Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 427 Whose Dog Didn't Care?

The person who questioned Yang Zhenling was a monk, with a fat head and big ears, wearing a monk's uniform with open breasts and exposed breasts, holding a roasted golden scale in his hand, and there were still oil stains on the corner of his mouth. .

Yang Zhenling was also puzzled, there had never been a monk on Wufeng Island, but this monk dared to question him in public, so he still asked his fellow disciple beside him in a low voice about his identity.

After learning about the origin of the monk's identity, Yang Zhenling couldn't help feeling dizzy. If the monk was just an ordinary outsider, it would be fine, but he happened to be another distinguished guest invited by the head of the house. His doubts about Yang Zhenling had to be taken seriously. .

"Master Wuwei, let's speak with the facts! Since you questioned my unfair selection, how about you try this roasted golden scale made by the prize winner?" Yang Zhenling lowered his posture.

"The smell of this roasted golden scale is very fragrant, but is the poor monk's cooking so bad? The poor monk doesn't taste his roasted golden scales, but the poor monk wants you to taste mine!"

People who would question at such a time, in terms of temperament, it is conceivable that they will become more aggressive. This Wuwei monk, apart from his desire to strengthen and compete, is also very hot-tempered. When his voice fell to the ground, he stretched out his hand and shook it. The roasted golden scales, which were not considered big, appeared on Yang Zhenling's unclosed body. inside the mouth.

The soft fish meat was punched out with inner strength, and it was squeezed into Yang Zhenling's mouth, causing Yang Zhenling's teeth to ache.

No matter how good-tempered Yang Zhenling was, if he was humiliated in public like this, the anger in his heart would already be soaring. However, the visitor was a guest, and Monk Wuwei was an honored guest invited by the head of the sect, so he could only suppress the rising anger.

It has to be said that the roasted golden scales made by Monk Wuwei are very good, but Yang Zhenling only tasted a little before spitting it out.

"I have also tasted the roasted golden scales made by Master Wuwei, and the taste is indeed not as good as the one in my hand. If Master Wuwei is unwilling to taste this roasted golden scales, then there is no need to question my selection." Yang Zhenling said.

"After eating the roasted golden scales made by the poor monk, you can still say such things, so what if the poor monk tastes the roasted golden scales in your hand?"

Monk Wuwei waved his hand, and the roasted golden scale made by Gu Zheng appeared in his hand. However, like a person with a cleanliness habit, Monk Wuwei looked at the roasted golden scales made by Gu Zheng, with a look of disgust on his face and a look that was very difficult to swallow.

"Master Wuwei, since you questioned it, why don't you try it!"

"That's right, don't just dare to question, but don't even dare to taste what they make. Do you suspect that they have poisoned you?"

"Master Wuwei, let's taste it! I think what he cooks must not be as delicious as yours!"

Amidst the booing of the surrounding audience, Monk Wuwei finally bit on the roasted golden scales made by Gu Zheng.

Although the roasted golden scales were a bit cold, Monk Wuwei's eyes widened as soon as he took a bite.

The fish skin is roasted in a very special way, some are slightly burnt, some are slightly pressed. It stands to reason that the fish skin is roasted like this, the fish should be a little dry, but the fish in Wuwei's mouth is not only not dry at all, There's even just the right amount of gravy coming out!

After a mouthful of fish meat was completely eaten, only the delicious smell remained in his mouth, the disgust on Monk Wuwei's face disappeared, and he became like a wolf, eating the small roasted golden scales in his hand three times and five times twice Jing, even put the fish skeleton in his mouth and sucked and sucked again and again.

"whispering sound!"

There was booing all around.

"It sounds like you are not convinced, but it is actually another matter."

"At first I questioned other people's cooking skills, and treated their roasted golden scales like shit, but when I ate it myself, how did I react? It's enough!"

"Well, I thought it would be fun to watch at first, but now it seems that Master Wuwei is nothing more than that."

Facing the discussion of the crowd, the fearless monk roared: "You know what! The Buddha tasted 'emptiness' in this grilled fish. Do you understand what 'emptiness' is? If you don't understand, don't come here again. Nonsense, the Buddha has no time to teach you the scriptures!"

After scolding those onlookers, Monk Wuwei immediately looked at Yang Zhenling, and his eyes became eager: "Boy, where is the person who made this grilled fish? The poor monk wants to see him!"

