"The shape is like a cow with four horns, and it has a pair of human eyes. It should be the blood of some wild beasts 'Zhu Huai'." Qi Ling replied.

"It's also a spirit beast with the blood of a wild beast. It seems that such a beast is not easy to deal with."

Gu Zheng thought of the descendant of Zhu Yan he met in the Yunwu Valley. That guy was also a fire-attributed spirit beast. Unfortunately, the environment was too chaotic at that time, so he had to miss it.

"Don't worry too much. Judging from the fact that it still needs to use the power of extreme cold to sacrifice the inner alchemy, among the power of its fire spells, it should have more violent energy, which is not pure enough, and its power is not very terrifying. .It’s like cultivator’s internal strength. Only when it is reconciled with the power of extreme cold can the power of the spell be stronger. Besides, when it comes to resistance to fire spells, you are much stronger than a long-mouthed dog It's gone!"

Qi Ling smiled, with the taste of covering her mouth and snickering in it.

Qi Ling spoke in such a joking tone for the first time, which stunned Gu Zheng.

However, Gu Zheng's thoughts immediately returned to the question of whether he could resist.

Although Gu Zheng hasn't taken the "Fire Spiritual Food Cultivation" yet, his resistance to flames is extraordinary. After all, his fire control art is already advanced, and he already has the "Natural True Fire" in his body.

"You wait here, I will meet it in the past."

Not in the habit of asking people to help in battle, Gu Zheng patted the long-billed dog on the head, and walked towards the foot of the mountain alone.

During the time spent with the long-mouthed dog, Gu Zheng has discovered that the long-mouthed dog is rather timid. Even in a battle that Gu Zheng was sure to win, it never ran up to 'add the icing on the cake'. As for dangerous battles, it usually hides far away, and even encounters spirit beasts of comparable strength when exploring the way, it doesn't have a lot of courage.

The foot of the mountain was far away from the glacier, and Gu Zheng had just arrived at the foot of the mountain when he saw the spirit beast that injured the long-mouthed dog.

There was no snow within a radius of 100 meters, and the ground covered with cobblestones was exposed. A fiery red four-horned ox was sucking out a gleaming red inner alchemy.

"That's right, this is the offspring of Zhu Huai, a prehistoric beast. Judging from its similarity to Zhu Huai, you can tell that its blood is very impure, so you don't have to worry at all."

The voice of Qi Ling rang in Gu Zheng's mind.

Before Gu Zheng saw Zhu Huai's descendants, Zhu Huai's descendants had actually seen Gu Zheng. The descendants of Zhu Huai, who didn't pay much attention to Gu Zheng, insisted on finishing the inner alchemy round, and then rushed towards Gu Zheng.

Like a wild bull, Zhu Huai's descendants did not cast spells first, but bumped into Gu Zheng with the four corners of their heads.

Gu Zheng dodged, and Tang Mo slashed on the back of Zhu Huai's offspring in his hand, making a long cut.

The descendants of Zhu Huai rushed a long way before stopping, their eyes became cautious, it was just a trial move just now.

Gu Zheng didn't make a move immediately, because Qi Ling's voice sounded in his mind again.

"Gu Zheng, you must get this inner alchemy of Zhuhuai's descendants!"

Qi Ling's voice was a little eager, which made Gu Zheng very curious.

"Why?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Because its food grade is not ordinary, but medium! For such a spirit beast, you can use its meat to do 'fire spiritual food cultivation', as for its inner alchemy, it can be used to enhance your 'natural fire' ', thus making your 'Fire Dragon Art' even more powerful!" Qi Ling said.

"There are still such benefits? However, to increase the power of my 'Natural Fire', do I still need to practice the corresponding method of food cultivation? Does this method of food cultivation require me to pass a test or something to obtain it?"

Gu Zheng was excited, he was able to increase the power of the 'Original Fire', not only the 'Fire Dragon Art', but the power of all the fire spells he would practice in the future.

