He was telling the truth. Gu Zheng can still tell whether a person is telling the truth or a lie.

It's a pity that this trip will probably be in vain.

Although he was kicked by Gu Zheng until he vomited blood, the boss smiled happily.

Gu Zheng ignored him and walked to the village by himself. The people in the village looked at him in horror, and at the same time looked at their boss with some worry. The feelings they showed were true. This boss was loved by everyone. .

This is different from the previous two bandit dens. The bandits there are eager to run away quickly. There are not many people to care about their leader, and more than one person has rebelled.

There are many people in the village, including many old and weak. The proportion of old and weak is much higher than that in the two previous bandit dens. Some people still have tools in their hands.

There are also some women who are plainly dressed, but look okay, unlike other villages who look like they are hopeless, which shows that their life here is okay.

Gu Zheng walked by himself, which lasted for most of the day. After walking, he understood that what the previous boss said was right. Their bandit den was different from others, more like people who had no choice but to live together in a group.

Six thousand vitality cards was the highest number they could come up with.

Gu Zheng left, not wanting the six thousand vitality cards, nor the head of the big boss. People in this world have their own way of living. Gu Zheng is right to kill without blinking, but he doesn't kill everyone.

He won't kill anyone who hasn't offended him and shouldn't be killed.

The people in this bandit den should not be killed. They were bandits, but they did not kill people randomly. They robbed things and collected tolls. They were forced to do so, and they never robbed the poor.

"What bad luck!"

After leaving the village, Gu Zheng sighed. He originally wanted to make a fortune, but his trip was in vain.

"Dangyin Mountain?"

Gu Zheng looked at the map. There was a big mountain nearby called Dangyin Mountain. There was a big demon in Dangyin Mountain who offered a reward of five thousand vitality tablets.

Five thousand vitality cards are really a lot. It is said that the strength of this big demon is equivalent to that of a high-level warrior. Palace Master Bai personally led a team to destroy it once, and finally let him escape, so he launched a reward.

This big monster has done a lot of evil in the past. There was a business there, but it was ruined because of this big monster.

"Two hundred and thirty miles, man, I have to work hard for you again. This time I will increase your vitality!"

Gu Zheng crushed several vitality cards, and the vitality flowed into the little mare's body under his control. The little mare's spirit was shaken, and her four hooves suddenly jumped up, much faster than before.

Two hundred and thirty miles, one hour, and we arrived before dark.

Gu Zheng looked at the little mare who was panting and sweating, and couldn't help but smile again. The vitality was indeed useful to any life in this world. He used the vitality to cleanse the little mare's marrow. It wouldn't take long. Can become a monster.

Demons also have their lairs, but monsters are not as easy to find as humans. Even if this big demon has subordinates, these subordinates are all lurking in their own territory. If you don't look carefully, you won't be able to find them.

It was completely dark, and Gu Zheng also entered the mountain.

There was no moon today, and the mountains seemed darker. Gu Zheng didn't care, he just found a tree, meditated beside the tree, and continued to practice Xiaoyao Jue.

Twenty-six, twenty-seven, one night was safe. Gu Zheng once again cultivated ten souls, and the total number of souls reached thirty-five.

However, when he was less than fifty, he could not upgrade these souls, so he could only continue to use the sky-full of star souls that he had cultivated before.

The mountain was huge, and Gu Zheng was not in a hurry. He was lucky and shot a wild boar. This wild boar was almost at the level of a monster. It had the strength of two or three oxen, but it had no intelligence and could not speak.

Even a big wild boar couldn't satisfy Gu Zheng's appetite. After eating it, he still felt a sense of hunger. Even Gu Zheng showed a helpless smile.

Fortunately, there are not that many high-level warriors in this world, most of them are low-level warriors. In addition, the place is large and the population is small. Otherwise, he really doesn't know if there will be fierce wars in this world because of food.

One wild boar was not enough, so Gu Zheng shot two more deer and a bear before he was full. By the time he finished eating, it was already afternoon.

"Boy, you know how to enjoy yourself. Are you killing my people here?"

As soon as Gu Zheng wiped his mouth clean, a deep voice came from the distance. This voice surprised Gu Zheng. Before it spoke, Gu Zheng did not notice its existence.

Gu Zheng's eyes widened again as Yuanshen probed.

