If it weren't for the magical power of atomizing the dragon's body, even if Brother Hantan would not be instantly killed in the current situation, he would definitely not last half a minute! After all, there are too many weapons, and it is not too much to say that they are overwhelming. Even if the cold pool cultivator has the magical power of atomizing the dragon body, it is impossible for it to be in the atomized state all the time. The longest time that this state can be maintained , it was only ten seconds!

Every time after casting the atomized dragon body, the monk in the cold pool must escape to a place suitable for avoiding attacks in the next ten seconds, and wait until his real body passively appears to avoid a wave of attacks.

At this moment, the first atomization of the monk in the cold pool is about to end, and the direction he is fleeing to is the abyss where there are fewer weapons, and he is going to escape there.

Although it has been less than ten seconds since he activated his ultimate move, the number of attacks that the cold pool cultivator has suffered is the highest in his life. Looking at the flying swords that passed through his atomized body , Brother Hantan was really terrified.

Gu Zheng was not idle at this time, his divine sense had already spread out, and he finally found a weapon equivalent to the eye of the array.

The weapon that is equivalent to the eye of the array is an average-sized axe. It did not join the ranks of attacking the monks in the cold pool. It was always inserted into the rock wall and looked harmless to humans and animals.

The camouflage on the outside couldn't fool Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng's divine sense instantly condensed into a bird, and hit the ax stuck in the rock wall.

Things like array eyes may have certain defensive power, but they are not offensive, which can be regarded as one of their characteristics.

The ax being attacked by Gu Zheng is no exception. Facing the attack of the bird of divine thought, it did not launch any attack, and flew out of the rock wall and fled to the distance.

However, the speed of the bird of divine thought was very fast, how could the ax escape from its pursuit, and it was hit by the bird of divine thought in the blink of an eye.

After being hit by the flying bird of divine sense, the powerful decomposition ability of divine sense immediately had an effect on the axe, and a part of the axe began to disappear.

"call out!"

The ax made a sharp whistling sound, and some of the weapons that were originally attacking the monks in the cold pool turned around to attack Gu Zheng's Divine Mind Asuka.

It is a pity that the power of divine sense is too powerful, and there is very little energy in the world that can hurt it. The attacks launched by the weapons, no matter whether they are short-range or long-distance, cannot cause damage to it, and it is also Hit the body of the ax once.

The two impacts of the bird of divine thought on the ax have already caused two-thirds of the body of the axe to disappear. It can be said that even if it does not attack the ax anymore, the ax will be destroyed by the residual power of divine thought in the next breath. It was disassembled cleanly, but for the safety of the monks in the cold pool, Gu Zheng's bird of divine sense struck the ax for the third time.

The attacks and obstacles along the way were all ignored by Gu Zheng's Divine Mind Asuka, and it hit the ax again, and the ax disappeared.

The ax that was equivalent to the eye of the formation was disassembled by the divine sense, and a rain of weapons rained down in the space of the hidden soldiers. Of those weapons, at least a few thousand fell because the axes were destroyed.

Not daring to delay at all, Gu Zheng hurriedly cast out his spiritual thoughts to search for a second weapon equivalent to the eye of the formation.

There are three weapons that are equivalent to the eyes of the array. This is something that Gu Zheng already knew before. In addition, he also knew that he could not find these three weapons at the same time. He can only find the second one if he has the most obvious weapon, and only after destroying the second one can he find the third one!


The cold pool monk in the abyss screamed. Even though his magical power of atomizing the dragon's body is very mysterious, even though Gu Zheng has destroyed a weapon equivalent to the eye of the array, which relieved the pressure on his side, the cold pool monk is still in the abyss. He was injured when he was forced to manifest his real body. He was chopped on his dragon claw by an ax-shaped weapon, literally cutting off one of his dragon claws!

Having a dragon claw cut off sounds like a terrible injury, but it is not considered a serious injury to a dragon. They have four claws in total. On his body, it was almost like losing a finger.

