Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 400 More Tasty (Part 2)

As soon as she put the elbow into her mouth, the female cultivator's eyes lit up, which was the reaction of being stimulated by the delicious food.


With food in her mouth, the female cultivator said impatiently.

"Fragrant but not greasy, the soft and rotten mouth wants to melt. When chewing, the smell of meat and sauce is entwined in the mouth. This feeling is really good. I have never eaten such delicious sauce. "

As soon as the female nun swallowed the food in her mouth, she couldn't wait to give a comment. After the comment, she picked up a piece of elbow meat and put it in her mouth again.

"You, you eat less, this is a review, not for you to eat, we still have two people waiting behind you!" Luo Jin said displeased.

"Fellow Daoist Luo is so stingy, no matter what, it's such a big plate, I can eat two pieces, and I won't finish them all!"

The nun rolled her eyes at Luo Jin, and put another piece of Xianyun pork in sauce into her mouth.

"It's the same smooth and soft taste, but it has a different taste. It's really delicious." The nun wiped the oil stains from the corner of her mouth eagerly, and continued: "I haven't eaten the three sauces before. I don't know what the real taste of Jiang Sanxian should be, but I have seen that the head of Gu and Song Daoyou used different methods in cooking this dish, which made it more difficult to score in advance. In any case, the taste of this Xianyun pork is very good, the unique flavor after grilling is not completely covered by the invasion of stew and sauce, it is really delicious.”

The nun's voice fell to the ground, and she picked up another piece of Xianyun pork, put it in her mouth, closed her eyes, and savored it beautifully.

"Hurry up, we're still waiting!"

Luo Jin has never realized that he would feel so tormented just for one bite of food. If it wasn't for the inappropriate occasion, he really wanted to grab that woman with her eyes closed and her face full of intoxication in his hands and ruthlessly ravage her .


After the female cultivator snorted coldly at Luo Jin, she picked up another piece of Xianyun pig's trotter and put it in her mouth.

Without speeding up because of Luo Jin's repeated reminders, the female nun happily gnawed off the meat from the pig's trotters in her mouth, and even made the sound of sucking/sucking bones.

"I'm curious, the pig's trotters are first fried, then steamed, and finally stewed, but it's still so chewy! Especially the skin, it tastes so good, The incense bombs are strong, really delicious!"

As usual, after eating a piece of pig's trotter, the nun ate another piece deliciously.

Anyway, it was already the last piece, and Luo Jin, who was patient, did not urge him this time.

"After tasting it, I really can't get enough of it!"

The female nun licked her mouth: "If it wasn't for someone being displeased, I would like to eat a few more pieces. According to the rules, it's my turn to rate now!"

The female cultivator hesitated for a while, and then said: "Master Gu, I'm sorry, although this plate of Three Immortals is very delicious, but you still haven't tasted Song Daoyou's. I can't give you full marks. To be honest, I want to give you 4.9. But there are no decimals in the rules, so I can only give you 4 points! If the Jiang Sanxian made by Song Daoyou is as delicious as yours, his is also 4 points. If his is more delicious than yours, then 5 points, if it is not as delicious as yours, I will give him 3 points to show the difference between your two dishes of sauce and three immortals."

The female cultivator's voice paused again, she looked at the onlookers, and said very seriously: "My rating of the Three Sauce Immortals, Fellow Daoist Gu, is worthy of my own conscience and the oath I swore!"


The solemnity of the female nun's comments made the crowd applaud.

"it's your turn."

Gu Zheng handed the chopsticks to Luo Jin who was already eager to try.

Luo Jin also ate the Xianyun pork knuckle first, and after eating the knuckle, he stretched out his tongue exaggeratedly, and licked his mouth again and again.

However, Luo Jin didn't comment. After eating another piece of Xianyun pork knuckle, he said: "It's so delicious, it's so delicious! I won't say much, I can only say, I have never eaten such elbow meat in my life, if there is such a plate of elbow meat in front of me, even if I need to exchange it with a fourth-grade resource, I will not hesitate!"

Luo Jin's comment, although not as professional as the previous female nun, but his metaphor still makes people understand what kind of delicacy he has tasted! There is no need to question how delicious it is, a delicacy that can be exchanged for four-grade resources. After all, the stall owners who helped participate in such a big gamble like Gu Zheng’s can only earn money. It's just a four-tier resource.

After eating two more pieces of Xianyun pork in sauce, Luo Jin said again: "Besides being delicious, it's still delicious! Having eaten Xianyun pork in sauce made by Master Gu made me feel like the braised pork I used to eat The meat here is all dross! I like this special style of soft, rotten, smooth, and barbecued meat!"

