Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 305 Get Rich

With the help of Qi Ling, there is no need to worry about chasing the colorful flying ant. After Gu Zheng left the canyon, he still followed it not far or near.

The nest of the colorful flying ants is far away. Gu Zheng chased them all night, until the first ray of dawn appeared.

Ahead is a cave, and colorful flying ants fly out from the entrance of the cave from time to time, and the buzzing sound can be heard endlessly.

Gu Zheng had thought that the mutated colorful flying ants might live alone, but he also thought that they lived in groups. But living in groups, he and Qi Ling didn't want to see it! After all, ordinary colorful flying ants don't have nectaries, and they don't know how to make honey, but they like to eat sweet things. If this mutated colorful flying ant lives in groups, then the honey it brews has most likely been eaten by other colorful flying ants.

Today, it is an indisputable fact that the mutated colorful flying ants live in groups, but Gu Zheng is not only not disappointed, but on the contrary is very excited. Because, the colorful flying ants he could see were all mutants!

"A mutated population, I'm looking forward to the harvest of this trip." Qi Ling said, also looking very excited.

"A mutated population, I think I still have to be careful, maybe there will be something in it!" Gu Zheng said.

"Don't worry, it's just a medium-sized insect that doesn't have much fighting power. Even if it mutates again, how far can it mutate?" Qi Ling said disapprovingly.

"It's better to be careful, I don't want to meet another mysterious Yin demon spider." Gu Zheng smiled.

"The Mysterious Yin Demon Spider is not an insect in the traditional sense, is it? Besides, if you really meet a Mysterious Yin Demon Spider, wouldn't you be crazy about it?" Qi Ling said.

"If I really met a mysterious Yin demon spider, I would really be crazy about it! But having said that, who knows if the ant queen I haven't seen yet is the offspring of insects and spirit beasts? Or is there something special about it? Ability?"

Gu Zheng laughed, but Qi Ling remained silent, because what Gu Zheng said was not impossible.

After entering the cave, just in case, Gu Zheng propped up the 'Emei mask', and colorful flying ants collided with it from time to time.

In fact, these colorful flying ants are not unable to evade, but are launching an attack on Gu Zheng, but the 'Emei mask' always makes them feel that there is still some distance from Gu Zheng, so they will not use them in such a far place. The needle at the back of the tail is coming to sting.

The more one walked into the cave, the more colorful flying ants there were. They were constantly flying around the ancient battle, and they had already affected the sight.

The ancient disputes were also too lazy to resolve them one by one, so the colorful flying ants gathered more and more. Now that they have reached a considerable scale, it is time to deal with them.

With a wave of his hand, Gu Zheng used the fire control technique, and a large flame appeared immediately. Many colorful flying ants in front of him were burned to death, and the world was much cleaner because of this.

After walking a little further, after turning around the corner of the cave, it was already at the bottom of the cave. The space here is as large as a house, and an ant nest as big as a house hangs in it!

"This is really a mutation! Originally, the colorful flying ants had their nests underground, but they are lucky enough to just imitate the bees and build their nests."

Gu Zheng approached the ant nest with emotion, Qi Ling's happy voice sounded in his head.

"Gu Zheng, you got rich this time, and your luck is really good!"

Qi Ling has always been picky, and Gu Zheng couldn't help but think wildly about things that she could use to describe things as "making a fortune".

"Medium ingredients? No way! It's not uncommon for mediocre ingredients! Could it be that there are high-quality ingredients here? It doesn't look like it! When encountering Yunwu Lingguo, although Qi Ling's tone also changed, it is not like this .Is it a high-end ingredient?"

Gu Zheng's eyes widened, and he hurriedly approached the ant nest while thinking wildly, and Tang Mo also slashed at it in his hand.

The ant's nest is not considered hard, and a hole was opened when it was cut down, and a strong sweet smell rushed out of it.

The structure in an ant nest is not quite like that of a honeycomb, in which there are mostly circular passages and square 'chambers'.

There were also a lot of colorful flying ants in the ant nest. When the ant nest was broken, they desperately wanted to attack Gu Zheng, but they were all shot down by Gu Zheng's internal energy.

"What's this?"

In a room with a size of half a square, Gu Zheng found some neatly stacked, golden and translucent small squares. And the rich sweet smell in the air is emitted by these small squares.

"Is this sugar?"

