Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 418: Kirikaze Island

Thirty years ago, my five or eight-year-old sister was chosen as a sacrifice and sacrificed to the monster.

The closest sister was sacrificed, and the original cheerful personality of the fifth child also changed at that time. He hated monsters, and even more hated the person who chose his sister as a sacrifice. A cultivator recruited by the Tianxin Sect outside.

Twenty years ago, the Tianxin Sect finally got a grand elder from the Kunlun Sect to come to Wufeng Island and put an end to the monster cannibalism. However, the hatred for foreign practitioners in Lao Wu's heart has not been relieved at all! Especially today when he was reprimanded by Miaomiao and Gu Zheng on the shore again, he broke out new and old grievances at the same time, and finally did the stupid thing of wanting Gu Zheng and Miaomiao to die in the belly of the fish.

After listening to Lao Wu's narration, Gu Zheng didn't make things difficult for him. After asking him some questions, he asked him to continue driving the speedboat.

"Sir, you are so kind." Miao Miao whispered.

"How?" Gu Zheng asked.

"If it were me, I would definitely not let him go so easily." Miao Miao said bitterly.

"You still have a lot to learn in dealing with people. Killing too much is not a good thing, it will encourage your violence, especially killing some people who are not worthy of death, the most numb and cold heart."

"Just like what happened today, this old fifth is a reckless man who once had the idea of ​​killing us in his heart. I don't know what you think about this matter. Anyway, to me, it's like walking in the forest. An ant got on my shoulder and I just brushed it off, but it didn't have to kill it. But if I brushed off the ant and it was still alive, then I would crush it to death. In other words, It was not an ant but a scorpion that was crawling on my shoulder, so it must be a dead scorpion."

When Gu Zheng's words fell, Miao Miao smiled embarrassedly: "Sir, what you said is so profound, Miao Miao doesn't understand it very well."

"It's okay, take your time if you don't understand too much."

Gu Zheng smiled faintly, and stared into the distance with frowned eyebrows. There was fog rising on the sea there, and his vision was seriously affected.

"Guests, we are about to enter Wufeng Island."

The fifth child took the initiative to speak, he had completely calmed down after encountering the previous incident, and now he was full of fear in his heart.

The speed of the speedboat slowed down, and it slowly entered the fog. The moment it entered the fog, it was like entering a different world. The light was instantly dark and scary, and even the sun in the sky could not be seen.

Gu Zheng understood that this was driving into the fairy formation.

The significance of the existence of the fairy array is naturally to protect the islands within it from interference from external forces. Even if ordinary people accidentally stumbled into the fairy formation, there was no way to break the formation, they could only wander around inside, as if encountering a ghost hitting a wall.

Although Lao Wu is not a cultivator, he often takes people to the island, and slowly walks in the formation in a speedboat, which is considered proficient. After some turns and turns, the fog in front of me suddenly disappeared, the weather was still so clear, and a small green island came into view in the distance.

"What a huge sea area! Such a large sea area is hidden by the fairy array, this is not something ordinary people can do!" Gu Zheng said with emotion.

After passing the fairy formation, the fifth child increased his horsepower and galloped towards the small island. In the nearby waters, there were also some fishing boats operating. When the islanders saw Lao Wu’s boat coming back, some greeted him from a distance, and some built a pergola to look out.

The speedboat docked, and there was a person on the shore who was responsible for receiving guests. After the fifth handed over to him, he seemed to be afraid that Gu Zheng would turn over the old score, and left in a hurry.

"The guests are invited to participate in the 'Fish Harvest Festival', right? Show your tokens, and I'll make arrangements for you." The disciple of the Tianxin Sect who was in charge of receiving the guests said with a smile.

In the restaurant at the wharf, the lobby manager surnamed Yang is obviously a relative of the head of Yang's family, and he knows Gu Zheng's identity. However, he didn't tell Lao Wu that Gu Zheng was invited by their head to come to Wufeng Island, he just told Lao Wu that Gu Zheng is a distinguished guest.

Now the disciples who were in charge of reception became extremely respectful when they saw that what Gu Zheng took out was actually a token issued by the head of the sect himself.

"It turns out that you are a distinguished guest. I am really disrespectful and disrespectful. I will take you to the residence of the distinguished guests!"

The reception disciple made a gesture of please.

"The guest's residence? Is there a general residence?" Meow asked curiously.

"Of course there are. The tokens presented by the guests are those issued by the head of the sect himself. There are only two such tokens in total. And those who come to the island generally carry tokens that are mostly issued by the senior management of the sect." Receiving disciples said.

