Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 415: Seeing the Artifact Spirit

"That's right, you've become smarter!" Qi Ling laughed.

"Shouldn't it be triggered in the same way as the fire control formula, when encountering spirit beasts with the same attributes?" Gu Zheng asked helplessly.

"Yes, in fact, the trigger rewards in the Five Elements Immortal Art are all in the same form." Qi Ling said.

"Well, it's really frustrating! If you don't get the water elixir, there will be no trigger rewards corresponding to it, and there will be no way to devour the spirit beast elixir or inner alchemy. Otherwise, the trigger rewards in the Shu Ruins will not be enough for me. The time has already been completed, and the soft-armored turtle killed at that time should be regarded as a water-type spirit beast, right?"

"The soft-armored turtle is indeed a water-type spirit beast, but you don't have to worry. If you are not in a place like the Shu Ruins, you will not be able to complete this trigger task. After a while, don't you have to go to Wufeng Island? Don't forget, Wufeng Island is on the sea, and there are actually more spirit beasts in the sea than on land, so if you kill one at that time, won’t you complete the triggering mission?”

"makes sense."

Gu Zheng nodded, and then picked up the sixth prize.

The sixth prize is a box. After opening the box, there are twelve small khaki-colored flags inside. There are celestial power fluctuations on each flag, and different mystical characters on each flag.

"What is this, a complete set of fairy artifacts?" Gu Zheng asked.

"It can be regarded as a complete set of fairy artifacts, but they should be called 'array artifacts'. They are utensils used for array formation. They are used separately as fairy artifacts and have no effect. The flags inside are called 'array flags'. There is also a jade slip under the banner, which contains information about the 'Trapped Immortal Formation'."

When Qi Ling's voice fell to the ground, Gu Zheng took out the jade slip and put it on his forehead, and the information about the 'Trapped Immortal Formation' immediately appeared in his mind.

"Hey, Qi Ling, where are the four cooking skills?"

The remaining reward is only one elixir left, and Gu Zheng did not see the seventh reward that Qi Ling mentioned before.

"To become a real cultivator, Tiexian heirs have four opportunities to choose to learn Master Tiexian's culinary skills. If you want to learn now, I will list twenty kinds of cooking skills for you. Four, and then the reward will be distributed, do you want to learn now?" Qi Ling asked.

"Forget it, I won't be able to use it now anyway. When I feel like I need to use it, I'll ask you for this reward. Anyway, it's just a matter of a moment to learn it." Gu Zheng said.

"Okay." Qi Ling smiled.

"The last reward."

Gu Zheng picked up the eighth reward and asked curiously, "Piaomiao Pill? What kind of pill is this?"

"The purpose of the Piaomiao Pill is similar to that of the previous Purgatory Pill, except that the Purgatory Pill bears fruit on the big tree of the Tranquility Technique, while the Piaomiao Pill bears fruit on the big tree of the 'Piaomiao Illusory Body Technique'." Ling said slowly.

"Tell me quickly, what kind of fruit will it bear?"

Gu Zheng became interested, and immediately urged it. It seems that the fairy technique Piaomiao Illusory Body Technique that has been used all the time is not simple, and it can have the same effect as the Anshen Technique.

"This varies from person to person. After you take Piao Miao's pill, I don't know what kind of fruit will be produced on this big tree of Piao Miao's illusion. But I can tell you this, in Piao Miao's illusion The characteristic of 'Gone with the Wind' can only be regarded as the primary fruit of this tree."

After Qi Ling finished speaking, Gu Zheng immediately took the Piaomiao Pill, and while the medicine turned into heat and soaked his limbs and bones, he also had a kind of enlightenment in his heart.

"How about the fruit?"

"It's not bad. Compared with Gone with the Wind, each has its own merits."

"Are you satisfied with this reward?" Qi Ling asked with a smile.

"I'm not satisfied, you haven't even sent me the reward for the Primordial Space yet!" Gu Zheng chuckled.

"Don't worry, how can you be missing from this? I'm afraid you won't be able to stand the excitement if you give out too much at one time!" Qi Ling also laughed.

"Congratulations to Tiexian's successor Tiexian Jue for entering the fourth-level realm. The rewards related to the prehistoric space are now being distributed."

