"In the real world, less than a month is indeed not much time, but this is the Tai Chi space!" the four-eyed bear demon said with emotion.

Gu Zheng's heart moved and he quickly asked: "What happened to Tai Chi Space?"

"The Tai Chi space is different from other space worlds inside the Immortal Space Immortal Artifact. This space world has almost no possibility for entrants to enter again, so I was really surprised to know that you came to know. I don't know whether you passed through What kind of method can we use to enter this strange Tai Chi space?" the four-eyed bear demon said.

"That's not specific enough. Can you tell me more about the peculiarities of Tai Chi space?"

Facing Gu Zheng's further inquiry, the four-eyed bear demon shook his head: "You also know that I am just a special monster, and many of the memories of special monsters are sealed. This is all I know. Well, for some things I want to know, even if my divination skills are powerful, if it is within the scope limited by the power of law, I still can't divination. For example, I can't stand on your side. You came to me this time, but I don’t know why you came here this time. Could it be that you want me to help you with divination? If that’s the case, it’s really a pity. I helped you tell someone last time. I am considered to have suffered an internal injury during the battle, and I cannot help others with divination while the internal injury has not healed."

Hearing what the four-eyed bear demon said, Gu Zheng felt a little disappointed. He thought he could get a lot of information about the Tai Chi space from the four-eyed bear demon. Unexpectedly, he only got that little bit, so he touched it again. It has reached the limit of the power of law.

Since it is limited by the power of law, it is something that no one can do. Gu Zheng will no longer be disappointed because of this. He smiled at the four-eyed bear monster and said: "I am not coming to you this time to ask you to help me. I’m trying to divine something, but I want to ask you for something.”

When it comes to this, Gu Zheng is really in a dilemma. Although he has some friendship with the four-eyed bear demon, he wants the four-eyed bear demon to feed him. Even if it is easy to say, it is not easy to hear!

"What do you want to ask for from me?" The four-eyed bear demon looked curious.

"I want the abacus in your hand."

Gu Zheng was heartbroken and spoke out the request that he thought was excessive.

"No way, this is the guy I eat with!"

The four-eyed bear demon opened his eyes wide and refused without hesitation.

"Your abacus is really useful to me. Of course, I won't ask for your abacus in vain. If you need anything, you can tell me. As long as it is something I can bear, I can give it to you in exchange. ." Gu Zheng said.

After hearing what Gu Zheng said, the four-eyed bear demon Mosuo thought about his calculations before speaking again.

"It's not like I, the guy who eats, can't give it to you."

The four-eyed bear demon prolonged his voice and seemed hesitant. Gu Zheng also hurriedly said: "Just tell me if you have any requests!"

In Gu Zheng's heart, as long as the four-eyed bear demon's request is not too excessive, he will agree to it. For him, it is better to satisfy the four-eyed bear demon's request than to carry the agreement of the bearded dragon man on his back, and always have to think about it. this matter.

But if the four-eyed bear demon's request is too excessive, Gu Zheng doesn't have to agree. Anyway, the long-bearded dragon man also said that if Gu Zheng can't get what he wants, then as long as Gu Zheng returns to the prehistoric times, , just bring him to the wilderness.

"I want to eat fairy fruit. If you have a fairy fruit, I will give you my eating partner."


The four-eyed bear demon's words made Gu Zheng's eyes widen. Although he knew that the four-eyed bear demon liked to eat fairy fruits, after all, the last time he made a deal with the four-eyed bear demon, he paid for the fairy fruits. He also thought about using The four-eyed bear demon came to impress the four-eyed bear demon with the fairy fruit, but he never thought that the four-eyed bear demon would just ask for the fairy fruit, and all he wanted was just one.

"You heard me right. After all, we have some friendship. Since you need my food, there must be a purpose for you. Just give me a fairy fruit in exchange."

The four-eyed bear demon smiled, while Gu Zheng took out the fairy fruit from the inner magic bead without saying a word, but what he took out was not the one the four-eyed bear demon asked for, but a whole ten. The four-eyed bear demon Renyi, he No errands either.