"No, this is just a way to absorb the inner alchemy through your 'natural fire'. It can be regarded as a follow-up reward after you get the 'Fire Spirit Pill', but this reward is issued as a trigger reward."

"Only when you find the spirit beast inner alchemy that meets the requirements, or other cultivation resources, the trigger reward will take effect. Whether you can get these things or not, the method of absorbing them has been given to you as a reward."

"Thank you Qi Ling!"

Gu Zheng is very happy, this kind of trigger reward is very cool. What is unexpected? What is surprise? That's it!

"You don't have to thank me, the reward distribution rules are set by Master Tiexian, I don't have that much ability to help you every time!"

There was a pause in Qi Ling's smiling voice, and then he became somewhat disappointed: "However, some things that originally belonged to me have just been given away, and I still feel a little uncomfortable."

"Don't be uncomfortable, you gave me those things, isn't it to let me advance to the Golden Immortal earlier! Don't worry, I will definitely work one hundred and twenty times to help you return to Lord Tiexian as soon as possible! Really! Qi Ling, now I feel more and more good about you, I feel more and more great about you!"

Gu Zheng naturally knew that the former Qi Ling regarded almost all the rewards left by Tie Xian as its private property. If there were no rules and restrictions, it would not be willing to give it to Gu Zheng!

Well now, the spirit of Qi has really changed, and Gu Zheng feels the joy of climbing a mountain to see the sunrise! As for the compliment to Qi Ling, even though it was against his will, it would be better to coax Qi Ling to just be a child.

"Tch! Am I really as good as you say?"

Qi Ling was disdainful, and there was a feeling of 'I saw you through' in his voice.

"As I said before, cultivating immortals is something that cannot be rushed! So, the years are long and the days are still long. Maybe one day I will be stingy again when I am unhappy?" Qi Ling smiled sinisterly.

"It's okay, I believe you won't!"

Gu Zheng said so swearingly that he almost didn't hypnotize himself.

The exchange of many things in the mind actually happened in a very short period of time. The descendants of Zhu Huai in the real world are still standing in place at this time, carefully looking at the ancient dispute.


The descendants of Zhu Huai yelled, and with a shake of their bodies, the injury caused by Tang Mo healed. And its eyes looking at Gu Zheng flashed red, and a sea of ​​flames suddenly appeared at Gu Zheng's feet.

In the sea of ​​flames, Gu Zheng frowned, and suddenly felt like laughing.

I have been thinking about how powerful the fire spells of the descendants of Zhu Huai are, but they have ignored the problem of the environment. Where is this place? This is the extremely cold place where the descendants of Huaihuai want to use the power of extreme cold to eliminate the berserk energy in its flames. The power of its flames is greatly weakened in this kind of place because it is not pure enough! So much so that the flame that was enough to burn the long-mouthed dog just felt a little painful to Gu Zheng.

The fire continued to hurt and felt a little pain. Naturally, Gu Zheng would not let the flames burn him foolishly. After a few steps, he jumped out of the sea of ​​flames and chased Zhu Xu's offspring who had escaped.

The escape of the descendants of Zhu Huai is actually a strategy to lure the enemy. Gu Zheng understood this not long after chasing after him. After all, the speed of spirit beasts is very fast. Guys with abnormal blood like the descendants of Zhu Huai should also be faster. right! However, it was about to be overtaken by Gu Zheng in a short period of time. If this is not a fraud, what is it!

Sure enough, the descendants of Zhu Huai turned around abruptly, and two long flames spewed out from their noses, drawing towards Gu Zheng like two whips.

Gu Zheng was not far away from Zhu Huai's descendants, and he, who had been on guard for a long time, flashed Piao Miao's illusion, and while avoiding the two 'fire whips', he once again bullied forward without slowing down.


The descendants of Zhu Huai roared, and the four horns, which were not too long, instantly turned into red-hot iron blocks, and they slammed towards Gu Zheng at a speed like a gust of wind. The big flames and the 'Fire Whip' before could only be regarded as normal attacks to it, but the slamming attack launched at this time can barely be regarded as a big move!

