With Manager Ma's help, Gu Zheng doesn't have to worry at all.

The leopards and pythons were all sold, which was a bit higher than what they had expected. A total of 83 Yuanqi cards were sold, mainly because the python skins were sold for a little more. The skins were very big, much higher than they expected. Be higher.

The escort agency gave Gu Zheng ten vitality cards as a reward, which was exactly what the spiritual master gave him, and this was only half the journey. If Gu Zheng went back, they would give him twenty vitality cards.

A low-level spiritual master is worth this price.

As for what to do with those monsters that escaped, Gu Zheng didn't ask, it was not his business.

"Ninety-three vitality cards, you are no longer a pauper!"

Gu Zheng was holding a money bag, with the Vitality Cards touching inside. The Vitality Cards were similar to the coins of the earth. They were just a dime, small, transparent, and looked like crystals. Each Vitality Card contained A lot of energy can be used by warriors and spiritual masters for training.

Silver taels are not acceptable, so ordinary people prefer to trade with taels of silver. Only warriors and spiritual masters need vitality cards.

"Master Gu, where do you want to go? I know this place well and I can show you the way!"

At the Escort Bureau branch, Lao Hu talked to Gu Zheng enthusiastically. It was Gu Zheng's request that Lao Hu take him around.

Lao Hu is also an old Jianghu. He has been to Da'an Mansion many times and stayed in Da'an Mansion for three years before. He is indeed familiar with this place. Gu Zheng needs a guide here.

"Where are the secrets of the exercises? Let's go and take a look!"

Na Yuan Jue and Seven Star Yuan Jue have been fully practiced. He really needs better techniques to practice. Lao Hu is not surprised by this. If he has fully mastered two techniques, he will also buy new ones. , it may even be prepared in advance.

"When it comes to martial arts, there are more than a dozen stores in Da'an Mansion selling them, but the best one is Wanfa Pavilion. Their martial arts are the most complete and the best!"

Lao Hu immediately introduced that it was the right choice to find Lao Hu as a guide. He was indeed very familiar with this place. Not long after, he took Gu Zheng to what he called Wanfa Pavilion.

This is a large facade with six rooms, and it has two floors. There are many people inside, and there are many people coming in and out.

"What skills do you two want? This one belongs to the warrior, and this one belongs to the spiritual master!"

As soon as the two of them entered, a guy came up. The guy was very good at observing people's actions. He looked like a veteran. Moreover, Lao Hu was following Gu Zheng all the time. Gu Zheng was the one who really made the decision.

Looking at Gu Zheng again, although he is dressed in ordinary clothes, his equipment is extraordinary. Such customers are not of low quality and are very likely to make business.

"Let's see the psychiatrist first!"

Gu Zheng thought for a moment and then said, the spiritual master's practice is more like immortality, while the warrior's practice is close combat. It's not that the melee combat is not strong, the spiritual master's skills are more flexible and greater.

"Come here and see, here are all the low-level spiritual masters' skills. Our Wanfa Pavilion has the most comprehensive skills. As long as there is something on the market, we basically have it. If we don't have it, other places won't have it!"

The guy introduced it to Gu Zheng, and there was a sense of pride in his words. Wanfa Pavilion's skills are indeed comprehensive, more complete than others. This is a fact.

"Where are the intermediate skills?"

Gu Zheng briefly looked at the low-level skills here and didn't care anymore. The Seven Star Yuan Jue he practiced was the best among the low-level skills. There was no need for him to choose low-level skills.

"It's impressive, the intermediate skills are over here!"

The man immediately led them to the other side, where there were more and more complete things.

Different from the low-level skills, there are small jade slips in the cabinet. The low-level skills use books. After cultivating the vitality and soul, you can check the contents of the jade slips. But those who have not cultivated can only Read books honestly.

Whether it is a book or a jade slip, it has anti-theft settings. Once it is opened, it can only be read by the person who opened it, otherwise it will self-destruct.

This is also a setting made by the makers of the exercise to prevent piracy.

The person who gave Gu Zheng the exercises before had never read those two exercises, so Gu Zheng was the first to open them and became the master of those two exercises.

There are many intermediate-level exercises, and Gu Zheng quickly fell in love with a book called Baihua San. He asked the price and shook his head immediately.