Seeing that Gu Zheng wanted to exchange ten fairy fruits for his abacus, the four-eyed bear demon laughed loudly. Without saying anything, he gave the abacus in his hand to Gu Zheng.

"I'm so happy. I actually got ten fairy fruits. I'm going to enjoy the fairy fruits now and enter hibernation in advance to heal my injuries. You can do whatever you want if you enter. We'll see you later."

Before Gu Zheng could say goodbye, the four-eyed bear demon had already spoken.

"Okay, see you later."

Gu Zheng rushed to the four-eyed bear demon who was holding his fist and returned the favor. The four-eyed bear demon happily returned to Abacus Slope with the fairy fruit.

After returning to Abacus Slope, the four-eyed bear demon glanced at the direction Gu Zheng left, and murmured: "The big shots are all placing their bets, and I, the old bear, have come to place my bets too! All the food guys have been given to you, I I think you will remember this favor in the future, right?"

After leaving Abacus Slope, Gu Zheng gave the abacus to the long-bearded dragon man, which was regarded as completing the agreement between the two of them. Since the long-bearded dragon man had already obtained the abacus, it was naturally impossible to stay in Gu Zheng. In the inner demon bead, he parted ways with Gu Zheng in this Tai Chi space.

The direction Gu Zheng is heading to now is to the north of Tai Chi Space, that is, the far north land, where there is an opportunity to make the little fox wake up.

The far north of Tai Chi Space is an ice field. Calculated from Gu Zheng's current location, it would take eight hours to fly there.

The flight was very peaceful, and no monsters came to disturb him. Gu Zheng also enjoyed this kind of tranquility, and the eight hours passed by unknowingly.

In front of you is a world of ice and snow, and you have arrived at the polar ice field in the Tai Chi space.

The polar ice sheet is very large. Where is the opportunity that can help the little fox wake up? What is the so-called qi machine? This is something Gu Zheng doesn't know. The only thing he can do now is That is, while flying above the polar ice sheets, use your spiritual thoughts to explore the situation in the polar ice sheets to see if you can find anything.

Although it is an extremely cold place covered with ice and snow, the polar ice sheets are not without life. There are many bryophytes that are suitable for growing in the polar environment, and there are also many animals that are suitable for growing in the polar environment, such as ice wolves, Ice rabbits, ice foxes, and ice deer are all real animals, not monsters. At least so far, Gu Zheng has not found any trace of monsters in the polar ice sheets.

"It would be great if we could discover monsters with enough intelligence, so that we can search for the souls of monsters to learn more about the multi-polar ice fields. But the current situation is that, let alone monsters with intelligence, even if They are monsters without intelligence and we haven’t found one yet!”

An hour had passed, and Brother Hantan's son couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

"As the polar area in Tai Chi space, it is very abnormal that there are no monsters here. The absence of monsters during the day does not mean that there is no night. The day and night here may be two different worlds, so you don't need to worry. We will wait until night to see everything. Let’s see.”

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Brother Hantan and his son also nodded. There is really no good way now, they can only wait until night to see.

However, Gu Zheng, who had just said that he would wait until night to see it, his eyes suddenly lit up as if he had thought of something.

"Perhaps the idea is wrong. Although there are no monsters here, there are ice foxes among the animals!" Gu Zheng said with excitement.

"Ice fox?" Brother Hantan's son frowned: "Master, although the little fox is also a fox, can she really be related to the ice fox? The ice fox on the ground is just an ordinary fox, maybe it is not the same as the little fox at all. A breed?”

"Fox demons are also trained from ordinary foxes. Besides, don't you know what kind of fox the little fox is?" Gu Zheng said with a smile.

Scratching his head in embarrassment, Brother Hantan's son spoke again: "Master, what are you going to do?"

"The exploration I did with my spiritual mind basically just explored the surface of the polar ice sheets. I did not explore too deeply into the underground of the polar ice sheets. Ice foxes dig holes and build nests underground. Maybe that underground There is no guarantee that there is a secret in the fox hole. Anyway, I am idle, so I will explore the fox hole!" Gu Zheng said his decision.

