
After actually stepping into the interior of the Chiyan Mountain, Gu Zheng frowned slightly, and his sense of space made him instantly understand that this place is not in the forbidden state.

The outside does not belong to the state of forbidden air, but here it belongs to the state of forbidden air. The treasure is restricted outside, and the treasure is also restricted here. There are four floors, which made Gu Zheng think of a possibility in an instant, that is, the inner space of the Flame God Mountain, in addition to the fixed treasure limit, the restrictions of each floor may be different, and in this case, Gu Zheng It's not that he has never encountered it before. His golden scale armor was obtained in such a restrictive test.

The environment here is indeed very similar to the environment inside the volcano in the lava world that Gu Zheng experienced before. It is a circular space with densely packed caves on the surrounding rock walls. In the center of the space is a A spiral staircase connects the upper space, but the area where the current space connects to the upper space is blocked by fog. I am afraid that if you want to enter the upper space at that time, you must find the corresponding key in the current space.

There was a rustling sound, and countless spiders the size of human heads came out of the densely packed holes in the current space.

"Lava Explosive Spider."

The three of Gu Zheng called out the same name. This kind of lava spider that can explode, they have also encountered in the lava world they experienced before, but the lava explosive spider they encountered at that time was only able to Injured the existence of the Void Return Realm, and now these densely packed lava explosion spiders, each of which has the explosive power to injure the mid-stage Golden Immortal.

Now that they know how powerful the lava explosion spiders are, and the current space is not in a forbidden state, the first reaction of the three of Gu Zheng is to fly high, and let them distance themselves from those lava explosion spiders first. And, in the process of flying towards the air, Gu Zheng took the lead in launching the attack.

Although the explosion power of the Lava Explosive Spiders is good, their own defense is weak. As long as they can cause a certain amount of damage to them, they will explode before reaching the enemy.

The spirit of true water in Gu Zheng's body vibrates, and the best way for Gu Zheng to make these lava exploding spiders explode in place is to use the ice attribute magic that is incompatible with their own attributes.

A blizzard appeared in the current space, the temperature dropped instantly, and the indiscriminate attacks acted on those densely packed lava explosion spiders.

If it was just Gu Zheng who launched the blizzard, it would not be enough to make these lava exploding spiders explode instantly. The key point is that the father and son of the cold pool monks almost shot one after another. Their original bodies are water-attributed monsters, and launching ice-attributed sorcery attacks is naturally easy to catch. things. However, the soldier-attribute magic they unleashed was not as gorgeous as the blizzard unleashed by Gu Zheng. They simply opened their dragon mouths, and directly spewed rapidly spreading ice mist into the current space.

When ice meets fire, the Lava Explosion Spiders, unable to withstand the attack of the cold, explode one after another, and this explosion can also cause a chain reaction! After all, the shock wave generated by the explosion will spread, and during the spread of the shock wave, if it encounters other Lava Explosive Spiders, these Lava Explosive Spiders are also very likely to be detonated.

The explosion of one or two lava exploding spiders has no effect on Gu Zheng and the others. The explosion of ten or eight lava exploding spiders still has no effect on Gu Zheng and the others, but the explosion of hundreds of thousands of lava exploding spiders, It is enough to affect Gu Zheng's safety.

However, they have all had similar experiences in the ancient space struggle before them, so they know where to hide at this time is the most suitable place, and the best place to hide for them is naturally the spiral staircase that can lead to the upper space .

The spiral ladder is protected by the power of law. No matter how powerful the attack is, it cannot be destroyed. Standing on the hanging ladder can avoid most of the explosion power. As for the remaining part, Gu Zheng's three-person team Just use all the means to carry it over.

Since lava exploding spiders kept crawling out of the cave, the chain reaction-like explosions continued. After about five minutes, the smoky space that had been blasted became quiet.

"Papa papa!"

The sound of applause suddenly came from the largest cave in the current space at this time, and a huge lava explosion spider appeared in Gu Zheng's sight.