Two hundred meters away, there was a huge rabbit squatting there. The rabbit was as big as a sheep, with two big fangs exposed, and he was the one speaking.

"Rabbit demon?"

It's not his target this time. He knows that the target this time is a dragon, which is very powerful and has innate skills. It also has lightning on its body and can attack people with lightning.

"Can you see me?"

The rabbit demon was also surprised at this moment. Gu Zheng's voice was not loud, but his ears were so good that he heard it all of a sudden.

"Of course, little rabbit, be good, come here and let's talk!"

Gu Zheng nodded with a smile. It was more than 200 meters away and they were in the mountains. There were many trees and steep slopes between them. In fact, neither of them could see the other with the naked eye, so they were just talking in the distance.

"Damn human, I will bite you to death!"

The rabbit seemed to be angry and furious, but as soon as it finished shouting, it turned around and ran back. It had said so righteously before, and said that Gu Zheng had eaten its people, but as soon as it said a word, it ran away.

Even Gu Zheng didn't expect this reaction.


Looking at the spot it swatted away, Gu Zheng didn't chase it. This rabbit was smarter than he thought. If he hadn't been very careful and not from this world, he might have been fooled by it.

A rabbit actually set a trap and was waiting for him. If he fell into a rabbit trap, he would probably die.

"Didn't you follow?"

Gu Zheng didn't move, and the rabbit was stunned. It thought that no one could see the trap it had set, but this human didn't chase it. Could it be that he was not strong enough and didn't dare to chase it?

Thinking of this, the rabbit shook his head. Although he didn't see the man's strength, judging from his appetite, he was definitely not low.

And the food he just made was so delicious. If it hadn't been timid and cautious by nature, it would have run over long ago. It also wanted to see how much Gu Zheng could eat to judge its strength. As a result, it was frightened. It jumps.

Gu Zheng's strength is at least a high-level warrior, and its strength is only about 4,000 cattle, which is only equivalent to high-level and low-level warriors of humans. Humans have weapons and various means, so it set up traps to catch Gu Zheng. fight.

In a fight, the rabbit does not have any advantage. It knows this very well, so it can only set traps.

"He shouldn't have seen through it, right?"

In the distance, the rabbit is hesitating. Although it has strength, it is not good at close combat. It has always relied on its brains to win and survive in this mountain.

It is very confident in the traps it has laid, and its traps will never be discovered by ordinary people.

This human didn't chase him. It must be for other reasons. He just had enough to eat and didn't want to move? Or is he not interested in it, or does he have other things to do and doesn't want to waste time on it?

At this moment, Rabbit thought a lot.

In fact, Gu Zheng really wanted to catch this rabbit. If he caught a smart monster, he could ask it where the dragon was. Kill the dragon and receive the bounty. Together with the harvest of the dragon's body, it would be enough for him to get the dragon's body. The iron spear has been forged, and it is a handy weapon. For Gu Zheng, the strength can be greatly improved.

It's just that Gu Zheng couldn't see through the rabbit's trap, so he didn't chase it.

"Human, don't you want to catch me?"

After a while, the rabbit came back on its own. At this time, Gu Zheng had packed up and was ready to go for a stroll in the mountains. As for the little mare, he let him go back to the mountainside to wait. The little mare followed him. After such a long time, I have become somewhat spiritual and will not run around.

"Of course I do, how about you come over and let me catch you?"

Gu Zheng smiled. This rabbit looked a bit clumsy, so it was good to tease it.

The rabbit was completely shocked. Is he a fool? Let me go over and catch it. I would do this if I was crazy. How could he have the nerve to say it?

"If you want to catch me, come here, I won't move!"

The rabbit rolled his eyes. This man obviously wasn't smart. If you try to seduce him, he might really fall into his trap.

Even if it doesn't fall into the trap, it has nothing to lose, right? It's just a fool.


Gu Zhengzhen walked over, not very fast, and the rabbit's heart beat rapidly. It had laid many traps, and it had never been as excited as this time. If it could really deceive a high-level warrior from the human race, the king would also reward it.

When they were approaching the trap, Gu Zheng suddenly stopped.

"No, you told me to arrest you. I can't just move, you also have to move. This is only fair. Come here now!"

