The teleportation was launched again, and the son of the cold pool monk who appeared behind the back of the five-headed snake demon sprayed super electric bubbles at the five-headed snake demon.

The five-headed snake demon is not good at the way of space, and it is really a disadvantage. The cold pool monk's son suddenly appeared, and the five-headed snake demon still failed to sense it in advance, and when the super electric light bubble touched its body, its body It immediately shrunk and was sucked into the super electric glow bubble.

There is a gap in strength between the two sides. The son of the cold pool monk understands that even if he continues to control the super electric glow bubble, it is impossible to trap the five-headed snake demon for too long, even if the super electric glow bubble explodes in the end. Once to the five-headed snake, but with the powerful darkest energy in the body, this kind of injury will not have too much impact on the five-headed snake!

However, knowing that the result is not optimistic, there is a reason why the son of the monk Hantan still used the super electric glow bubble to deal with the five-headed snake demon, because in his opinion, the impact of the super electric glow bubble on the five-headed snake demon Although it is not big, it must be very insulting. If the attraction of the five-headed snake demon can be pulled back from the mountain rat through this method, it will not be considered a waste of this time to launch an attack through teleportation. Chance.

The son of the cold pool monk continued to control the super electric glow bubble, and under his control, the lightning that fell from the inner wall of the super electric glow bubble was as dense as drizzle. Moreover, while continuing to control the super electric glow bubble, the son of the cold pool monk also ran with the super electric glow bubble, so as to increase the distance between the five-headed snake demon and the mountain rat.

The five-headed snake demon was very angry. It felt insulted. It was good at the five-element black art itself, plus it had the ability to protect the body with the darkest attribute. It didn't pay attention to the ordinary five-element attack, for example The electric aura dropped from the super electric awn bubble of Brother Hantan's son belongs to the attack of wood attribute. This kind of attack does not cause any harm to it, but it is really extremely insulting!

The five heads roared at the same time, and the five-headed snake demon in the super electric light bubble used its supernatural power of the light of chaos again.

As soon as the light of chaos came out, the super electric bubble that was as powerful as the monk's son in the cold pool could not withstand it, and it immediately destroyed it.

This is already the second time that the super electric glow bubble of Brother Hantan's son has been destroyed by the five-headed snake demon, but it is different from the first time. The awning bubble is very crisp, and the super electric awning bubble did not even explode, but this time it destroyed the super electric awning bubble, but it produced a powerful explosion. This is because it is in a super electric awning this time. Because of the inside of the bubble, although the supernatural power of the light of chaos is powerful, when the five-headed snake is inside the super electric glow bubble, it is impossible to completely avoid the characteristics of the super electric glow bubble! It's like, no matter how great the difference in strength is, as long as a person can be trapped in the fairyland by another person, then he will be affected by the opponent's fairyland to some extent.

The explosion of the super electric glow bubbles blasted the five-headed snake demon out, making it a bloody mess!

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him has always been the principle that Brother Hantan and his son believe in, but on the body of the five-headed snake demon, the son of Brother Hantan did not intend to make full use of this principle, because every five When the head snake is injured, it will erupt the energy of the darkest attribute to prevent someone from making up for it in this special period. It has to be said that its method is very effective, otherwise the cold pool monk Even if his son tried his best to use teleportation again, he would definitely appear behind it and attack it hard.

"You can be rampant, I still don't believe that your chaotic light and the energy eruption of the darkest attribute will never end, and at that time I will chop off all your heads!" said the cold pool monk. The son said bitterly.

The five-headed snake demon was completely irritated, and was injured one after another by the son of the cold pool monk. In addition, it was already some distance away from the mountain rat, and it was no longer attracted by the smell of the mountain rat. The heart of hatred is completely placed on the son of the cold pool monk. The only thing it wants to do now is to grab the son of the cold pool monk, use its body to hold the son of the cold pool monk tightly until the eyes protrude, and then open He opened his mouth to suck out his eyeballs, completely absorbing his original energy from his eye sockets. Only in this extremely cruel way did the five-headed snake demon feel that it could eliminate the hatred in his heart.

The five-headed snake demon rushed towards the son of the monk in the cold pool, and the son of the monk in the cold pool no longer intended to lure the five-headed snake into the space of the fairy formation. Near the space, the more important reason is that he has already injured the five-headed snake demon. Although he could not immediately make up for it when he injured the five-headed snake demon, but now he is also one of the first to kill it. Chance, if you give up attacking it at this time and instead attract it to the space of the fairy formation below the mountain, then its injuries will be recovered in the process.

Since he doesn't want to escape anymore, he needs to deal with it head-on. Brother Hantan's son didn't hold back either. He used the magic power of the feather fairy clothes that he had reserved to deal with the void dragon monster, and four wings stretched out behind him At this moment, his strength has also been raised to the same level as the five-headed snake demon because of Yu Xianyi's supernatural power at this moment, both in the late stage of Jinxian!

The purple wings flapped, and the son of the cold pool monk activated its siege power. The characteristics of the supernatural power made an enchantment-like barrier appear within a certain range, and he trapped the five-headed snake demon in this area.