This is a Lava Explosive Spider Emperor. She is different from the ordinary Lava Explosive Spiders. The ordinary Lava Explosive Spiders look very similar to ordinary spiders, except that they have an extra layer of lava-like skin. The Explosive Spider King looks like a combination of a woman and a Lava Explosive Spider. She has the lower body of a Lava Explosive Spider, and her upper body is the image of a glamorous banshee.

"Very good, very good. I didn't expect that so many of my descendants didn't hurt a single hair of your hair. You are really good at it!"

The Lava Explosion Spider Emperor rushed to Gu Zheng's group of three to applaud, and her voice squeezed through her teeth.

"You don't need to be so yin and yang, what tricks do you use?"

Brother Hantan sneered, this lava explosion spider emperor is also the strength of the middle stage of Jinxian, he has no need to be afraid at all, if it is not for the lava explosion spider emperor who is protected by the power of law, when he hears her say that , Brother Hantan must let him taste the power of the fishbone from the sky first.

"You are looking for death!" The lava explosion spider emperor sneered.

"I originally wanted to kill the guy who hurt my descendants first!"

The Lava Exploding Spider King pointed at Gu Zheng. The previous attack on the Lava Exploding Spider was indeed Gu Zheng's first attack.

"But since you want to court death, then I'll let you do it, and I'll choose you to fight to the death with me!"

Following the sound of the lava explosion spider king, all three members of Gu Zheng had the same understanding in their hearts, that is, the lava explosion spider king can choose opponents to fight one-on-one, which is something that others cannot interfere with. And the candidate she picked out was Brother Hantan. When he had this kind of understanding in his heart, Brother Hantan already knew that the battle between him and the lava explosion spider king could begin.

"Fight to the death with me? Then I will send you to die!"

Brother Hantan turned into a dragon, rushed down the spiral staircase, and at the same time flew towards the lava explosion spider emperor, he first activated his supernatural power of fishbone from the sky.

"Hey! Huh!"

Two different sounds came out at the same time. The first sound was that the lava explosion spider raised her tail, and fiery red spider silk spewed out from her tail, entangled the light array of fishbone falling from the sky. The second sound came from the mouth of the Lava Explosion Spider Emperor. Flames spewed out of her mouth, and the flames transformed into a fire dragon and rushed towards the monk in the cold pool.

The monk in the cold pool was somewhat shocked. He had seen many lava explosion spiders, but in his opinion, the huge tails of these things were full of explosive energy. Although they looked like spiders, they were not like spiders. The spider made spider silk like that, but the lava explosion spider king in front of him not only made the spider silk, but also the spider silk was so strong that it could entangle his fishbone light array from the sky, preventing him from producing fishbone.

If it was said that the fishbone from the sky was entangled by the spider silk of the lava explosion spider emperor, this was something that shocked the monks of the cold pool, then what happened next made the monks of the cold pool feel a little bad.

Brother Hantan's supernatural ability to atomize the dragon's body has always been his capital to settle down, and he has relied on this supernatural ability to avoid most of the damage.

Facing the fire dragon ejected from the lava explosion Spider Emperor, the cold pool cultivator repeated his old trick, he entered the atomized state in an instant, and the fire dragon indeed passed through his body as if passing through the air.

Under normal circumstances, no matter what kind of attack it is, as long as it passes through the body of the monk in the cold pool like this, it will basically not cause any damage to the monk in the cold pool, and the kind of attack that can cause damage to the monk in the cold pool will basically It can't penetrate his atomized and reborn body.

This time the situation is different from the past. The fire dragon did pass through the atomized body of the monk in the cold pool, but it also caused real damage to the monk in the cold pool. The damage to the monk in the cold pool is like a The sword pierced his stomach, which, though not fatal, could have seriously wounded him.

The monk in the cold pool was shocked. The lava explosion spider king was able to break through his sky-falling fishbone and atomized dragon body. How could he continue to fight against the lava explosion spider king! What's even more frightening is that this space originally restricted such strange energies as soul power and divine thoughts, and the other two supernatural powers that monks in the cold pool can use, illusion and the manipulation of monsters, all belong to the aspect of soul power. Supernatural powers, when his soul power was restricted, he couldn't even use these two supernatural powers.