Gu Zheng's eyes widened. He remembered Song Xiu from the Kunlun School in the gourmet competition. At that time, that guy used medium-grade sugar to make braised pork! How similar is the sweetness in the air to Song Xiu's medium-grade sugar? And they are all lumps, except that his candy is orange in color.

"This is indeed sugar, and the grade has reached the middle level. In addition, I know you think of Song Xiu, but although the sugar he uses is also middle-level, the quality is not as good as this."

Qi Ling's affirmative voice made Gu Zheng ecstatic. He has always wanted to get high-quality candy. This is one of his wishes, but this wish has never been fulfilled. Now that high-quality sugar is in front of him, and there are still so many, how can he not be excited!

"With high-quality sugar, I can cook some sweet dishes. This has expanded my culinary skills a lot, which is really cool!"

Happiness is happiness, but Gu Zheng did not forget to collect the candy into the Primordial Space. He looked anxious, as if it would be gone if he collected it slowly.

"Qi Ling, you said I got rich, do you mean sugar?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Of course not. Although the medium-quality sugar surprised me, it didn't make me like that. From the position where you got the sugar, split it 1.5 meters deep, and see what you get. "Qi Ling said mysteriously.

It was 1.5 meters deep, and it was struck very quickly. If Qi Ling hadn't reminded him in advance, Gu Zheng would definitely have missed it due to the influence of inertial thinking. He thought that the 1.5 meter deep place should also be a big room, just like the room where sugar is stored. Unexpectedly, the room is indeed a room, but it is as small as a fist, and it has an extremely short ratio to the entire ant nest.

In the small room, there is a handful of milky white things, these things are in the form of granules, and there is no smell at first, but after a closer smell, the fragrance hits the forehead, it feels like an ordinary person smells rice milk.

"Is this 'royal jelly'?"

Many of the habits of the spotted flying ants are like bees, but they are not bees after all. Bees make honey, they make sugar, and bees produce milky white liquid royal jelly, so the place named by Qi Ling mysteriously, and very strange white particles, apart from the so-called 'royal jelly', Gu Zheng really can't think of anything else.

"Yes, this is indeed 'royal jelly', and the grade of the ingredients has reached a high level. Even I was surprised. There is no fairy power in the Shu Ruins, and there are ingredients of this grade! Let’s talk about it as usual!”

Qi Ling was very impressed, and Gu Zheng also hurriedly collected a little 'royal jelly', his heart was pounding hard, after all, this was the first time he had come into contact with high-grade ingredients!

After collecting royal jelly, something that has been in Gu Zheng's heart made him feel uncomfortable.

"Qi Ling, I remember that before I finished the first test, you once said that things with saliva are rubbish. Bird's nests have saliva, so according to what you mean, the ant sugar and ants I harvest now are all rubbish. Royal jelly is also a thing with saliva, and the honey I used before is also a thing with saliva! Why is the bird’s nest in your place garbage, ant sugar and ant royal jelly, one is medium and the other is high? Honey is also an exception Woolen cloth?"

In fact, Gu Zheng also held grudges. In order to complete the first test, he ran the market and almost broke his leg! Every time he picks up something, it is unqualified, especially the high-quality bird's nest in Malaysia that he is more optimistic about has been designated as junk food, which has always made him feel that Qi Ling is deliberately making things difficult.

Qi Ling didn't answer immediately, but was silent for five seconds.

"Did you think that what you saw was really cave swallow's nest? In fact, it was just dyed and processed house swallow's nest! What is this kind of thing if it's not rubbish?"

"I said that Lord Tiexian is very strict on the grades of ingredients. Things with saliva are garbage. I just don't want you to spend useless time searching for that kind of ingredients. After all, it is near the environment where you live. If you want to buy that kind of ingredients It is almost impossible to get quality ingredients!" Qi Ling was obviously angry, and his voice became much colder.

"Then why didn't you explain it directly?" Gu Zheng was still very persistent.

"Excuse me? You didn't finish the first test at that time, what capital do you have for me to explain it? Besides, I don't like bird's nest, so what if I don't want you to use that kind of thing to complete the test? "Qi Ling's voice became colder, and his tone raised.

"Hold chicken feathers as arrows!"

Gu Zheng laughed. The reason why he asked this question was to make his heart feel better. As for Qi Ling's answer, it was not that important.

The bully snorted coldly: "This weapon spirit can represent Master Tiexian to a large extent, there is nothing wrong with me saying that!"

