Five light-banded tentacles shot out from the back of Brother Hantan's son. Brother Hantan and his son used his magical power to absorb the original energy of the tree man that had not yet dissipated. After all, the tree man's strength was at the late stage of the Golden Immortal. It was a huge waste. What a crime! Moreover, absorbing the original energy of the tree people that has not yet dissipated does not affect the monk Hantan's son's view of the formation eye. After all, he needs to move his hands to activate the formation eye to absorb the original energy of the tree person that has not yet dissipated. He shot it through his back Five light-banded tentacles can complete it.

When Brother Hantan and his son absorbed the original energy of the last treant, there was also a reward from the sky, and his reward from the sky was the same as Gu Zheng's, which was a twisting mini treant.

At this moment, Brother Hantan and his son had finished activating the opponent's eye. He had already taken the twisting mini tree man in his hand to observe, and his father had just met the fruit giant at this time.

There were a lot of fruit giants, but Brother Hantan could actually deal with them more easily than when dealing with the mandala flower before. He directly launched soul control on the fruit giants, and when a giant with Chinese characters was controlled by him After that, more fruit giants were soon controlled by him.

"This kind of dog-eat-dog scene is really exciting. I have been tired for a long time, and now I can finally relax."

The 5 fruit giants were controlled by monk Hantan. This was also the limit of his ability to control the fruit giants. The fruit giants he controlled targeted their companions one on one. It really looked like a dog eating a dog. generally.

Although he said that he could relax, Brother Hantan did not really relax. He wanted to get rid of the remaining fruit giants as soon as possible along with the fruit giants he controlled. After all, by getting rid of the enemies as soon as possible, the fruit giants controlled by Hantan Monk will be less damaged, and Hantan Monk will be able to lead them to meet the next wave of obstacles.

"Fortunately, at this stage, there is no danger of taking the wrong step in the formation. This also allows me to take these five subordinates on the road together. I also want to see the next wave of obstruction. He won’t still be this kind of fruit giant.”

Since he knew almost nothing about battle tactics, Brother Hantan didn't know that there was only one wave of fruit giants. He thought that the fruit giants would have several waves just like the vine attacks and mandala flowers he had encountered before. That kind of thing.

With the fruit giant swaggering forward, Brother Hantan soon saw the end of the passage and the formation that looked like a millstone.

The trees on one side of the road shook, and the tree man appeared at this time. Just like what Brother Hantan and his son had encountered before, there was only one in number.

As soon as the tree man appeared, he was immediately attacked by the five subordinates of the Hantan monk. Faced with the attack of the five fruit giants, the tree man shook his body directly, and twenty of them fell from the tree that was originally hanging on him.

Some of the twenty fruits flew towards Brother Hantan, while the remaining ones fell to the ground and became fruit giants that were exactly the same as those controlled by Brother Hantan.

Facing the ten fruits flying over, Brother Hantan frowned. He had already felt the violent energy from those fruits, so he knew that once those fruits came to his front, there would be a powerful explosion.

Taking advantage of the opportunity before the fruit could fly closer, Brother Hantan directly used the magical power of dropping fish bones from the sky at the tree man. The light array that could continuously drop fish bones and follow the target like a shadow appeared above the tree man's head.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The sound of the fruit exploding was loud, but Brother Hantan was not injured. He dared to activate the magical power of atomizing the dragon body before the fruit exploded, and avoided the harm of the power of the fruit explosion by transforming reality into emptiness.

At the same time, the tree man screamed in pain. Although his strength had reached the late stage today, each of the fish bones falling from the sky had the destructive power of the middle stage of the Golden Immortal. After falling on him, it would naturally be able to deal with it. He causes damage.


The tree man roared and waved more than ten vines on his body. Some of them flew towards the cold pool monk, and the other part hit the light array above his head. But it was a pity that no matter the light above the tree man's head, Neither the formation nor the monk Hantan, his vine attack can cause damage to the target, because the light array is not an entity, and the monk Hantan is also not in a physical state.