"Reward: The time you can stay in the prehistoric space has been reduced to two hours."

"Reward: After entering the prehistoric space, the distance that can appear is expanded to any point within a radius of 30 meters from the entry point."

"Reward: ten fairy piglets, ten fairy lambs, and ten fairy calves."

"Reward: ten fairy ducklings."

"Reward: Twenty celestial vegetables, two types in total."

"Reward: Twenty stalks of celestial wheat."

"Reward: A fairy locust tree."

"Reward: A small fairy melon."

"Reward: A prickly pear tree."

"Reward, the number of ingredients that can be upgraded in the prehistoric space."

Qi Ling talked about many kinds of rewards at once. Originally, Gu Zheng felt that he was very satisfied with three or four rewards for the prehistoric space, but he didn't expect to get so many at once, so he was so happy that he quickly checked. Prehistoric space.

Since the prehistoric space was expanded some time ago, the prehistoric space now looks much more spacious, and because of the addition of new rewards, it looks like a small farm.

However, the farm in the Great Desolation Space is ten thousand times stronger than ordinary farms. At least the animals and plants in it do not need to be raised. They can grow after absorbing immortal energy, and they will automatically regenerate after harvesting.

In the original prehistoric space, there are already fairy apricot trees, queen bee flowers, fairy vegetables, fairy rice, and fairy chickens on the land, and ocean flowers and fairy fish in the pond.

Now that the things on the ground have increased, so have the things in the water.

The slaughter time of fairy piglets, fairy lambs and fairy calves is two months, three months and four months respectively. Although it takes a long time to be slaughtered, according to Qi Ling, when these fairy animals grow up, they can weigh twice as much as normal livestock in the outside world, and the ingredients are all medium-grade!

Ten fairy ducklings made the originally monotonous surface of the pond look much more cheerful. The slaughter time is 20 days, and the food grade is medium!

There are two kinds of freshly added xiancai, and the maturity time is still the same as the original ones. The twenty green seedlings look very gratifying, but their ingredients are of medium grade!

Twenty stalks of celestial wheat grow not far from celestial rice. Their appearance will make the use of flour in Guzheng no longer rely on it, and the grade of ingredients will also be ordinary noodles.

The locust tree sounds ordinary, but the fairy locust tree is not ordinary at all.

The Acacia tree rewarded this time has a growth time of one year, and it will bloom within a year. The acacia flower can make lightning bees collect honey. Medium grade ingredients. Moreover, after the locust flower is defeated, the locust tree will still bear fruit, and the locust horns that grow on it will mature for one year, but they are high-quality ingredients!

According to Qi Ling, although the small fairy melon is an ordinary fairy fruit, it has a relatively large yield. Basically, it can produce fifteen fairy melons each time, and the weight of each fairy melon is almost ten catties!

Fifteen fairy melons, each calculated at ten catties, is one hundred and fifty catties! This is not an ordinary food, it is one hundred and fifty catties of immortal melons that can be used to make immortal fruit food repair! Although the ripening time is the same as the fairy apricot fruit, it is one year, but it is more effective than the actual effect of the fairy apricot fruit! After all, although the fairy apricot fruit is a medium-sized fairy fruit, the yield is too small, and only seven fruits are produced in a year. The size of the fruit is not much different from that of ordinary apricots. An ordinary grade Xianyuan pill.

As for the rewarding fairy fruit tree, this is a very good fairy fruit tree. Although the fruit it bears is also a medium-quality fairy fruit, the fairy essence contained in a fairy fruit is equivalent to a medium-quality fairy fruit Dan, the maturity time is one year, and it can bear one hundred prickly pears each time.

Not counting the reward this time, Gu Zheng has received two rewards for raising the level of ingredients, and the quota for raising the level of ingredients twice, Gu Zheng gave salt, water, eggs, sesame oil and ginseng respectively. Now, the quota has not been used up yet, and the third reward is here again!

Including the remaining places before, there are a total of five places that Gu Zheng can use to raise the level of ingredients.

However, the number of rewards this time is different from the previous two times!

The previous rewards were only for raising the level of ingredients to normal, but this time the rewards were for raising the level of ingredients to medium! Moreover, those few things that were promoted before will not account for the existing five quotas when they are promoted again!