The 'floating' of Piao Miao's illusion body technique was activated, and under the strong impact of the descendants of Gu Zheng Zhuhuai, his body floated with the strong wind, staggering the opponent's strong attack. However, the descendants of Zhu Huai also stopped immediately, turned their heads, and rushed towards Gu Zheng again.

'Gone with the Wind' is very weird, but it's not a one-shot trick that's popular all over the world, and it can't be used a second time in a short period of time. And the seemingly simple collision of Zhu Huai's descendants actually has a very powerful 'momentum'!

When the 'Position' is small, it means momentum, and when it is big, it means the control and influence on the aura field. Once the 'Position' is strong, the power of the attack will naturally be strong, and it can produce special effects! Just like Elder Wushou's flying knife stunt, he can make people feel that no matter how he hides, it is wrong. However, it also has a powerful 'potential'!

In fact, no matter whether it is a spirit beast or a human, there is always a strong or weak 'potential' when attacking. It's just that the strength of the "potential" is largely affected by the strength of the attacker and the attacked, so there are obvious or inconspicuous effects. And the collision of Zhu Huai's descendants has already made Gu Zheng feel that no matter how he hides, it is wrong, so its powerful attack is really destructive! If Gu Zheng was hit by it, even a piece of ice would catch fire. After all, the dark red horns of Zhuhuai's descendants contained its purest flame power.

"Ink dye!"

I didn't want to activate Tang Mo's magical power, but it was forced out by Zhu Huai's descendants after all.

The black light flashed all over, and the cold and evil atmosphere spread instantly. The descendants of Zhu Huai were affected by the ink, staggered, and rushed past Gu Zheng's body.

The descendants of Zhuhuai are high-level spirit beasts, and Moran can only put them in a state of chaos, and the time is very short. However, in this kind of battle where one second can even determine life and death, a short period of chaos will undoubtedly be fatal!


The thunder-inducing jade talisman was sacrificed by Gu Zheng, and the white lightning directly knocked over the staggering offspring in Zhu Huai's arms, causing it to lie on the ground with twitching limbs.

"Mountain knife technique!"

Gu Zheng, holding Tang Mo in both hands, leaped high and slashed at the necks of Zhu Huai's descendants.

Blood splattered with Tang Mo's lift, but Zhu Huai's descendants were not dead yet.


Gu Zheng's second knife has also fallen, and the heads of Zhuhuai's descendants have been separated from their bodies.

Ordinary high-level spirit beasts, with Gu Zheng's current cultivation base, can be completely solved only by the Piao Miao Illusion Technique and Mountain Sword Technique. Using the supernatural powers of two immortal artifacts, and using the "Mountain Opening Saber Technique" to kill it twice, its strength is really extraordinary.

The descendants of Zhuhuai had just been dealt with, and the long-mouthed dog who had been hiding not far away immediately came to clean up the battlefield and drank blood happily.

Collecting the available parts of the descendants of Zhuhuai into the prehistoric space, Gu Zheng now has all the medium ingredients for "marrow washing and food repair".

Overjoyed, Gu Zheng took out the inner alchemy of Zhu Huai's descendants.

"Is this Neidan?"

The inner alchemy looks the same as the spiritual pill, but in the feeling, the inner alchemy is more pure than the spiritual pill.

The method of absorbing the inner alchemy, Qi Ling and the method, directly appeared in Gu Zheng's mind.

"This inner alchemy is not difficult to absorb, the key is that I can't bear this little time!"

It takes one day to absorb the inner alchemy, which is a bit of a tangled issue for the ancient struggle with six days left in the Shu Ruins.

In the end, Gu Zheng decided to absorb Neidan first.

Who knows what kind of dangers there will be in the ice canyon, and the absorption of inner alchemy is also guaranteed by more strength. Moreover, a day's time is not too wasteful, after all, the long-mouthed dog can go to explore the road for a day.