Luo Jin paused, and then smiled cheaply: "Because it's so delicious, forgive me for eating another piece!"

Before it was too late, Luo Jin put another piece of Xianyun pork in sauce into his mouth.

"Fellow Daoist Luo, you are going too far!"

"Yes, how can you do this?"

"The female Taoist friend from before, but she only tasted two pieces of everything."

"You are the judges, and you are all qualified to taste. Can't you think about it for us? We have smelled the fragrance and watched your tasting. Although there is still a lot of meat left on the plate, if we can If you give it to us, each of us can get about one-third of a piece of meat, right? Fellow Daoist Luo, you can’t go too far, and leave some for us too, pity our one-third!”

Among the crowd of onlookers, someone spoke out the 'heartfelt words', which immediately attracted a group of people to join in.

"That's right, if you are the judges, you can have two pieces of meat per person, and leave the rest for us to taste!"

"Fellow Daoist Luo, you can't eat any more!"

Facing the angry onlookers, Luo Jin nodded embarrassedly, and then picked up another piece of Jiang Xianyun pig's trotter.

When the female cultivator ate, she even sucked/sucked the bones, and Luo Jin was no exception when eating, and even sucked the bones even louder.

After eating the two pieces of Xianyun pig's trotters, Luo Jin said: "Delicious Xianyun pig's trotters! Originally, I prefer to eat pig's trotters, because it is very fragrant and chewy. The steamed and stewed pig's trotters have a very special texture, chewy, very fragrant, and the gravy seems to be completely immersed in the bones, making people want to suck it even more!"

Looking at the remaining three sauces on the plate, Luo Jin sighed unsatisfactorily: "Although I still want to eat some more, but I can't do it anymore, it's time for me to comment. The three sauces made by the head of Gu Immortal, I also give 4 points, as for the reasons, just like the female Taoist friends who scored before, I also feel sorry for my conscience and worthy of the oath I made!"

Luo Jin had already scored too much, Gu Zheng handed the chopsticks to the judge selected by Song Xiu.

The judges selected by Song Xiu did not comment on each kind of food like Nvxiu and Luo Jin did. He only opened his mouth after tasting Xianyun pork, Xianyun pork knuckle, and Xianyun pig's trotters. .

"I am different from the previous two judges, they have never tasted the Three Immortals, but I am the one who has tried the Three Immortals."

"I have to say, the Three Immortal Sauces made by Master Gu are really terrible!"

The judges selected by Song Xiu looked at Gu Zheng sarcastically, and then said: "Master Gu, do you think it is new to make a little change in Jiang Sanxian's way? You must know Jiang Sanxian's way, but from It has been handed down from the Shengfa era, and it is the best way to determine the best practice of Jiang Sanxian after countless predecessors pondering and trying! And your current practice has changed the taste of Jiang Sanxian, but it was originally full-bodied. However, the flavor of the sauce has faded because of this. It is right and wrong. Painting a tiger is not an anti-dog! Therefore, I can only give you one point for your innovative sauce three immortals, so don’t be too surprised , the rules do not allow zero points, otherwise this score will definitely belong to you! Of course, the score I scored is also worthy of my conscience and the oath I swore."

The judges selected by Song Xiu made their comments, and the onlookers were as if they were fried. They all saw the obvious unfairness! No matter how badly Gu Zheng did it, it wouldn't be worth a single point, right?

However, this is the mountain top of the Kunlun faction after all. Although they feel that it is unfair and they are also fried, but no one said anything directly. Too low.

"Everyone be quiet. After all, the judges have tasted the Three Immortals before, which is why I chose him as a judge. Do you think that a person who has tasted the Three Immortals will not be as good as the one who tasted the Three Immortals for the first time?" Is the person believable?" Song Xiu smiled lightly.

"Even though I haven't tasted the Three Sauces, the Three Sauces made by Sect Master Gu will never be lower than three points!"

"I also think that the judge from the Kunlun School is a bit too ruthless in scoring? If not ruthless, don't give a bottom line of one point here, and then give an upper limit of five points later!"

Nuxiu and Luo Jin both spoke up, whether it was defending their own dignity, or speaking for Gu Zheng, to dare to question the Kunlun faction in such a tactful way is commendable for their courage.

"I advise you not to get excited. After all, it's the first time for you to taste the Three Immortals. If you have any doubts about the rating, it's not too late to express your feelings after you have tasted the Three Immortals I made!" Song Xiu looked at Luo Jin and the nun said coldly.