There are a lot of ice foxes on the polar ice sheet, and Gu Zheng soon found a fox cave. As his spiritual thoughts deepened in the fox cave, Gu Zheng became more and more excited, because the fox cave extended in all directions, and it was like It's a maze, definitely not an ordinary fox cave.

He was not afraid of getting lost in the exploration of his spiritual mind. As his spiritual mind went deeper into the fox cave, Gu Zheng finally felt the evil spirit. The moment he felt the evil spirit, he was sure that he was in the right place! After all, all he wanted to find were monsters.

Following the evil spirit in the fox's cave, Gu Zheng discovered a cave.

The door of the cave is tightly closed, and there is a magic seal on it.

Being able to build a cave abode shows that the monsters in the cave abode have enough intelligence. Gu Zheng did not make any move to turn against others, but used his spiritual thoughts to convey his intentions to the cave abode.

The monster in the cave responded to the intention conveyed by Gu Zheng. The other party knew what kind of existence the entrant was, and could feel the power of Gu Zheng from Gu Zheng's spiritual thoughts, and was willing to communicate with Gu Zheng.

The door of the cave opened slowly, and Gu Zheng saw a nest of vixens. There were more than a dozen vixens in this nest, including men and women. The leader was a fox that transformed into an old woman. She was also from the Ice Lake clan. Chief.

The vixens are just little demons. Although they have awakened their spirits, their strength is still very low. Even the fox that transformed into an old woman is only at the peak of its return to virtual reality.

Without the protection of the power of law on his body, and yet feeling the power of the ancient spirit of struggle, Chief Ice Fox's attitude was very humble when he spoke.

"May I ask the entrants, do you want to do anything with me when you come to the territory of my Ice Fox Clan?"

Since Gu Zheng was not here in person, but just his spiritual thoughts, Chief Ice Fox saluted to his spiritual thoughts.

"I want you to see something, so I'll let my subordinates come in."

Chief Binghu is very humble. Besides, Gu Zheng’s true form is not here, and there is no way to do things like searching for souls. Therefore, when Shen Nian said this to Chief Binghu, Gu Zheng’s true form took Brother Hantan with him. Father and son entered the fox hole.


Chief Ice Fox weakly agreed, and all the members of the Ice Fox clan were like her, standing there tremblingly without even daring to raise their heads.

"You don't need to be so reserved. As long as you don't deceive me about what I'm asking about, I won't embarrass you."

After hearing what Gu Zheng said, the members of the Ice Fox clan quickly thanked Gu Zheng.

Although the fox hole is not big, but when the strength reaches the level of Gu Zheng and others, it can still be done by shrinking the body appropriately.

It didn't take long for Gu Zheng's true body to appear in front of the Ice Fox clan along with the Hantan monks and his son.

"Do you know what this is?"

Gu Zheng asked the son of Brother Hantan to reach out and show the little fox mark on his arm to Chief Ice Fox.

"This, this is the sleeping mark of the Ice Fox Queen. Oh my god, our king is still alive!"

Seeing the little fox mark on Brother Hantan's son's arm, Chief Ice Fox suddenly screamed excitedly. Gu Zheng and others were also happy. With the development of the matter now, they finally came across the real clue.

"Since he is your king, do you have a way to revive him?"

Gu Zheng asked Chief Ice Fox, and Chief Ice Fox asked Gu Zheng in return why the little fox fell into a deep sleep. This is the key to waking up the little fox.

Gu Zheng told Chief Ice Fox why the little fox Yinhe was sleeping, and Chief Ice Fox told Gu Zheng that she had a way to wake up the little fox, but it was very difficult to wake up the little fox unless she had two things.

"What two things?"

Hearing what Chief Ice Fox said, Gu Zheng asked hurriedly.

"If I want to wake up the Queen, I need to perform an ancient sacrifice. The Queen fell into a deep sleep because of the four-winged green phoenix monster. So if I want to wake up the Queen, I need a living phoenix-like spiritual bird to make a blood sacrifice."

Chief Ice Fox's words moved Gu Zheng's heart, and he thought about releasing the inner demon bead from the three-tailed black phoenix he had previously obtained from the manor.

