Facing the annoyance of Brother Hantan's father and son, Gu Zheng's expression was relatively flat, and he even smiled slightly.

"Things that can no longer be changed, don't be too angry about them. Finding those four things is the most important thing now." Gu Zheng paused, and then said: "Don't you think the environment here is very familiar? ?"

"very familiar?"

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, the father and son of Hantan monks frowned. They didn't feel that the environment here was familiar. It was no different from the general space world. As far as the eye could see, there were nothing but flowers, grass, mountains, rivers, and air. The richness of Zhongxian Yuan is also average.

"It's not surprising that we don't feel familiar, but what I want to say is that this task may not be as difficult as imagined!"

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, this is a space world they have been to before, but at that time he was investigating everything on the road with his divine sense, and the understanding of the environment by the monk Hantan and his son was only based on the place that could be touched by the line of sight , so it is not surprising that he is not familiar with the immediate environment.

"What does the master mean, we have been to this space world before?" Brother Hantan's eyes lit up.

"That's right, we did come here, do you still remember King Ray?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Remember to remember!"

Brother Hantan and his son nodded hastily. If Emperor Ray hadn't helped Gu Zheng, it would have been difficult for Gu Zheng to complete the test given to him by the female sea snake monster. Moreover, the cold pool monk father and son not only remembered King Ray, they also remembered that Gu Zheng once promised King Ray that if he entered this space world again, he would cook something delicious for Emperor Ray.

"Come on, let's go to the big river where King Ray's palace is located!"

As the saying goes, it is easy to do things with acquaintances. Since there is a monster with some personal acquaintances, King Ray, in this space world, Gu Zheng decided to go to him first to see if he can get the four necessities related to this mission from him. clues.

The difficulty of this space world is not high. Brother Hantan and his son have both been to the big river where King Ray’s Palace is located. Gu Zheng asked Brother Hantan to take the Heart Demon Orb on the road, and he himself took Brother Hantan His son returned to the Inner Magic Orb.

Going back to the ancient battle in the new magic bead has something to do, and this matter is related to the six aquatic plants obtained from the old blue fin mermaid.

He didn't have much time before, but now that he has time, Gu Zheng wants to hurry up to give birth to the six aquatic plants, and he needs to use the son of the monk Hantan for this matter. After all, among the five elements of celestial arts, what he is least good at now is the wood attribute celestial arts, and this is the celestial arts necessary for ripening plants. However, although Gu Zheng is not good at this area, Brother Hantan's son is strong in this area. He has already been able to produce immortal rice, and he will bring Gu Zheng to complete the task of ripening aquatic plants.

The air bubbles that surrounded the six aquatic plants before were just temporary containers for the six aquatic plants. After obtaining them, Gu Zheng stocked them in the crystal water tank, and the water in the water tank was naturally ancient water plants. Competing for the deep-sea ice spring water obtained from the ancestral land of the bluefin mermaids, which is also a necessary water source for their growth.

The six aquatic plants are of different heights and sizes. Some of them look like coral, some look like seaweed, and some look like kelp. Anyway, they have various shapes.

"Master, how big can these things grow after ripening? How many meals are they enough to eat?" Brother Hantan's son asked curiously.

"The ripening of them will not make them grow bigger, they are already finished products that are about to bear fruit, and our ripening of them actually requires their fruits, and what we eat is also their fruits instead of their bodies. "

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Brother Hantan's son's eyes widened: "The master means that all these six aquatic plants can bear fruit?"

"It's not a fruit, but a fairy fruit, and the quality is still excellent!"


Gu Zheng's words made the son of the monk Hantan exclaim: "It turned out to be a fairy fruit, no wonder the master asked that old blue-finned mermaid for so many things before."

"These things are essential utensils for ripening these six kinds of fresh fruits. Without any of them, we cannot maximize our profits!" Gu Zheng smiled.

"At first, we thought the deal with the old blue-finned mermaid would not be a big gain for us. I never thought that the gain would be of great significance!" the son of the monk Hantan said happily.

"That's right, the meaning is too big. Although it takes time to ripen these fairy fruits, as long as you persevere, you can basically be self-sufficient in the fairy fruits used for cooking fairy fruits and food cultivation in the future." Gu Zheng said.

"Master, how long will it take to ripen these fairy fruits? Now there is still no trace of flowering and fruiting, so the time taken is probably not short?" asked the son of the monk Hantan.