When the ax that cut off one of the dragon's claws of the cold pool cultivator struck at the cold pool monk's stomach again, the cold pool monk was finally able to use the magical power of atomizing the dragon's body again, and it got rid of the atomized body. The danger of disembowelling with an axe.

"Die to me!"

He is a hot-tempered militant himself, how could the cold pool monk have suffered such a loss, one of the dragon's claws was cut off, which brought him not only unforgettable pain, but more importantly, there was a feeling that made him feel special. What a shame!

Anyway, he is now in an atomized state, and the cold pool monk who is not afraid of attacks, even if he wastes a little time, he will destroy that hateful axe! His dragon tail slammed towards the axe, and the aggressive axe was immediately thrown out. When the dragon tail hit it, the cold pool cultivator also activated the black-colored supernatural power, so the flying axe On his body, the ink color has already begun to render.

The supernatural powers rendered in black are not good for the existence of metals such as axes. It takes a long time to kill this kind of thing with black rendering, but monk Hantan doesn't care about this, he just wants to It's just a bad breath, so it not only activated the black color rendering on the hateful axe, but also activated the magic power of the fishbone of the sky general on it, so that it would experience the piercing of the fishbone again after being knocked out!

It's not that these weapons in the Tibetan soldier space cannot be destroyed, it's just because there are too many of them, it's not cost-effective to destroy them, but who made the ax that cut off the dragon claw of the monk in the cold pool too hateful, so even if it is a waste At that time, monk Hantan also activated his supernatural powers to destroy him.

Even though the killing of the ax made the monk in the cold pool let out a sigh of relief, his situation became worse because of this. He could only do his best to move towards the monster on the abyss cliff during the remaining time in the atomized state. He got into a gap, he wanted to take refuge there!

Since this place is also in a forbidden state, the cold pool monk can't directly fly into the crack on the cliff, he is crawling towards the crack on the rock wall.

Because it took some time to kill the axe, Brother Hantan is now in a more dangerous situation. According to his crawling speed after losing a dragon claw, he will be forced to show his true self before he crawls into the crack. At that time, he was bound to face a wave of danger.

That is, when the monks in the cold pool were crawling towards the gap on the rock wall, Gu Zheng finally found the second weapon that was equivalent to the eye of the formation. Among the weapons that launched the attack.

Since its function is to command, the flying knife is only mixed in the weapon, and it does not attack the monks in the cold pool by itself. After finding it, Gu Zheng immediately made the scattered spiritual thoughts condense into flying birds, and ran towards it.

Seeing the bird of divine intent suddenly appearing in the sky, some of the weapons guarding the flying knife attacked the bird of divine intent one after another, but if the bird of divine intent was regarded as a candle, these so-called attacks were like flying to the sky without knowing life or death. Moths to candlelight are no different.

The moths may still extinguish the candle, but these weapons that fly to the bird of the divine mind do not have this ability. They pass through the bird of the divine mind, not only cannot cause any harm to the bird of the divine mind, but also because of being contaminated The characteristics of divine thoughts bear the power of decomposition brought to them by divine thoughts.

The imposing bird of divine thought collided with the flying knife, and the small flying knife was almost swallowed by Gu Zheng's bird of divine thought. When Gu Zheng's bird of divine thought passed through it, it had already been broken down. Unrecognizable, there is no need for Gu Zheng's Divine Sense Asuka to launch a second impact on it.

At the same time, the cold pool monk who had climbed out of the crack was forced to reveal his real body, and a wave of attacks fell on him immediately.

The monk in the cold pool screamed, the dragon scales on his back collapsed, and the dragon blood flowed, and a dragon claw also fell downwards. This time he was really seriously injured, but he finally climbed into that Road crack!

Seeing that the cold pool monk was severely injured, Gu Zheng had no choice but to use his immortal domain to drag down the cold pool monk at this time since his body was not here.