Yang Zhenling really didn't want to bring Monk Wuwei to see Gu Zheng, but he didn't look like he was looking for trouble, so he nodded reluctantly.

After Yang Zhenling and Monk Wuwei left, the stunned crowd started talking again.

"Who of you know what emptiness is?"

"I do not know!"

"I know a little bit."

"Since you understand a little bit, tell us quickly!"

"The so-called emptiness does not mean that the things that exist suddenly become non-existent, but that the existence of all things has no self-nature, no unchanging and indestructible entity, so emptiness is the reality. 'The existence of matter is like bubbles, feelings are like water bubbles, appearances are like sun flames, intentional actions are like plantains, and recognition is like illusion.' Only by leaving the wrong and illusory cognition can we realize the emptiness of arising and passing away."

"I still don't understand, can you explain it more simply?"

"Emptiness is the nature, body, and essence of space, and so is your heart! It is everywhere, subtle and colorless, like empty water, invisible to the naked eye, neither born nor destroyed, neither increasing nor decreasing, pervading the void, for The root of all things is the root of all sentient beings' enlightenment and Buddhahood, and the root of the Buddha's divine power and wisdom. Emptiness is like water, and those who can enter it will know everything and be fully enlightened."

"Emptiness is called Buddha nature, simply called emptiness, or called Buddha, first meaning, Nirvana, perfect enlightenment, emptiness, vacuum, true suchness, essence, true heart, dharmakaya, self-nature, mind-nature, Tathagata possession, Bodhi, Taiji and other names, although there are many different names, the reality is the same, and the Dharma Realm is the same!"

"Having said so much, you may still not understand, but you should have heard what I said at the end. Among the many names of emptiness, there is a name called Taiji! What does Taiji represent? You and I are both practitioners. You don't need me. Do you want to say more?"

"Tai Chi is the manifestation of Dao!"

"You mean, Monk Wuwei gained the feeling of enlightenment while eating a piece of roasted golden scales?"

"It seems to be like this!"

"This is really nonsense! Eat a grilled fish and feel enlightened? Why doesn't he go to heaven? Why doesn't he stand shoulder to shoulder with the Buddha?"

"This monk is crazy, let's not worry about him, just drink the wine and dance!"

Amidst the disdain of all the practitioners, beside the largest bonfire, the musical instruments that had been suspended were played again, and the girls on the island sang and danced hand in hand.

When Yang Zhenling brought Monk Wuwei over, Gu Zheng was savoring roasted golden scales and drinking coconut milk wine leisurely. As for Miaomiao, she had already eaten a lot of roasted golden scales, and Gu Zheng refused to let her touch the other three dishes because she had to wait for Yang Zhenling.

"I'm really sorry to keep Fellow Daoist Gu waiting for so long."

People were still trying to get close, so Yang Zhenling spoke apologetically.

"What happened, why did you go for so long?"

Gu Zheng accepted the prize from Yang Zhenling, and while speaking, his eyes glanced at the embarrassing monk Wuwei.

"The thing is like this, because the poor monk questioned the ownership of the prize, so a little time wasted. Now the poor monk is convinced of the roasted golden scales made by the benefactor!"

Monk Wuwei answered on behalf of Yang Zhenling, and his eyes had scanned Gu Zheng's kitchen utensils many times, and his eyes were always full of surprise.

"If the poor monk remembers correctly, this set of fairy utensils and kitchen utensils originally belonged to the Kunlun School. During the Kunlun Festival some time ago, it was won by Gu Zheng, the head of the Emei School, in a bet. Friends, are you Gu Zheng, the head of the Emei Sect?" Wuwei asked.

In addition to questioning the ownership of the prize, Gu Zheng didn't like Monk Wuwei at all!

First of all, at first glance, this person looks like a wine and meat monk. Gu Zheng has always been disgusted with monks who have escaped into Buddhism, are unconventional, and do not abide by the clear rules and precepts. No piety at all.

Secondly, Buddhism belongs to the Western religion, and Emei, where Guzheng is located, belongs to local Taoism. Although Guzheng doesn't have any prejudice against Buddhism, he still has a little resistance in his heart.

"That's right, I am Gu Zheng, the head of Emei sect. Which temple is the great monk?" Gu Zheng said indifferently.