"Aquatic fairy fruits are different from terrestrial fairy fruits. Terrestrial fairy fruits bloom and bear fruit for a longer period of time, while aquatic fairy fruits have a longer growth cycle. As for flowering and fruiting, they are like a flash in the pan, so aquatic fairy fruits are very rare." Gu Zheng's voice said. Paused, and then said: "The six aquatic fairy fruits we got are quite lucky. Most of their growth cycles have passed. As for flowering and fruiting, it doesn't take long. According to my calculations, from the heart Calculated from the position where the magic bead is now, it will take about five hours to fly to the palace of King Ray. After the emperor's palace, if the time and environment are right, I will cook fairy fruit food for myself."

After that, there was no more chatting, and Gu Zheng began to tell Brother Hantan what his son needed to pay attention to in the process of the two working together to ripen the fairy fruit.

For this cooperation, the son of the monk Hantan is in charge of controlling the bodies of the six aquatic plants with the wood control technique, so that they can absorb the nutrients produced from the deep sea ice spring at an appropriate speed. What Gu Zheng needs to do is to speed up the conversion of nutrients suitable for the six aquatic plants to absorb in the deep sea ice spring water through the water control formula.

There are six kinds of aquatic plants, each of which requires different degrees of magic or magic, so they can only be manipulated separately.

The first aquatic plant that was ripened by Gu Zheng and the others was ice blue coral. The appearance of this plant looks like coral, but it is like a crystal carving. The pure blue color is fascinating. It is ice blue deep sea ice spring water, if you don't look carefully, you can't see it.

Under the control of Brother Hantan's son and Gu Zheng, the ice-blue coral swayed slightly in the deep-sea ice spring water. As for the deep-sea ice spring water, it turned rapidly, but only formed a vortex around the ice-blue coral.

To say that this deep-sea ice spring water is really a good thing, otherwise it would not be turned into a sacred object of the bluefin mermaid clan. It has a characteristic that is obvious when ripening aquatic fairy fruits, that is, it does not need The addition of foreign matter can produce all the nutrients needed for the growth of aquatic plants. If it is possible to convert the deep-sea ice spring water with the water control formula and the eye of Tao like Gu Zheng, the deep-sea ice spring water can produce nutrients. The speed will naturally become faster.

Gu Zheng is responsible for transforming the nutrients suitable for the growth of ice blue corals in the deep sea ice spring water, while the son of the cold pool monk uses wood attribute magic to manipulate the ice blue corals to absorb the nutrients transformed by the guzheng.

Time passed by little by little, and with the combined efforts of the monk Gu Zhengduo Hantan and his son, the shimmering light emitted by the ice blue coral became more and more pure, and bud-like blooms began to appear on the ice blue coral itself. s things.

After about a meal, the buds on the ice blue coral fully bloomed. It was a strange little flower with blue petals and red stamens.

It takes less than two minutes for the ice blue coral to bloom. After the flowers fall, small ice blue coral fruits appear. It looks like a hawthorn, but it is very transparent. You can see the ice blue inside through the skin. The colored liquid flows endlessly like a living thing.

On an ice blue coral tree, a total of four ice blue coral fruits have grown, and the fairy fruit grades of these ice blue coral fruits are all excellent. They mature after a meal, and the size is about the same as Like hawthorn.

So far, Gu Zheng's fairy fruit reserve has four more ice blue coral fruits, and the ice blue coral tree that contributed the ice blue coral fruit has entered a long growth cycle. Gu Zheng put it aside first, and then Start to ripen the next aquatic fairy fruit.

Gu Zheng's next target is an aquatic plant that looks like a kelp. It is dark green in color and looks really similar to kelp.

Under the joint operation of Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan's son, the abyss kelp swayed like a sea snake in the deep sea ice spring water, and there were whirlpools spinning around it, the nutrients transformed by Gu Zheng, and then Under the control of the cold pool monk and his son, all of them were sucked into the body by the abyss kelp.

The fresh fruit produced by the abyss kelp is a fig, which does not need to bloom. Under the continuous control of Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan's son, five pustule-like things gradually emerged.

"Master, is this the fresh fruit of this thing? Why does it look so ugly!"

Although he has been using wood attribute magic to ripen the abyss kelp, this is not a process that requires absolute investment, so the son of the monk Hantan will occasionally talk to Gu Zheng.

"It's only in the early stages of growth, and it's not an exaggeration to look a little ugly, but after it matures, the medicinal properties of the abyss kelp fruit are the strongest among the six aquatic fairy fruits." Gu Zheng said.

With the passage of time, the five abysses have all matured. When they mature, they are not big, only the size of longan, and their appearance has not changed. They are dark green like some kind of fish. Eggs, the only thing that stands out is that they have their own fluorescence, which makes them a little bit more extraordinary.

