Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 34 What else can you cook?

Those two people that Gu Zheng didn't know, one was a chef and the other was a member of the Food Association.

The Food Association is not as strict as other associations, but it is also an official organization. Many food critics and famous chefs have joined this association, but Gu Zheng is not included. One is that he has not been in the industry for a long time, and the other is that he is lazy. , Joining the association requires participating in a lot of meaningless activities, which he doesn't like.

"A total of six copies!"

Yu, who loves cats, stretched out his hand and made a gesture of six. Today, he pays for all six. It's not because of his generosity, but because the bet is generous. He believes that he can win, so he doesn't care about the money.

"Only five copies!"

The ancient war did not raise its head+

, took out the pot and brushed it lightly, Yu, who loves to eat cats, was stunned for a moment, and asked anxiously: "What time is it, are you sure it's already sold out?"

"It's not sold out, but each person is limited to one. You bought it yesterday, so you can't buy it yourself today!"

Gu Zheng stretched out his finger and pointed to the white paper outside the window. The purchase restriction order is still there, but now it is a mandatory requirement of Qi Ling and must be obeyed.

"Your purchase limit means that each person can only buy one, can't I?"

Yu, who loves to eat cats, yelled in a daze, Gu Zheng smiled and shook his head, put away the painted pot and other materials, and picked up a bottle of sesame oil.

"As an acquaintance, I will give you a friendly reminder, you can ask others to buy it for you, but the person who buys it for you must share some to eat here, that is to say, you can only eat it if someone else buys it for you! "

Gu Zheng had already opened the sesame oil, and the aroma of the sesame oil instantly filled the whole shop, and everyone sniffed unnaturally.

Yu, who loves to eat cats, is not stupid, and soon understood the meaning of Gu Zheng's words. He can't buy his feelings, but he can have someone buy them for him, but the person who buys them for him must get a share of fried eggs.

Smelling the aroma of sesame oil, the cat-loving fish recalled the smell of fried eggs yesterday, and immediately turned around and said, "I've decided, I want five servings, each of you will give me a little!"

Without waiting for the others to react, he immediately took out five copies of the money and handed it to the waiter.

It's fine if you haven't eaten fried eggs, and it doesn't matter if you're not here, but when you come here, you know the delicious fried eggs here, so he can only watch but not eat, it's more uncomfortable than killing him.

Although Gu Zheng's request was weird, and the idea he gave him was also very weird, but he still did it according to Gu Zheng's request, as long as he could eat fried eggs.

The first egg, soon into the pot.

Including Yu, who loves to eat cats, six people gathered around the small kitchen, watching Gu Zheng fry eggs there attentively. For ordinary people, Gu Zheng fried eggs look good, but for them, watching Guzheng omelette is also a process of enjoyment, and only they can experience this kind of beauty and artistic sense.

Since ancient times, the struggle to break the eggs into the pot, the other five people were taken aback. They looked at each other, and they all understood what the other meant. This fried egg is really not simple.

The first omelet was ready quickly, but before it was put away, Yu, who loves cats, got a knife from somewhere, cut the omelet open, and divided nearly half of it by himself.

A perfect work of art, suddenly turned into two halves, which made the first person who received the fried egg extremely heartbroken, and almost cursed without breaking a word.

Several other people also shook their heads slightly. The cat-eating fish is too violent, destroying this beauty.

Fish that love to eat cats don’t care what they think, they took a bite of the fried egg first, and tasted it happily, that’s the taste, that’s the feeling, this fried egg is really a unique experience, nowhere else Unavailable experience.


Half of it had already been scratched away, and the man had no choice but to eat half of it in front of him. After taking only one bite, his eyes became much bigger. It was the same reaction as all people who ate fried eggs for the first time. They couldn't help it. I admired it.

This taste is really good.

It didn't take long for him to finish his half of the omelette, and Yu, who loves cats, put down the plate contentedly, staring at Gu Zheng, and the second omelette came out of the pan.

His speed was even faster, as soon as he brought it over, he took half of it away, and there was another half of it on his plate.

"This fried egg tastes really good, let me tell you about it!"

The person who ate the fried egg before finally reacted, smiled, and said unhurriedly, the person who was going to eat the fried egg hadn't reacted yet, he picked up the knife in seconds, took a slice, and put it directly on his plate.

A fried egg was taken away by two people, and it was less than half.

"You, you!"

The person who was going to eat fried eggs couldn’t laugh or cry, these two people were too anxious, but it also made him more curious, let’s not talk about the fish that likes to eat cats, after all, he has eaten it before, but the one who just ate fried eggs is also so monkey Urgent, is this fried egg really that delicious?

He didn't need others to help him answer, after only taking a small bite, he understood why the two of them reacted that way.

The third omelet came out, and the cat-loving fish was already watching with a knife.

"No, this is mine, don't grab what you have eaten, and don't even think about it!"

The third person who got the fried egg was smart, and immediately protected his plate, and ran to the side, regardless of whether the cat-loving fish agreed or not, he immediately picked up the fried egg with his chopsticks and took a bite.

After taking a bite, the man unnaturally protected the fried egg in front of him again.

The taste of this fried egg is really beautiful, and he finally understands why cats who love to eat fish have such a reaction. Such a delicious fried egg, let alone one, is not enough to eat ten.

"We have agreed, I will buy it, and you will share half of it with me!"

The fish that loves to eat cats didn't get it, and he yelled anxiously. The person eating fried eggs ignored him at all, and quickly finished eating while protecting the plate. After eating, he also looked at the kitchen, and the fourth fried egg was ready up.

"Shameless, rascal!"

I didn’t get it this time. The cat-loving cat yelled and rushed to the fourth one. The fourth person is not stupid. Just looking at everyone’s reaction, you can tell that the taste of this fried egg is beyond imagination, and I will protect it immediately. Unfortunately, there were too many wolves. In the end, he only ate a third of the fried eggs, and the rest were robbed.

The fifth serving is out of the pan.

The five people stared at him covetously, making the sixth person's hair stand straight. At this time, Gu Zheng raised his head and said lightly: "Who does this fried egg belong to? Who must eat it? If he can't eat it, you will snatch it!" If you eat it hard, you will enter the blacklist, not only fried eggs, but any delicacies I cook in the future will not be sold to you again!"

This passage was not what Gu Zheng wanted to say, but Qi Ling asked him to tell it.

Let others buy it for you, and share half of the spirits yourself. It is still allowed, but it is absolutely not allowed to let others buy it for you, and you can grab it all yourself. This will lose the meaning of letting more people eat fried eggs. , it allowed the ancient dispute to intervene.

"No dispute, you, can you make other things that are as delicious as fried eggs?"

Yu, who loves to eat cats, was stunned for a moment, and quickly turned around and asked loudly, his eyes were full of expectations. Such a simple fried egg is so delicious. It is unimaginable to make other more delicious things.

Gu Zheng nodded slowly. In fact, he can only make fried eggs now, but he is the descendant of Tiexian. There are thousands of cooking skills of Tiexian. Fried eggs are the simplest classification. You can also learn more and better cooking skills.

So he admitted it unceremoniously, it's just that he hasn't learned these cooking skills yet.

The new week is here, Xiaoyu asks for collection and recommendation.

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