The space of the fairy array is still the same, and it is a dilapidated scene, and because Gu Zheng and the others have already caused damage to this place, their appearance did not attract any monsters.

Gu Zheng took the father and son of the monk Hantan and walked towards the center of the ruins. He was going to the big blue-finned mermaid statue and urged the pendant given to him by the old blue-finned mermaid.

The big blue-finned mermaid hiding in the dark actually had an induction when Gu Zheng and the others entered the space of the fairy formation, but she didn't know what Gu Zheng and the others were going to do, so she just observed secretly.

Since the Great Bluefin Mermaid is not in the central area of ​​the ruins, only the base of the statue remains.

According to what the old blue-finned mermaid said, Gu Zheng put the pendant on the base of the statue and urged it with immortal power. The dazzling sea-blue light immediately emanated from the pendant, continuously spreading to a greater distance , the originally dark space of the fairy array is also gradually illuminated.

The moment the big blue-finned mermaid saw the blue light of the sea, she was already stunned. She remembered who she was and why she was trapped in the space of the fairy formation.

The big blue-finned mermaid swam towards Gu Zheng and the others, this time without going invisible.

Looking at the big blue-finned mermaid swimming in, the father and son of the monk Hantan were on guard for a moment. After all, this guy had attacked them before, but the guard was relaxed in an instant, because they had already noticed the difference of the big blue-finned mermaid. , her body is protected by the power of law, which means that she has changed from the biggest killer move guarding this killing array space to a special monster.

"Enter, thank you for saving me, now I will fulfill the agreement the patriarch made with you."

There is no need for Gu Zheng and the others to say anything more, the big blue-finned mermaid has already learned from the diffuse sea-blue light.


Gu Zheng smiled and nodded, of course he likes this clean and neat way.

"Put your arms out."

The big blue-finned mermaid looked at the son of the monk in the cold pool.

After the cold pool monk's son stretched out his arm, the big blue-finned mermaid spit out a bubble towards the little fox mark on his arm.

The air bubble covered the little fox's imprint, and the big blue-finned mermaid's body began to tremble with its eyes closed. As for the air bubble covered with the little fox's imprint, it started beating like a heart.

A moment later, the big blue-finned mermaid opened her eyes, and she let out a long breath as she was quite tired. It was quite exhausting for her to carry out this kind of divination that exaggerated the space.

"What's the matter?" Brother Hantan's son hurriedly asked.

"If you want to wake up the little fox that has turned into a mark, then you have to go to the ice and fire space again. After you arrive in the ice and fire space, you go to the extremely cold place to find the Northern Territory Spirit Fox. The way to return to normal, as for what price you will have to pay when the time comes, that is not something I can know through divination." The big blue-finned mermaid said.

"Ice and fire space?" The son of the monk Hantan frowned.

"The space of ice and fire is the space where you met the little fox." The big blue-finned mermaid explained.

"But in that space world, I haven't seen anything related to ice and fire! Could it be that your divination is wrong?"

The space world where Brother Hantan's son met the little fox was the same space world where he met the four-winged green phoenix monster, and in that space world, he had indeed never seen anything related to ice and fire.

"The area of ​​the Ice Fire Space is very large, and its entire territory is in the shape of Taiji. After you entered that space world last time, all the places you have been to are still in one point of Taiji."

Hearing what the big bluefin mermaid said, both Brother Hantan's father and son and Gu Zheng were quite surprised. Although Brother Hantan and Gu Zheng had never been to that space world, they had heard about his son's experience in that space. Some things in the world, so they also have a judgment in their hearts about the size of that space world, and what they are surprised now is that that space world is actually that big, if Brother Hantan and his son have been to that space world Those places are just a point in Tai Chi, so that space world will be the one with the largest territory among the space worlds that Gu Zheng and the others have experienced.

"Then how can we enter that space world?" Brother Hantan's son asked again.

"How to enter the space of ice and fire is beyond my knowledge." The big blue-finned mermaid shook her head, then looked at Gu Zheng and said, "Okay, our agreement has been completed, now I want to send you away This space world is gone."


The big blue-finned mermaid was about to raise his hand to open the passage, but was stopped by Gu Zheng.

"Can you choose the place to send us out? If so, I hope to appear in the current fairy array space, which corresponds to the second stage of the big trench in the parent space."

The reason why Gu Zheng said this was that when the big blue-finned mermaid was about to open up a space channel, he suddenly had a special reminder, and this kind of reminder made him understand that the big blue-finned mermaid can't just send him Go back to the previous cave.

Without saying anything, the big blue-finned mermaid's hand that was frozen in the air fell down, and a dark space passage was created as a result, as for her body, it faded rapidly.