After harvesting five abyss kelp fruits, Gu Zheng and the son of monk Hantan began to ripen the next aquatic plant.

This time, the aquatic plants they were proficient in looked like a piece of seaweed, which was also very inconspicuous.

Gu Zheng told the monk's son in Hantan that he had underestimated this inconspicuous aquatic plant. Its name was the purple berry fairy vegetable, and the fairy fruit produced by it was the most among the six aquatic plants.

The ripening of the purple berry jelly has begun, and the time has passed unconsciously. The originally low-looking purple berry jelly has been erected, and some small purple flowers are also in this low 'grass' in bloom.

There was a faint fragrance, and after the purple flowers died, some small fairy fruits slowly swelled. There were ten of these small fairy fruits in total. They looked like snakeberries, and the color was so purple that People are fascinated.

It's harvest time again, under the hard work of Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan's son, all ten purple berry fairy fruits have matured, and Gu Zheng's fairy fruit reserve has increased because of this.

In no hurry to ripen the next aquatic plant, Gu Zheng closed his eyes and adjusted his breath with Brother Hantan and his son. Although ripening the fairy fruit does not consume a lot of immortal power and demon power, it can It was very mentally exhausting. Both Gu Zheng and the son of the monk Hantan felt a little tired. They had to rest for a meal before they could start to ripen the remaining aquatic plants.

During the time when Gu Zheng was ripening the aquatic plants with Brother Hantan and his son, the outside situation was always calm. Brother Hantan was on his way with the Heart Demon Orb, and did not encounter any monsters to stop him. It must be a good thing for Gu Zheng, who was about to kill those space monsters before, to vomit.

The time for a meal soon passed, and Gu Zheng and the son of the monk Hantan started to ripen the fourth aquatic plant.

The fourth aquatic plant was amber in color, and it looked like a carrageenan. During the continuous operation between Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan's son, it began to emit wonderful ripples.

"Can you see the usefulness of this ripple?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Not to mention the use of the ripples, I can't even see the ripples!" Brother Hantan's son smiled wryly.

"It seems that my Dao Eye is more useful. I thought that your soul power has mutated three times, and you can also see this strange fluctuation emanating from the staghorn fairy!"

"I can't see it." The son of the monk Hantan shook his head, curious: "Master, what is the purpose of the strange fluctuation you mentioned?"

"Among the six aquatic plants, the staghorn jelly is the most active one in the face of ripening. The strange fluctuations it emits actually have the same effect as my water control formula, which is to accelerate Convert the nutrients that are useful for its growth in the deep sea ice spring water, so the flowering and fruiting speed of this staghorn fairy will be the fastest among the six aquatic plants."

The thing is indeed as what Gu Zheng said, in the several times of aquatic plant ripening process that has been experienced, the flowering and fruiting of the staghorn fairy, and even the ripening of the fruit are the ones that take the shortest time, and the ripening of the staghorn fairy fruit, It also added four pieces to Guzheng's fairy fruit reserve.

Putting aside the deer horns and fairy vegetables that had contributed fresh fruits, Gu Zheng and the son of the monk Hantan began to ripen the fifth aquatic plant.

The fifth aquatic plant looks like a sea grape. Although it does not have long vines like grapes on land, its stems and leaves really look like grapes.

The emerald green sea grapes were ripened under the joint efforts of Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan's son, the grape grains on the stems and leaves gradually cracked, and new grains were produced from the inside.

Sea grapes are also figs. After the stems and leaves are broken, the granular things that are exposed are actually sea grapes.

"There are quite a lot of grape-like things on the stems and leaves of this sea grape, but there are only five that actually crack and produce sea grape fruit. It would be great if they all cracked and produced sea grape fruit!" Brother Hantan son sighed.

"Among the six aquatic plants, the sea grape fruit is not the most productive, the taste is not the best, and the medicinal effect is not the strongest, but it is the most critical one. The next time you cook the fairy fruit food repair, it can be in it It has a great neutralizing effect, if it doesn't have this neutralizing effect, I don't know when I will have to wait for the next Xianguo Shixiu cooking!" Gu Zheng said with a smile.

Half an hour later, the sea grape fruit was ripened by Gu Zheng and the son of the monk Hantan. The emerald green sea grape fruit looks like a real grape, but what is more peculiar than the real grape is that it is a kind of refreshing milk. The incense radiated from it, which made the son of the monk Hantan couldn't help swallowing.

"Master, when you cook the fairy fruit Shixiu, can you cook some delicious food by the way?" Brother Hantan and his son looked at Gu Zheng pitifully.

"What? It's been a long time since I ate the delicious food I cooked, have you thought about it again?" Gu Zheng laughed.