Hatred started from the heart, and the severely injured cold pool cultivator didn't give in, it slammed into the lava explosion spider king without slowing down.

The lava exploded and the spider emperor looked contemptuously, and she opened her mouth again to spit out a flame capable of transforming a dragon at the monk in the cold pool.

The cold pool cultivator who suffered a loss once was naturally unwilling to be fooled a second time. The loss just now made him understand that facing the strange fire dragon attack of the lava explosion spider king, he didn't need the supernatural power of atomizing the dragon body. It won't be that badly hurt.

Therefore, when the fire dragon was about to hit the cold pool monk, the cold pool monk switched from materialization to entity.


The two dragons collided in the air, and the cold pool monk was even better. The fire dragon was directly hit by him and exploded, turning into sparks all over the sky, but he himself was not hurt by it, because the fire dragon's attack could truly show When it is powerful, it is when dealing with non-physical things.


Seeing that Brother Hantan had seen through her trick, the spider emperor was not surprised at all when the lava exploded. Looking at Brother Hantan who was about to fly to him, she once again opened her mouth and spewed out a flame that could transform a dragon.

Brother Hantan frowned. He is not a fool. On the premise that the lava explosion spider emperor dared to use this method under the premise that the trick had been seen through, there is a bit of truth in it, so Hantan The monk didn't intend to face the fire dragon head-on this time, he planned to use the only magical power that could make a comeback in the current state of serious injuries.

Before the fire dragon could touch his body, the cold pool monk exploded in the air, and he who had activated his clone power changed from one to five, and these five cold pool monks, who looked exactly the same, moved towards him from different directions. The lava explosion spider emperor flew away, and the dragon claws stretched out, as if it wanted to leave a bloody hole in the lava explosion spider emperor's body.

The lava exploded. Spider Emperor's eyes became cautious, but her body still didn't move. The two human hands on her upper body waved, and the sound of the explosion suddenly sounded near the clones of the monks in the cold pool.

"Air burst!"

On the spiral staircase, the son of the cold pool monk sweated for her father. He did not expect that the lava explosion spider king could display his usual supernatural powers, and the power of the explosion was not at all compared to the air explosion he used. weak.

The clones of monk Hantan, although they look exactly like him, are actually too different in strength. His clones are only at the peak of returning to the void. How can they stand up to the lava explosion launched by the spider emperor in the early stage of Golden Immortal? The air exploded, and even three of them were blown up to ashes.

However, the three clones of Brother Hantan did not die in vain, and his real body finally arrived in front of the Lava Explosion Spider King at this time, and slapped the dragon claws heavily on the Lava Explosion Spider King's body.

The moment he hit the lava explosion spider king with his dragon claws, the cold pool cultivator was overjoyed, because this strange monster did not have the kind of external protection similar to the fairy shield, so his black-colored supernatural power was directly implanted into it. The lava exploded inside the spider king's body!

However, the surprise was only for a moment. The cold pool monk had just implanted the ink color rendering into the lava explosion spider emperor, and before he could evacuate the dragon claw, a strange suction was generated from the lava explosion spider emperor. The suction force pulled the dragon claw of the cold pool monk! The next moment, a wave of extremely violent energy exploded from the lava into the Spider Emperor's body, using the cold pool monk's dragon claws as a bridge, and sent it to his body.

Cultivator Hantan was shocked. It is very difficult for ordinary people to escape this situation, but fortunately, he still has a clone who is still alive, so he can use the clone to resist this catastrophe.

With a thought, Brother Hantan instantly completed the switch between the main body and the clone. He turned the main body into a clone, and the clone became the main body.


The last clone of the monk in the cold pool exploded, and the violent energy implanted in the body by the lava explosion spider king, even the monk in the cold pool could not withstand it, let alone a clone.

However, the last avatar of Brother Hantan was well deserved, because at the moment when Brother Hantan completed the switch between the avatar and the main body, he, who was in control of the new body, seized the opportunity to hit the lava explosion with a blow from the dragon claw On the body of the Spider Emperor!