"Okay, okay, I know you're not wrong, so I feel more comfortable asking. This time I really got rich! What are the uses of high-end ingredients that I don't know?" Gu Zheng quickly changed the subject, Asked a question that seemed to be muttering.

This is the first time that Gu Zheng has found fault with Qi Ling. Gu Zheng is still quite worried about what the consequences will be! Even if Qi Ling has the heart of a child, can that simple coaxing really calm her anger?

There was another silence, this time for a full minute.

"Keep the ant royal jelly first, it will be of great use in the future."

Qi Ling finally spoke, although his voice was still cold, but he didn't talk about the previous things, which made Gu Zheng very happy. However, Qi Ling didn't finish her sentence, and what she said afterwards made Gu Zheng almost jump up!

"The getting rich you mentioned just now is not the getting rich I mean!"

"What do you mean, you? Is there anything better than high-grade ingredients here?"

Gu Zheng's heart beat violently again.

"Yes, this ant queen is a treasure!"

"I go!"

Gu Zheng didn't know what to say anymore, the nervousness at the first moment and the ecstasy at the next moment, the ups and downs of his mood were too fast and too exciting.

According to Qi Ling's prompt, Gu Zheng split open the room where the queen ant was.

A big milky white bug with long and short fingers appeared in front of Gu Zheng. It is not like the colorful flying ant, its body is very curvy, it is bloated and hypertrophic, and its wings are so small that it is almost invisible. Such a guy can't even fly, he probably can't even crawl, it's just a spawning machine.

The queen ant is simply a sow. There was such a big commotion outside that the nest was split open by someone, and it just woke up from sleep.

The ant queen opened her eyes, looked at the intruder Gu Zheng, and did not twist her body in fear, but calmly flapped her small wings.

"Papa, papa..."

There was a very slight sound, like a very small electric current, but this electric current was terrifying, it crackled like a thunder in Gu Zheng's mind!

Although the defense of the 'Emei mask' is strong, it can only resist physical attacks, and it cannot defend against spiritual attacks like sonic waves. So the abnormal sound exploded directly in Gu Zheng's mind.

Fortunately, Gu Zheng's Anshen Art can almost automatically resist the invisible attack, otherwise, he would faint immediately. But even so, the feeling of splitting headache still exists, and it continues with the abnormal noise! This shows that the sonic attack of the queen ant's wings can't be completely resisted by the current calming technique.

"Kill it, but don't break the skin."

Qi Ling's voice sounded, and Gu Zheng was waiting for her words.

This is a treasure of heaven and earth, and Gu Zheng didn't want to cause any loss due to his improper handling.

The queen ant's mental attack is very powerful, but that's all. Its defense power is not good at anything. When Gu Zheng hit its head with internal strength and external force, it became quiet.

Gu Zheng shook his head and smiled wryly, and took the queen ant in his hand: "I guessed from the beginning whether the queen ant would have any special abilities, and I was still attacked after all precautions."

"Let's go, there is nothing particularly valuable here. Find a place, cook and eat this queen ant, remember not to let it explode, or it will cause the loss of immortal power." Qi Ling said .

Only after he got the queen ant did Gu Zheng know why it is a treasure of heaven and earth! It grew up on high-grade ant royal jelly, and it is like a concentrated celestial power ball, its body is full of pure celestial power.

However, the pure celestial power is still very restrained, which is very similar to the celestial fruit that I have eaten before. Gu Zheng only knew that the Queen Ant's body contained a lot of pure immortal power, but he didn't know exactly how much.

"Qi Ling, Queen Ant and Xianyuan Fruit belong to the treasures of heaven and earth, and they both contain restrained and pure immortal power, but which one of them contains more?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Of course it's the queen ant,"

Qi Ling's faint sentence made Gu Zheng feel a thunder in his heart.

Gu Zheng didn't dare to set too high expectations at first, he was already very satisfied that the Queen Ant could be at the same level as the pure immortal power contained in the Xianyuan Fruit. But Qi Ling's answer gave him a hope!

"Qi Ling, if I eat the queen ant, can my cultivation level reach 60% of the third level of Tiexian Jue?" Gu Zheng's breathing was a little short.

Once the cultivation base reaches 60% of the third level, it is equivalent to a cultivator in the middle of the fifth level, and can complete the previous agreement with Qi Ling and get the pill formula of "Pure Pill".


Facing Gu Zheng's inquiry, Qi Ling answered.