"Amitabha, the poor monk comes from Prajna Temple, and his Dharma name is Wuwei."

"Prajna Temple?"

Gu Zheng frowned slightly.

The position of Banruo Temple in Buddhism is like Kunlun in the Taoist cultivation world. This monk Wuwei has heard his dharma name in ancient times, but he can remember this dharma name because of his master, his master's dharma name Yuankong, one of the three masters of Buddhism, is in the middle stage of returning to the void.

"Yes, Banruo Temple, the ancient master should have heard of it, right?" Wuwei said proudly.

"I heard."

Gu Zheng just said a few words, and then he closed his eyes, as if he didn't want to talk to Wuwei any more.

"Fellow Daoist Gu, where is Miss Miaomiao?" Yang Zhenling asked.

"She went to play, and she will probably come back soon. When she comes back, we can start."

"I hope that Miaomiao girl will come back soon, I really can't wait to start it, it's a long time coming!"

"Master Gu, what's covered in your plates should be delicious, right? I wonder if the poor monk can try it too?"

Gu Zheng's ignorance made Monk Wuwei's face look ugly, he gritted his teeth, and finally said the words of lowering his status.

"Since you call yourself a poor monk, I won't ask the monk to taste these things. We will start soon, monk, you can do it yourself!"


In the face of Gu Zheng's euphemistic yet direct irony, Wu Wei hesitated for a while.

"Originally, I wanted to see if the food made by Master Gu still had the taste of emptiness, but now it seems that even if a person as impolite as Master Gu makes food with the taste of emptiness, he will not be able to taste it." It was just a fluke." Monk Wuwei shook his head.

Gu Zheng understands what emptiness is, and he is also a little surprised. With the monk Wuwei's late fifth-level cultivation base, he can get such a profound meaning! But accidents were accidents, he still didn't want to have too much communication with Monk Wuwei.

Monk Wuwei originally thought that after he had said that, Gu Zheng would definitely say something else! As long as Gu Zheng said something, everything would turn around, but he didn't expect that Gu Zheng not only didn't say anything to him, but also talked and laughed with Yang Zhenling, which made his face instantly become extremely ugly, The anger towards Gu Zheng in my heart also climbed to a critical point.

"Master Gu must be the resident of another VIP room, right? I want to know, how can Master Gu be able to live in VIP room No. 1? I want to change rooms with Master Gu, but I don't know Are you willing?" Monk Wuwei challenged.

"The VIP room is determined by the head of my Tianxin faction, how can the distinguished guest change without permission?"

Yang Zhenling frowned, he was already full of displeasure with this monk Wuwei.

"Boy, you don't have the right to speak here. If you don't want to go to the sea to take a bath, you should hurry up and shut up the poor monk!" Monk Wuwei roared.

The VIP room opposite Gu Zheng's room, no matter the thickness of the tree, or the size and construction height of the room, is not as good as that of Gu Zheng. Regarding this point, Gu Zheng also felt in his heart that the two VIP rooms were not well compared, but whoever wanted to live there, Wuwei monk, even used this to find trouble.

"I, He Dehe Neng, don't need you to worry about it. As for the room exchange, I am naturally unwilling. I advise you to go as far as I can while I am not angry now!"

Gu Zheng's voice was still flat, as if he was talking about family matters, but his tepidity finally made the angry monk Wuwei unable to bear it.

"It's really crazy enough! I heard that you like to gamble, and you won a lot of things through betting in the Kunlun Pailongzhan Square. So do you have the guts to bet with the poor monk today? Who of us will live?" VIP Room No. 1, let the winning or losing of the bet speak for itself!"

Monk Wuwei yelled at Gu Zheng with an almost roaring voice.

"Whose dog is not on a tight leash? Bark again and eat meat!"

A meowing sound suddenly sounded, and her figure also ran towards this side.

Being scolded as a dog and said to kill and eat meat, Monk Wuwei was really pissed off! Originally, he thought that Miaomiao was just a little girl, and he thought that he would not be as knowledgeable as her, but after a closer look, his brows frowned.

"I didn't expect it! The majestic head of Emei actually joined forces with a goblin. If this matter gets out, I don't know what the righteous world will think of it!"

Monk Wuwei looked at Gu Zheng and Miaomiao and sneered.

