Even though she has the ability to see through illusions at any time, the spirit sword girl is still willing to immerse herself in illusions that can help her find her memories.

The truth born from the heart made the spirit sword girl see what she wanted to see, and she saw her master again, and she was dancing the sword for her master.

The spirit sword girl is confused. She thinks that her missing memory is in the part of her sword dancing. The reason why she couldn't find the memory for a long time, she felt that in her real experience, some important things must have happened at this time of sword dancing. She felt that if she could remember what the important things were, then she lost memory can be restored.

It is a pity that although the illusion performed by the cold pool monks also contains the principle that illusions come from the heart, the result is still the same as the illusion in the space of the illusion array before. Non feeling!


The spirit sword girl who was dancing the sword suddenly said such a sentence, which really shocked the cold pool monk.

Brother Hantan understands that the spirit body sword girl is speaking to him. He calls himself a master of illusion, but if he is in this level of illusion system, she really has no way to do it. While the development direction of the illusion continues, it can clearly remind the illusion caster to change the plot for him.

Shocked and shocked, the cold pool cultivator still changed the plot according to the request of the spiritual body sword girl, and the spiritual body sword girl was also very happy. This kind of illusion was born from the heart, and the master who watched her dance directly came to her with a smile on his face!

The spirit sword girl was very excited, she felt that the feeling of this scene was correct, and she was sure that the important event that would happen would be brought by her master.

The spirit sword girl is full of longing, she longs for her master to say something to her, or do something to her, so that she can recall the lost memory, but it is a pity that the illusion is broken at this time up!

The illusion was seen through by the spirit sword girl herself, and she didn't want to do this, but when she was very excited, she, who was still immersed in the illusion, automatically left the environment. This is an uncontrollable thought. Just like in a normal illusion, once the illusion is seen through, even if the illusion strikes again, the person who has seen through the illusion can still understand that it is just an illusion.

Even though she was a spirit body, she couldn't breathe at all, and the spirit sword girl still maintained her previous habit. She took two deep breaths, and then said to the cold pool monk: "Come again!"

Brother Hantan once again activated the illusion on the spirit sword girl, although this time the spirit sword girl was very careful, she didn't want to wake up from the illusion again at that critical moment, but the result was still the same as last time, somewhat Things are like the subconscious mind, which cannot be avoided by people if they want to.

"Come again!"

The spirit sword girl was a little out of control, and she yelled at the monk in the cold pool after she escaped from the illusion again.

Brother Hantan did not perform the illusion on the spirit sword girl again. He turned his questioning eyes on Gu Zheng. He felt that with the current state of the spirit sword girl, there was no possibility of success at all.

"Tell me about the situation."

Gu Zheng opened his mouth, and of course he also knew that every time the spirit sword girl said to come again, it was because she failed the last time, but when the monk Hantan didn't say anything, he didn't take the initiative to ask, anyway, it didn't take too long, Now that Brother Hantan asked, he naturally wanted to know what happened.

After Brother Hantan told Gu Zheng about the situation, Gu Zheng couldn't help but frown. This is not a problem with Brother Hantan's inability to perform illusions. The problem lies with the spirit sword girl.

"You'd better calm down! If you can't calm down, trying to retrieve memory through illusion is doomed to failure."

Gu Zheng rushed to the Spiritual Sword Fairy, and she roared: "Calm down? How can you calm me down? Do you know how many years I've been in that phantom space? Do you know the pain of losing your memory? Do you know the torment of being immersed in an illusion when you know it’s fake?”

The spiritual body sword girl is emotionally unstable, and Gu Zheng doesn't want to say anything to her for the time being. He wants to wait until she has vented her emotions before explaining the truth to her, but he never thought about the spiritual body sword girl after the roar. As cold as a blade, even the aura was released, and when she released the aura, Gu Zheng and the monks in the cold pool were all taken aback. She actually has the strength of the middle stage of the Daluo Jinxian, which is better than they were in the third floor of the tomb. The abyss demon king encountered in the game is even more terrifying!