"Let's go!"

Gu Zheng had already noticed that the space of the Immortal Array was about to collapse, so he took Brother Hantan through the space channel and left the Immortal Array space that was about to collapse.

The sight in front of them alternated between light and dark, and a smile appeared on Gu Zheng's face. There was nothing wrong with the guidance of the special feeling just now. The big blue-finned mermaid did send them to the big trench where they wanted to find the cave in the first place. .

"This is supposed to be the big blue-finned mermaid. Since it has the ability to send us to this big trench, why don't people do it to the end and send us directly to that cave in this big trench!"

The son of the monk Hantan was a little depressed, and he had already released the ripples of his soul power while speaking. After all, there were a lot of space monsters in the Great Trench, and there were quite a few space monsters in the place where they appeared, and before he launched an attack, some space monsters had already started attacking them.

"Satisfy, it feels like she can send us here the farthest! Moreover, although this is still a big trench, it is not far from that cave. This has saved us a lot of unplanned time!"

Gu Zheng was a little emotional. He had observed the space structure just now, and guessed through the space structure which section of the Great Trench he was in, and the result he got was that they were already very close to the bottom of the Great Trench!

The caves are generally at the bottom of the big trench, which is a law that has never changed. The place where Gu Zheng and the others chased the super space monsters was in the first third of the big trench. If it wasn't for the big blue-finned mermaid who sent them here, it would take a lot of time to go from the third area to the last area.

Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan have also launched an attack, and the two used their own methods to clean up those space monsters who didn't know how to live or die.

There are really a lot of space monsters. It is roughly estimated that there are more than a thousand of them. During the battle, the space monsters in the distance are bound to be attracted. The space structure creates a black hole, and then there will be those space monsters that come out of the broken void to join the battlefield. If such a rough estimate is made, the number of space monsters that Gu Zheng and the others will solve in this battle will exceed 3,000.

There are quite a few space monsters, but there are no special space monsters and super space monsters that Gu Zheng wanted to see. However, among the space monsters added later, is there any Gu Zheng they want to see? This, this is something that no one knows.

The space trap has appeared, and Gu Zheng, who sensed the fluctuation in advance, collected the monk in the cold pool into the heart magic orb, and the son of the monk in the cold pool can feel the space fluctuation by himself, so he has fled to a safe place.

The space trap this time is a space vortex that is quite powerful. Although its appearance did not hurt the people on Gu Zheng's side, some space monsters were swallowed by it, and finally a batch of space monsters were released. This is inevitable matter.

After the space vortex disappeared, the original moment of tranquility was broken again. Gu Zheng held the skyscraper stick and began to smash those space monsters who dared to come forward.

Time is passing by little by little, the number of space monsters still fighting with Gu Zheng and them is not much, and this time Gu Zheng's luck is not very good, the number of space monsters that have been solved has exceeded a thousand, I want to see They didn't encounter the special space monsters and super space monsters they saw.

After eliminating all the space monsters, Gu Zheng and the others rushed towards the cave immediately without resting. After all, solving these space monsters did not consume much of their physical energy and immortal power. What consumed the most was their minds. Really killing these space monsters made me want to vomit.

For the next part of the road, Gu Zheng and the others went relatively smoothly, because the previous battle had attracted all the space monsters here, so before entering the cave, Gu Zheng and the others did not encounter a single space monster again.

The cave was still the same, with a hint of eerieness in the silence.

The three of Gu Zheng slowly went deeper into the cave, and as for Gu Zheng's divine sense, they explored the way first.

Soon, Gu Zheng frowned.

Seeing Gu Zheng frowning, Brother Hantan hurriedly asked, "Master, did you find anything?"

"It's amazing, five blood monsters that look like devil fish, all of them have the strength of the mid-stage Golden Immortal."

"Blood demon!"

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, the father and son of Hantan monks also frowned. They knew that the blood monster that Gu Zheng said was the kind of monster that was good at killing the enemy through its own blood or manipulating the blood of the enemy.

"Master, is he going to play with the cranes with Divine Mind?" Brother Hantan asked again.

"Do you think I can kill the cranes with my mind?" Gu Zheng laughed.

"Of course!" Brother Hantan hurriedly said: "Although the attack methods of the blood demons are weird, they can't do anything to the master's spiritual bird! Moreover, even if the divine bird is not used, the master is not afraid of those blood demons. Master is also good at blood supply!"

"Wrong!" Gu Zheng said rather depressed: "My body is good at blood attacks, but this kind of attack method is limited here. What I am good at is just defense against blood attacks."

"Do you also want to kill one or two devils and blood demons?" Gu Zheng asked.


"It's such a master!"