"Fellow Daoist, what happened to the 'Fish Harvest Festival' you mentioned just now?" Gu Zheng asked.

Facing Gu Zheng's inquiry, the reception disciple answered it.

During this time of year, a rare fish in the sea will gather near Kirikaze Island to lay eggs. This fish looks like carp, but its body is covered with fine golden scales. Residents of Kirikaze Island care about them Called 'Golden Scale'.

The golden scales are delicious, and can also be used to refine the elixir that strengthens the body, which can be regarded as a big income of the Tianxin sect.

According to the reception disciples, this year's Golden Scale Tide will appear the day after tomorrow and last for three days.

When the golden scale tide recedes and the golden scales disappear, there will be a festival to celebrate the harvest of golden scales on Wufeng Island. This seven-day festival is called the 'Fish Harvest Festival'.

The Yuhuo Festival is very lively, just like a temple fair in the mainland. Some sects that have a cooperative relationship with the Tianxin Sect will come to Wufeng Island before the Yuhuo Festival to discuss the acquisition of Jinlin. There are also some cultivators who can receive invitations from the Tianxin Sect to come to Wufeng Island to celebrate together.

Whether it was during the Golden Scale Tide or the Fish Harvest Festival, there were many customs and rules on Wufeng Island, and the receiving disciples also told Gu Zheng and the others in detail about these things.

"I didn't expect it to be a coincidence that I encountered such an interesting festival. When Master Yang invited me before, he didn't mention these things."

Gu Zheng smiled, experiencing different customs and customs, this is also a beautiful thing that can make people feel at ease.

"Our Sect Leader didn't tell Sect Leader Gu these things, so we probably aren't sure when Sect Leader Gu will come back. After all, Sect Leader mentioned to me that when there is such a distinguished guest as you, he just said that he hoped you would come over! "The reception disciple laughed.

"By the way, you said that your head has invited two distinguished guests. Who is the other one?"

"Fellow Daoist!"

Just as Gu Zheng asked about receiving his disciples, a surprise call came.

Gu Zheng turned his head and saw that Yang Zhenling, who was with several Tianxin sect disciples, was running towards him.

"Fellow Daoist Gu, I didn't expect you to actually come to Wufeng Island!"

Yang Zhenling rushed to the front and clasped his fists, his face was full of happiness.

"You Tianxin faction, fellow Daoist Yang, are you surprised by me?" Gu Zheng joked.

"A slip of the tongue!" Yang Zhenling laughed: "Sect Leader Gu must be busy with a lot of things as a sect leader. I'm just surprised that you came to Wufeng Island as a guest so soon!"

"Yeah, I'm thinking about the good tea on Wufeng Island, so I'll come here as soon as possible!" Gu Zheng also laughed.

Yang Zhenling introduced the fellow disciples beside him to Gu Zheng, and then asked curiously, "Friend Gu, who is the one next to you?"

"He's my maid." Gu Zheng didn't hide anything, he was straightforward.

Yang Zhenling stretched out his thumb to Gu Zheng, speaking in an envious tone: "When I first met Master Gu, Master Gu was alone, and it was inconvenient to admit his identity. Now it has only been more than a month, and Master Gu Even traveling has become so beautiful!"

On the surface, Yang Zhenling was very envious, but in fact he was really shocked, after all, he has the ability to see through other people's cultivation. However, this ability, which has been tried and tested in the past, first failed on Gu Zheng, and today it failed on Miaomiao, which really shocked him!

Will the people who can follow Gu Zheng be ordinary people? Yang Zhenling didn't think so simply.

Gu Zheng just smiled and said nothing, while Miao Miao glared at Yang Zhenling: "Aren't we distinguished guests? Are you going to let the distinguished guests stand here and talk to you?"

Yang Zhenling patted his forehead: "Seeing Fellow Daoist Gu, he only cared about being happy, but he forgot about it. It's really rude and rude."

After a pause, Yang Zhenling turned to receive the disciples and said, "Go and do your work, I will personally receive the master Gu."


The receiving disciples left in response, and Yang Zhenling began to take Gu Zheng and Miaomiao to the residence.

The architectural style on the island is very simple. Most of the houses are still built of grass and trees. The residences of the so-called distinguished guests are not luxurious, but very innovative, because the houses are built on trees.

The big tree carrying the guest's residence is so thick that ten people can't hug it, and it's so tall that it's hard to see its top.

The tree is covered with pink flowers like datura, which looks very colorful, and there is a scent of flowers in the air, which makes people feel refreshed.

Circling up the steps built close to the tree, Yang Zhenling led Gu Zheng and Miao Miao into the tree house.