After explaining to the long-mouthed dog, Gu Zheng dug an ice cave to hide in, and began to absorb the inner alchemy.

The fiery red inner alchemy was floating in the ice cave, and Gu Zheng sat cross-legged under the inner alchemy, and there was a fiery red shadow flickering between his brows, which was his natal true fire.

It is incredible to directly absorb the inner alchemy of spirit beasts. The absorption method given by Qi Ling is not something that can be absorbed by any panacea. It can only be used by Tiexian heirs who have practiced the Fire Control Art and have produced the true fire of their own destiny. It can be regarded as an exclusive method.

Time seemed to stand still, unknowingly, most of the day passed, and the ice cave, which was originally unchanged, finally had some changes.

Following Gu Zheng's breathing, the floating inner alchemy began to rise and fall regularly, and the fiery red shadow on his forehead was also light and dark according to the same law! This kind of situation has finally been reached, and the "three talents interlinked" that can be absorbed can be started.

The inner alchemy was gradually shrinking, and fiery red mist floated out of it, part of it was attracted by Gu Zheng's natal real fire, and entered Gu Zheng's body. As for the inner alchemy of the spirit beast, the part that is not suitable for the immortal cultivator to absorb fell on the ground of the ice cave like dust.

Another half day passed, and the inner alchemy of Zhu Huai's descendants was finally absorbed by Gu Zheng.

Standing up, Gu Zheng looked inside the real fire, only to see that it was a little bigger than before, and the feeling of heat was also higher than before.

"If we encounter the 'Mysterious Yin Demon Spider' again, with the power of the current 'Fire Dragon Art', it probably won't be able to struggle for a moment under the circumstances of being burned by fire."

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, and opened his mouth to spit out a word.


The natal real fire, which was originally the size of a pigeon egg in the body, was condensed into the size of a soybean by Gu Zheng, flew out of the body and landed on his palm.

The real fire of natal life looks small, but it has a great effect! If you regard the natal real fire as a person, then the fire dragon technique is the destructive power of his punch.

Condensing the real fire of life, this is a small realization of Gu Zheng when he absorbed the demon pill. The condensed natal real fire can be separated from the body, and it also has some special effects.

"The first time you absorb the inner alchemy, you can comprehend the solidification, which is already very good."

Qi Ling's praise sounded in Gu Zheng's mind.

"It's a pity that even if it is solidified, the power of the flame has not increased!" Gu Zheng regretted.

"It's already very good. Only when it is solidified can it be separated from the body, and it can exert its power at special times!" Qi Ling said slowly.

Without saying anything more to Qi Ling, Gu Zheng, who had accepted his true life, left the ice cave.


The long-mouthed dog who had been waiting outside saw Gu Zheng come out, and ran over immediately barking happily.

"This day has passed, what did you find when you explored the road?" Gu Zheng asked, stroking the long-billed dog's head.

"Wow woof, woo woo."

Facing Gu Zheng's inquiry, the long-mouthed dog started its "telling" again.

"Danger and temptation coexist!"

After listening to the "narration" of the long-mouthed dog, Gu Zheng murmured.

The long-mouthed dog explored the way along the river bank. It found a lot of new ingredients in the river, and also found some dangers. In this canyon, there are blood clans from Youquan!

Except in the Yunwu Valley, Gu Zheng has not found the Youquan blood clan in other places in the Shu Ruins.

"Whether they are powerful or not, in order to obtain more kinds of ingredients, I must go this way!"

Without too much hesitation, Gu Zheng made a decision and immediately hit the road.

There are only five days left to leave the Shu Ruins. Gu Zheng must harvest enough ingredients as much as possible. After all, in the outside world, a common ingredient is relatively rare, but there is no chance to re-enter the Shu Ruins.

What's more, in the intentional or unintentional disclosure of Qi Ling, Gu Zheng guessed that the method of food cultivation similar to the effect of "increasing vitality food cultivation" is definitely more advanced! It is always good to prepare more ingredients in the prehistoric space for emergencies.