"I'm trying to meditate now, and I'll give you another chance. If your subordinates can't let me retrieve my memory through the illusion again, I will kill you both!"

The words of the spirit sword girl, like a sharp sword being inserted into Gu Zheng's flesh, caused Gu Zheng's eyes to twitch!

If the spirit sword girl didn't have that invincible state, Gu Zheng would definitely fight her because of her words. However, the strength of the spirit body sword girl is there, even if Gu Zheng is very upset, he must bear it!

"Didn't this bring out a special monster, what the hell did it bring out a scourge!" Gu Zheng cursed in his heart.

"How can you avenge your kindness?" Brother Hantan asked.

"Why did I avenge my kindness?" Spirit Sword Fairy sneered.

"Anyway, we are helping you retrieve your memory. We didn't even ask you for a reward. Now the problem is on your own side. How can you use us to vent your anger?"

Brother Hantan is also patient, but he is a violent person who likes to use force more than Gu Zheng.

"I didn't ask you to bring me out, did I? You did it voluntarily. After you bet that I can restore my memory, I will be moved to benefit you, right? I'll tell you now, since you provoked me, Then you have to be responsible to me to the end, if you can't grasp the next last chance, then you should die!" Spirit Body Sword Fairy sneered.

"Do you really want to restore your memory?"

Gu Zheng spoke at this time, and his way of wanting to be sure again made Spirit Sword Girl frown: "Are you looking for death? How dare you talk nonsense to me?"

"That's right! I'm looking for death, so can you fulfill my courtship and make a bet with me?"

Although the spirit sword girl is different from ordinary special monsters, she still belongs to the category of special monsters. Since she is a special monster, her existence basically cannot escape the law of serving the entrants! And how to make a special monster serve oneself, sometimes it needs to be developed by the entrant.

The body surface of the spirit sword girl is not protected by the power of law, which means that she can kill Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng can also kill her. Under such circumstances, Gu Zheng dared to say such things to her, it is indeed like looking for death.

However, just as Gu Zheng knew, the spirit sword girl is a special monster, and one of the important factors of her existence is to serve the entrants, and Gu Zheng's way of speaking, which is courting death, is actually opening her up correctly. Methods.

"Okay! What's the matter if I give you my wish? What do you want to bet with me?" Spirit Body Sword Fairy sneered.

"The bet I want to make with you is that my subordinates can restore your memory in the next illusion! If I lose the bet, you can kill or cut it as you like. If I win the bet, you have to give I have enough benefits!"

Gu Zheng looked at the spirit sword girl with provocative eyes, while the monk Hantan was sweating coldly. No matter how much he believed in Gu Zheng, he couldn't figure out where Gu Zheng's confidence came from at this moment, and dared to fight with Ling Ling. Body Sword Fairy made such a bet.

"Okay, I'll take this bet, if you can get me back my memory, then I think the benefits I give you will definitely satisfy you, but if you really lose the bet, then I will kill you! "

Since it was the correct way to open it, after the spirit body sword girl finished speaking, there was an agreement between her and Gu Zheng.

"I'll give you 20 breaths of preparation time. I want to see what tricks you can play after 20 breaths."

After the voice of the Spirit Body Sword Girl fell to the ground, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Master, I'm not sure!"

Brother Hantan sent a message to Gu Zheng with a bitter face.

"It scares you! Just do as I tell you."

Gu Zheng took out something from the Heart Demon Orb and gave it to the monk Hantan.

The Heart Demon Orb is in a restricted state in the treasure, but this restricted state is a single restriction, that is to say, Gu Zheng cannot put anything into the Heart Demon Orb, but the things that are originally in the Heart Demon Orb, Gu Zheng is able to take it out.