Gu Zheng originally thought that Qi Ling was about to give her the 'Pure Pill' pill that she was reluctant to give out not long after she had just experienced unhappiness, and her attitude was not to say cold, but at least she should be angry, right? But who would have thought that it would be so plain! This made Gu Zheng a little suspicious, whether he could reach the third floor after eating the queen ant.

"Qi Ling, are you serious?" Gu Zheng asked hesitantly.

"Is it because I talk to you well, you are very uncomfortable? If so, please tell me."

Qi Ling spoke, not only in a voice that made Gu Zheng feel at ease, but also like a wronged little girl, as if she wanted to cry.

"I adapt, I adapt very well, hehe, hehe..." Gu Zheng smiled awkwardly.

Ant queens can't be eaten raw, they can only be cooked food. As for the cooking method, as long as it doesn't spoil or burst into pulp, it's fine. Gu Zheng felt that it was very humane to eat a piece of heavenly material and earthly treasure like this. After all, the queen ant is a white and fat bug. If he swallowed it raw, he didn't know if he would spit it out.

It was easy to find a quiet place. Gu Zheng found a cave nearby and sat cross-legged in it.

After leaving the cave where the queen ants were, all the colorful flying ants that dared to chase after them had been killed by Gu Zheng, so the current environment is very quiet, and you can safely 'enjoy' the queen.

Gu Zheng sat cross-legged, in the palm of his hand, slowly roasted the queen ant with the real fire of his life, and then swallowed it into his stomach.

There is no feeling of eating insects at all, the queen ant melts in the mouth without even a trace of scum, and becomes an extremely pure fairy power, which is continuously released.

Gu Zheng held his dantian and began to absorb the immortal power. In about ten minutes, he advanced from the third-level 50% cultivation base to the third-level and sixth-level, and his body surface suddenly shone with golden light.

Twelve minutes later, the immortal power transformed by the queen ant was completely absorbed by Gu Zheng, and his current cultivation has reached more than half of the third level!

"In the middle stage of the fifth floor, I am equivalent to a cultivator in the middle stage of the fifth floor!"

Gu Zheng clenched his fists, feeling the stronger power in them.

"Congratulations to Gu Zheng, you have fulfilled our agreement, and I have distributed the Dan Fang in your prehistoric space."


Qi Ling distributed the rewards as promised, which made Gu Zheng applaud. The "Pure Pill" formula that he had been thinking about was finally settled.

Now there is only one and a half days before the closure of the Shu Ruins, and Gu Zheng's trip to the Shu Ruins has achieved beyond imagination.

Different fruit resources and spirit beast resources can help Emei refine a large amount of elixir, thereby enhancing the strength of Emei disciples.

Obtaining the 'pure pill' formula means that for a long time to come, Emei disciples no longer need to worry about purifying their inner energy.

The ingredients needed for the Sui Sui Pill were also fully prepared in the Shu Ruins, and because of the main ingredient 'Cloud Spirit Fruit', after Wang Dong became a cultivator, his cultivation level would be very high.

The food resources, which have been contended for in ancient times, almost fill the prehistoric space. In the outside world, he can almost say that he doesn't have to worry about food anymore, not right now, but in many years!

Among the food resources, even if Wang Dong has done the marrow washing and food training for the precious medium food materials, there will still be some surplus, such as long-tongued animal meat, embarrassing meat, meat from offspring of Zhuhuai, etc.

The ant nest and his party filled the vacancy without high-quality sugar, and even got the very precious high-grade food material ant royal jelly.

The strength of Gu Zheng itself, through the improvement of Tiancaidibaoxian Yuandan and Banlan Ant Queen, has changed from the 10% of the third level of the Tiexian Jue when he entered the Shu Ruins to the current level of 60% of the third level, which is equivalent to the middle stage of the fifth level. The height of the practitioner.

During the trip to Yunwu Valley, Gu Zheng also harvested a lot of fairy fruit resources, which can be used to make "fairy fruit food repair" in the future.

As for the details of strength:

Gu Zheng harvested two celestial artifacts, the Lei Yu Talisman and the Aofeng Bamboo Arrow.

Fifty percent of the initial restoration of the fairy Tang Mo was completed, devouring qualified inner alchemy and spiritual alchemy resources, and transforming the power of supernatural powers to 100%.

Of the four existing five-element celestial arts, except for the Fire Control Jue, all of them have reached the intermediate stage.