"Snow snails, a second-class food material, were found in the river."

"Cold water mitten crab, a common ingredient, was found in the river."

"Common food water golden trout found in the river."

"A common food snow frog was found on the shore."

"A common ingredient found on the shore is snow angelica."

"Pearl soft-shell turtle, a common ingredient, was found in the river."

"Amethyst rabbit, a common ingredient, was found on the shore."

"Common ingredients found in the river are lotuses emerging from the bottom of the water."

As the ancient battle progressed, the voice of Qi Ling's exploration and discovery also sounded from time to time.

Still stop and go, still bouncing aquatic products in the river, in the prehistoric space of ancient disputes, batch after batch of ingredients that were not there before have been added. Moreover, the ingredients harvested in this area are of the same general grade, and their quality is better than those harvested the day before yesterday, which made Gu Zheng deeply feel that the trip was worthwhile.

Before I knew it, more than five hours had passed.

During these more than five hours, Gu Zheng encountered three Youquan vampires. However, the strength of the three Youquan vampires was not very good, so they were naturally easily resolved by Gu Zheng.

The forward Guzheng stopped again, this time not to collect fresh water, but a Youquan Blood Race was running towards it in the distance.

The Youquan blood clan who came running was a wolf, and his strength was not high, so he was quickly dealt with by Gu Zheng.

The Youquan Blood Clan is different from spirit beasts, killing them will yield nothing, and even if they have inner alchemy in their bodies, it will be of no use unless they are cultivating some kind of magic power. Similarly, because of the blood energy entering the body, their flesh is not edible.

After finishing off the wolf-shaped Youquan blood clan, Gu Zheng walked a few steps along the river bank, and the water control technique was activated again.

Those fishes in the river that had reached the required grade were bouncing around. Gu Zheng used the Water Control Art to gather them together. The next step was to use the water flow created by the Water Control Art to kill them, and then put them back into the Primordial Space.

However, at this moment, Gu Zheng frowned tightly, and a look of shock appeared on his face.

The fairy power that Gu Zheng penetrated deep into the water was caught by something. Gu Zheng couldn't take it back or cut it off. The thing was using the captured fairy power to carry out the fairy power in his body. kind of extraction!

"Qi Ling, what have I encountered?" Gu Zheng hurriedly asked.

"I don't know, that thing is ten meters away, which is beyond my detection range!"

The spirit of Qi is also very dignified. The sudden situation is very dangerous. An unknown existence is drawing Gu Zheng's immortal power. If Gu Zheng's immortal power is exhausted, one can imagine what will happen! He will not be able to use all things related to fairy power, except for the supernatural powers of those fairy weapons. Moreover, because Xianli is connected to the outside world, he can't even meet the conditions to hide in the prehistoric space to avoid disaster!

Gu Zheng used his immortal power to resist the extraction of the unknown existence, but this could not save him from the crisis, it could only slow down the extraction speed.

For Gu Zheng's resistance, the existence in the water was very angry, and it swam forward a little more. This is because Gu Zheng's immortal power is connected to it, Gu Zheng can clearly feel it. And as it approached, the strength of the suction offset the resistance of the ancient struggle, and the situation became the same as it was at the beginning.

Perhaps due to the approach of the unknown being, Tang Mo of Gu Zheng trembled at this moment. This is the third time Tang Mo trembled, the first time was the Shadow Beast, the second time was the Xuanyin Demon Spider, and the third time is now!


Gu Zheng scolded angrily, such a powerless situation really made people aggrieved.

With a thought, Gu Zheng's 'Thunder Inducing Jade Talisman' floated up, and a bolt of lightning struck the location of the unknown existence.


Huge bubbles popped from the bottom of the water.

Gu Zheng felt that the unknown being was injured by the lightning of the 'Lightning Jade Talisman', and it was very angry, but that's all, the extraction of immortal power has not changed because of this!