"Will this thing work?" Gu Zheng asked.

"It is indeed the spiritual bird of the Phoenix. Of course it can be used for blood sacrifices." Chief Ice Fox said.

The three-tailed black phoenix, who was originally too arrogant to bother communicating with Gu Zheng, suddenly trembled with fear after hearing what Chief Ice Fox said.

But it is a pity that even though the three-tailed black phoenix was frightened and trembling, the three-tailed black phoenix still had no intention of communicating with Gu Zheng. Gu Zheng was also hesitant. The three-tailed black phoenix brought out from the manor was in his It felt like it should be of great use, but he was not sure whether the so-called great use was to wake up the little fox.

First, he put the three-tailed black phoenix into the inner magic bead, and Gu Zheng asked the Ice Fox chief again: "What is the second thing you need?"

"This second thing is the sacrificial scepter of my Ice Fox clan. Unfortunately, after the queen left the polar ice fields, the Ice Fox clan became lonely and was bullied by the Night Demon Wolf clan. Even the sacred objects of the clan The sacrificial staffs were all taken away by the Night Demon Wolf Clan, and I need entrants to help me get the sacrificial staffs back from the Night Demon Wolf Clan," Chief Ice Fox said.

"Okay, you can tell me the information about the Night Demon Wolf Clan."

According to Gu Zheng's request, Chief Ice Fox told Gu Zheng the information about the Night Demon Wolf clan.

Through Chief Ice Fox's narration, Gu Zheng learned that the Night Demon Wolf clan was not in the polar ice fields.

Just like there is a void space on the back of the four-way space, there is another world on the back of the polar ice field. This world is called the polar demon world. The Night Demon Wolf family is a creature of the polar demon world, and the entrance to the polar ice field leading to the polar demon world is on the ice. In the cave of the fox clan.

According to what Chief Ice Fox said, there are more than 300 Night Demon wolves, and they are basically at the realm of returning to the void. Only their leader, the Night Demon Wolf King, has reached the Golden Immortal realm, and they have never The sacrificial scepter taken away by the Ice Fox clan is in the hands of the Night Demon Wolf King.

The entrance between the polar ice field and the polar demon world will be opened once every night. Each time, it can only accommodate one creature from the polar ice field or the polar demon world. Therefore, every night, the ice fox family must There was a battle with the invading Night Demon Wolf clan in the cave, but without the existence of the Ice Fox Queen, the Ice Fox clan always suffered the loss. The number of members of their clan was decreasing day by day, so they also very much wanted to Their king can wake up. As long as their king wakes up and sublimates their blood, they will no longer have to fear the Night Demon Wolf clan.

After listening to Chief Ice Fox's story, Gu Zheng said, "Take me to the entrance to the polar ice field and the polar demon world!"

Taking Gu Zheng into the cave, Chief Ice Fox said cautiously: "It's not night yet, and you can't enter the polar demon world through the entrance yet."

"A normal person might have to wait until night, but I don't have to."

Gu Zheng is very confident. Through Chief Ice Fox's narration, he has understood that the so-called entrance to the two places is an eternal space passage. Although this space passage has some restrictions, his understanding of the way of space can be used to understand it. It is not impossible to make slight changes so that he can go to the Polar Demon Realm now without waiting.

Under the leadership of Chief Ice Fox, Gu Zheng has seen the entrance to the polar ice field and the polar demon world. It is indeed a space passage with some restrictions on it.

Gu Zheng narrowed his eyes, and the lines that formed the space passage soon became clear before his eyes. Gu Zheng used the power of Tao to act on those space lines and began to make slight changes to the space passage.

Only minor changes were made, naturally to ensure that the space channel would not collapse when used, but Gu Zheng could not change it too much, so this time Gu Zheng could only go to the Polar Demon Realm alone.

Before entering the space passage, Gu Zheng handed the Heart Demon Pearl to Brother Hantan, which made Brother Hantan couldn't help but curiously ask: "Master, can't you bring the treasure with you?"