After seeing what Gu Zheng took out from the Heart Demon Orb, Brother Hantan slapped his head suddenly. He already knew what Gu Zheng envisioned.

What exactly did Gu Zheng get from the Heart Demon Orb? Why did it make monks in the cold pool react like that? Because it is one of the quest necessities of the ancient struggle, Qianqiu Huahun!

The Qianqiu Flower Soul is not an easy thing. Back then on Baitou Mountain, the Qianqiu Flower Soul was a sacred object enshrined by the flower demons, and it had the magical power to create endless illusions.

In Baitou Mountain and his party, after the Qianqiu Flower Soul was captured by Gu Zheng, it became a fairy artifact, and its supernatural power was to create infinite illusions.

However, it is a pity that the Qianqiu Flower Soul is only the most basic fairy weapon. Although its supernatural powers can create infinite illusions, due to its insufficient power, it is simply unable to fight against the enemies they encountered at the current stage. They have never used it, so that the monks in the cold pool have forgotten that Qianqiu Huahun also has the magical power to create infinite illusions.

Before the cold pool monk's illusion would be seen through, it was naturally because of the spiritual sword girl's own problems, but the current situation is that Gu Zheng and the others dare not expect the spiritual body sword girl to be able to live up to expectations, they can only put the change on their own Here, his idea is that monks in the cold pool will launch an illusion created by the heart on the spiritual sword girl, and then substitute the illusion into the supernatural power of Qianqiu Huahun!

Substituting illusion into the supernatural power of Qianqiu Huahun, this is an attempt that cold pool monks have never tried, but Gu Zheng is convinced that this method is feasible. Although he cannot perform illusion now, in his original age, he was also an illusion The master of the way! So he understood that it would definitely be impossible to trap the enemy in this way, because the fragility of Qianqiu Huahun's supernatural power is a flaw that cannot be changed, even if the cold pool cultivator implanted his illusion into it.

However, Gu Zheng and the others are facing a different situation now. The spirit sword girl is not an enemy trapped in the illusion, she is a special monster who wants to retrieve her memory through the illusion! Even if she can't help seeing through the illusion, but in the endless illusion, Gu Zheng believes that she will eventually enter that state of immersion in the illusion! And the principle of this idea is that although the subconscious mind is sometimes uncontrollable, it is not invincible. The situation of the infinite illusion is equivalent to giving Qianqiu Huahun a chance to defeat the subconscious mind.


Looking at the spirit sword girl who took a deep breath, Brother Hantan let out a cold snort. He was convinced that this time he would definitely be able to help the spirit sword girl regain her memory, so his hum was a bit elated. Moreover, it can be regarded as revenge, he didn't notify the spirit sword girl at all, he didn't need twenty breaths of preparation time, he directly launched the illusion on the spirit sword girl.

Under the influence of Huan You Xin Sheng, the spirit sword girl was still dancing with her sword, and her master was still walking towards her with a smile.

The spirit sword girl was a little nervous, but at this critical step, she became sober again uncontrollably!

The spirit sword girl who woke up was furious, she wanted to kill Gu Zheng, but she was suddenly surprised to find that the master who was walking towards her with a smile, just paused because she saw through the illusion, and now he still wants to take a step The posture of walking towards her, this illusion has not been broken!

The spirit sword girl was excited again, although she didn't know what happened, but there was such an anomaly, she couldn't help feeling that her memory might really be recovered in this illusion!

However, as the saying goes, extreme joy begets sorrow, and the more sober spirit sword girl knows more clearly that the environment in which she exists is a phantom crystal, and the result of this realization is that she sees through the phantoms one after another, but the endless phantoms replace them. The speed is so fast that the scene that appears in her eyes is like a slideshow! Her master is obviously only a dozen steps away from her, but her movements seem to be slowed down. Every step takes a long time, and this is naturally because the illusion is constantly being seen through and continued. Sincerely.