The Fire Control Jue has become advanced, and Gu Zheng has the real fire of his life and the corresponding fairy art 'Fire Dragon Art'. Later, Zhu Huai's descendants were beheaded, and the fire element inner alchemy of Zhu Huai's descendants was used to condense the real fire of life and increase its power.

The materials for 'Fire Spiritual Food Cultivation' have been prepared, and when you really have free time, you can do it. As for the so-called 'Beast Spirit Food Cultivation', although it can only be used in places like the Shu Ruins, its power is quite amazing.

In nearly a month, Gu Zhengming has gained a lot on the surface.

Now that there is only one and a half days left before the closure of the Shu Ruins, Gu Zheng's mood has become much more relaxed. During the rest of the time, Gu Zheng decided to take a leisurely stroll, cook some delicious food if he had nothing to do, and enjoy the great mountains and rivers in the Shu Ruins by the way.

When dusk was approaching, Gu Zheng came to a highland, surrounded by flowers, and the afterglow of the setting sun was quite soft, and it was time to eat.

Stewed some ordinary-grade lean meat and sapphire celery, Gu Zheng took out some celestial wine, half-lyed on a stone lazily, watched the sunset, and took a sip of the contents of the cup from time to time, not to mention how pleasant it was .

"It's good to have the true fire of life, and the fire control art can also be farther away from the flame."

"I originally thought about leaving the Shu Ruins and going back to the periphery to join Gu'an and the others, but the resources in the depths of the Shu Ruins are so rich that people go farther and farther. But it's okay, Shu Ruins When it is closed, no matter where people are, as long as they are still alive, they will be pushed out, so there is no need to worry about not being able to get out. I don’t know how they have been during this time, how much medicine stones have been harvested, and how many pit wood worms have been harvested. ?”

"It's been so long since I've been out, it's time to go back to the outside world."

The stewed meat was already cooked, so I stopped thinking about the ancient disputes in my heart, filled a bowl of meat, poured some fairy wine, and started eating and drinking.


After a mouthful of hot barbecue, paired with a little fairy wine, this feeling is not to mention how comfortable it is.

"The ancient master!"

The sudden sound startled Gu Zheng.

"Deacon Yang!"

Gu Zheng responded with a deep sense of unhappiness in his heart.

Gu Zhengbu was not saying that Yang Lanbo was so frightened that he almost choked on the wine, but that Yang Lanbo's current way of speaking, only hearing his voice but not seeing him, was obviously a secret technique that was performed with his blood .

"I'm really sorry, Master Gu. I happened to track the jade tablet and it showed that you were nearby, so I used a secret method to talk to you. Don't worry, Master Gu. After seeing you, track your blood in the jade card. It will be destroyed! The interruption this time is also of great importance, so please forgive me!"

"Deacon Yang, please tell me."

Since Yang Lanbo said he would destroy the blood, and there was a reason for the incident, Gu Zheng felt a lot less upset.

"It's like this..."

Following Yang Lanbo's narration, Gu Zheng also learned some secrets that he didn't know before.

The blood acupoints in the Shu Ruins were sealed, but the seal had cracked with the passage of time, and only then did the blood leak out, affecting the living beings and resulting in the Youquan Blood Clan.

Every ten years, a blood soul will definitely be born in the blood hole, and every time the Shushan faction enters the Shuxu, it also bears the responsibility of destroying it.

The blood soul is an evil thing with full spiritual intelligence. Gu Zheng has seen this in the Yunwu Valley. At that time, the blood soul possessed the blood feather sparrow, and was finally injured by the elder Taishang of Shushan, and escaped from the Yunwu Valley. .

According to Yang Lanbo, every time the Shu Mountain Sect enters the Shu Ruins, the Supreme Elder will select suitable disciples to become the carrier of his secret technique for killing blood souls. But only this time, Blood Soul escaped under the hands of the Supreme Elder!

This is a very serious matter, which shows that the strength of the blood soul can already be sealed in a crisis! Yang Lanbo didn't know what the consequences would be if the seal was lifted. But what he knew was that they had to find the Blood Soul and kill him before Shu Ruins closed.

Now that the blood soul has been found, it is not too far from Gu Zheng, so he invites Gu Zheng to join him!

There is no way for Gu Zheng to refuse this matter! From a righteous point of view, this is a matter of eliminating harm. If the blood and soul are not eliminated, there must be endless disasters. Speaking from a young age, the boss of Shushan sent out an invitation, and people from Lingjianzong and Ziyun Palace all went. If Emei didn't go, there would definitely be no good fruit in the future.