Gu Zheng was only two or three meters away from the trap set by Rabbit. Now Rabbit wanted to kick him into the trap, but it was a pity that Gu Zheng just stood there motionless.

"Okay, then I'll go over and you're not allowed to make a move. If you do, I'll run away!"

The rabbit thought about it for a moment, and finally decided to use his body as bait. It would not be foolish enough to actually walk over, and deliberately seduced Gu Zhengzai when he was about to arrive. As long as Gu Zhengzai took two steps forward, he would almost fall into his trap.

At that time, whether the ancient dispute is life or death, it will be under its control.

Slowly and carefully, the rabbit moved towards Gu Zheng. Gu Zheng's smile became even brighter. You can say that this rabbit is smart. It is indeed very smart. He knows how to use traps. But you can say that he is not smart. That's right. , you dare to come here now, do you really think its trap is omnipotent?

When it was only ten meters away from Gu Zheng, the rabbit suddenly jumped forward, its ears stood up, and two lights flew out of its ears, heading straight towards Gu Zheng.

At the same time as he launched his attack, the rabbit also turned around and ran back.

"what happened?"

The rabbit ran hard, but it was horrified to find that it was walking backwards and forwards, and the previous attack from its ears was easily blocked by Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng's strength is more than 8,000 niu, which is twice as much as it is. It's strange that a rabbit can hurt it if you are prepared.

A small figure appeared above Gu Zheng's head. Purple light flashed sharply on the figure's body, and a powerful attraction was constantly attracted to the rabbit's body.

Gu Zheng's spiritual master is only average, and he has not yet practiced high level. However, even if it is medium, its adsorption function can exert a lot of strength at such a close distance. Gu Zheng's strength is more than 8,000 oxen, and a man with only four It's very easy for a rabbit with the strength of a thousand cattle to suck it in with force.

Soon, the rabbit was sucked to Gu Zheng's side. The rabbit suddenly turned over with its belly facing up, and suddenly kicked its four paws towards Gu Zheng.

"Snap, snap, snap!"

Gu Zheng was very fast, and his fist hit the tender flesh of the rabbit's four paws, causing the rabbit to squeal in pain.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me. My meat doesn't taste good. I have your human vitality cards and treasures. I use the vitality cards to buy my life!"

The rabbit howled miserably. At this moment, it completely understood that the human in front of it had already seen through its trap. It was pitiful that he still thought that the other person was a fool, and it itself was the fool.

"Do you have a vitality card?"

Gu Zheng was surprised that it had a Vitality Card. Human Vitality Cards cannot be used by monsters. The Vitality Cards need to be combined with exercises. The monsters do not have human cultivation techniques, so it cannot be used.

However, if there is help from humans to put the vitality into the body of the monster beast, then the vitality card can be used, just like Gu Zheng did with the little mare before, that will be fine.

"Yes, yes, I have a lot!" the rabbit shouted hurriedly. At this moment, its four paws were tied up with ropes by Gu Zheng, and its body was trembling.

"How much is a lot?"

"A lot, just a lot!"

The rabbit thought for a moment, but couldn't describe how many it had. The rabbit's IQ was not low. Unfortunately, it had been living in the mountains and didn't know the number of humans.

"Where did you put it? Lead the way!"

Guzheng is not nonsense. Since there are many, go and take a look.

"No, you have to promise not to kill me before I take you there!"

The rabbit became smarter now and kept shaking his head. As a result, his head was bruised after being punched by Gu Zhengji. He had no choice but to agree to take Gu Zheng to see if the quantity was enough to buy his life.

The rabbit's nest is really not close. It is said that the cunning rabbit has three burrows. Gu Zheng speculated whether this is just a small nest of its rabbit, and there are other places.

There are really a lot of good things in the nest. There are real vitality cards. Gu Zheng counted them and found that there were more than three thousand. In addition, there were a hundred kilograms of black iron, several other weapons, and some gold and other jewelry. .

Together, these things are worth almost more than 5,000 yuan of Qi cards.

In other words, Gu Zheng robbed this big rabbit, and his black iron spear was almost enough.

This is a rich rabbit.

"Go, lead the way!"

Gu Zheng packed up his things and carried them on his back. Rabbit was stunned. He had all the things given to him, but he still let him lead the way. What way should he lead?

"Do you think I believe you are just here to lead the way? If you don't lead the way, I will stab you to death. You don't know who will benefit from those things after you die!"