Finally, in a scene so weird as to be in slow motion, the spirit sword girl gradually entered the scene, her eyes gradually blurred as she looked at her master, and she no longer wondered if this was an illusion. Her heartbeat was accelerating, and the master she admired smiled so beautifully.

The illusion has developed unprecedentedly in the intoxication of the Spiritual Sword Girl. The owner of the Spiritual Sword Girl finally came to her side, smiled and stretched out his hand to press on the top of her head. The huge force immediately moved towards the Spiritual Sword Girl. Drain it in your head.

There was a bang in the mind of the spiritual sword girl, and she closed her eyes, not only accepting the master's teaching, but also accepting the lost and regained memory.

A smile appeared on the face of the monk Hantan. As the creator of the illusion, he naturally sensed that the memory of the spirit body sword girl was recovering.

The spirit sword girl is not only recovering her memory, but also her body. From her original spirit state, she has become a beautiful maid with a physical body.

In just a dozen or so breaths, the spirit sword girl who had recovered her memory opened her eyes.

As if she had never seen Gu Zheng, the spirit sword girl looked him up and down.

"Okay, entrant, I really have you, and you have really restored my memory!" Spiritual Body Sword Fairy said.

"Since you have recovered your memory, let's fulfill your previous promise!"

Gu Zheng didn't bother to say anything more to the spirit sword girl, so he directly asked for benefits from the guy who almost killed him.

"I said before that I will be satisfied with the benefits given to you, but your attitude makes me very dissatisfied!"

Hearing what the spirit body sword girl said, Gu Zheng felt a 'thud' in his heart, and he remembered those special monsters that deliberately targeted him before.

"What are you doing?"

Gu Zheng narrowed his eyes. If the spirit sword girl really wants to target her, even if it costs his life, he must fight the spirit sword girl.

As if seeing Gu Zheng's heart, the spirit sword girl snorted coldly: "Don't worry, I'm not stupid enough to make things difficult for you. The price is too high, and it's not worth it at all. However, I can't make things difficult for you too much." , doesn’t mean I can’t make things difficult for you a little bit!”

"Give it! This is your reward."

The spirit sword girl threw something to Gu Zheng. It was a handkerchief with many dots embroidered on it, which looked like a starry sky.

"The name of this fairy artifact is Starry Sky Embroidered Handkerchief. It has a certain relationship with the void stone that is a must for your mission this time. As for what kind of relationship it is, I will leave it to you to figure out for yourself!"

Spirit Body Sword Fairy smiled proudly, and her smile made Gu Zheng understand that if she didn't make things difficult on purpose, at least she could explain to Gu Zheng the purpose of the starry sky embroidered handkerchief.

"Don't let me see you again!"

Gu Zheng's voice squeezed out from between his teeth. Anyway, after he won the bet, the original special spirit sword girl has become a general special monster. With the protection of the power of law on her body, Gu Zheng also Don't worry anymore, she will bring herself any danger.

"Then just pray, you can see me again!"

Satisfied laughter echoed in the passage, and the spirit sword girl had disappeared.

"You should be a banshee, you should die!"

Brother Hantan also cursed angrily.

"Let's go, go to Shengmen!"

Gu Zheng greeted Brother Hantan, and the two walked directly towards the Shengmen. Anyway, there is no treasure chest in this passage, so it is no longer necessary to stay here.

Although Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan were very upset by the spirit sword girl, they were actually very happy! After all, before meeting the spirit sword girl, Gu Zheng still worried about the clues of the Void Stone, and now he at least got the Starry Sky Embroidered Handkerchief related to the Void Stone.

Although Gu Zheng is not yet clear about the relationship between the starry sky embroidered handkerchief and the void stone, this deadlock should not be broken in a short time. Anyway, the quest for finding objects is generally like this. Once you get something related to the quest necessities, Then for the mission necessities that have not been found yet, the entrant will soon encounter an opportunity to make a breakthrough.

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