Moreover, when Brother Hantan completed the second black implantation of the Lava Explosion Spider Emperor, the Lava Explosion Spider Emperor was also at the critical moment of controlling the explosion of the Cold Lake Brother's avatar, and failed to use suction to control the Cold Lake Brother in time. It also gave the cold pool monk a chance to escape.

Brother Hantan had already fled to the side. He was gasping for breath in a seriously injured state, and mobilized the monster power in his body to hurry up and repair his body.

Brother Hantan seems to be in a panic, but in fact the situation of the lava explosion Spider Emperor is more serious than him! After all, the Lava Explosion Spider Emperor was implanted twice with ink that could render.

The ink color rendering of the monk in the cold pool is a very powerful magical power in itself. If it is said that when he implanted the ink color into the lava explosion spider king for the first time, the lava explosion spider king could still suppress the ink color by virtue of its own strength and prevent other However, after undergoing the second ink implantation of the cold pool cultivator, the power of the ink rendering was already a little difficult for her to suppress.

The upper body of the lava explosion spider king is a naked image. The first dragon claw attack of the cold pool cultivator hit her waist, leaving a black dragon claw print there. His second dragon claw attack The attack hit the back of the Lava Explosion Spider King. After the attack fell this time, the dragon paw print left behind spread rapidly, so that the dragon paw print that had been suppressed from spreading on the Lava Explosion Spider King's waist It also expanded rapidly.

The Lava Explosive Spider Emperor panicked. Although she is the queen of the Lava Explosive Spider family, and her physique is different from that of ordinary Lava Explosive Spiders, she has not been able to completely get rid of the Lava Explosive Spider's own weak defense. The only feeling in her heart was that if she wanted to suppress this terrifying ink color, she must have a quiet environment to suppress it! And in the current space, the only quiet environment is her lair. She wants to return to its lair immediately, but she feels that the cold pool monk will definitely not agree.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Waving his hands one after another, the lava explosion spider emperor launched several air blasts towards the position of the cold pool monk, and after pushing the cold pool monk a little further, the lava explosion spider emperor immediately rushed towards the lair.

"Where to go!"

Brother Hantan roared, of course he knew what the Lava Explosion Spider King was going to do, and he would definitely not let the Lava Explosion Spider King get his wish.

Accompanied by the roar of the monk in the cold pool, the fishbone from the sky once again appeared on the lava explosion spider emperor's head, following her like a shadow!

The fishbone from the sky that the monk in the cold pool used before was already broken by the spider silk of the lava explosion spider king, but this time the monk in the cold pool used the fishbone from the sky again, and he was no longer afraid of being broken by the spider king in the lava explosion. go. After all, in the case of ink rendering in the body, casting spells is very taboo, which will speed up the progress of ink rendering.

The lava explosion Spider King panicked. When she launched the air blast on the monks in the cold pool just now, she had already discovered that the use of monsters accelerated the speed of ink rendering in her body. Dare to activate it again, not to mention that it will consume more natal spider silk for her!

However, if the natal spider silk is not activated, it will not work. The lava explosion spider king's own defense is relatively weak, and each fishbone from the sky has the destructive power of the mid-term golden fairy. Now she is in the situation of being attacked by the black color , her own defense has already dropped a bit. If she doesn't cast a spell to resist the fishbone from the sky, she will be stabbed to death by the fishbone without waiting for her to escape back to the lair, but if she uses her natal spider silk to defend , although the crisis of being stabbed to death by a fishbone is excused, the ink color in the body will be accelerated because of this.


Unwilling, the lava exploded and the spider king roared angrily. She had no choice but to raise her fat tail and spew out her natal spider silk again to stabilize the light array that the cold pool cultivator acted on above her head, preventing it from lowering the deadly fishbone attack.

The Red Flame God Mountain is so high that it does not reach the top, so the internal space is naturally huge, but before the lava explosion Spider Emperor never felt that it would be a very long distance to return to her lair from the center of the space, but now She really has the feeling that the world is close at hand!

The continuous rendering of the black color in the body has already caused the strength of the lava explosion spider king to decline, and the parts of the body invaded by the black color have begun to fail. Behind him is the cold pool monk who is watching. It was a real sense of despair.

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