How powerful the blood soul is, Gu Zheng has seen it before! Even though it is still injured now, Gu Zheng would not naively think that this time, it could be solved casually by relying on the number of people to make a fuss.

Now that Yang Lanbo has agreed, Gu Zheng will leave immediately. What is going on there will only be known after he arrives.

Gu Zheng was really close to Yang Lanbo and the others, and he had already seen them after driving for more than an hour.

This is a high-temperature area with a high terrain. Hot air is ejected from a crypt, with a little magma smell.

There are two people missing from the Shushan School, one is Luo Xiao, and the other is the disciple who was used as a carrier by the elder of Shushan. The absence of the two of them wasn't because something happened, but because of their low strength, Yang Lanbo didn't let them participate.

After meeting Yang Lanbo, the first thing Yang Lanbo did was to wipe out the blood that traced the jade talisman in front of Gu Zheng.

"The blood soul is in this cave, I decided to keep some people outside just in case, and the rest of them go down to find out first." Yang Lanbo pointed to the cave.

"Deacon Yang, haven't you entered this crypt yet?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Not yet. I have been chasing the blood soul until it got into this cave two hours ago." Yang Lanbo said.

"What is the state of the blood soul you saw? Is it possessed?"

Gu Zheng learned from Qi Ling that an evil such as a blood soul must possess a body, and if it is not possessed, it will have little power.

"It's not possessed yet, it's just a blood-red air mass, and it only knows how to escape. However, this place may be the lair of some kind of Youquan blood clan, so we don't need to do it for a while." Yang Lanbo said.

"That's it!"

Gu Zheng responded thoughtfully.

"Is it still possible to get in? We have been waiting here for an hour for the head of Gu! I said, Deacon Yang, if the blood soul becomes possessed because of this delay, the responsibility for this matter Who should be responsible?" Han Yi, the leader of the Spirit Sword Sect, sneered.

When Gu Zheng blackmailed Lingjianzong last time, Han Yi was not there. Han Yi, who learned what had happened afterwards, was naturally very angry. Before Yang Lanbo said that when he waited for Gu Zheng, he had already prepared what he just said in his heart, and he was waiting for Gu Zheng to come and question him! After all, apart from Gu Zheng, Yang Lanbo was also the one who made him unhappy. His Spirit Sword Sect lost those resources only under Yang Lanbo's coercion.

Han Yi's hat must have been buttoned down, causing Yang Lanbo to take a deep look at him, and then he said with a little displeasure: "Since Master Gu has already arrived, let's go in first!"

"Okay, since Team Leader Han is eager to go in, let's go in and have a look first!" Gu Zheng shrugged.

"You guys stay outside."

Yang Lanbo tapped his fingers seven times, leaving seven people outside. These seven people are four from the Shushan sect, two from the Lingjian sect, and one from Ziyun palace.

"The rest follow me into the crypt!"

Yang Lanbo took the lead, and the rest of the people filed in.

A blood-red jade talisman floated above Yang Lanbo's head, floating and sinking like a lantern. This jade talisman seals the essence of the blood souls of the past dynasties, and it can lead everyone to find the location of the blood souls.

The crypt is large, and the further you go inside, the more empty it becomes, and the temperature in the air also rises accordingly.

Half an hour later, the crypt that had been slowly descending turned into a forward extension, and forks began to appear.

"This way."

Yang Lanbo pointed to a fork on the left, and everyone followed.

"too hot."

"Yeah, I can't stand it!"

"Where does this lead to? Is it a magma zone?"

"I don't know if I can resist if I go on."

After walking for another 20 minutes, murmurs began to ring out in the team. Except for Gu Zheng, everyone blushed to varying degrees.

It's different from entering the Shu Ruins for the first time. Among these people, except for those who were in the late fifth level, all of them have been promoted.

Such an improvement in overall strength does not mean that these people, like Gu Zheng, had a good opportunity and happened to take the treasures of heaven and earth. But when they came in, they were all deliberately selected by the sect, and their cultivation base was about to be promoted.

"Master Gu, I haven't seen you for a while, has your cultivation advanced again? Why do you seem to have no problems when we are all so hot?"

Yang Lanbo couldn't help being curious, so he asked. After all, when he was outside the Yunwu Valley, Gu Zheng's cultivation base had just entered the early stage of the fifth floor.

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