Baihuasan is considered an intermediate-level skill, but here it actually costs three hundred vitality cards. Gu Zheng only has more than ninety in total, so he can't afford it.

After asking several questions, Gu Zheng discovered that the only ones he could afford with his current money were a few middle- and low-level ones, and they were barely affordable. If he bought them, he would become a pauper.

"Where are the warrior skills?"

The mid- and low-level ones have limited growth for Gu Zheng. They are so expensive, so you can skip them for the time being. The same goes for improving physical strength. Although the mid- and low-level warrior skills are all melee combat, which is a disadvantage, it also depends on who is using them. In Gu Zheng's hands Here, he can exert 200% or even 300% of his power through these techniques.

"Warrior, come with me!"

The clerk was stunned for a moment. He saw that Gu Zheng had been looking at spiritual exercises and thought he was a spiritual master. Unexpectedly, he finally asked about the warrior.

There are also martial arts techniques, and they are much cheaper than those of the spiritual system. A mid-level intermediate technique that opens 60 acupoints only costs 80 vitality cards, which is indeed much cheaper than that of a spiritual master.

There was no hesitation this time, and Gu Zheng bought the "Soul-Eating Gun" with sixty holes.

The soul-eating spear is a medium-high skill. If you open ten acupuncture points, you will have the power of ten oxen. If you open twenty acupoints, you will have the power of forty oxen. If you open twenty acupoints, you will have the power of 40 oxen. After cultivating sixty acupuncture points, one will have the power of six hundred and forty cows.

Six hundred and forty oxen, which is many times stronger than his Nayuan Jue.

Although it is strong, it is also slow to cultivate. It is very difficult to cultivate each acupoint to the ninth level. Without a certain amount of talent, choosing such a method is a waste of time. You may not be able to cultivate ten acupoints in your life.

Seeing that Gu Zheng had chosen such a martial art book, Lao Hu opened his mouth several times, but in the end he couldn't say anything.

The soul-eating gun, as the name suggests, requires the use of a gun. Gu Zheng's gun has been cleaned before, but no matter how clean it is, he will not use that gun. He can only ask Lao Hu to take him to the weapon shop and choose another one. gun.

There are more weapon shops in the city, so buying weapons goes smoothly. Ten Yuanqi cards bought a fine iron spear. The entire gun is made of fine iron, and the tip of the gun is made of black iron. It is more ordinary than the one he had before. The wooden gun is many times stronger.

With weapons and new techniques, Gu Zheng was in a good mood.

Lao Hu kept introducing him to the situation in Da'an Mansion, giving him a deeper understanding of the world.

There is no unified name in this world. Lao Hu only knows that Daqing Mansion and Da'an Mansion belong to a country called the Qinglong Empire. In addition to these two mansions, the Qinglong Empire is said to have another thirty-three mansions, a total of thirty-five. Mansion.

Lao Hu's strength is limited, and he has been living in Daqing and Da'an. He has never been a escort in other mansions, so he doesn't know much about other mansions. He only knows that the nearby Daxia mansion, Dajin mansion and Dabai mansion are not small.

The master of Daqing Mansion is a high-level warrior. It is said that he has the power of ten thousand oxen. Old Hu doesn’t know exactly how powerful he is. He only saw the city lord from a distance when he was on patrol. In Lao Hu’s words, He said that ordinary people like them were not qualified to see the city lord.

Da'an Mansion is similar. The city lord must be a high-level warrior or spiritual master. In addition, the generals in the city, the presidents of the schools, and the heads of the major families are basically high-level warriors, and a few are high-level spiritual masters.

These are the top forces in the city. They are just ordinary escorts. They are too far away from these people. To put it bluntly, these top people crush small people like them to death like ants.

After returning home, Gu Zheng didn't go out for three consecutive days.

On the fourth day, Manager Ma came to announce the good news to Gu Zheng. The Yulin Guards in the city attacked and killed the monsters. Only the big lion escaped. The big lion actually had the talent of earth element. Earth Escape escape.

Some ancient monsters are very powerful and have innate skills. However, most of the ancient monsters were destroyed by the ancient humans, and there are not many left. Some monsters still have the blood of the ancient monsters, so they can inspire some simple talents. Skill.

There is a big lion, which can escape from the earth. It escaped accidentally, but the Yulin Guards were chasing it, so it was impossible for it to escape.