"What did you say?"

Meow Meow's hair exploded immediately, the nails on her fingers became longer suddenly, and she assumed a fighting posture. If Gu Zheng hadn't reached out to stop her, she might have rushed out.

"What's the matter? Do you want to fight with me again? Come on! Lord Buddha, I happen to cast down demons today!"

Monk Wuwei took out an alms bowl from his bosom, and finally showed an angry look on his face, which had been a calm ancient dispute, which made him feel a little happy.

"Manjusri Bodhisattva has a green-haired lion, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva has a six-tusk white elephant, and the Buddha even recognized a peacock as his mother! In your eyes, are the green-haired lions, six-tusk white elephants, and peacock Daming King Bodhisattva all fairies? Yours Bodhisattva Buddha, is he also collude with goblins?" Gu Zheng said coldly.


The monk Wuwei shouted: "Bodhisattva Buddha, how can ordinary people like you be compared? The green-haired lion and the six-tusk white elephant can stay beside the Bodhisattva, which shows that they already possess Buddha nature! Peacocks can be named Buddha mothers, and they can become Peacock Daming King Bodhisattva, this is also a symbol of possessing Buddha nature! And the goblin next to you, from its eyes, I can only see violence!"

"She is violent? What's wrong with her being violent? She is violent to the person who should be violent to her!"

Gu Zheng stood up and said word by word: "I allow you to reorganize your words, and apologize to Miaomiao for what you said just now!"

"Sorry, let me apologize to a goblin? Are you sure you're still a normal person?" Monk Wuwei laughed.

"You don't apologize, do you? Then tear his mouth apart!"

Gu Zheng yelled, and Meow, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately turned into an afterimage.

Monk Wuwei's eyes widened in an instant. He thought that Miaomiao was the kind of goblin who could transform into form in advance without advanced cultivation! But he didn't expect that Miaomiao is a goblin who transforms into form entirely by strength, and just an afterimage has already made him understand what kind of gap there is between him and Miaomiao!

Monk Wuwei dared to yell, and it was not because he had no support at all. The Wujin Bowl in his hand was a mid-level fairy artifact. He once relied on this fairy artifact to kill an earth demon-level spirit beast, which was equivalent to Immortal cultivators refine the strength of the Qi level. Of course, there is no such thing as immortal artifacts in Buddhism. The immortal artifacts in their hands are all called Buddhist artifacts, and the level of judgment is the same as that of immortal artifacts.

The Wujin Bowl is very powerful, but no matter how powerful an immortal weapon is, it needs to be able to exert its power.

Monk Wuwei didn't know if she didn't use the Wujin alms bowl, but when Miaomiao left, she had already used the magic method to seal the Wujin alms bowl. Therefore, when Monk Wuwei was about to use the supernatural power of the Wujin Bowl, he realized that the Wujin Bowl was a bit out of control.


There was a scream, and almost at the same time Wujin's alms bowl was out of control, and Monk Wuwei was shocked, two claw winds attacked his face from different directions, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding profusely.

Monk Wuwei's mouth was cracked, and Miaomiao stopped attacking after tearing up Monk Wuwei's mouth according to what Gu Zheng said.

"good very good!"

Monk Wuwei's voice trembled, and when he was speaking, his torn lips made his mouth look very big, and the appearance of blood dripping continuously looked very terrifying.

"Tell you, don't provoke me again, or next time, it won't be just your mouth that will be torn apart!"

Gu Zheng sat down again, and his voice returned to calm.

"Let's wait and see!"

Monk Wuwei didn't say anything more, he turned and left after leaving a harsh word.

It didn't take much time from the conflict to the end. At the nearby bonfire, although some people stood up and looked at this side, no one came to join in the fun. After the Wuwei monk left, only the ancient Zheng, Miaomiao and Yang Zhenling.

Meow Meow's body turned out to be a spirit beast! Putting away the shocking Yang Zhenling in his heart, he rushed to Gu Zheng and said solemnly: "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Gu, I will never say anything that should not be said."

"Eat fish."

Gu Zheng gave a light voice and didn't say much.

Gu Zheng, the apprentice of the eminent monk Yuankong of Banruo Temple, dared to teach him a lesson. Regarding the matter of Miaomiao's identity, he was not afraid of anyone's objection or provocation!

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