Nvxiu and Luo Jin didn't say anything more, they both stood in front of the cutting board just like the judges selected by Song Xiu.

"You come first!"

Song Xiu handed the chopsticks to Luo Jin.

Although he was displeased with Song Xiu in his heart, Luo Jin still planned to tell the truth, he would evaluate the taste of the Three Immortal Sauce made by Song Xiu. However, without violating the heart demon oath, Luo Jin has also decided that he will not show the same kind of enthusiasm for Song Xiu's Jiang Sanxian as he did for Gu Zheng's Jiang Sanxian.

Luo Jin's eyes lit up after the first mouthful of the Three Immortal Sauces, but he was not in a hurry to speak, but like the judge selected by Song Xiu, he tasted all the three ingredients of the Three Immortals That's it, and then I started to comment.

"Song Daoyou's Three Immortal Sauce is delicious, and the sauce taste is simply wonderful. I have never tasted such a rich and sweet sauce, so that it makes people feel endless aftertaste."

Luo Jin's voice paused, and then he said: "In terms of sauce fragrance, the three immortals of the head of the Gu sect are not as good as Daoyou Song, but in some subtle feelings, Daoyou Song is not as good as the head of the Gu! What kind of subtlety is it? , I can’t really say it, but I can feel that without this pure and special sauce fragrance, Song Daoyou’s Jiang Sanxian is not as good as the ancient head.”

"Heh, Jiang Sanxian, Jiang Sanxian, how important is the sauce taste, I don't think I need to say more? A sauce that is not strong enough, what is it? Just call it You can stew three immortals."

Before Luo Jin finished speaking, he was interrupted by Song Xiu's dissatisfaction.

Luo Jin glanced at Song Xiu, and said with dissatisfaction: "Song Daoyou said, how could I not know? Interrupting others is not a polite thing, right? What's more, I'm still a judge!"

Luo Jin was originally a person with a bit of a temper. This can be seen from the initial enmity between him and Gu Zheng. Now that he has been ridiculed by Song Xiu one after another, if it is not because of the heart demon vow, he really wants to give Song Xiu a point. , Let's see how he's still pissed off.

"Okay, you are the judge, you continue, as long as you remember, the heart demon you found will be fine." Song Xiu shrugged.

"You don't need to be reminded by Song Daoyou, I will remember it." Luo Jin snorted, and then said: "Song Daoyou is better at the sauce, but Master Gu is better at the meat, although it is better than Jiang San Immortal, the sauce taste is important, but the meat is still edible! So I gave Song Daoyou a score of 4, and for this score, I am worthy of my conscience and the demon oath I discovered!"

The evaluation given by Luo Jin still surprised Gu Zheng. After all, Luo Jin is not a professional judge. He did not expect that Luo Jin could taste the difference in meat taste under the cover of the strong sauce. As for Song Xiu, he just smiled with the corners of his mouth upturned. He was already very satisfied that Luo Jin could give him four points.

"now you."

Song Xiu handed the chopsticks to the female cultivator among the judges.

The female cultivator was also unhappy with Song Xiu. She also lost the enthusiasm she had for the Three Sauce Immortals in Song Xiu's way.

After tasting the three ingredients, the nun said, "I basically agree with fellow Daoist Luo's views, but I also have different views."

"Song Daoyou's Jiang Sanxian has a very special sauce taste, but after eating it, the only aftertaste left in the mouth is the sauce taste, so the meat taste becomes very light."

"On the contrary, the Three Immortal Sauce made by Master Gu doesn't have such an aftertaste aroma, but in addition to the original fragrance of Xianyun pork, there is still an obsessive aroma of sauce that lingers between the lips and teeth."

"In addition, as Daoyou Luo said, the meat made by Sect Master Gu is indeed more delicious than that made by Daoyou Song!"

The female cultivator stopped talking, and she looked at the judge Song Xiu had chosen.

"I don't know how you are a judge, and I don't know how you taste the delicacy. You even gave Fellow Daoist Gu a point! Although this is not the first time you have tasted the Three Immortals, I can assure you that you have tasted Fellow Daoist Song. Queen Jiang Sanxian will feel sorry for your rating of Master Gu! Who said that innovation must not be as good as tradition? At least in terms of innovation, I think Master Gu has highlighted his innovative taste, which is even more wonderful. No tradition can compare!"

The female cultivator was still so solemn, she looked at the crowd, and said again: "I give 3 points to Daoyou Song's Three Immortal Sauce! With this rating, I am worthy of my conscience and the oath I swore."

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