Fortunately, he is the son of the monk Hantan, and he can use his feather fairy clothes to display such supernatural powers. Otherwise, he would not be able to defeat the five-headed snake demon. It can still run if it can't beat it, but now it's trapped in the enchanted space, even if it can't beat it, it can't escape, unless he can break the barrier of the enchanted space, and of course the son of the cold pool monk will not give it A chance to break the enchanted space barrier.

The golden wings flapped, and the son of the cold pool monk used his supernatural power in the storm domain. He created a very powerful storm in the enchanted space. No matter where the five-headed snake demon was in this enchanted space, the storm's The force of tearing can act on it.

The son of the monk in the cold pool kept flapping his golden wings, and the five-headed snake demon also launched an attack. Its five heads opened their mouths, and the colorless rays of light that spewed out condensed into chaotic air. to attack.

The chaotic gas attack of the five-headed snake demon is really powerful. The powerful storm attack of the cold pool monk's son is basically vulnerable to the attack of the chaotic gas, and he is destroyed without a trace when he touches it.

However, the son of the monk in the cold pool is not afraid of the five-headed snake demon. Although its chaotic energy is powerful, in the eyes of the monk's son in the cold pool, no matter how powerful it is, it will not last for five minutes! And as long as Brother Hantan's son activates the magical power of the feather fairy clothes, then in the next five minutes, he can use the magical power of the four-color wings almost as he wants.

After destroying the storm attack, the chaotic air of the five-headed snake demon swept towards the barrier of the enchanted space again, but this time its omnipotent chaotic air failed to break through the enchanted barrier, because the enchanted barrier was no longer pure Something made of sorcery has the power of Dao in it.

The scene was very chaotic. The son of the cold pool monk was not in a hurry to launch any new attacks. Anyway, he was flapping his golden wings to continuously consume the five-headed snake demon, and the five-headed snake demon's reaction was also in the right place. The air of chaos, the storm domain that resists him.

The five-headed snake demon also has no choice. If he doesn't use the energy of chaos to drag the storm domain of Brother Hantan's son, then it will be injured by the storm domain. After Yi's supernatural powers, his strength has reached the late stage of Jinxian, and the destructive power of the storm field he launched cannot be underestimated.

It is indeed like what Brother Hantan's son thought, the chaotic energy of the five-headed snake demon cannot be activated continuously, and the five-headed snake demon naturally knows this, it seems that it is only using the energy of chaos , but in fact its darkest attribute energy has been secretly dispatched.

The cold pool monk escaped temporarily to avoid the five-headed snake, but after seeing the five-headed snake trapped by his son in the enchanted space, he had already turned back. Moreover, the solution space has a characteristic, that is, the son of the monk in the cold pool is its owner. If the son of the monk in the cold pool wants people outside to be able to see the situation in the enchanted space, then he will let the barrier of the enchanted space Become transparent, if he does not want people outside to see the situation in the enchantment space, then the barrier of the enchantment space can not only prevent sight, but also prevent spiritual exploration such as divine sense.

Standing outside the enchanted space, through the transparent barrier, monk Hantan paid close attention to what happened in the enchanted space while healing his injuries.

Brother Hantan suffered a lot of injuries before, including the excessive loss of demon power, but it didn't take much time for him to recover from these injuries, because Gu Zheng, who was worried that she would be injured, had already The Heart Demon Orb was handed over to him.

The Heart Demon Orb is restricted in this space world, but this restriction is only one-sided. They cannot put anything into the Heart Demon Orb, but they can take out the original things in the Heart Demon Orb. The previous situation was not the same. If it is suitable, monk Hantan did not take out the corpses of those monsters from the Heart Demon Orb. Now the situation is suitable, no matter what method he uses to heal his wounds, he will not be disturbed, so the corpses of monsters in front of him have piled up a lot. The supernatural powers rendered in black can transform the corpses of these monsters, and the damage of the monks in the cold pool can be repaired soon.

Suddenly, the monk Hantan who was healing his wounds frowned, and hurriedly spoke to remind his son.

"Son, be careful! The five-headed snake demon wants to establish that strange connection with you through the energy of the darkest attribute!"

It was precisely because the five-headed snake demon established that peculiar connection with the monks of the cold pool through the energy of the darkest attribute that the monks of the cold pool suffered a big loss when they came up, and the injuries have not been recovered until now Recovery, but everything has two sides. After suffering such a big loss, the cold pool monk can see from some subtle changes in the five-headed snake demon whether it is going to use the energy of the darkest attribute to recover. do something.

Brother Hantan's son's Fairy Feather Clothes has a total of four wings of different colors, and each color of wings represents a different magical power.

The purple wings represent the enchantment space, the golden wings represent the storm domain, the cyan wings represent the space blockade, and the white wings represent the supernatural rebound.