Gu Zheng stared at it with a fierce look. The rabbit's red eyes grew bigger and bigger, full of fear.

This human being actually knows that it has other nests. Is it really terrifying? Could it be that he could read minds and know what he was thinking just now?

Just now, the rabbit was really thinking that losing one was nothing, it still had it anyway.

"going or not?"

The tip of Gu Zheng's spear reached his belly and neck, and Rabbit nodded hurriedly in fear.

"Go, go, go, this is go!"

It's not okay if you don't go. It's meat on the chopping board now and you have to listen to others. If you don't listen, they can kill it at any time. If you listen, you will at least have a chance to save your life.

The rabbit at this moment is full of regrets. What kind of nerve does it have to provoke ancient disputes?

Rabbit took Gu Zheng to the second nest, which was not close. When he saw this nest, Gu Zheng smiled.

There are only Vitality Cards in this nest. Rabbit seems to know that Vitality Cards are the common currency of human beings and has saved a lot here. More than three thousand just now is already a lot, but it pales in comparison to here.

Gu Zheng carefully counted the vitality cards and found that there were more than thirty-five thousand vitality cards, ten times more than the nest just now.

Thirty-five thousand, plus the previous five thousand, he had more than forty thousand in the blink of an eye. The most he could gain from killing the dragon was only ten thousand. Of course, this does not count whether the dragon has these treasures. If there are treasures, it will be more .

But if you rob a rabbit, you can get 40,000 yuan, which is definitely beyond Gu Zheng's expectation.

"lead the way!"

After packing up the vitality cards, Gu Zheng said something more. Rabbit's eyes widened, and tears suddenly flowed out, and he wailed: "No more, I really have no more, I only have these two nests, even if you kill me, there is none left!"

"No, then I will kill you. I have eaten a lot of rabbits. This is the first time for a rabbit as big as yours!"

Gu Zheng laughed, and the rabbit was so frightened that the whole body was shaking. The rabbit looked at Gu Zheng resentfully and shouted again: "I will lead the way, I will lead the way!"

You know, this guy has more than two nests, maybe even three.

The third nest was found by Gu Zheng. There were no vitality cards in it, and the things that could be stored made Gu Zheng's eyes widen.

Thousand-year-old Poria cocos, thousand-year-old ginseng, five-thousand-year-old Polygonum multiflorum, etc., etc., are all rare and rare high-grade medicinal materials. There are also existences of sperm in them, and they are all controlled by the rabbit.

Seeing his baby exposed in front of Gu Zheng, the rabbit cried again, and his heart was bleeding.

Good baby, it's gone, it's really gone this time. This is a greedy human being. If he sees it, he will definitely take it all away, and there won't be any left.

Sure enough, Gu Zheng put them away unceremoniously. Although these things were not big, far less big than the first package, the combined value of the first nest and the second nest was not as good as this.

Got rich, really got rich this time. Even if Gu Zheng didn't care about wealth, he would laugh out loud. At least for a while, he wouldn't have to worry about money anymore.

"lead the way!"

After cleaning up, Gu Zheng said something again. This time Rabbit stiffened suddenly and looked at Gu Zheng with despair in his eyes.

"Lead the way to the next one!"

Sure enough, this rabbit still has a nest. People are cunning rabbits with three burrows, but this guy may have four or five burrows. Gu Zheng wants to see what treasures are in the next burrow, and whether there will be any more unexpected surprises.

"No more, really no more!"

Rabbit shook his head in panic, despair in his eyes.

"You really think you can deceive me. If you don't tell me, I will kill you. Do you know that the human soul has a characteristic called soul searching. If you don't tell me, I can still search your soul and know everything!"

Gu Zheng said to Rabbit, and as he spoke, fifteen souls shining with purple light appeared in his head, letting Rabbit understand that he was a spiritual master and really had such ability.

But this time Gu Zheng really wanted to scare it. Xiaoyao Jue has this ability, but he doesn't have it now. He hasn't finished practicing Xiaoyao Jue yet.

"No, you can't do this. I've given you everything. Please, I really have nothing. You can kill me, but don't search for my soul!"

Tears flowed from the rabbit's eyes, and it screamed in pain. Its eyes were full of regret and despair. Its appearance made Gu Zheng frown.

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