In the beginning, in order to better complete the task, Gu Zheng improved the quality of salt, water, eggs, sesame oil, and ginseng. Gu Zheng was actually very helpless for these early improvements.

After all, for medium-quality water, he later had a lot of ground vein springs, and he also got a lot of ordinary-grade salt in Shushan, and he also got a lot of ordinary-grade ginseng in Shuxu. As for ordinary eggs and sesame oil, even though he didn't get them from other sources, this level of ingredients was nothing in his eyes.

Originally, Gu Zheng still had some regrets, and used the precious quota for ingredients that will not be scarce in the future! But now it seems that even those ingredients that have been upgraded before are not considered a waste of quota. After all, salt, water, eggs, sesame oil, ginseng, and then upgraded from ordinary to medium, will not occupy the existing quota.

"What am I going to use these quotas for improving ingredients?" Gu Zheng murmured.

"It's still the same as before, it's better to use it with caution."

Qi Ling paused, and then said: "However, you can use a quota for the ingredients you transplanted."

There are many coveted things in the ancient Shu Ruins, many of which he wants to transplant into the prehistoric space, but Qi Ling is very strict about it! Either it is that the grades that Gu Zheng likes are too low, or he is afraid of taking up space, saying that there will be better ingredients in the future, or that this kind of ingredients is not suitable for growing in the prehistoric space.

Just like the ordinary-quality fairy fruit Xiaohangua encountered in the Shu Ruins, Qi Ling refused Gu Zheng's request on the grounds that the Primordial Space would not accept this quality of fairy fruit.

However, there are indeed ingredients transplanted by Gu Zheng in the prehistoric space, and this kind of ingredients were transplanted by him by Qi Ling.

As early as a year ago, when Gu Zheng went to Tianshan Mountain, he had harvested four rare milk ginseng. Although the food grade of milk ginseng is inferior, in Qi Ling's words, its growth potential value is very good, and it is worth cultivating.

It has been more than a year now, if Qi Ling hadn't brought it up now, Gu Zheng would have forgotten about milk ginseng. After all, after the milk ginseng was transplanted back, it has been buried in the ground, and there are no stems and leaves on the ground, and there is not even a mark to remind people to remember it.

"By the way, Qi Ling, you just said that the growth potential of milk ginseng is great, but you didn't tell me what its use is, should you let me know now?" Gu Zheng said dissatisfied.

"I didn't tell you at the beginning because it was useless to tell you. Now that I mentioned it, it's naturally time to tell you. You dig the ground first and see how it changes!"

As soon as Gu Zheng thought about it, he immediately cast the soil control formula, and four milky white ginsengs were exposed in the cracks in the ground.

"Growing so big?" Gu Zheng was quite surprised.

When the milk ginseng was first transplanted in, it was no more than the thickness of a pigeon egg at most, and it was no more than half a chopstick long, but after more than a year of disappearance, they turned out to look like thick white radishes!

"There is immortal essence in the prehistoric space, and milk ginseng will grow faster in places with immortal essence. This kind of food is very rare, even in the prehistoric region, there are not many."

"It's a pity that milk ginseng grows in the era when immortal power is scarce on your earth. It should be a medium-quality ingredient, but it has been reduced to the level of inferior ingredients. It has been raised in the prehistoric space for so long, and the ingredient level has returned to normal. That's all."

"For milk ginseng grown in the doomed age, the level of ingredients can be changed to ordinary, which is already at the top. But if you want to use milk ginseng, its ingredient level must reach medium! This is what I have not told before. The reason for you is, after all, at that time, you did not have the ability to turn it into a medium ingredient." Qi Ling said.

"Now that you have this ability, isn't it easy to raise its level? Tell me, what magical effects do they have?"

After receiving the reward for increasing the quota, a spot of light has already flown into Gu Zheng's mind, making him know how to upgrade ordinary-level ingredients to medium-level.

Point your fingers at the milk ginseng, and under the operation of Tiexian Jue, a wave of immortal power visible to the naked eye connects the milk ginseng and Gu Zheng's fingers like a bridge, and a dense light emerges from the milk ginseng.

"Milk ginseng is a reusable ingredient, which is one of the reasons why it is included in the prehistoric space. Using milk ginseng is not to cook it, but to cut a hole on its body surface like cutting poppies, and let the inside flow out Pure white, medium-grade ingredients."