Seeing that the tree man could not break his atomized dragon body, Brother Hantan couldn't help but feel happy. He flew towards the tree man in a swaggering manner, and then turned into a solid body at a suitable distance. The dragon's tail twitched the tree hard. The person was knocked away, and at the same time, the ink color that could be used to render was implanted into the tree man's body.

The magical power of ink rendering works very well against wood-attribute monsters, and the tree man is a wood-attribute monster, so the ink color implanted in his body by the Hantan monk quickly began to spread.

Originally there was nothing that could be done to Brother Hantan, but now Brother Hantan had implanted ink that could render the body into his body. Soon, the tree man who could no longer hold up turned into a piece of charcoal. With a gentle touch from Brother Hantan, he was gone. It became black particles scattered on the ground.

Brother Hantan opened his mouth and inhaled, and all the black particles scattered on the ground entered his body and were transformed into energy that could help him improve his cultivation. For Brother Hantan, waste is also a huge crime, so along the way All the monsters he killed by using ink to render his magical power were put to good use by him.

Without the obstruction of the tree man, Brother Hantan came to the eye of the formation, pressed his hands on the eye of the formation, and began to activate the eye of the formation. As for the five fruit giants controlled by him, they stood as guards. Beside him.

Just like the situation his son had encountered before, the monk Hantan had just started to activate the formation eyes, and the trees on the side of the road immediately shook, and the last tree man appeared at this time.

The five fruit giants immediately launched an attack on the tree people, and the tree people also fought with the five fruit giants.

Brother Hantan understood that the 5 fruit giants of a single product were no match for the tree man at all, and he had to help at this time, otherwise he would not be able to successfully activate the formation eyes.

All you need to activate the eye formation is your hands. Even if Hantan monk doesn't use his hands, he can help the five fruit giants kill the tree people.

Brother Hantan used his soul power, and he used his soul power to create an illusion attack.

Under the effect of the illusion attack, the treants who were fighting with the 5 fruit giants suddenly became confused, and the 5 fruit giants took advantage of this rare opportunity to launch their attack techniques on the treants. On the body.

The tree man woke up from the pain, and all the fruits on his body fell, some exploded, and some turned into fruit giants that were exactly the same as those controlled by the Hantan monks.

Faced with the current situation, Brother Hantan is still using illusion to attack the tree people. As for those fruit giants, he has no strength or time to take care of them. He just ordered the 5 fruit giants controlled by him through his soul power to ignore All launched attacks on the tree man affected by the illusion. He knew that as long as he could get rid of the tree man, the giants formed from the fruits that fell from him would naturally disappear, but if he attacked the fruit giant now instead of attacking If you tree people, the originally good situation may be reversed.

Brother Hantan's approach was correct. Although this approach caused heavy casualties to the few fruit giants controlled by him, at any rate the final result was that the tree man finally died under his illusion attack and the fruit giant's repeated attacks. The explosion turned into sawdust all over the sky, and all the giants that were transformed from the fruits of the tree man's body after his death also disappeared completely.

After eliminating the last treant, Brother Hantan also received a reward from the sky, and his reward was the same as Gu Zheng's, a mini treant that could keep twisting.

After a while, Gu Zheng, who had been paying attention to the formation eyes in front of him, finally changed his serious expression into a smile. From the light emitted from the formation eye runes, he could see that the other two formation eyes had been captured by monk Hantan. After the father and son activated it, he immediately began to control the formation eye again. This time he wanted the activated formation eye to have an effect.

Different from the previous one, Gu Zheng this time stood directly on the formation eye to control the opponent's eye, because this formation eye was actually a teleportation immortal formation.

With the final manipulation of Gu Zheng's formation eyes, the light in front of the Hantan monks and his son's eyes also dimmed and became brighter. Seeing that the timing was right, Hantan monks and his son stood on the formation eyes without hesitation.

With a flash of light, the sight of the three-person team alternated between light and dark, and they appeared in the second level of the four-level immortal formation.

The moment he appeared at the second level of the four-level immortal formation, Gu Zheng frowned tightly. The worst case scenario had already happened. Brother Hantan and his son were not by his side.

