, get out!"

The son of the monk in the cold pool let out the sound of a dragon whistling. This seemingly gaudy wind tornado is really nothing compared to his strong defensive body. Now he is eager to fight head-to-head with the minotaur and horse-faced monster field.

The minotaur is not a good thing either. The reason why he didn't attack him when he had a splitting headache when he wiped out the soul power of the cold pool monk's son was because the minotaur had no way to leave the valley, otherwise he would The son of monk Hantan will not be spared.

Facing the monk in the cold pool, his son let out a dragon howl. As a fierce beast, the Minotaur felt a strong provocation. He no longer hid in the wind and tornado, he suddenly jumped out and used what looked like an ordinary wooden stick in his hand. , but with a simple and simple atmosphere, it was like a monk in the cold pool smashing his son's head.

The Minotaur launched a sneak attack very quickly, but Brother Hantan's son's reaction was also super fast. He dodged the Minotaur's stick with a flick of his body, and a flick of the dragon's tail was about to blow the Minotaur into the air.

The Minotaur didn't directly dodge the dragon's tail of Brother Cold Pool's son, his body was instantly atomized, and the dragon's tail hit it as if it had hit the air.


The son of the monk Hantan opened his mouth and sprayed a dragon-shaped lightning bolt at the atomized Minotaur. He was no stranger to the magical power of atomization, after all, his father was good at it.

However, the son of the monk Hantan was careless. The atomization supernatural power of the Minotaur and the horse-faced monster is completely different from his father's atomization supernatural power. It's a process, but the atomization supernatural power of the Minotaur and the Horse-faced Monster just left an atomized puppet in place. As for his body, which has appeared behind the cold pool monk and his son at this time, he also opened his mouth to the cold pool monk and his son. launched an attack.

The attack launched by the Minotaur was not a sonic attack. He opened his mouth and spit out thousands of ghost images at the monk's son in the cold pool. Those ghost images were all monsters he had killed in his life. Incomparable.

Thousands of Ghost Shadows did not really breed the son of the monk Hantan, because the son of the monk Hantan soared into the sky at that critical moment with the posture of ascending a dragon, and the reason why he was able to escape the attack launched by the Minotaur and Horse-faced Monster at the critical moment This attack, thanks to his comprehension of the way of space not long ago!

After all, the Minotaur's materialized puppet supernatural power contains a certain amount of spatial awareness, otherwise he would not be able to perform transformations like space shuttle, and all space shuttle supernatural powers will have space fluctuations after being used , but whether it can sense the existence of spatial fluctuations depends on the individual's Taoism.

Brother Hantan's son's morality is not high, but it's not very low either. He didn't feel the space fluctuation immediately, but after the dragon-shaped lightning spewed out, he still caught that special fluctuation. That's why he was able to soar into the sky in the posture of ascending the dragon at the critical moment, avoiding the thousands of ghosts pounced on him.

Thousands of ghosts were only temporarily evaded by Brother Hantan's son. They had a strong tracking ability. After seeing Brother Hantan's son soaring into the sky, they also flew into the air.

The son of the monk Hantan didn't want to get rid of the thousands of ghosts. He knew that there was no way to get rid of these ghosts. He just wanted to temporarily distance himself from these ghosts and deal with him later.

One after another, the electric glow bubbles were spit out by the son of the cold pool monk, and he spit out five in a row.

Five lightning bubbles are the limit that Brother Hantan's son can spit out at the same time. They are filled with ghost images in an instant. Who makes the number of ghost images too many!


The son of the monk in the cold pool uttered a word, and five electric glow bubbles filled with ghosts exploded in the air with a powerful force, and the ghosts affected by the power of the explosion were all blown away like smoke by the wind generally.

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