Of the other four monsters, one was already dead when Yu Linwei went there. The bear who was seriously injured by Gu Zheng died. Monsters are monsters, and there are no doctors and no treatment methods, so let the bear monster be there. I endured it, but in the end I couldn't get through it.

They brought this monster over, and after questioning it, it was returned to Gu Zheng. It was killed by Gu Zheng, not him, so it was counted as a spoil of war to Gu Zheng.

In this way, Gu Zheng had thirty more vitality cards in his hand, and finally gained some confidence.

On the fourth night, Gu Zheng opened his eyes in the room. Sixty acupuncture points on his body were emitting purple light. Seven of the seventeen acupuncture points were the same as those of the Soul-Eating Gun, so he only needed to open fifty acupoints. Three will do.

Even though there were only fifty-three, Gu Zheng only took three days to complete the meeting, and it was only held once in the evening, not all the time. After all, there were many people in the city, and he didn't want to make any big noise. On the fourth day Guzheng is to connect these acupuncture points to form a real fighting power of 640 cows.

Six hundred and forty cows, the top of the intermediate level skills. Not only is the current ancient struggle overwhelming, but if the ordinary city wall is not protected by formations, he can really knock it down.

At this time, when he met the monster beasts before, he could easily get rid of them without using the power of a mentalist.

"You want to leave, not with us?"

On the fifth day in Da'an Mansion, Gu Zheng said goodbye to Mr. Ma and the others. Mr. Ma and the others also issued notices that they would set off for Daqing Mansion in two days. They would also have to bring people and goods back, and they would not go back empty-handed.

There were demonic beasts that dared not move before, but now it is certain that the demonic beasts have been slaughtered. Even the remaining one cannot escape the pursuit of the Yulin Guards. Moreover, there is a Yulin Guard living in Anwu Town. The road is now full of demons. When the danger was gone, we redetermined the return time and started selling tickets.

"No, I want to go around and thank you for helping me get my ID!"

Manager Ma has not been idle these days. He specially used his connections to get an identity certificate for Gu Zheng. With this certificate, he can save Gu Zheng a lot of trouble. At least he can call the officials in the future. Without the certificate, he will not Can.

In this way, Gu Zheng became a member of Da'an Mansion.

However, the identity certificate is not cheap. It cost Gu Zheng ten vitality cards, which cost almost one hundred taels of silver. But for Gu Zheng, the money was well spent and should be spent.

For a piece of vitality card, Gu Zheng bought a map of the Qinglong Empire, which was included in the thirty-five prefectures and Kyoto City. It was just a rough map, not as detailed as the map of the earth.

Having this rough map is enough for Gu Zheng. He only needs to know his approximate location.

After leaving the city, Gu Zheng headed to the north. To the north is Dabai Mansion, which is smaller than Da'an Mansion and larger than Daqing Mansion. It is a medium-sized city.

The two mansions were seven hundred miles apart. Gu Zheng was riding a maroon horse, a little mare. He was not in a hurry and walked forward slowly. This little wooden horse cost him ten more vitality cards, and another ten. He bought various materials for each vitality card, and then extracted the spirit and carried it with him. In this way, when Gu Zheng left the city, he only had three vitality cards in his body.

Make money fast and spend it fast.

In front of the little mare, Gu Zheng specially put a small bell on it. The small bell rang loudly along the way. Gu Zheng was not in a hurry and walked slowly, humming an unknown tune.

A spear, a big luggage bag, a horse, and a person, much like a lonely swordsman, walked into the wild mountains and wilderness.

Gu Zheng only walked more than sixty miles on the first day, which was probably a little slower than other people's walking. Mainly because he stopped and walked. By night, there were three more rabbits, two pheasants, and a chicken beside him. Little elk.

This is what he gained on the road.

Humming a tune, Gu Zheng chopped wood and lit a fire. This time he did not use barbecue, but used a pot. This pot was also the only iron tool that Gu Zheng carried besides the spear.

After a while, the fragrance wafted out. Gu Zheng didn't control the fragrance specially this time. No matter whether there were monsters or beasts around, he just had to be himself.

Three rabbits were cooked in the pot at the same time.

This world is not strong, but the food is good and abundant. The quality of these ingredients is acceptable. The pot of rabbit cooked by Gu Zheng is even more delicious than on earth.