The environment in front of you is a passage. Behind the ancient battle is a barrier formed by fog. There are various strange murals on the stone walls on both sides of the passage. The environment looks like you are in the corridor of an underground building.

Still not moving immediately, Gu Zheng used his spiritual formation to investigate.

After a while, the ancient battle of probing the formation was over, and his expression became somewhat more relaxed. Through probing, he already knew that the second level of the four-level immortal formation was an illusory formation, and the reason that made him feel more relaxed was that the Hantan monk Although the father and son have shortcomings in formations, Brother Hantan and his son still have some understanding of the formations, and the second level of the four-level immortal formation is actually somewhat similar to the first level. He believes that Brother Hantan is As long as the son uses his soul power to explore, he will be able to understand how to pass the second level of immortal formation. As for the Hantan monk, although he knows nothing about the formation, he is a master of illusion. The illusion attacks in the Chongxian Formation should have no effect on him.

Gu Zheng began to take steps. He wanted to do what he could do in the current passage as soon as possible, because as the progress improved, the Hantan monks and his son's understanding of the phantom formation would become clearer.

As Gu Zheng marches in the passage, fog gradually appears in the passage, and you have a groggy feeling that you have given up in Gu Zheng's mind, and there seem to be many monsters in the fog.

Gu Zheng knew very well that he had been attacked by illusion, and the content presented by the illusion was actually the content in the mural on the passage. The current attack strength of this illusion was very weak, at least for Gu Zheng, otherwise he would He is not clearly aware that he is being attacked by illusions.

The best way to see through illusions is to deepen the recognition of him in his heart. Gu Zheng deepens his recognition of what he sees as illusions in his heart. Then he closes and opens his eyes, and the whole world suddenly becomes clean. The fog disappeared, and so did the groggy feeling.

The understanding of the formation method increases with the deepening of the formation method. After seeing through the first illusion attack, Gu Zheng has also learned that the illusion attack in the entire passage is divided into three times. At the bottom of the passage, there are still two illusion attacks to go through, and the intensity of these two illusion attacks is getting higher each time.

Gu Zheng suddenly became confused. There were many monsters in front of his eyes. He couldn't remember why these monsters appeared suddenly, and he didn't know why he was in the current environment. He just thought it was all very reasonable. He just felt that it was superfluous to think about any issues in such an environment. Those monsters were attacking him. The first thing he had to do was to get rid of those monsters.

The reason for the sudden appearance of monsters is naturally because Gu Zheng has encountered the second illusion attack. Compared with the first illusion attack which was less difficult, this time the illusion attack was not immediately overwhelmed by Gu Zheng. However, Gu Zheng is a master of illusion after all. He mastered very powerful illusion techniques in the Noumenon era. Although some powerful illusions can temporarily trap him, it is impossible to trap him for a long time.

For example, now, the illusion attack has just started, and the attacks launched by those illusions have not yet come to Gu Zheng. Gu Zheng, who is about to launch a counterattack, suddenly feels suspicious. He feels that everything in front of him is very abnormal. ,who is he? Why is he in this place, experiencing everything he is currently experiencing?

Illusion is not a real thing, and what he is most afraid of is having doubts. Once doubts arise, he will be able to see many clues, just like Gu Zheng now. Who and why are they here?

Gu Zheng sneered, and gave up the resistance he had prepared. When the various attacks were about to fall on him, he closed and opened his eyes, and the world regained clarity. Gu Zheng saw through the second illusion attack from the illusion array.

Walking forward again, Gu Zheng soon encountered the last illusion attack. This time the illusion attack was more intense. The scene it presented was no longer the monsters and monsters in the passage murals, but the most powerful illusion in the way of illusion. Powerful illusions arise from the mind.

Under the influence of Huan You Xin Sheng, Gu Zheng saw many things, and among the things he saw, there was the real world that he missed, as well as his weapon spirit, his four statues, and his senior brothers and sisters.

Illusions born from the heart are often illusions that directly hit the soul. Such illusions make it easier for people to sink into it, and Gu Zheng is no exception. After all, the things he sees through fantasy are the people and things he misses very much. , which is also the soft part hidden in his heart.