"This lotion has a faint milky aroma and is extremely sweet in taste. If you already had milk ginseng lotion when you went to Europe, then the desserts you make with it are enough to satisfy those gringos who like sweets Crazy about it! In terms of making sweets, milk ginseng emulsion is an excellent all-purpose ingredient!" Qi Ling said.

"Ha, there is such a magical effect? ​​It is indeed a good thing!"

Gu Zheng smiled, and then asked: "Taking its lotion is like cutting poppies, so will it make people addicted after eating it?"

"No! The emulsion of milk ginseng is an ingredient, and it is also a medicinal ingredient. Not only is it not addictive, but it also has a good effect of nourishing yin and beautifying the skin. Eating it makes people feel refreshed!"

While speaking, Gu Zheng has raised the ingredient level of milk ginseng from ordinary to medium. The ginseng that was originally like a white radish has now become like a suet jade carving.

"Four milk ginseng, the emulsion can be collected once a month, and you should be able to collect about four taels each time. You can harvest once now."


For the harvest, no one will be unhappy. The cheerful Gu Zheng immediately took out a small jade bottle, and swiped his finger at the milk ginseng. Immediately, milky white emulsion oozed out of it, and there was a sweet milk in the air. The aroma rises.

"After collecting it later, I want to taste it first."

Gu Zheng has never smelled such a delicious milky scent, which makes it impossible to give birth to any unpleasant feeling.

"Of course, you can also use the wood control technique to speed up the collection of emulsion."

"I know."

Gu Zheng smiled, and immediately used the Wood Control Art. The milk ginseng emulsion that had been slowly seeping out immediately showed a tendency to flow.

Just as Qi Ling said, the four milk ginseng allowed Gu Zheng to harvest four Liang lotion.

Gu Zheng raised his head and slowly poured one or two emulsions into his mouth.

It has a faint milky aroma, a sweet and mellow taste, and a particularly creamy taste. As a cultivator, Gu Zheng could clearly feel that the nutrients in the lotion were moisturizing his skin.

"How does it taste?" Qi Ling asked with a smile.

"It's delicious, if it's a drink, it's the best drink I've ever had."

Gu Zheng smiled, and then joked: "Why, do you want to try it?"

"I can't taste it again."

There was regret in Qi Ling's voice, but she quickly laughed again, and the laughter gave Gu Zheng a very bad premonition! Usually when Qi Ling has some bad ideas, or wants to play tricks on Gu Zheng, she will make this kind of malicious laughter.

"Gu Zheng, after you killed the blood soul in the crypt of the Shu Ruins, I told you that there will be surprises when you reach the fourth level of Tiexian Jue, do you remember?"

Qi Ling's smirk sounded louder again, with indescribable pride in it.

"I do not remember!"

Of course, Gu Zheng remembered that when Qi Ling said those words, he also laughed maliciously.

"Hmph, it's useless if you don't remember!"

Qi Ling's voice was full of anger: "Tell you, you have to ask for this surprise, and you have to ask for it if you don't want it!"

"I don't want it!"

Gu Zheng blurted out, anyway, for this surprise set off by a smirk, he has a hundred resistances.

"Hmph, I can't help you!"

Qi Ling's voice paused, and Gu Zheng suddenly felt a pain in his head.

"Congratulations to the successor of the Tiexian, when you enter the fourth level of the Tiexian Jue, you will have the ability to see the spirit of this weapon."

Accompanied by Qi Ling's voice, a figure standing in the garden appeared in Gu Zheng's mind.

He looked about twelve or thirteen years old, and was wearing a bright red dress with embroidery. The overall style of the dress was very classic, but the cut was very close-fitting and modern, and the hem of the skirt did not reach the knee. Baishuang Saixue's skin, small and lovely Qiong nose, delicate and charming lips, long black hair coiled around her temples, her big eyes are slightly heroic, and there is a pink three-petaled lotus mark between her eyebrows.

Beautiful and impeccable, the surrounding flowers seem to have lost their color compared to Qi Ling.

"Aren't you surprised, are you surprised?"

Qi Ling stared at Gu Zheng's 'line of sight', her small mouth was slightly upturned.

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