"damn it!"

Cold sweat was already dripping down on Gu Zheng's forehead, and the reserve of immortal power in his body is now less than half. It is estimated that the immortal power in his body will be exhausted in a maximum of 20 seconds, and it will be his death time!


The barking of the long-mouthed dog suddenly sounded, and when Gu Zheng looked back, it was running towards this side.

The long-mouthed dog's ears were behind its head, and its eyes were full of eagerness looking at Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng understood the meaning of the long-mouthed dog. After he relaxed his body, he was knocked away by the long-mouthed dog. The connection between Xianli and the position was knocked away due to the intervention of external forces.


A strange sound came from the water, and a water arrow shot at the long-billed dog.

The water arrows turned into ice arrows in the air, and the long-mouthed dog that couldn't dodge was shot through the stomach, and its body immediately became the size of a full-term puppy, lying on the ground weeping in pain.


Gu Zheng gritted his teeth, rushing to the river, he still didn't believe in evil, he didn't need celestial power to probe into the river, he wanted to see if that damned existence in the river could still absorb his celestial power!

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Many water arrows flew out of the river, forming a rain of arrows and shooting at Gu Zheng.


Tang Mo danced in Gu Zheng's hand, and all the water arrows shot at him were cut off.


A three-foot-high water wave rose from the glacier, shooting towards Guzheng with the momentum of Mount Tai pressing down on the top!

Gu Zheng picked up the long-mouthed dog on it, and immediately activated the 'Piao' of Piao Miao's phantom body technique, and he was blown far away by the airflow one step under the water waves.

He took out a healing pill and gave it to the long-mouthed dog, and Gu Zheng put it on the ground.


In the still undulating river, a string of bubbles burst out, and a huge monster emerged from the water, lying firmly on the water surface, with a pair of eyes that were very small in proportion to the body, looking at Gu Zheng with a fierce light.

The spirit beast on the water surface was covered in light red, and looked like a huge old turtle. There were still traces of lightning strikes on the turtle's shell, and it exuded an evil and cold aura.

"Gu Zheng, this is a soft-armored turtle. Although the situation just now was dangerous, if you can kill it, it will be a chance for you! The soft-armored turtle is not fast, but it can be regarded as an extremely powerful high-level spirit beast, but It has a weakness, and that is the center of its eyebrows! Since it likes to suck so much, it depends on whether it can suck your natal true fire, I believe you know how to do it!"

Qi Ling's voice sounded, with a strong resentment.

"I know."

Gu Zheng also hated this soft-armored turtle, even if there was no chance, as long as he could kill it, he would definitely kill it with all his strength.

Gu Zheng moved, and approached the soft-armored turtle with a strange asynchronous method of misty illusion.


The soft-armored turtle stepped on the water surface, and the water spray that was splashing to both sides turned into ice crystals that gleamed with cold light, and was controlled by it to shoot towards Gu Zheng.

There are too many ice crystals and they are very powerful. This is no longer a crisis that can be solved simply by waving Tang Mo.

The 'Emei mask' appeared on Gu Zheng's body, and Tang Mo also danced into a light curtain in his hands. Gu Zheng, who was close to a suitable distance, released a little bit of the true fire of his life on the 'Aofeng Bamboo Arrow'.

With a thought in Gu Zheng's mind, the 'Aofeng Bamboo Arrow' shot at the soft-armored turtle's eyebrows.

The soft-armored turtle was startled, and instinctively retracted its neck into its shell, but it was too late, the 'Aofeng Bamboo Arrow' hit it between the eyebrows.

"call out!"

The severe pain caused the soft-armored turtle to howl, and the 'Aofeng Bamboo Arrow' severely injured it, but more troublesome things were yet to come. Gu Zheng's natal real fire entered the flesh along its wound!

Gu Zheng frowned, and the natal real fire that entered the soft armored turtle flesh immediately flowed into its body like a liquid.


Gu Zheng uttered a word, and the true fire of life burned in the soft armored turtle's body.