The size of the tree house is like a normal dwelling, and it is built between the branches of a big tree. Although the inside is relatively simple, it is spotlessly clean.

There are windows on all sides of the tree house, through which you can almost see the panorama of Wufeng Island.

"Is Fellow Daoist Gu satisfied with this residence?" Yang Zhenling asked.

"Satisfied! There are delicate flowers outside the window, and you can overlook Wufeng Island from a height. There is no better sea view room!" Gu Zheng laughed.

"It's good if you're satisfied, I'm still worried that Fellow Daoist Gu thinks it's crude!" Yang Zhenling also laughed.

"Who lives there?" Gu Zheng pointed out the window.

About 50 meters away from the tree house where Gu Zheng is located, there is another same flower tree, and on that relatively thin flower tree, there is another tree house.

Thinking of what he said to the disciples before, Gu Zheng felt that the tree house opposite should be lived in another distinguished guest invited by head master Yang.

"Who lives there, I don't know. When I saw Fellow Daoist Gu just now, I just came back from outside. However, there is another VIP room on Wufeng Island, and the person living there should be someone People with status!" Yang Zhenling said.

"Yang Daoyou, what do you think this is?"

Like a magic trick, Gu Zheng took out a bamboo about three feet long from his body.

"Kunlun Bamboo!"

Yang Zhenling was overjoyed. When Gu Zheng promised to come to Wufeng Island as a guest in Longzhan Square, he would bring him a piece of Kunlun bamboo.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Gu!"

Playing with Kunlun bamboo happily, Yang Zhenling did not forget to thank him.

"Yang Daoyou is being polite."

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then he said again: "Since the accommodation has been arranged, Fellow Daoist Yang will take me to meet Master Yang!"

The Tianxin Sect is located in the forest with the most lush vegetation on Wufeng Island. The sect does not seem to be very big, and all the buildings are made of stone and wood, exuding an ancient atmosphere.

Gu Zheng is not familiar with Master Yang. When he was in Kunlun Mountains, he first met Yang Zhenling when he went to find Master Yang. He was somewhat overwhelmed by Master Yang's enthusiasm.

We met again, probably because Yang Zhenling told Head Yang that Gu Zheng didn't like other people's enthusiasm. Although Head Yang's enthusiasm was reserved, it still made Gu Zheng feel overwhelmed.

In desperation, Gu Zheng had no choice but to take the initiative to ask Yang Zhenling to take a look at the scenery of the island, so he was able to get out of the Tianxin faction.

"Sir, why are people from the Tianxin School so enthusiastic?"

Outside the mountain gate of the Tianxin School, Miaomiao's eyes showed curiosity.

"Are you referring to Yang Zhenling, or Master Yang?" Gu Zheng asked back.

At this moment, outside the mountain gate, there are only Gu Zheng and Miaomiao. As for Yang Zhenling who wants to take them sightseeing, because he just returned to Wufeng Island from the outside, he still has some things to report to the elders in the gate, so Need Gu Zheng and Miao Miao to wait for him for a while.

"Both." Meow said.

"Yang Zhenling is a real hospitable person, and we are about the same age, and we have experienced some things together on Kunlun Road, so his enthusiasm should not have too many other elements in it."

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then he said: "As for the head of Yang, there are many other things in his enthusiasm. If I am not the head of a faction, there is no outstanding performance on Kunlun Mountain. I don't think he will have the enthusiasm he has now, which can be seen from the fact that he has built guest rooms of different grades on the island!"

"Then he is passionate about Mr., what is he plotting?" Miaomiao asked again.

"What is the plot? It's really hard to say! Some people are enthusiastic about you, just thinking that when you have any difficulties in the future, you will not be able to refuse him. There are also some people who are enthusiastic about you. It will appear soon. Anyway, we have come to Wufeng Island anyway, if he has plots against me, he may appear soon." Gu Zheng said.

"Sir, I don't like this kind of purposeful enthusiasm." Meow shook her head.

"I don't like it either, so I came out." Gu Zheng smiled.

Without letting Gu Zheng and Miao Miao wait too long, Yang Zhenling, who was done with work, appeared outside the mountain gate.

"Yang Daoyou, where are you going to show us first?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Let's take you to the beach first!" Yang Zhenling said.

"Why go to the beach?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"It's getting late, and all the fishermen should be back. Don't you want to see what special products are available on Wufeng Island? Fish is also a special product on Wufeng Island, but can you let fellow Daoist Satisfied fish, that's hard for me to say."

Yang Zhenling's words aroused Gu Zheng's interest, and the three of them immediately walked towards the seaside.

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