Gu Zheng was very anxious, because it was useless even if the monk in the cold pool hid in the crack, he had already been severely injured. Even if these weapons could not penetrate the crack, they would attack the crack one after another, and the crack At first glance, it is very shallow, and it is impossible for him to escape into a deeper place to avoid the attack of weapons.

Just when Gu Zheng thought that monk Hantan was about to fall this time, a scene he didn't expect happened. All the energy flying towards the crack was blocked by a strange wave, and in that strange wave Under the concussion, all the vigor attacks turned into nothingness.

Seeing that the energy attack was ineffective, some of the weapons began to fly towards the crack, but the strange fluctuation continued, and those weapons that touched him immediately fell into the abyss below as if their souls had been sucked out.

Gu Zheng didn't know what was going on, he could only regard this abnormality as a kind of adventure for monks in the cold pool.

Cultivator Hantan had an adventure, and Gu Zheng didn't have to worry about his life for the time being, but after the attack on Cultivator Hantan was ineffective, all the weapons flew towards Gu Zheng's divine bird!

At this moment, the number of weapons in the air has decreased by two-thirds, and the previous flying knife has been completely disintegrated by the decomposition force of divine sense. Gu Zheng only needs to hurry up and find the last one that is equivalent to the eye After breaking it, there will no longer be such a weapon flying all over the sky, like flies. At that time, he can also hurry to see what is going on with the cold pool monk.

The weapons are not afraid of the attacks launched by the birds of the mind, they can't do any effective damage to the birds of the mind, at most they will consume the birds of the mind. If Gu Zheng didn't want the bird of divine sense to be consumed, he could completely disperse the bird of divine sense and turn it into a common divine sense with a wider range of exploration, and hurry up to find the last weapon that is equivalent to the eye of the array. However, at this time, the consumption of the birds of divine sense by the weapons is very necessary for Gu Zheng. If he does not allow the weapons to consume his birds of divine sense, then it is possible to lose the parallel valve to attack the target. He will find his body. If this happens, it will be a very bad thing! After all, his body only has the strength of the late stage of returning to the void, and it can also be said that he is unable to deal with the scene of many weapons.

In less than half a minute, Gu Zheng finally found the last weapon equivalent to the eye of the array. This is a flying sword that is almost completely inserted in the rock wall, and it can be said that it is deeply hidden.

When Gu Zheng's divine sense bird flew towards the hidden flying sword, the hidden flying sword was pulled out from the rock wall, and slashed a sword aura towards Gu Zheng's divine mind bird!

Gu Zheng was very surprised. The thing that is equivalent to the eye of the formation is usually unable to attack, but this flying sword that is equivalent to the eye of the formation can not only attack, but the sword energy it cuts out is actually It also has the ability to harm Gu Zheng Shennian Asuka!

As far as Gu Zheng was concerned, although the situation was somewhat unexpected, it was not a terrible thing. Although the sword energy from the flying sword could hurt his bird of divine sense, it was not fast enough to reach his bird of divine sense. On the body, everything is empty talk.

Facing the sword qi that was splitting, the bird of divine thought that was not a real entity split itself in the middle, and the sword qi that was splitting towards it flew out from its split body, and did not treat it at all. Deals a little damage.

The body that was originally torn apart was brought together in an instant, and before the flying sword slashed out the second sword energy, the bird of divine thought collided with it.

The flying sword that is equivalent to the eye of the formation, although it is a bit unreasonable to play cards, it can chop out this kind of sword energy that threatens the birds of the ancient fighting gods, but it cannot completely escape some laws, that is, its It's not that strong, after being hit by the flying bird of Guzheng Shennian, it has been decomposed and mottled! Not only was there no way to launch a second attack on Gu Zheng's Divine Mind Asuka, but even the speed of escape became very slow.