The soft-armored turtle screamed strangely, and its evil and cold aura counterattacked Gu Zheng's natal real fire, but it was already seriously injured, and it seemed very powerless to counterattack Gu Zheng's natal real fire.

With its mouth wide open, the anxious soft-armored turtle continuously inhales the icy water in the river into its belly, but the real fire of life is not extraordinary fire, such an approach is futile.

In a very short period of time, the soft armored turtle, which was originally only light red, had a faint light of fire coming out of its body, like a house that has already been ignited with raging fire.


The scream of the soft-armored turtle before its death dragged on for a long time, and its huge body sank into the water.

With a thought in Gu Zheng's mind, he took back the real fire of life that was burning in the soft armored turtle.


The soft armored turtle was dead, and Gu Zheng let out a long breath.

It is actually a very risky thing to injure the enemy with the real fire of life. If it is swallowed or imprisoned by something, Gu Zheng will suffer very serious injuries. What's more, the soft-armored turtle is still a water-type spirit beast, and it is naturally more restrained when it comes to flames. If it hadn't been injured by the 'Aofeng Bamboo Arrow' before, Gu Zheng would never dare to let the real fire of its life enter its body.

"well done!"

Gu Zheng came to the long-mouthed dog, leaned over and patted its head. And the four words he said actually have two meanings, one is to thank the long-mouthed dog for saving him at a critical moment, and the other is to praise it for being clever, knowing how to turn into a puppy to show weakness at a critical moment.


The long-mouthed dog rubbed against Gu Zheng's palm, and grinned as it hurt from the wound.

"You can feed it with topaz oranges. This kind of strange fruit is better than the healing pill for the recovery of the spirit beast's injuries."

Qi Ling doesn't feel sorry for Gu Zheng to feed the long-mouthed dog this time. If the long-mouthed dog hadn't rescued him before, the consequences would have been disastrous! Unexpectedly, this usually timid guy could make heart-warming actions at critical moments.

"Eat it!"

One topaz orange is enough, but Gu Zheng took out two for it.

Leaving aside the long-mouthed dog that was recovering after eating topaz oranges, Gu Zheng walked to the river again, using water control to raise a soft-armored turtle half the size of a room from the bottom of the water.

"Qi Ling, what happened to the chance you just mentioned?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Did you notice any difference in this soft armored turtle?" Qi Ling asked back.

"It's really strange. The red color on the outside makes people feel like the Youquan blood clan, but the color is a little lighter than the Youquan blood clan." Gu Zheng replied.

"The Youquan blood clan that was attacked by blood energy does not have the ability to reproduce itself, but this soft-armored turtle is a different species. It is indeed a descendant of that Youquan blood clan, so the color is so red. It is also because of the mutation that it has the ability to absorb immortal power! It is also because of the mutation that Tang Mo desires it!" Qi Ling said.

"So, Tang Mo can devour the inner alchemy of soft-armored turtles?"

"No, this mutated soft-armored turtle is different from ordinary evil spirit beasts! For ordinary evil spirit beasts, the inner alchemy or spirit pills are pure energy, and the bones contain violent aura that is easy to turn against the master. This mutated soft turtle The case of Jiayuan is the opposite, it contains violent energy that is easy to turn against the master in the panacea, but the bones contain relatively pure energy."

"So I can let Tang Mo devour its bones, but I will lose the supernatural power transformed by devouring the inner alchemy?" Gu Zheng looked regretful.

"Whatever you gain, you will lose. Although you can't use its inner alchemy, its bones are so huge and contain pure energy. I guarantee that the healing power produced by Tang Mo's swallowing of the bones is definitely better than that of the spirit pill that devours the shadow beast." Combined with the Xuanyin Demon Spider Spirit Pill, the healing power produced is great!" Qi Ling affirmed.

"Where there is gain, there must be loss!"

Gu Zheng sighed, and inserted Tang Mo into the soft-armored turtle's body.

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