Brother Hantan and his son smiled flatteringly. Although they had killed monsters to the point of wanting to vomit not long ago, those were just stereotyped space monsters, and they didn't mean much to kill them. The blood demon is different, this kind of monster that can control blood is still very rare!

What's more, when the strength is not high enough, when encountering things like blood demons, the father and son of the cold pool monks have also suffered from them. Now that they are all stronger, when they encounter blood demons again, they naturally want to Get back the face you had before.

"Go ahead, let's make a quick decision!"

Gu Zheng didn't want to waste too much time, so he fulfilled the wish of Brother Hantan and his son.

The five devil blood demons are considered very powerful monsters. They can not only launch strange blood attacks, but also have extremely flexible body skills. But facing the two divine sense cranes in Gu Zheng, they really have no temper at all. It's okay without the cranes with divine thoughts, their attacks have no effect on the cranes with divine thoughts, and the cranes with divine thoughts can make them suffer from burning pain as long as they touch them.

Gu Zheng's three-person team came over, and the devil blood demon who had suffocated at Gu Zheng Shennian Crane immediately launched an attack on Gu Zheng and the others. They frantically flapped their wing-like fins, Gu Zheng three Everyone also felt strange, it was the feeling of blood being manipulated.

Gu Zheng used the supernatural power taught to him by Lanyue. While resisting the power of blood control, he also activated the Immortal Extermination Art. He must have a powerful Immortal Extermination Art to absorb these invisible attacks launched by the devil and blood demon, and then transform In order to be able to damage their energy more effectively! After all, the cranes with divine thoughts are not very effective against the blood demons. The blood demons are very resistant to the decomposition ability of divine thoughts, so after the birds of divine thoughts collide with them, what they bring is not physical decomposition. It's just like burning pain.

Brother Hantan has already displayed his magical power of atomizing the dragon's body. By switching between virtual and real body, while avoiding the control of the blood of the devil blood demon, he has also flicked the dragon's tail, and sent a devil blood demon that couldn't dodge it away. After going out, the rendered ink color was also implanted in the body of that devil blood demon at that time.

The son of the cold pool monk has always been very violent, but he was very calm in this battle. He allowed the blood demon to manipulate his blood. When the blood demon established a connection with his blood, he immediately used it. The soul power launched an anti-control!

The soul power can counter-control the blood demon, which had appeared in the cold pool cultivator a long time ago. At that time, the soul power of the cold pool cultivator had just completed a mutation not long ago, and now his son's soul power mutation is all gone. It has been done three times.

Facing the counterattack of the soul power that had been mutated three times, the devil blood demon wanted to take back the connection with Brother Hantan and his son, but it was too late, and Brother Hantan's son used that connection to counter-control him .

At the same time, a devil blood demon who didn't know that Brother Hantan's son had completed anti-manipulation of its companion, spewed a wave of blood towards Brother Hantan's son!

The blood wave is very powerful. Once it hits the target, it can not only cause great damage to the target, but also complete the control of the target's blood in an instant.

However, the anti-manipulation has already occurred, and all the injuries suffered by the cold pool monk's son during this period will be borne by the blood demon that was counter-controlled by him, so the impact of the blood wave immediately affected the blood demon's body body, causing it to spurt out a mouthful of blood as if it had been seriously injured.

"Go to hell!"

Brother Hantan's son is just playful, and when the devil blood demon used blood to attack and control him, he couldn't do other attacks, so he also made an attack on the devil blood demon who wanted to control him. Anti-manipulation, now the devil blood demon that was anti-manipulated by him has been seriously injured by its companion's attack, and it has lost its value of use. Of course, it is impossible for the son of the cold pool monk to keep such a waste, so a Dragon-shaped lightning also spewed out from his mouth.


It was as if a big watermelon had been smashed, and the devil blood demon, which was already seriously injured, exploded into a cloud of blood after being hit by the dragon-shaped lightning of Brother Hantan's son.


There was a slight noise, and the cold pool cultivator, who dared not lag behind, also settled a devil blood demon at this time. The sound was the sound of a carbonized devil blood demon exploding into black particles after falling to the ground.

Brother Hantan's father and son killed a devil and blood demon, while Gu Zheng had already killed two of them! After all, after he runs the skill that can resist blood attacks, this kind of skills that can resist blood attacks will automatically work to resist blood attacks, no need for Gu Zheng to control it, and there is no Gu Zheng to worry about. , Naturally, he will be able to wield the skyscraper stick and launch a wide-ranging attack on these devils and blood demons.