Because the five-headed snake demon is not good at the way of space, Brother Hantan's son's supernatural power represented by the blue wings did not activate. As for the supernatural power represented by his white wings, it's not that he didn't want to activate it, but he was waiting for the opportunity , he knew that the supernatural power represented by his white wings had no effect on the chaotic air attack of the five-headed snake monster, but it could play an effect on the attack launched by the five-headed snake monster's dark attribute energy, which Gu Zheng told him Yes, and when Gu Zheng told him about this matter, he also emphasized that he must wait until the five-headed snake demon launches an energy attack of the darkest attribute, and then launch a supernatural rebound on him. A strange monster like a demon doesn't work, so he has been enduring it.

The attacks launched by the darkest attribute energy are usually known for their weirdness. The son of the cold pool monk does not know when the five-headed snake demon will launch such an attack, but fortunately his father can see that at the critical moment, he will not be able to attack. He issued a reminder.

Although the son of the monk in the cold pool did not feel the launch of the five-headed snake monster's dark attribute energy attack, his father's reminder was always correct, and he immediately flapped his white wings.

The five-headed snake demon was indeed launching a dark attribute energy attack, and the so-called attack was exactly the same as the method used to deal with his father before. It used an attack method of the attacked as a medium, and then used The strangeness of its own dark attribute energy establishes a strange connection with the victim, and then absorbs the power of the victim, allowing the victim to bear the damage for itself.

If Brother Hantan's son hadn't listened to Gu Zheng's warning and used his supernatural powers to bounce back on the five-headed snake monster in advance, then he would have no resistance to the five-headed snake monster's darkest attribute energy attack at this time. After all, once he felt the power of the supernatural rebound acting on him, the five-headed snake demon would definitely dissolve this strange power acting on him before launching an attack.

But now, because the magical power of Brother Hantan's son rebounded later, the five-headed snake demon's dark attribute energy wanted to establish a connection with Brother Hantan's son, and was immediately bounced back by the magical power of the white wings. The reaction was on himself.

The energy attack of the darkest attribute, bouncing back to itself will not cause the five-headed snake monster to suffer additional damage. What the five-headed snake monster has to bear is only the backlash caused by being broken, because its darkest The attribute energy attack belongs to the special supernatural power that must have an effect on the enemy once it is used, but if it fails to have an effect on the enemy, then it will also suffer backlash.


The five mouths of the five-headed basilisk opened simultaneously, and blood gushed out from these mouths.

The energy attack of the darkest attribute was restrained, and the energy of chaos was continuously consumed by the storm domain and failed to make a contribution. The five-headed snake demon felt the seriousness of the situation for the first time, and it immediately launched the earth escape technique without hesitation.

Although the enchanted space can prevent the enemies trapped in it from escaping, it cannot prevent the enemies from launching the earth escape technique.

Seeing the five-headed snake demon disappear without a trace, the son of the monk in the cold pool couldn't help but frown. attribute energy, while the defense is amazing, the energy of the darkest attribute can also launch strange attacks. What is even more troublesome is that the five-headed snake demon is also good at earth magic, which is the shortcoming of the father and son of the cold pool monks. Well, once the five-headed snake demon fled into the soil, they would have no good way to deal with it.

"Son, let me in."

Brother Han Hantan's injuries have recovered, and he spoke outside the barrier space.

As soon as Brother Hantan's son thought, a hole was opened in the barrier of the enchantment space, and Brother Hantan entered the enchantment space.

"Father, what should we do now?"

The son of the monk Hantan is very distressed. He has a headache for this kind of monster that can perform earth magic. He can also use his supernatural power to blast the ground and enter it, but the soil is the home of monsters after all. If he impulsively enters the soil If you fight against a monster in the middle of the day, you will be in the arms of the monster.

"Now it seems that there is only one way." Brother Hantan gritted his teeth.

"any solution?"

Brother Hantan's son's eyes lit up, he thought his father had nothing to do.

"Before becoming a father, I seem to have heard you say that the supernatural power of Feather Immortal Clothes can follow your strength and increase in power, right?" Brother Hantan asked.

"That's right, it looks like this. If my strength reaches the late stage of the Golden Immortal, then after using the magical power of the Feather Immortal Clothes, my cultivation can be raised to the peak of the Golden Immortal. Supernatural powers can block not only the void, but also the underground." Said the son of the monk Hantan.

"The supernatural power that I comprehended in the mysterious realm before becoming a father is called possession."

When cultivator Hantan advanced to the mid-stage Golden Immortal, he was fortunate enough to trigger the Mysterious Realm, and in it, because of his obsession with wanting to kill the bearded man, he finally comprehended a relatively powerful supernatural power, which is especially suitable for dealing with big monsters. When you are a demon.

"My father told me about this supernatural power after he came out of the fairy array space, but although this supernatural power is powerful, it can only be used to deal with big monsters. It is the most cost-effective!"

Brother Hantan's son didn't understand why his father mentioned this supernatural power called possession at this time.

"Possession is a supernatural power. There are two ways to use it. Apart from the one to deal with the big demon, there is another way. This father didn't tell you. He just wanted to give you a surprise one day, but he didn't think about it. This one day came so quickly."

Cultivator Hantan's voice paused, and he told his son another way to display the possession.

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