At this moment, Brother Hantan frowned. He was still standing where he had just appeared in the second level of the Immortal Formation, and did not dare to act rashly.

I don’t know how many times I cursed in my heart. Facing a special scene like the Immortal Formation, what Brother Hantan was most afraid of was to be separated from Gu Zheng, because his understanding of the Immortal Formation was too weak, and in a situation like the Immortal Formation, he was most afraid of being separated from Gu Zheng. In special scenarios, if you don't have enough understanding of the formation itself, your strength will be greatly reduced here.

"do not care!"

Brother Hantan gritted his teeth and finally took his first step in the second level of the Immortal Formation.

Although Brother Hantan is weak in formations, he is not completely ignorant of the current formations. The fundamental reason for this is the heavenly reward he holds in his hand, which is the wriggling mini tree man. .

The mini tree man conveys a message to Brother Hantan that he is eager to move forward. At the same time, it also makes Brother Hantan understand that it is the key to Brother Hantan leaving the current immortal formation. This feeling is actually not unique to Brother Hantan. Yes, Gu Zheng and his son also understood it, because they also held a mini tree man in their hands.

Brother Hantan was walking in the passage and soon encountered the first wave of illusion attacks. However, because Brother Hantan himself was also a master of illusion, ordinary illusion attacks could not affect him at all, so this first wave of illusion attacks The attack was quickly discovered by him.

At the same time, Brother Hantan's son opened his eyes. From the moment he entered the second level of the Immortal Formation to now, Brother Hantan's son still remained motionless. However, this motionlessness only refers to the movement of the body. Brother Hantan and his son did not do anything about the current situation. After entering the second level of the Immortal Formation, he had already learned from Gu Zheng to understand the appearance of the Immortal Formation. , used his soul power to explore the immortal formation.

It is a pity that although Brother Hantan and his son understand some formation methods, this understanding is just superficial compared to the entire formation method. Therefore, the exploration he made with his soul power only allowed him to understand, He had to go to the end of the passage, where there was a teleportation fairy formation. If he wanted to enter the next level of fairy formation space through that teleportation fairy formation, he had to put the mini tree man in his hand into the concave part of the teleportation fairy formation. In the slot, because the mini tree man in his hand is the energy needed to activate the teleportation immortal array.

Brother Hantan and his son also started to move. Although he was afraid of the Immortal Formation in his heart, he understood the seriousness of the matter. Since they were a group of three people who entered this Immortal Town at the same time, they had to leave here if they wanted to. The mini tree man in his hand is put into the groove of the teleportation immortal formation. This is an indispensable thing. Once one person fails, the three-person team will be wiped out.

At the same time, Gu Zheng finally caught a suspicious point in the illusion created by his heart. He was a little bit disillusioned and finally saw through the illusion formation, making the passage completely clear.

After seeing through the last obstacle of the illusion array, Gu Zheng soon came to the bottom of the passage and saw the teleportation array.

Like the fairy formation of the first level, the teleportation fairy town and the formation eyes are actually two in one, but the activation of the formation eyes here does not need to be so complicated.

Gu Zheng seizes the time to activate the formation eye, because he knows that once his formation eye is activated, Hantan monks and his son's understanding of the immortal formation will also be improved, which will increase their possibility of passing this kind of immortal formation. .

The formation eyes on Gu Zheng's side have been activated, and the influence has directly affected the father and son of the monk Hantan.

Brother Hantan was originally experiencing the obstruction of the second wave of illusions. The impact of the activation of Gu Zheng's formation eye caused the illusion he was in to tremble. The son who was talking to him in the illusion suddenly appeared in the whole body. The cracks made Brother Hantan startled.

However, the activation of the formation eye has a limited effect on the illusion that has been formed. The cracks on Brother Hantan's son's body in the illusion healed instantly, and he began to behave normally with Brother Hantan again. dialogue.

The strange situation he just saw did not disappear from the mind of the monk Hantan. Even though the son in front of him looked so normal, he couldn't help but have doubts, and the result of the doubts was naturally that he discovered many places. It is unreasonable, thus seeing through this second wave of illusion.

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