The Motian stick is a top-level fairy weapon, and Gu Zheng used the fairy-level combat technique of the shocking stick technique. How could the devil blood demon be his opponent, and he killed two of them with three strikes, five divisions, and two, and At this time, his shocking stick technique has also reached the fifth stick, and his strength has also been upgraded from the original Golden Immortal Early Stage to the terrifying Golden Immortal Late Stage.

Of the five devil blood demons, monk Hantan and his son each dealt with one, Gu Zheng dealt with two by himself, and the last one left was slammed on the ground by the fifth stick in Gu Zheng's Shocking Stick Technique. On the body, it immediately exploded into a blood mist.

"This is the benefit brought by the improvement of strength!"

Looking at the cave that soon quieted down, Brother Hantan couldn't help but sigh with emotion. If he wanted to deal with the five devils and blood demons in the middle stage of the Golden Immortal so easily before, it would be something that he couldn't even imagine, but now, To get rid of the five devils and blood demons that were unimaginable before, they haven't used their full strength yet.

After Brother Hantan and his son turned the dead devil's blood demon into their own use, Gu Zheng also showed a playful smile on his face. He looked at Brother Hantan and said, "It seems that the next wave of obstruction will depend on you alone. It's a show!"

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Brother Hantan's eyes widened, and he said excitedly, "Does the master mean that the next blocker is a shadow monster?"

Shadow monsters are also very strange monsters. The attack methods that this kind of monsters can launch are even weirder than the blood manipulation of blood monsters. What they control is the shadow of the enemy! Even if it is an ancient battle with many means, there is no particularly good way to deal with this kind of weird monster. Their three-person team has also suffered from shadow monsters before.

"It's not a single shadow monster, but a group of them. There are eight of them, and they are all in the mid-stage Golden Immortal!"

If they had heard such news before, the father and son of the Hantan cultivator would definitely be terrified. Now that they are in a high realm, and there are strange shadow monsters, almost everyone would feel a headache.

However, Shibie will treat him with admiration for three days. The cold pool cultivator is no longer what he was before. His soul power has completed the second mutation and obtained supernatural powers. Dealing with shadow monsters is simply not too enjoyable! However, because shadow monsters are too rare, this kind of supernatural power that can only be used against shadow monsters has become a minority. Brother Hantan didn't expect that not long after he comprehended this time, he would have the opportunity to show him off .

"Master, don't worry, my son also looks good, this time I will show my face to you!"

The frightened monk of Hantan patted his chest with his hands, and while Gu Zheng nodded, he laughed and walked towards the depths of the cave.

In fact, their cultivation has reached the level of Gu Zheng, including the son of the monk Hantan. They also have ways to deal with shadow monsters, but they are not as straightforward as the monk Hantan.

For example, now, Gu Zheng's divine sense cranes are hitting the shadow monsters, and the shadow monsters have to dodge quickly when they see Gu Zheng's divine mind cranes flying towards them, but they have no choice but to deal with Gu Zheng's divine senses. The crane is not in a state of being helpless! After all, everything has a shadow, even Gu Zheng's Divine Sense Crane is no exception, as long as there is a shadow, then shadow monsters can use the shadow to make a fuss.

The shadow monsters have caught the shadows of Gu Zheng's two divine mind cranes, and they also cast spells on them to control Gu Zheng's divine mind cranes, but it is a pity that the divine mind cranes are divine mind cranes, and the shadow monsters control the shadow pair The impact they cause is not great, they can only reduce the speed of the cranes with divine thoughts, and increase the possibility that they will not be hit by the cranes with divine thoughts.

Seeing Brother Hantan coming over, all of them screamed excitedly because they couldn't deal with shadow monsters like the Divine Crane. It felt like a wolf that had been hungry for a long time suddenly saw a sheep.

The shadow monsters react like wolves, but in fact, they are the sheep with the monks in the cold pool, and the monks in the cold pool are the hungry wolves!


There is a special way to deal with shadow monsters, and the roar of the cold pool monk can be said to be arrogance.

Following the roaring sentence of the monk in the cold pool, ripples of soul power also appeared in the sea, but this ripple of soul power is only effective for shadow monsters, and has no use for space monsters at all.

The shadow monsters touched by the ripples of the soul power of the monks in the cold pool were frightened instantly, because they found that their supernatural powers of manipulating the enemy's shadows could not be used for a period of time!

When they can control the enemy's shadows, they are very difficult monsters. Once they cannot control the enemy's shadows, then the shadow monsters that basically have no other means of attack will naturally become weak chickens, and they will scatter and run away.

Brother Hantan would not give the shadow monsters a chance to escape. He jumped out in an instant, and swiped his dragon claws towards a shadow monster, and the effect of the sorcery also acted on the shadow monster first. The shadow monster changed from a spirit state to a huge leech in an instant.

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