All three rabbits entered Gu Zheng's belly.

The warriors in this world eat a lot and consume a lot of energy after opening acupuncture points. Even if they do nothing for a day, just maintaining the body will consume a lot of energy. In addition to replenishing it from the vitality of heaven and earth, the rest is replenished through food.

And food replenishment is faster and better.

"Now that you're here, come over!"

Gu Zheng was plucking the chickens when he suddenly said something. After a while, a young man came out of the darkness. He was dressed in white and looked personable. He had a better image than Gu Zheng.

"Sorry, I came here because I smelled the fragrance. I didn't mean to disturb you!"

"It's okay, sit down!"

Gu Zheng smiled slightly. The food he made when he was on Earth, the aroma of the food could spread thousands of meters away. It would only go further here. He was not surprised that it attracted things, but he didn't expect that the monster didn't come, but it did. one person.

Yes, Gu Zheng also wants to attract monster beasts, whose meat is richer in energy and more delicious.

"Your cooking skills are really good. Can I buy you a chicken?"

The visitor looked at the iron pot in front of him, the bones left by Gu Zheng, and the two prepared chickens, and asked softly.

"You've never eaten it, how do you know I'm a good cook?"

Gu Zheng asked with a smile, but without answering, he directly threw the chicken into the pot. The water in the pot boiled instantly, and the heat of the water quickly entered the chicken. The originally soft chicken became stiff, but It quickly softened again.

“You’ll know it when you smell it!”

"I can sell you a Fifty Vitality Card!"

Gu Zheng looked at him with a smile on his face. A pheasant cost at most a few hundred coins of silver, but Gu Zheng wanted fifty yuanqi cards, which was equivalent to five hundred taels of silver. He could buy a thousand chickens.

This is not expensive, this is a lion's mouth.

"Fifty vitality card!"

The young man hesitated a little and looked at Gu Zheng strangely. Gu Zheng ignored him and just controlled the heat to cook the two chickens.

The three rabbits were not full for him, and the two chickens were just right. The elk could be used as breakfast for tomorrow. As for tomorrow's food, it would not be too late to find it on the road tomorrow.

Gu Zheng cooked quickly. After a while, Gu Zheng fished out two stewed chickens. He directly dug into the drumstick of one of them and took a big bite.

Smelling the particularly fragrant chicken, the young man's face trembled a few times. He took off his money bag, counted out fifty Yuan Qi tokens, and handed it to Gu Zheng.

"Fifty vitality card, here you go!"

This kid actually bought it. The fifty vitality cards were really not cheap, so he actually bought them. Gu Zheng smiled, accepted the vitality cards, and handed the other chicken to him.

There are foods that Gu Zheng sells that are much more expensive than this, and they are things that others would not buy even if they wanted them. However, in this world, it is not easy to have the courage to buy his stuff directly.

After getting the chicken, the young man was not afraid of burning it. He took a bite and his expression changed.

Fragrant, really fragrant.

Delicious, so fucking delicious.

He had never eaten such delicious food in his life, and regardless of the ancient struggle, he grabbed the whole chicken and bit it bit by bit. Soon he had a chicken in his stomach.

He had finished the chicken, but Gu Zheng hadn't finished half of it. Looking at Gu Zheng, he couldn't help but swallow again.

"Brother, I see you still have a deer here. Why don't we do it together? I'll buy two deer legs and give them to you, two hundred vitality cards. What do you think?"

He hadn't eaten enough either, so he was now focused on the breakfast prepared by Gu Zheng for the next day. Looking at his appearance, Gu Zheng knew that he was also a warrior, and his level was not too low, because he had a large appetite.

The higher the level of a warrior, the greater his or her appetite. When it comes to advanced warriors, there are many who can eat a cow in one meal. However, in order to save resources, many high-level warriors consume vitality liquid to replenish their energy. The vitality is so rich that it turns into liquid, so that they can maintain their consumption.

"Two hundred vitality cards, okay!"

Gu Zheng smiled again, but his smile soon froze. Just now he had fifty vitality cards, and now he has two hundred. If we add them all together, wouldn't that be two hundred and five?

This boy bought something to eat from him and gave him two hundred and fifty, which made Gu Zheng not know what to say.

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