The speed of Shennian Feiniao is already very fast, which is equivalent to the speed of the flying sword in the eye of the formation. If the speed of the flying sword slows down, it will be hit by it for the second time immediately, and the part of the second hit by Shennian Feiniao It was on the body of the sword, which had already withstood a decent force of disintegration, and the body of the sword had already been disintegrated and deformed. The second impact of the bird of divine thought hit a relatively weak part of its body, The sword body, which was originally three feet long, was instantly split into two.

Splitting into two is a fatal blow to the flying sword, which is equivalent to the eye of the array. It fell into the abyss below, and even the thousands of weapons left in the air were like dumplings. The abyss fell, and the world finally became a little cleaner.

Having no time to worry about other things, Gu Zheng's bird of divine sense quickly flew towards the hiding place of monk Hantan.

Seeing Gu Zheng's Divine Mind Bird, Brother Hantan smiled wryly. He was seriously injured this time, two of his dragon claws were cut off, and his back was also a bloody mess.

If the bloody injury was recovered naturally, Gu Zheng felt that it would take at least five days for the monk Hantan! But fortunately, monk Hantan is not an ordinary person. He does not need to recover naturally. As long as there are enough monsters for him to transform into energy that can improve his strength, then his recovery speed will be very fast.

However, how can there be such monsters for monks in the cold pool to recover from their injuries now? Monsters that can be used for monks in the cold pool to recover from their injuries have requirements in terms of quantity and quality. Basically there are no monsters required.

For Gu Zheng, it is a relatively easy problem to solve the problem of monsters used by monks in the cold pool to heal their wounds. He has a lot of monster corpses in his Heart Demon Orb. The corpse was taken out for the cold pool monks to heal their wounds.

However, Brother Hantan lost two dragon claws this time. This kind of broken limb injury cannot be recovered by ordinary healing methods! If he wanted to regenerate his two broken dragon claws, his son had to take action. After all, his son had a very powerful wood attribute regeneration energy in his body. This energy could be used to help others regenerate severed limbs, but At present, the son of the monk Hantan is far away from him, so it is unrealistic to complete the regeneration of severed limbs in a short time.

Without two dragon claws, although it will not have much impact on the daily actions of the cold pool monk, it is inevitable that his strength will decline because of this. After all, he only has two dragon claws left now, and he will definitely fight. It is not as convenient as before.

"Do you think you were reckless this time?"

Gu Zheng's divine sense bird stopped outside the crack, looking at the miserable appearance of the monk Hantan, he felt distressed and annoyed.

"Master, I know I was wrong!"

Brother Hantan lowered his head, like a child who has done something wrong.

"Fortunately, he was only slightly injured."

Gu Zheng sighed, he didn't want to say more about this matter, based on his understanding of the cold pool monk, this is definitely a guy who healed his scars and forgot the pain, so what he said was useless, next time we meet again In a similar situation, as long as he gets on top again, he will still do that kind of desperate thing.

"Bring that thing out!"

Gu Zheng spoke again, even though his bird of divine thought did not enter the crack, he already knew the reason why the cold pool monk was able to escape, because there was a treasure in the crack, it looked like a broken iron The anvil, the strange fluctuation that could stop the weapons from attacking just now was caused by it. Moreover, when Gu Zheng probed it with his divine sense, it behaved quite mildly, which made Gu Zheng understand that it belongs to the kind of treasure that can be obtained by immortal practitioners.

The broken anvil was brought out from the crack by the cold pool cultivator. Gu Zheng's body also came at this time. After they sank to the bottom of the abyss, the first thing Gu Zheng did was to release a large amount of blood from the heart magic orb. The corpse of the monster was used by monks in the cold pool to recover from their injuries.

Enduring the pain in his body, the cold pool cultivator launched an ink color rendering on the monster corpses piled up in front of him. He wanted to transform these monster corpses into energy that could be absorbed by him.

Gu Zheng looked at the anvil. This treasure that can emit strange fluctuations and save the life of the monk in the cold pool is very strange. It is indeed a fairy weapon, but it can no longer be recognized due to the serious damage. Lord. (end of this chapter)

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