"No, this space passage has some restrictions. If you can pass through it with the treasure, it is not considered as entering alone. After all, if the treasure is not restricted, I can take you two, father and son, or I can take thousands of people there. Ten thousand troops." Gu Zheng said.

"Master, please be careful, we are here waiting for you to come back!" Brother Hantan said to his son.

"Don't worry, it's just some Night Demon wolves."

Gu Zheng smiled slightly and stepped into the space passage, and his vision suddenly alternated between light and dark.

It is night in the Polar Demon Realm. There are also no stars and moon at night here, but the whole world is filled with a blood-red light.

The place where Gu Zheng appeared was in a valley. There were some plants that were not found in the outside world, and even the shape of the mountains was unusually rugged.

Although it was Gu Zheng's first time to enter the polar demon world, he had the experience provided by Chief Ice Fox, so he knew that the tribe where the Night Demon Wolf Clan was located was only a five-minute flight away.

The ancient war in the valley rose from the ground and flew directly towards the tribe where the Night Demon Wolf clan was located.

Five minutes passed quickly. During this period of time, Guzheng did not encounter any obstacles from monsters. This may be because this place belongs to the territory of the alien race of Night Demon Wolf!

Gu Zheng successfully arrived outside the tribe of the Night Demon Wolves, and the tribe in front of him was very crude in Gu Zheng's eyes. Although there was an immortal formation to protect the tribe, the seriousness of this level of immortal formation in Gu Zheng was Vulnerable.

I really arrived and alerted the guards of the Night Demon Wolf Clan, and the howling of wolves suddenly sounded.

The howls of wolves resounded, and hundreds of Night Demon wolves rushed toward the entrance of the tribe. They did not act rashly when they looked at Gu Zheng. The old wolf, whose fur was almost gone, stood up to communicate with Gu Zheng.

"Powerful being, what is your business in the territory of the Night Demon Wolf Clan?"

Since Gu Zheng had already unleashed the majesty of his divine thoughts, the Night Demon Wolves had also felt the terrifying power, so the attitude of the old wolf who spoke was relatively humble.

"If you hand over the sacrificial scepter you received from the Ice Fox Clan before, I won't embarrass you."

Gu Zheng directly explained the purpose of his visit. If the Night Demon Wolf clan knew the current situation and obediently handed over the sacrificial scepter, everything would be easier to say.

"We can't give you the sacrificial scepter. Even if you want to help the Ice Fox clan get it back, you have to give us a month to prepare."

Something unexpected happened to Gu Zheng. The leader, Old Wolf, lost his previous humility and became neither humble nor arrogant.

"Do you know what strength is?"

Gu Zheng didn't want to be nagging and pointed out the reality directly, but the leader, the old wolf, was so ignorant of praise. He said to Gu Zheng: "Although you are powerful, you can't protect the Ice Fox clan all your life, right? If you insist on doing so, If you cause any trouble, I guarantee that the Ice Fox clan will repay you twice as many as the Night Demon Wolf clan will die."

"If you seek death, no one can save you!"

Gu Zheng shook his head. The Ferris Rod that was originally shrunk and hidden on his body was enlarged in his hands. With the help of the passive blessing of the Shocking Rod Technique, his strength instantly increased from the middle stage of Golden Immortal to the late stage of Golden Immortal. He raised the Ferris Tower Staff and moved towards the protector. He smashed through the tribe's fairy formation barrier.


Gu Zheng only smashed three sticks, and the immortal formation protecting the Dark Night Demon Wolf tribe had completely collapsed, and his strength at this moment had been promoted to the peak of Golden Immortal with the passive blessing of the shocking stick technique.

The leading old wolf was frightened. He thought that Gu Zheng was only in the middle stage of Golden Immortal, so he dared to say a little tougher words, but he never thought that Gu Zheng's strength was so terrifying!

"Powerful existence, please stop!"

The leader, the old wolf, was also a flexible guy. He actually knelt down directly towards Gu Zheng.


Gu Zheng waved his hand directly to the leading old wolf. The leading old wolf, whose strength was only at the peak of returning to the void, flew towards Gu Zheng uncontrollably. Gu Zheng grabbed its head with his hands and started to search for its soul.

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