"Of course, I can't get enough of the delicacies cooked by the master!" The son of the monk Hantan looked back.

"One small thing, arrange it!"

Gu Zheng waved his hand, and he was about to ripen the last aquatic plant.

"Thank you master!"

Brother Hantan's son hurriedly apologized, and once again devoted himself to the great cause of ripening.

The last aquatic plant that Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan's son wanted to ripen was Feather Grass. This peculiar aquatic plant has leaves that look like feathers and some floating tentacles. It looks real. Much like a feather fan.

"The last aquatic plant looks so beautiful." The son of the monk Hantan said.

"Not only does it look good, its fruit is also the one with the highest grade among the six fresh aquatic fruits, and the one with the lowest yield. It can only contribute two fresh fruits to me. Two precious feathers Bring fairy grass fruit, I don't plan to add it to the cooking of fairy fruit food repair this time, if there is a chance to get heaven, material and earth treasures in the future, use it when cooking holy fruit food repair!" Gu Zheng said.

Among the six kinds of aquatic fairy fruits, the fairy grass fruit with feathers is the most peculiar. Apart from the peculiarities mentioned by his son of the monk Gu Zhengduo Hantan, it also needs the longest time to ripen, which is very difficult for him to ripen. It took Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan's son an entire hour!

Finally got two Feather Belt Jelly Fruits, Gu Zheng took a deep breath of their fragrance, and put them away.

At this moment, Brother Hantan has entered the big river with the Heart Demon Orb, and is flying towards the direction where the King Ray's palace is. .

Just as Gu Zheng's breath was adjusted, the bottleneck outside had already been broken, and monk Hantan was attacked by several shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

Brother Hantan knew that these shrimp soldiers and crab generals were all subordinates of the ray king, so he didn't do anything to them, but what made people feel helpless was that these shrimp soldiers and crab generals didn't have any wisdom, otherwise it would be useless to directly explain their intentions. Need to go to war.

The strength of the shrimp soldiers and crab generals was only at the void-returning state, and the cold pool cultivator didn't want to pay much attention to them. He just waved them to a far away place with a wave of his hand, and then continued to fly in the direction of the King Ray's palace.

The shrimp soldiers and crab generals who were swept away by the cold pool monk were still chasing after them, and another group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals appeared in front of them, but the clothes of this group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals were obviously much higher than the previous batch. The crab general still has a light in his eyes.

Seeing the crab general with aura in his eyes appear, Gu Zheng also appeared from the heart magic bead.

There was no need for Gu Zheng to say much, the crab general in the lead saluted Gu Zheng: "Welcome the entrants to Hanshui River again, my king welcomes you!"

Following Crab General, Gu Zheng's trio once again came to the Emperor's Palace in Hanshui River.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

As soon as Gu Zheng entered the palace, King Ray won out of the palace with a big laugh.

"long time no see!"

The ray king fights with the ancients.

Gu Zheng clasped his fists back and said, "Actually, it hasn't been long!"

"It hasn't been long, but I live here like years!" King Ray said with a smile.

"Since life is like years, it seems that I am here this time to help you get rid of it!" Gu Zheng also laughed.

"That's right, you must have come to me for a mission. After you complete my mission, I can go to the Land of Freedom." King Ray said.

"Then let's talk about the mission now, so that you can go to the land of freedom earlier." Gu Zheng said.

King Ray shook his head and said: "No hurry, although it's not long since we met last time, I miss your delicious cooking very much. Besides, you promised last time that when we meet again, we will have a good time." Cook me a delicious meal, before we get down to business, shouldn't you fulfill this promise first?"

King Ray had a mean smile and a greedy expression on his face. He didn't look like a king at all.

"Hahahaha!" Gu Zheng also laughed: "Okay, but after I fulfill my promise, can I borrow the spirit-gathering array in Guibao Land?"

There is a spirit-gathering formation in King Ray's palace. If it weren't for such a formation, the palace built in the water would not have such ample immortal energy.

"What are you going to do in Ling Town?" King Ray asked.

"Cooking and food repair." Gu Zheng replied.

"What is food repair?"

Like a curious baby, King Ray asked Gu Zheng a lot of questions about food cultivation when he took Gu Zheng to the kitchen.

Seeing that Emperor Ray showed a strong interest in food repair, Gu Zheng felt that the clues he wanted to get from Emperor Ray this time might be right.

Although I really want to know in my heart whether Emperor Ray knows the whereabouts of the four mission necessities, but since Emperor Ray now only wants to talk about food and not serious business, Gu Zheng can only satisfy his sense of taste first. Let's talk about other things.

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